Elvaan F X Rated Mods |
elvaan F x rated mods
Posts: 1
Has anyone got any of the old x rated low tech mods for Elvann f? Or just any x rated mods in general. Neko Sentai is down now and can't get these mods anywhere!
Posts: 4,683
The lowtech mods use the above body shape. The models are custom made by a JP modder, they don't work with other pieces of armor at all and trying to do so will leave huge invisible lines. So you have to use these with a lockstyle for the full set (or mix between the lowtech mods that use the same body) RDM Af1 & Af2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HaKK7jXLiIwn4ZRBhdeUvz2sq-Br2UWd/view?usp=share_link RDM AF1 & AF2 - Dark Skin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AVSBwanLMemYX9jk0Wdi_09tZ0lA2Fp2/view?usp=share_link BLM AF1 & AF2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6yhgyQKW89OCXh5tGC-IiRFMxuVq1i2/view?usp=share_link PLD AF1 & AF2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/17JR2AmVA2-aUueEEcGPTyxZJutZx0A-J/view?usp=share_link THF AF1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hCeVQGYIya11V0AVsZrkGTJM9Em3AQpp/view?usp=share_link that's just R rated, this truly porn-addled fellow is looking for X rated
I’ve seen more skin in a Disney movie!
Hentaaaaaaaai lol
some y'all got some real issues.
is there any chance that's not aeonova
Posts: 4,683
Asura.Aquatiq said: » is there any chance that's not aeonova Aeonova has every mod already, probably Offline
Posts: 4,683
I'll post some at the weekend, I need to get them off my old laptop.
This is so offensive and sexist, how dare you. I would never have anything indecent about my character..
*straightens my collar*
Now I'm not a modding man... but this is a thread I can get behind. Offline
Posts: 1,030
Not even this universe or the next can fathom how astronomically down bad you are right now
I'll always and am always willing to be so down bad for Elvaan F that I tear a hole in the universe.
Posts: 1,030
I meant OP, but hey if the shoe fits then the marathon's yours vyre xoxo
Posts: 4,683
I don't have the lowtech head models, so the other ones I have seem to have issues with normal head models. If anyone has those or any others and want to send them to me, I'll upload them and the other ones I have that work with them.
I checked and posted the ones I have in the 2nd post, I'll post more if I find / get sent more. These are specifically Lowtech (Jp modder). I also have the lowtech idle mods I updated for elvaan and hume, but I still need to do more testing on those to make sure they don't have crash issues. Bahamut.Celebrindal said: » some y'all got some real issues. They do. People of culture. i can't remember her name but another modder had taking lowtechs mods and made a bunch more
Posts: 17
wow honestly surprised to see a new post on this section blow up lol
Posts: 36
RadialArcana said: » The lowtech mods use the above body shape. The models are custom made by a JP modder, they don't work with other pieces of armor at all and trying to do so will leave huge invisible lines. So you have to use these with a lockstyle for the full set (or mix between the lowtech mods that use the same body) RDM Af1 & Af2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HaKK7jXLiIwn4ZRBhdeUvz2sq-Br2UWd/view?usp=share_link RDM AF1 & AF2 - Dark Skin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AVSBwanLMemYX9jk0Wdi_09tZ0lA2Fp2/view?usp=share_link BLM AF1 & AF2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6yhgyQKW89OCXh5tGC-IiRFMxuVq1i2/view?usp=share_link PLD AF1 & AF2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/17JR2AmVA2-aUueEEcGPTyxZJutZx0A-J/view?usp=share_link Do you have Humes as well? Asking for a friend. Offline
Posts: 4,683
Pulptenks said: » Do you have Humes as well? Asking for a friend. I'll post some more at the weekend. Quote: Do you have Humes as well? Asking for a friend. If someone ask Tarutarus model, calling FBI Offline
Posts: 36
RadialArcana said: » I'll post some more at the weekend. Thank you very much! ♥ Offline
Posts: 36
This is silly. Bulk of us who kept playing were avid users of mods and Neko Sentai member. If people are so much against aesthetic modding I'll just move to FF14 where there's a ton of it and people don't seem to mind too much.
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