Empy +2 Possibly bugged?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,049
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-09-27 17:06:46
+enmity increases the enmity you gain for an action (+100 enmity means you get 2560 VE for casting Flash instead of 1280). Enmity retention, an exceedingly rare stat, means that when you take damage from an enemy, the amount of enmity you lose is reduced. Each time an enemy damages you, you lose a portion of your enmity based on what % of your HP they took with that attack, this stat, also present on Burtgang, reduces that.
This is simplified, not as much is published about it as there is about +enmity, and some items (Burtgang, Creed neck) don't have a listed value, so it's not entirely understood, but in my opinion losing a little bit of DEF, MDB, and Meva is worth having a better chance at holding enmity off your DPS and not getting anyone killed. As I said earlier, it's really up to personal preference it's not definitively better or anything, but I swapped the legs into my idle to help me keep hate as best I can
By Vaerix 2022-09-27 17:12:46
Has anyone else noticed discrepancies with the composure set bonus for rdm with +2 empy?
Last night I didn't notice it until my haste2 enhancing duration set with +2 empy, nq earring, was outdone by another rdm in full +1 empy, no earring. I should have been 12% ahead on duration, but I'm over a minute behind (in game timer on buff, not any addon timer).
My other person cast duration set for reference (also yes, composure was on.)
MH: Colada (4% augment bonus)
Oh: ammurapi shield (10% equipment duration)
Head: empy+2 head (composure bonus 1)
Body: relic+3 body (15% equipment duration)
Hand: arti+3 hand (20% equipment duration)
Legs: empy+2 legs (composure bonus 2)
Feet: empy+2 feet (35% equipment bonus, composure bonus 3)
Right ear: sortie nq earring (7% equipment bonus)
Neck: jse+2 neck (25% augment bonus)
Back: ghostfyre cape (20% augment bonus)
Belt: embla sash (10% equipment bonus)
Edit: totals for math people
Enhancing Magic duration+ on gear 97%
Enhancing magic duration+ on Aug 49%
Composure bonus 20%
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,049
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-09-27 17:17:02
Do they have enhancing magic duration merits and you don't?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-09-27 17:18:20
No, Empy +2's set bonus duration is working properly.
Did he have enhancing duration merits and you didn't?
By Vaerix 2022-09-27 17:20:11
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Do they have enhancing magic duration merits and you don't? No, Empy +2's set bonus duration is working properly.
Did he have enhancing duration merits and you didn't?
This must be the issue, I do not have the merits, I'll follow up with him later.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,995
By Ragnarok.Martel 2022-09-27 17:22:53
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »+enmity increases the enmity you gain for an action (+100 enmity means you get 2560 VE for casting Flash instead of 1280). Enmity retention, an exceedingly rare stat, means that when you take damage from an enemy, the amount of enmity you lose is reduced. Each time an enemy damages you, you lose a portion of your enmity based on what % of your HP they took with that attack, this stat, also present on Burtgang, reduces that.
This is simplified, not as much is published about it as there is about +enmity, and some items (Burtgang, Creed neck) don't have a listed value, so it's not entirely understood, but in my opinion losing a little bit of DEF, MDB, and Meva is worth having a better chance at holding enmity off your DPS and not getting anyone killed. As I said earlier, it's really up to personal preference it's not definitively better or anything, but I swapped the legs into my idle to help me keep hate as best I can Keep in mind that Enmity+ also reduces your CE loss when taking damage. Enmity +1 = 0.5% CE loss reduction, up to -50% at +100 Enmity. But this one is a separate term from the CE loss reduction on Burtgang or empyrean legs.
This effect was added in the Feb 18 2014 update. Damn that was a long time ago...
Update notes
Post with links to JP testing on the potency
So, if you're idling in a fair amount of Enmity+ you may already have a significant reduction to your CE loss in place. I don't think this makes the empy legs effect useless, or anything. But it's something to consider when weighing your options. Or you can stack all the CE loss reductions!
By futalis 2022-09-27 17:41:05
Update on testing on Sunday W3 run.
I ran with head and legs empy+2 with no issues - tanking multiple NM's and a LOT of WS's...normal damage no deaths until...
I swapped in the body and managed to get hit for 4400 (had scherzo on) almost immediately.
As far as we can tell it has to be the body piece is bugged. Still get normal absorbs on occasion. However my sample size is still very low. So far this is isolated to only WS's from NM's in W3 Dyna. Haven't seen this behavior anywhere else, but admittedly I've done very little tanking outside of dyna with the empy+2.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,049
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-09-27 17:42:32
Did you notice whether it was magic, physical, or hybrid WS?
By Seraphpdh 2022-09-27 17:43:33
Update on testing on Sunday W3 run.
I ran with head and legs empy+2 with no issues - tanking multiple NM's and a LOT of WS's...normal damage no deaths until...
I swapped in the body and managed to get hit for 4400 (had scherzo on) almost immediately.
As far as we can tell it has to be the body piece is bugged. Still get normal absorbs on occasion. However my sample size is still very low. So far this is isolated to only WS's from NM's in W3 Dyna. Haven't seen this behavior anywhere else, but admittedly I've done very little tanking outside of dyna with the empy+2. Were they magic WSs? Were you wearing Aegis?
By futalis 2022-09-27 17:53:08
Update on testing on Sunday W3 run.
I ran with head and legs empy+2 with no issues - tanking multiple NM's and a LOT of WS's...normal damage no deaths until...
I swapped in the body and managed to get hit for 4400 (had scherzo on) almost immediately.
As far as we can tell it has to be the body piece is bugged. Still get normal absorbs on occasion. However my sample size is still very low. So far this is isolated to only WS's from NM's in W3 Dyna. Haven't seen this behavior anywhere else, but admittedly I've done very little tanking outside of dyna with the empy+2. Were they magic WSs? Were you wearing Aegis?
[Volte?Trainer] Onslaught ¨ Narnok
Blocked! [Volte?Trainer] 4407 Onslaught ¨ Narnok
Narnok was defeated by the Volte Trainer.
From my logs.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,995
By Ragnarok.Martel 2022-09-27 17:58:42
A blocked ws for 4.4k... If you don't mind... what shield were you wearing, and how much PDT did you have? I want to calculate the base damage on that ws. lol.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-09-27 18:00:27
Not sure what enmity retention is doing for me on the leg slot or how that compares to enmity. I know that casting i'm not using enmity retention for sure.
Yeah Divine Emblem is solid and should be pretty standard for pld to justify hate spike in comparison to Run.
Guess I'll be doing a write-up soon in the guide. lol
By futalis 2022-09-27 18:09:15
A blocked ws for 4.4k... If you don't mind... what shield were you wearing, and how much PDT did you have? I want to calculate the base damage on that ws. lol.
I was caught in my SIRD set. Reminder this was WITH scherzo up. Chev. Cuirass+2 and Unmoving Collar+1 were in the set. I have since swapped them out for souv and moonlight.
Code sets.Ochain = {main="Sakpata's Sword",sub="Ochain",}
sets.midcast = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum +1",
head={ name="Souv. Schaller +1", augments={'HP+105','Enmity+9','Potency of "Cure" effect received +15%',}, priority=1},
--body="Chev. Cuirass +2",
body={"Souv. Cuirass +1", priority=1},
hands={"Regal Gauntlets",priority=1},
legs={ name="Founder's Hose", augments={'MND+3','Mag. Acc.+3','Attack+7','Breath dmg. taken -1%',}},
feet={ name="Souveran Schuhs +1", augments={'HP+105','Enmity+9','Potency of "Cure" effect received +15%',}},
--neck={ name="Unmoving Collar +1", augments={'Path: A',}},
neck="Moonlight Necklace",
waist="Audumbla Sash",
left_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", augments={'Path: A',}, priority=1},
right_ear={"Thureous Earring",priority=1},
left_ring="Defending Ring",
right_ring={"Moonbeam Ring",priority=1},
back={ name="Rudianos's Mantle", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','HP+20','Enmity+10','Chance of successful block +5',}, priority=1},
With this set I have ~45% PDT with no enmity (overcap w/ enmity from the body's DT buff). Also I am Mlvl 23 at this point in time.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,995
By Ragnarok.Martel 2022-09-27 19:20:35
Let's see here...
4407 dmg.
Onslaught is single hit, so Scherzo is valid, and definitely should have proc'd
Assuming a maxed scherzo, -53% dmg...
Damage before scherzo: 9,376
Assuming the dt on body was actually working and capped PDT at 50%.
Damage before PDT: 18,752
And the we reverse the shield block..
Damage before block: 46,880
I didn't bother to reverse shield def bonus.. it's 8dmg, or in this case 4 since there was 50% PDT.
That's uhh, not really a reasonable amount of damage there. I'm seriously questioning is all factors are actually applying properly there.
But even if we assumed scherzo didn't apply somehow we'd still be looking at 8.8k pre -PDT and 22k pre-block.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,049
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-09-27 19:52:23
It could be as other people suggested, that it applies the "don't apply DT" part from the absorption, but doesn't apply the absorption.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,229
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-09-27 20:32:14
RUN survives in there with lower defense and Epeolatry, right? So 3k damage * 4 = 12k damage without DT.
That Martel is backing out 40k+ damage implies that something else is wrong, I think.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-09-27 20:39:17
If the set only contains one piece of empyrean then it's not the absorb its the enmity to dt mechanic
underflowing during ws to +99dt (intermittently, specific condition)
Or lag counted the hit in 2 pieces and calculated as though absorb, without the absorb
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,229
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-09-27 21:26:10
I bet whatever is wrong with it has always been wrong and just no one has been using the body.
Underflow from the body is a weird possibility because the body's DT is documented to not surpass the 50% cap. Also, if it was truly an underflow then we would expect to see numbers up to 99k, but all weird oneshots so far have been lower.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,995
By Ragnarok.Martel 2022-09-27 21:27:47
I made some attempts to reproduce this outside of dynamis D, first by using the fomors in Ra'kaznar inner court at the Reives, since they use the same player type WS as Wave 3 mobs do. And then by getting x k needles spammed but the UNM sabotender, but I never got a freakishly high damage spike. I did proc some absorbs on both types of ws though.
I can't really test in Dynamis, as I'm not doing regular runs anymore, and can't just enter solo, much less hit wave 3 to test anything. /shrug.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-09-27 22:05:38
The game doesn't have a condition of +65535 for dt, maximum is 10x (Qutrub)
40k ws at 10x damage seems plausible
By futalis 2022-09-28 00:58:53
Let's see here...
4407 dmg.
Onslaught is single hit, so Scherzo is valid, and definitely should have proc'd
Assuming a maxed scherzo, -53% dmg...
Damage before scherzo: 9,376
Assuming the dt on body was actually working and capped PDT at 50%.
Damage before PDT: 18,752
And the we reverse the shield block..
Damage before block: 46,880
I didn't bother to reverse shield def bonus.. it's 8dmg, or in this case 4 since there was 50% PDT.
That's uhh, not really a reasonable amount of damage there. I'm seriously questioning is all factors are actually applying properly there.
But even if we assumed scherzo didn't apply somehow we'd still be looking at 8.8k pre -PDT and 22k pre-block.
This is in line with previous numbers I've seen unblocked w/ the body piece on where I was getting hit for 16k+...I'm pretty sure I saw like 34k or 44k WS the first time it happened weeks ago but I don't have my logs to confirm...
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-09-28 04:18:52
If DT is represented as a fraction of 256, underflow seems very unlikely to begin with, but even if we assume it happened, making the numbers line up requires some pretty weird internals. One example I could think of is that if DT is internally stored as a 12-bit number instead of 8-bit in order to support the damage multipliers on e.g. Dimgruzub, you could end up with a DT value of -4096/256, or 16x damage taken. While this makes the values sane, I don't think we have any reason to believe it'd be represented like that internally.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-09-28 06:58:32
Well I hope someone can find some way to test and replicate this Chev. cuirass +2 bug. If indeed the body is bugged, it should be reported. But if the body is only returning extraordinarily high numbers in Divergence, that's gonna be a nuisance to check and test...
I wish had the proper time IRL and was doing Divergence regularly as well or I'd check myself. :(
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2022-09-28 07:23:56
Some of the Empyrean armor does seem to either work oddly or not at all. SCH feet's special stats dont seem to function (Klimaform bonus and MB2+) but the MACC/MAB/Base stats do. I blame the spaghetti coding.
Stop spreading misinformation. Klimaform bonus works. I don't have time to test MBII, now but I wonder how you tested, that you assume it doesn't work? (inb4 you eyeballed it..) Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Thunder V on chapuli: 19081
With Klimaform and same set: 22900
That's a rounding difference away from a 20% increase.
Hey Mikumaru what makes you think its not working?
If you have some number to back up what you are saying share them and stop dumb comment about simon. Prove him wrong if you got data to back it up or shut up and stop spreading misinformation. Well first off 19801 vs 22900 is 20% ? More like 15% cuz math is hard.
22900/19 081 = 1.2001467. 20%.
One test is fine because the interaction is simple, and you can just do it on something like a starter zone mob where you don't have to worry about other factors like dINT or other things that change mob to mob. I don't know that I necessarily agree with Chapuli in that case but with gear creep is was probably more than fine. I tested on Windurst starter mobs and it works fine. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Another important clarification which is obviously being glossed over intentionally in a flailing attempt to win a losing argument: there's a difference between testing something with 100% proc chance and something with a chance to happen. People were suggesting that for COR empy body triple shot it should be tested for 1,000 shots because you're trying to tell the proc rate of something with a random chance.
If you're trying to determine if the 100% guaranteed bonus from a piece of armor is being applied...how many tests do you really need to do? Sure, I could've done a few more nukes just to be sure, but that's honestly laughable. If the Klimaform bonus wasn't working then why did my damage spike up massively? Both had weather, obi, and day-of-week on. What was going to cause my damage to suddenly go up by 20% on a regular *** Reisenjima mob?
Still waiting for that evidence that the bonus isn't working. I'll be here. SCH feet's special stats dont seem to function (Klimaform bonus and MB2+) but the MACC/MAB/Base stats do.
Stop spreading misinformation. Klimaform bonus works. I don't have time to test MBII, now but I wonder how you tested, that you assume it doesn't work? (inb4 you eyeballed it..) Oh I'm sorry Queen. I forgot what an expert you are with such vast knowledge and expertise because you've been playing for like 9 whole years compared to my dinky and insignificant 18. Stop acting like you own the game and this forum, take a seat for a few minutes and try just shutting the *** up for once. "I don't have time to test the MB2". THEN WHY ARE YOU OFFERING AN OPINION ABOUT IT you stupid ***? Tell you what, princess. Take some of your precious time and do some tests then try coming at me. Otherwise sit down, shut up, and keep that garbage from flowing from your keyboard for like 5 minutes.
Oh I guess I wasn't clear enough. I tested Klimaform before posting and as specified I haven't tested MBII, because it's much more complicated. Seeing how you clearly haven't done a test for Klimaform which takes like 30 sec, I'm pretty sure you haven't done it for MBII too and you just eyeballing it, so I don't need to test MBII myself, unless someone will provide real arguments that it might not work. Ignoring everything else from your post for obvious reasons. https://www.ffxiah.com/screenshots/82581
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-09-28 07:33:51
Takes a few weeks for images to get approved. If you're trying to post some half assed test that someone else has already done and proved is working, host the image elsewhere.
By SimonSes 2022-09-28 08:10:27
Well I hope someone can find some way to test and replicate this Chev. cuirass +2 bug. If indeed the body is bugged, it should be reported. But if the body is only returning extraordinarily high numbers in Divergence, that's gonna be a nuisance to check and test...
I wish had the proper time IRL and was doing Divergence regularly as well or I'd check myself. :(
Was any of the high damage spike at none WS move from the mob (like actual WS that player can use too). Maybe they somehow forgot to put WSs into some group in code and then let those WSs be used by mobs. Just speculation.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2022-09-28 08:15:05
You ask for proof I give you proof you still complain this is why you're a ***bag. Your response is exactly what was expected so ay least you're a predictable ***bag.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-09-28 08:17:56
You ask for proof I give you proof you still complain this is why you're a ***bag. Your response is exactly what was expected so ay least you're a predictable ***bag.
Hey dumbass, you're the only one who can see the picture. Images don't get approved that fast. Try again
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2022-09-28 09:07:32
Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »You ask for proof I give you proof you still complain this is why you're a ***bag. Your response is exactly what was expected so ay least you're a predictable ***bag.
Hey dumbass, you're the only one who can see the picture. Images don't get approved that fast. Try again The problem with children is they have no patience. I mean you guys own this site and the game so use your FFXIAH powers and do the damn thing. I cant do everything for you. I've already done way more than you trolls deserve. Besides. We all know whatever I submit as proof will never be accepted. Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »Takes a few weeks for images to get approved. If you're trying to post some half assed test that someone else has already done and proved is working, host the image elsewhere. This is a prime example of this. How could it be half assed? You're willing to accept info reported in good faith but the screen shot you have to wait for deserves skepticism? Hilarious. As for the actual topic, the Body armor seems to go through the process of absorbing but forgets to actually absorb from Volte Monsters while the rest of the set doesnt perform the stat drop step when absorbing from Squadron/Regiment monsters. This problem only exists in Dynamis as all other content has it operating normally, at least for me, on my server. There have been instances in the past of individual servers having issues with things that the others do not.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-09-28 09:13:11
Works for me
No Klima
Yes Klima
Perhaps just take the L and leave? Would be your most dignified ends to this.
Talking about having been in High School for 18 years compare to other people's 4 doesn't give you the credibility that you think it does.
Currently tanking W3....twice now I've taken 15k+ from a random WS from an NM. The only difference between now and before is I am wearing 3 pieces of Empy+2 (head, body, and legs)....has anyone tested the "Absorb damage" aspect? I am wondering if it is bugged and allowing max damage to come through.
Our other PLD was in Empy+2 and was having similar issues of occasionally being deleted by random damage/WS's doing massive damage. Upon removing the empy+2 no issues.