New games suck... or is it just me?
By Godfry 2025-02-20 10:56:28
Another example is unknown 9, an unknown game made by an unknown studio that only got attention everywhere because Bandai Namco published it. Traffics don't convert to sales in this case either. https://deidetected.com/games/-unknown-9-awakening/
People who identify as non-buynary didnt want to waste their money on SBI infested woke garbage. Hope that helps.
I'm telling yah... I don't even read what Alfania says. But it's an automatic "disagree".
Dude defends corporation even when the company itself admits the game performed way too poorly.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,614
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-20 11:17:11
Same with Viciouss
"Yaa Veilguard was a bop, shattering records, another conspiracy in the dust, cant wait to play it when it goes on sale for 75% off"
BioWare/EA: "Veilguard underperformed and we fired a lot of people over it"
By Afania 2025-02-20 11:57:36
Dude defends corporation even when the company itself admits the game performed way too poorly.
I didn't defend for Rebirth, that's the game that SE said it performs way too poorly.
I said FF16 selling 3m copies isn't "flop", this is just disagreement on choice of words. Flop to me means something like Concord or Unknown 9. FF16 is hardly on the same level of flop.
I said I like action FF more than turn based FF, it's just preference, this is hardly defending for corporation.
I don't care about the one being criticized is corporation or not. I only care about people's opinion being fair or not. And I think your opinion on DMC battle system isn't fair.
You are hating FF16 so much to the point that you are trolling people with different opinion in multiple posts? Go play Elden ring already. Don't bring personal drama from different threads.
By Afania 2025-02-20 12:00:31
You are part of FF16 defender back then though. So basically you are also on Godfry's list of "Dude defends corporation even when the company itself admits the game performed way too poorly." people.
Not sure how you think you are innocent from this, lol.
By Godfry 2025-02-20 12:20:03
You are hating FF16 so much to the point that you are trolling people with different opinion in multiple posts? Go play Elden ring already. Don't bringing personal drama from different threads.
Dude... you think I am trolling? I haven't read a single of your super long posts but I already know you are on the side of the game and the company.
If I pick a random ***game for new audience from any of the discussions above I know which side you will be on. lol.
I have to read, say, Nynja, Maletaru etc comments because often times I have no idea of which position they will take.
By Afania 2025-02-20 12:23:23
You are hating FF16 so much to the point that you are trolling people with different opinion in multiple posts? Go play Elden ring already. Don't bringing personal drama from different threads.
Dude... you think I am trolling? I haven't read a single of your super long posts but I already know you are on the side of the game and the company.
But you're wrong. My last post was saying Dragon Age Veilguard and Unknown 9's marketing wasn't successful compare with other indie title's "words of mouth" approach. I am not sure why would anyone disagree with the above statement.
It's fine to not like reading and don't read, but it seem like trolling if you participate in a discussion that you aren't interested in just to say "you're wrong but I didn't read nor I care".
Also the idea of "take sides" is silly, especially in a marketing/business discussion.
By Godfry 2025-02-20 12:32:47
But you're wrong. My last post was saying Dragon Age Veilguard and Unknown 9's marketing wasn't successful compare with other indie title's "words of mouth" approach. I am not sure why would anyone disagree with the above statement.
You see how predictable? Unfortunately I had to read this to prove my point.
These games underperformed because they sucked. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. I have yet to see you admit it.. Which you won't because you are like a sophisticated bot that use LLM. Fancy wording, same opinion always.
By Afania 2025-02-20 12:40:02
These games underperformed because they sucked. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. I have yet to see you admit it.. Which you won't because you are like a sophisticated bot that use LLM. Fancy wording, same opinion always.
Wait what?????
Exactly what kind of message did you receive from the above post?
LLM what?
My last post was saying Dragon Age Veilguard and Unknown 9's marketing wasn't successful compare with other indie title's "words of mouth" approach
There, I bolded the most important word for you. If you still can't understand what I wrote then I can't help you anymore.
WASN'T SUCCESSFUL is basically ESL level of word choice. How the hell did you read that as defending for corporation?
Also last post was marketing strategy discussion, not game quality discussion. That's why I used the term marketing in the post. But I guess you don't know because you didn't read. Stop hijacking discussions that you don't read just to rage at my comment for no reason plz.
By Godfry 2025-02-20 12:45:38
WASN'T SUCCESSFUL is basically ESL level of word choice. How the hell did you read that as defending for corporation?
So, you agree that AVOID, they/them Veilguard etc all flopped because they sucked, right? Right? Right?
Say: yeah, they sucked and that's why they failed. Say it!
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,614
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-20 12:52:42
My last post was saying Dragon Age Veilguard and Unknown 9's marketing wasn't successful compare with other indie title's "words of mouth" approach. Even if you dress up and put lipstick on a pig, its still a pig.
Making a shitty game and heavily marketing it doesnt mean sales will increase.
By Afania 2025-02-20 12:52:47
WASN'T SUCCESSFUL is basically ESL level of word choice. How the hell did you read that as defending for corporation?
So, you agree that AVOID, they/them Veilguard etc all flopped because they sucked, right? Right? Right?
Say: yeah, they sucked and that's why they failed. Say it!
Avoid? Or Avowed? IMO your ability to spell sucked.
There, I just said your favorite word "sucked" right there. You asked me to do it though, and gave me a chance to. I kinda feel bad but it is not my fault.
By Godfry 2025-02-20 13:06:30
Avoid? Or Avowed? IMO your ability to spell sucked.
You see how I know your opinion before you even say it? You are like a bot, dude.
Anyways, back to not reading your comments again.
By Pantafernando 2025-02-20 13:11:31
Yeah, this thread is NSFL!
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 13:20:29
Haven't heard anything bad about Avowed. It's an Obsidian game, people should know what to expect.
By Afania 2025-02-20 13:21:52
Haven't heard anything bad about Avowed. It's an Obsidian game, people should know what to expect.
Be aware, you are defending for corporation for saying that. That's not very left wing!
By RadialArcana 2025-02-20 13:27:49
I don't think it's even possible to save the western games industry at this point, it will continue to get worse and worse until all AAA game development simply moves overseas. The publishers will be the same, they will just hire asian development studios.
There are just too many pressures being applied to make them bad.
The west will still make indie titles, but the major work won't be done here. Too expensive, too ideologically captured and too incompetent. The games industry will go the same way as everything else we used to be good at making.
By Zehira 2025-02-20 13:30:50
So yeah, Avowed is REALLY that bad...
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 13:36:14
I don't think it's even possible to save the western games industry at this point, it will continue to get worse and worse until all AAA game development simply moves overseas. The publishers will be the same, they will just hire asian development studios.
There are just too many pressures being applied to make them bad.
The west will still make indie titles, but the major work won't be done here. Too expensive, too ideologically captured and too incompetent. The games industry will go the same way as everything else we used to be good at making.
Yeah, we have heard this conspiracy before. Too bad it isn't backed up by any facts. The western game industry is alive and well, and isn't going anywhere. The biggest game of the decade is being made in the West.
By RadialArcana 2025-02-20 13:47:01
Games like this have to have some excitement about them, and with all modern RPG titles you knows they have been sanitized to hell and back.
Even Square Enix has an entire "safety division" to check everything they make is "safe" and as non offensive to random losers on twitter as possible.
It's just not worth spending money on something so tame and boring.
By Godfry 2025-02-20 13:49:59
Yeah, we have heard this conspiracy before. Too bad it isn't backed up by any facts. The western game industry is alive and well, and isn't going anywhere. The biggest game of the decade is being made in the West.
How can one read "biggest game of the decade" and "being made" in the same sentence and not laugh?
I thought Nynja was making you up... You do exist. lol
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 13:52:57
Yeah, we have heard this conspiracy before. Too bad it isn't backed up by any facts. The western game industry is alive and well, and isn't going anywhere. The biggest game of the decade is being made in the West.
How can one read "biggest game of the decade" and "being made" in the same sentence and not laugh?
I thought Nynja was making you up... You do exist. lol
Who are you? Would you like to try to guess how many copies GTA 6 will sell in the first 12 months of release? 50 million? Too low.
Also, just to note, there are no facts backing up any of RA's conspiracies about the big Western studios moving overseas. Does anyone believe Microsoft is going to move out of the country? Or how about EA? Activision? Take-Two? None of these companies are going anywhere.
By RadialArcana 2025-02-20 13:57:58
Does anyone believe Microsoft is going to move out of the country? Or how about EA? Activision? Take-Two? None of these companies are going anywhere.
You don't understand what I was saying.
The publishers will all stay in America or whichever country, they will just hire development teams in asia to make their games for them. They work for far less, they work harder and put more effort in, they don't unionize and they don't demand to make propoganda their customers hate.
No publisher funding thees games wants to hire western dev teams, they currently have to. That won't be the case much longer.
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 14:00:54
Does anyone believe Microsoft is going to move out of the country? Or how about EA? Activision? Take-Two? None of these companies are going anywhere.
You don't understand what I was saying.
The publishers will all stay in America or whichever country, they will just hire development teams in asia to make their games for them. They work for far less, they work harder and put more effort in, they don't unionize and they don't demand to make propoganda their customers hate.
No publisher funding thees games wants to hire western dev teams, they currently have to. That won't be the case much longer.
Again, this conspiracy isn't backed up by any facts. It's quite simple to say: No, they will not outsource their development teams any more than they currently are, especially not for any of your completely made up reasons. Go back to Twitter and Reddit.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 890
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2025-02-20 14:08:24
this conspiracy isn't backed up by any facts
I am not sure conspiracy really fits what you are pointing out here.
RA says "they will do this thing", not "they are doing this thing, and no one can see it" he may be making a baseless claim about what will or wont happen after some event. but he is not talking about a "conspiracy"
You really do over use that word.
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 14:09:50
this conspiracy isn't backed up by any facts
I am not sure conspiracy really fits what you are pointing out here.
RA says "they will do this thing", not "they are doing this thing, and no one can see it" he may be making a baseless claim about what will or wont happen after some event. but he is not talking about a "conspiracy"
You really do over use that word.
When it comes to RA, one size fits all. No reason to nitpick all of his made up drivel.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,614
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-20 14:30:01
"everything that goes against my belief is a conspiracy"
You mean like "veilguard is shattering records", and then I told you those "records" were company specific steam records and the last time BioWare/EA sold a game on steam it was the mid 2000's and physical was still the preferred media. Thats made up drivel.
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 14:32:52
"everything that goes against my belief is a conspiracy"
This was a nice attempt to deflect from RA's latest ***, but it didn't work.
By Afania 2025-02-20 14:34:42
Again, this conspiracy isn't backed up by any facts. It's quite simple to say: No, they will not outsource their development teams any more than they currently are, especially not for any of your completely made up reasons. Go back to Twitter and Reddit.
I don't think RA's assumption is completely unreasonable here. Western studios has been outsourcing art assets to Asia for like a decade, AAA studios included. And I feel the reason why they didn't outsource more stuff to Asia is because they aren't confident in Asian studio's ability to make a full game.
Now that more and more Chinese console games are being made, it only makes more business sense to outsource more stuff to China, beyond just art assets.
In fact, certain Asian outsource studio manager flat out said they are looking for opportunity to expand the business by being a full external development partner after western mass layoff happened. It's the most logical direction from business pov. Western publishers will look for ways to lower the dev cost, Asian studios will look for way to get more business by offering services cheaper.
I can't say this will 100% happen, it still depends on the growth of Asian game industry. but it is possible.
Edit: I think one possible point of reference is Korean TV show industry. Netflix is the western investor, but many popular shows are made in Korea entirely.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,614
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-20 14:34:51
Its ok
You can play Avowed in 6 months when it goes on sale at 75% off.
By Viciouss 2025-02-20 14:37:28
Its ok
You can play Avowed in 6 months when it goes on sale at 75% off.
More deflection? That's fine. Also, I don't have an Xbox. I still haven't heard anything bad about it? Nor have I expressed any interest in playing it. Obsidian games don't really change in quality. If you have played one, you have played them all.
So... I have been increasingly frustrated with new games over years. I feel like so much effort it placed on graphics, lighting, art style, ect and maybe 10% of that effort is placed into gameplay, controls, and story.
My latest purchase was Visions of Mana, which I was pretty excited for. Secret of Mana is in my top 5 all time, I've played Seiken Densetsu 3 translated and while I didn't think it was as good as Secret of Mana, it was still extremely enjoyable. I skipped Trials of Mana since I had already played Seiken Densetsu 3. Vision is just bad. The english voice acting was awful, the characters were bland/generic or just stupid, and I was 3hrs into the game and all I was doing to running 30seconds between CS. Felt like a slightly interactive shitty anime.
Hogwarts Legacy, Visions of Mana, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield... I felt like all of these super hyped games were absolute duds. Final Fantasy 16 is coming to PC in a few weeks and I'm not sure if I even want to try it anymore. I've heard people say not great things about it.
I know I'm just venting a bit here, but it really sucks being excited for a new game and then the crushing disappointment when it's not fun.