Empy +2 Possibly Bugged?

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Empy +2 Possibly bugged?
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Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: NynJa
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2022-09-28 09:17:47
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Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »
Takes a few weeks for images to get approved.

change the bolded to full, theres really no need to wait for approval if you want to see the full image that badly.

Now having said that: Unless I'm mistaken about the Klimaform Emp bonus, his test is completely invalid. He's testing Fire V in Qufim with and without Klimaform...however he's not casting Firestorm, and Qufim doesnt get heatwaves.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-28 09:25:39
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I tried to throw you a lifejacket earlier by asking you to tap out, but you are going to drown with this L.
Serveur: Bahamut
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Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-09-28 09:29:30
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Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
The problem with children is they have no patience. I mean you guys own this site and the game so use your FFXIAH powers and do the damn thing. I cant do everything for you. I've already done way more than you trolls deserve. Besides. We all know whatever I submit as proof will never be accepted.

This is ironic coming from a halfwit. The burden of proof is on you as you made the claim. People who are known for reporting accurate tests have claimed you were wrong, so forgive me for taking them at face value over someone who throws a tantrum when he's told to stop misinforming people. Nobody should have to wait for your proof. If you were as invested into providing it as you were proving you're right and everyone else is wrong, you would have edited your post instead of expecting people to wait 2 weeks to tell you what you did wrong. You were wrong. Thanks Nynja, I can see all them pending screenshots now!

Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
This is a prime example of this. How could it be half assed? You're willing to accept info reported in good faith but the screen shot you have to wait for deserves skepticism? Hilarious.

Because you've contributed nothing besides a claim with no evidence(don't call your Schrödinger's screenshot evidence) and honestly, you're purely entertainment at this point because of this.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-09-28 09:30:39
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
change the bolded to full, theres really no need to wait for approval if you want to see the full image that badly.

Thanks, I did not know this! I already knew without seeing his test that he has no idea how to test this, though.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Gerion
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By Asura.Geriond 2022-09-28 09:32:43
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Fenrir.Positron said: »
If DT is represented as a fraction of 256, underflow seems very unlikely to begin with, but even if we assume it happened, making the numbers line up requires some pretty weird internals. One example I could think of is that if DT is internally stored as a 12-bit number instead of 8-bit in order to support the damage multipliers on e.g. Dimgruzub, you could end up with a DT value of -4096/256, or 16x damage taken. While this makes the values sane, I don't think we have any reason to believe it'd be represented like that internally.
You wouldn't have to fiddle with unusual numbers of bits if there's a DT+ cap involved on the back end. Even a signed 16-bit maximum DT of +32767/256 could be capped down to something like +2304/256 (x10 damage), depending on how DT is implemented.

Alternately, DT could be calculated in 1024ths and it's resulting in +32767/1024, or ~33x damage, which could still fit the damage people are reporting if things like Barrier or Wilt are involved.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-28 10:01:38
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »
Takes a few weeks for images to get approved.

change the bolded to full, theres really no need to wait for approval if you want to see the full image that badly.

Now having said that: Unless I'm mistaken about the Klimaform Emp bonus, his test is completely invalid. He's testing Fire V in Qufim with and without Klimaform...however he's not casting Firestorm, and Qufim doesnt get heatwaves.

I thought that as well but thought he could be doing Thunder magic and there's a lightning icon i cannot see lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1,093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-09-28 10:23:24
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Now having said that: Unless I'm mistaken about the Klimaform Emp bonus, his test is completely invalid. He's testing Fire V in Qufim with and without Klimaform...however he's not casting Firestorm, and Qufim doesnt get heatwaves.
After all that lead up and ***talking... Just for this kid to have no idea how Klimaform works
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-09-28 11:22:52
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Asura.Bippin said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Now having said that: Unless I'm mistaken about the Klimaform Emp bonus, his test is completely invalid. He's testing Fire V in Qufim with and without Klimaform...however he's not casting Firestorm, and Qufim doesnt get heatwaves.
After all that lead up and ***talking... Just for this kid to have no idea how Klimaform works

The sad part is, the spell description for Klimaform couldn't be more clear.

I guess reading it is below such pro veterans like him :)
Posts: 142
By Sockfoot 2022-09-28 11:24:24
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This is just straight masochism at this point. I love it.
Posts: 29
By futalis 2022-09-28 12:00:28
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Well I hope someone can find some way to test and replicate this Chev. cuirass +2 bug. If indeed the body is bugged, it should be reported. But if the body is only returning extraordinarily high numbers in Divergence, that's gonna be a nuisance to check and test...

I wish had the proper time IRL and was doing Divergence regularly as well or I'd check myself. :(

The other PLD in our LS that runs with us W3 reported the same thing that I was seeing. He got his empy+2 before and was rocking 5/5 on it (for the cool factor) but we kept having issues with him mysteriously getting one-shot in combat...I wasn't paying much attention to the logs or thought it was isolated to his gear until I also got several of the empy+2 pieces and started having issues.

So far we both use the empy+2 except for the body (head and legs for me) and have had no issues in W3 since swapping out the body. I would like to test more but at the same time I don't want to waste everyone's time dying over and over.

But definitely more testing would be invaluable as so far this is the only circumstances I've had spike numbers occur while wearing the empy+2 body.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-28 12:46:44
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Asura.Bippin said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Now having said that: Unless I'm mistaken about the Klimaform Emp bonus, his test is completely invalid. He's testing Fire V in Qufim with and without Klimaform...however he's not casting Firestorm, and Qufim doesnt get heatwaves.
After all that lead up and ***talking... Just for this kid to have no idea how Klimaform works

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By 2022-09-28 12:58:54
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Serveur: Asura
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user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-09-28 13:10:33
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Whats the bets we see him back in this thread


KujahFoxfire said: »
to admit his mistake?

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1,360
By Odin.Creaucent 2022-09-28 15:52:02
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Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
You ask for proof I give you proof you still complain this is why you're a ***bag. Your response is exactly what was expected so ay least you're a predictable ***bag.

We didnt need proof that you are dumb. We did need proof that the feet werent working which you failed at as you didnt have firestorm up nor fire weather in the zone.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2022-09-28 16:28:07
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I'm going to apologize. My LUA is not not swapping as i thought it was. Showswaps showed it wasnot being equipped. after disabling it and manually equipping gear and checking, 11980 went to 14375. Its my bad for not checking but you ***weasels always come at people so hostile how is one supposed to react to that? "Stop spreading misinformation" could be "make sure your gear is swapping". You dont deserve an apology. We all know this, but its admitting to mistakes that defines some one striving to be the best version of themselves versus those who practice schadenfreude. *** you and i'll see you tomorrow.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
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By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-09-28 17:36:17
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Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
I'm going to apologize. My LUA is not not swapping as i thought it was. Showswaps showed it wasnot being equipped. after disabling it and manually equipping gear and checking, 11980 went to 14375. Its my bad for not checking but you ***weasels always come at people so hostile how is one supposed to react to that? "Stop spreading misinformation" could be "make sure your gear is swapping". You dont deserve an apology. We all know this, but its admitting to mistakes that defines some one striving to be the best version of themselves versus those who practice schadenfreude. *** you and i'll see you tomorrow.
Yes people are *** but also posting that something isn't working before even checking if it is equipped and then posting a picture showing you didn't even meet the requirements for the item to function is just asking for people to clown on you.
For the future here's a basic check list:

1) Have I equipped the item in question?
2) How is the item supposed to work? Have I met the requirements for it to work?
3) Have I actually checked if it's working as intended or am I relying on 3rd party programs that may need updates? (if this turns out to be the problem can still be helpful to post and let people know they need the update)

If it is still working in an unexpected way then it's a good time to start asking around or post on the forums.

Ideally when posting an issue like this include any evidence of the unexpected behavior at the start and any attempts to isolate the problem.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1,093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-09-28 17:46:22
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Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
Its my bad for not checking but you ***weasels always come at people so hostile how is one supposed to react to that? "Stop spreading misinformation" could be "make sure your gear is swapping". You dont deserve an apology.
So I asked you to explain why you didn't think it was working and your response includes things like:

Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
Must take some MAGA level mental gymnastics to convince one's self of your superiority with idiocy this blatant. Bravo Team incel. Bravo. You queens enjoy your fiefdom of toxic ***posts and pretending people give 2 galka balls what you think.

Then you finally post a screenshot that show you don't seem to understand how klimaform works.

But then yet somehow we are in the wrong? Just trying to make sure I follow the events here.

Edit: Even now I am still not sure you understand how klimaform works cause regardless of your gear not swapping you don't have weather up.
Posts: 6,528
By Rooks 2022-09-28 17:55:50
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I approved some images, but not sure what was supposed to be in there.

Let's ease up on the hostility though. We're paladins, leave that behavior to the other, uncultured jobs.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-09-28 19:36:23
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Rooks said: »
I approved some images, but not sure what was supposed to be in there.

Let's ease up on the hostility though. We're paladins, leave that behavior to the other, uncultured jobs.

Like Scholars? Amirite? Lololol
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-09-28 19:44:22
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I mean simon can be a little abrasive but whining about hostility after your ***reply to him is as laughable as your unapologetic apology which in the end blamed your lua and not your misunderstanding of the klimaform buff... but I'll leave it alone before you get yourself worked up again.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-28 23:29:31
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
SCH feet's special stats dont seem to function (Klimaform bonus and MB2+) but the MACC/MAB/Base stats do.

Stop spreading misinformation. Klimaform bonus works. I don't have time to test MBII, now but I wonder how you tested, that you assume it doesn't work? (inb4 you eyeballed it..)

Simon's first post. Maybe the bit in bold is a little hostile and he could have phrase his request better but I see nothing offensive about it. The rest is just asking for your methodology.

Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
Oh I'm sorry Queen. I forgot what an expert you are with such vast knowledge and expertise because you've been playing for like 9 whole years compared to my dinky and insignificant 18. Stop acting like you own the game and this forum, take a seat for a few minutes and try just shutting the *** up for once. "I don't have time to test the MB2". THEN WHY ARE YOU OFFERING AN OPINION ABOUT IT you stupid ***? Tell you what, princess. Take some of your precious time and do some tests then try coming at me. Otherwise sit down, shut up, and keep that garbage from flowing from your keyboard for like 5 minutes.

Here's your first reply to him, condescending and offensive, calling him names right out of the bat. You're asking him to test but you're not providing any test result either while Maletaru tested and contradicted you right away.

Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
What makes me think it's not working? Well first off 19801 vs 22900 is 20% ? More like 15% cuz math is hard. 1 test with eyeballed numbers?[/b] Suddenly 1 test is enough? Amazing how that works. No one takes this forum or you incels seriously. I posted some info about the PLD set to help some one who might actually want it but as usual the same *** wanna be know it alls chime in trying to substitute opinion for fact. I didnt see any rebuttal of what i offered for the PLD set but when I mention the same anecdotal evidence for another set I spend alot of time in the moron brigade come out of the basement. I dont have to do anything you ask or say ,so I'm not sure how nor why you think you are entitled to it. Arma, no one cares what you think, it's why you run solo so much. One of the must have traits to having friends in a MMO is being likable. You guys should try it. And yea Spooky I suck at Aeonics because asking the interwebs if there has been any updates because of new gear is sucking according to the smartest people on the internet. I did manage to get my first weapon cleared though and my Tishtrya makes the best Mystic Boons.
Stating something that's obviously like 15% is 20% is ok but saying " this doesnt seem to be working right" is misinformation. Must take some MAGA level mental gymnastics to convince one's self of your superiority with idiocy this blatant. Bravo Team incel. Bravo. You queens enjoy your fiefdom of toxic ***posts and pretending people give 2 galka balls what you think. Imma go have fun with my friends. You know. That thing you dont have.

Here you can't even get the right number and start being hostile and call everyone names. You asked other people for their test but say no one else is entitled to you doing any test to back your statement up.

I could go on to more hostilities in your comments but this post is long enough as it is. My point is this, if you simply were dumb and wrong, people wouldn't have been hostile (or as hostile). But you were also a quick to anger *** that immediately feel the need to call anyone who questioned you names.

And here's your apology or rather non-apology

Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
I'm going to apologize. My LUA is not not swapping as i thought it was. Showswaps showed it wasnot being equipped. after disabling it and manually equipping gear and checking, 11980 went to 14375. Its my bad for not checking but you ***weasels always come at people so hostile how is one supposed to react to that? "Stop spreading misinformation" could be "make sure your gear is swapping". You dont deserve an apology. We all know this, but its admitting to mistakes that defines some one striving to be the best version of themselves versus those who practice schadenfreude. *** you and i'll see you tomorrow.

"I apologise, but its not my fault officer, I only crash into them my brake hasn't been working and I forgot to check, its obviously my car fault. And did they have to be so hostile?"

We can all clearly see from your attempt at a "proof" that you have no idea how klimaform work. LUA equipping your boots or not, no weather means Klimaform +20 does nothing. And yet you blame your LUA.

"You don't deserve apology" need I say more lol? This is the sign of all non-"apology" lol. After you've been found out to clearly have no clue about this game, despite having been playing it for 18 years, you blame everyone but yourself. Blaming your LUA for being wrong, Simon for telling you you are wrong and asking you not to spread misinformation, the forum for not being accepting of you calling everyone names.

You say you are admitting mistakes which defines someone striving to be the best version of themselves. Well no one that is actually doing that will say it out loud. "Oh guys look how great I am for trying to be the best version of me me me".

And also, you haven't really admit your mistake, you admit you had an error and blame your LUA for this error (even though even if your LUA has been working correctly without weather you would still comes to this wrong conclusion). Your mistake from this error is not listening to other people that knows better, not asking for help on what you're doing wrong so people can help you identify and rectify this error. You've taken accountability for nothing, your apology's only purpose is so you can lord over the rest of the forum "I can admit my mistake people, look at how much more virtuous I am compare to your hostile lot".

My advise for you is the same as before, take your L and leave and maybe find some one to help you with your anger issue and your narcissism. Would be your most dignified conclusion to this saga.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aquatiq
Posts: 286
By Asura.Aquatiq 2022-09-28 23:57:56
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He didn't think to cast any weather spells because it's always raining around him.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-09-29 01:47:23
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futalis said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Well I hope someone can find some way to test and replicate this Chev. cuirass +2 bug. If indeed the body is bugged, it should be reported. But if the body is only returning extraordinarily high numbers in Divergence, that's gonna be a nuisance to check and test...

I wish had the proper time IRL and was doing Divergence regularly as well or I'd check myself. :(

The other PLD in our LS that runs with us W3 reported the same thing that I was seeing. He got his empy+2 before and was rocking 5/5 on it (for the cool factor) but we kept having issues with him mysteriously getting one-shot in combat...I wasn't paying much attention to the logs or thought it was isolated to his gear until I also got several of the empy+2 pieces and started having issues.

So far we both use the empy+2 except for the body (head and legs for me) and have had no issues in W3 since swapping out the body. I would like to test more but at the same time I don't want to waste everyone's time dying over and over.

But definitely more testing would be invaluable as so far this is the only circumstances I've had spike numbers occur while wearing the empy+2 body.

I'm really hoping this bug is just a regular backend miscalculation and not some weird interaction specifically with Wave 3 Divergence. Something that can be replicated outside of an instance known for its lag and dropped packets. But if it is W3... time to go make a report on the OF...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-29 02:18:15
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
futalis said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Well I hope someone can find some way to test and replicate this Chev. cuirass +2 bug. If indeed the body is bugged, it should be reported. But if the body is only returning extraordinarily high numbers in Divergence, that's gonna be a nuisance to check and test...

I wish had the proper time IRL and was doing Divergence regularly as well or I'd check myself. :(

The other PLD in our LS that runs with us W3 reported the same thing that I was seeing. He got his empy+2 before and was rocking 5/5 on it (for the cool factor) but we kept having issues with him mysteriously getting one-shot in combat...I wasn't paying much attention to the logs or thought it was isolated to his gear until I also got several of the empy+2 pieces and started having issues.

So far we both use the empy+2 except for the body (head and legs for me) and have had no issues in W3 since swapping out the body. I would like to test more but at the same time I don't want to waste everyone's time dying over and over.

But definitely more testing would be invaluable as so far this is the only circumstances I've had spike numbers occur while wearing the empy+2 body.

I'm really hoping this bug is just a regular backend miscalculation and not some weird interaction specifically with Wave 3 Divergence. Something that can be replicated outside of an instance known for its lag and dropped packets. But if it is W3... time to go make a report on the OF...

Would the fomors in sorties works for testing?
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-09-29 03:53:35
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Simon's first post. Maybe the bit in bold is a little hostile and he could have phrase his request better but I see nothing offensive about it. The rest is just asking for your methodology.

I apologize. It could indeed be phrased better. I guess I'm just annoyed when people mix facts and guesses together and try to sell it as the same thing.

Random big spikes of received damage mentioned anecdotally is ok, because it's really hard to test, especially when it happens in one zone and maybe on specific tp moves.

Treating Klimaform bonus the same, when it's so easy to test is just wrong. Either test it and provide results and people can point your mistake or acknowledge the bug, or just don't guess and don't spread misinformation.

I will try to be more polite next time. That being said his reaction to my post was still hilarious. I can only tell him to maybe go watch "Anger Management" movie. Maybe it will help or at least relax him a bit :D
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-29 04:26:41
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Suph said: »
Simon's first post. Maybe the bit in bold is a little hostile and he could have phrase his request better but I see nothing offensive about it. The rest is just asking for your methodology.

I apologize. It could indeed be phrased better. I guess I'm just annoyed when people mix facts and guesses together and try to sell it as the same thing.

I don't think you need to apologise but if you wanted to in this case I feel that leaving it at this would be most effective:

"I apologize. It could indeed be phrased better." no need to add the "I guess I'm just annoyed when people mix facts and guesses together and try to sell it as the same thing."

Like I thought that's what you were thinking and also share your sentiment since the composure set bonus misinfo thing. But if you want to apologize don't add explaination/excuse, it make it feel like you think you don't actually needed to and want a platform to say why you weren't wrong. If you don't offer excuse it make it feel like you're really sorry/offering a true apology.

But again no need to apologise to this
Phoenix.Mikumaru said: »
stupid ***
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-09-29 04:56:39
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Like I thought that's what you were thinking and also share your sentiment since the composure set bonus misinfo thing. But if you want to apologize don't add explaination/excuse, it make it feel like you think you don't actually needed to and want a platform to say why you weren't wrong. If you don't offer excuse it make it feel like you're really sorry/offering a true apology.

I wasn't looking for excuse here, I just wanted to analyze the situation from time perspective and identify the source of my anger that could be a cause of phrasing my post that way, so I know what to work on to improve. I was apologizing for not being able to control it at that time. Thank you for advice tho :)
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-09-29 08:39:55
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Telling someone to stop spreading misinformation is considered hostile now? The Internet sure has changed
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-09-29 08:54:45
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Telling someone to stop spreading misinformation is considered hostile now? The Internet sure has changed

I mean I should phrase it "Please stop spreading misinformation" at the very least and don't write that I assume he eyeballed it. My post definitely wasn't even close to the level of his response, but being more polite in future won't hurt me :)
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-09-29 08:57:41
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You could have sure but personally I don't think you did anything wrong here. Ultimately doesn't matter what I think, I just found it interesting that such a lukewarm statement is considered hostile now.
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