AA Hume Attack Animations

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AA Hume Attack Animations
Posts: 1
By hattonfield 2024-08-01 21:13:22
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There was a AA hume male dat along time ago which let you use all the engaged and attack animations from the AA hume fight. Anyone have that laying around and its folder placement?
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Sylph.Abdulhamid 2024-09-05 09:35:20
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Yeah, so I tried swapping first AAGK GK engaged animation to my galka and didn't work out. The animation does fire off when attacking, but when idle engaged it just does this weird stuff with the lower body, like twisting the hips like he wants to finish battle soon so it can go take a sh*t, like he's barely holding. Same thing happens with Zeid's battle stance. I'm on the same boat at this guy if anyone has those custom animations or, can give me a run down of how to assemble a single solid dat without the odd walk or the hip twisting
Posts: 4,683
By RadialArcana 2024-09-05 11:59:53
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You can't just swap files, you have to mod the player animation files with the data from the NPC ones (rip the stuff from the AA animation file for swings etc and put it into the player one, so that you retain idle stances and stuff). If you just swap files you'll break everything else.

You can do it with VRS or other ways but it's a lot of effort and pretty technical and fiddly.
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