Jasmint's HD Textures

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Jasmint's HD Textures
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-05 02:00:19
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*Work in Progress*

NexusMods link: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy11/mods/13/

This is not a lore-friendly texture project. Colours will be changed slightly and some facial features will differ. For a lore-friendly pack, please check out EmiFFXI's and Ashenbubs' projects on the Final Fantasy XI NexusMods page.

This project aims to bring the appearance of the in-game characters closer to their character creation counterparts while giving them a HD overhaul and a few touch-ups. Once the player characters are complete, trust NPCs will be worked on next, followed by cutscene NPCs, other humanoid NPCs, equipment and non-humanoids. In other words, if it has joints, it will get an overhaul eventually.

Current order of progression:
  • Player characters (elvaan ✔ > hume ✔ > mithra > tarutaru > galka)

  • Trust NPCs

  • Cutscene NPCs (oldest expansions to newest expansions)

  • Other humanoid NPCs

  • Equipment

  • Non-humanoids

In this thread, I will be posting about more detailed changes and updates. The OP will be kept up-to-date so that you don't need to scroll through the whole thing. :)

Let me know your thoughts, and show me pics!

I also want to hear what you think about my mod and if there are any issues. Please post about them here, in the NexusMods page or on the occasional Reddit post that pops up when I am collecting feedback ^^
I also encourage you to share screenshots and add them to the NexusMods page. Let me see what you look like!! (+_+) (or, well, maybe you can show me your favourite NPC... that works too!)

Comparison chart information:
Character creation models are scene file previews in Noesis or character creation screenshots, and vanilla and my texture previews are from Blender. Diffuse colour only.

Player Characters

(I put all the images in spoilers so that jumping to a post in the thread doesn't result in losing that post due to images loading)









Special Thanks:

  • KorithXI for making TexHammer

  • Amelila for the modding tutorial video

  • Rich Whitehouse for Noesis and the demo scene files

  • Ashenbubs for the environment and equipment textures in the player character in-game screenshots

  • And lastly, the FFXI community, whether you're a modder or not!

With the more formal part out of the way now, thank you for checking out my work! This started as a passion project after reading about how the differences between the character creation models and in-game ones annoyed some of the newer players, and you can include myself in that group lol. I know that not everyone will find the changes to their taste since they are on the more drastic side, but regardless I hope you still give my mod a shot sometime ^^
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-05 02:05:46
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aka the weird corner

Q: How 2 install?

A: Check the install guide on the NexusMods page. In future, I will add the install guide as a readme file.

I upload my files as .7z files to reduce the file size, so please also install 7zip if you don't have it already. You will save yourself a WinRAR install on your computer with 7zip, too. :)

Q: I really like face x of your mod, but I want some of the other faces to be from y mod pack. What should I do?

A: The folders are listed like Hume Male, Hume Female, Elvaan Male, Elvaan Female etc. The DATs in their folders are listed from 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b etc down the line in that sort of order. If you are uncertain, check the mod archive that is specifically for that race - the male folder will always be the lower number.

If you really want to make sure you're getting the right face, either select the face you want to adjust in AltanaViewer and it will point to the DAT (if you want to use face 1A of any race, you need to reselect it or the viewer will point to an animation file), or use TexHammer to view the textures in the DAT files.

To change what DAT from what mod pack is visible:
1. Add both mods to XIpivot.
2. Whichever one is given more priority (ie higher on the pivot status list), add a prefix or suffix to the faces you don't want from that mod pack.
3. If in-game, reload XIpivot and zone.
You should now have your custom mix-match face combos :)

Q: Do you take custom mod requests?

A: Yes, on the condition that you are requesting something based on textures that have already been released. I am happy to do recolours, and add small accessories. Just keep in mind that the more whacky you go (eg. "PLEASE GIVE MY GALKA FACE TATS!!"), the slower I will get back to you since it will take more time than just a recolour. When I have finished all player characters, I will be more open to crazier, out-there requests.

To clarify, 'request' means for free. 'Commission' is essentially a paid request. Due to legalities and my lack of time and money to face a certain shapely company in court, I will not be taking commissions. This project has never been driven solely by monetary gain and will never be, as this is my hobby, not my job.

You are welcome to show your appreciation by visiting my ko-fi page, but please keep in mind that caffeine does not increase my working speed on your request. Your words of appreciation are enough. Really :)

request what you'd like, you do not need to pay a cent. The joy of painting, and your happiness, is my payment. I do not intend to paywall any of my work on this project.

To contact me about a request, feel free to post in this thread (which assumes your requested mod will be available for everyone to use), or directly message me here, NexusMods or on Discord, in which case I will ask whether you are okay with your requested mod being available for everyone to use.

Q: Why is the order of progression the way it is?

A: I have always found that Elvaan in particular were dealt some of the worst textures (I'm sorry my Elvaan friends). I used to play an Elvaan character so it really peeved me when he didn't look as I thought he ought to look. He went from handsome Elvaan to Derpvaan.

Humes are next on the list because their heads look like lego blocks, and there is 1 particular Hume whose hair colour changes from character creation to in-game.

Mithra are next by sheer player popularity (at least on Quetz... they're everywhere lol).

Tarutaru are also everywhere but their texture quality imo is higher than the rest of the races. Might also just be because they're small.

Galka I've never had huge gripes with.

Q: Why characters/anything that has joints?

A: There are already many offerings out there for environment texture overhauls such as Amelila, Ashenbubs and the NextGames compilation pack, but projects solely focused on NPCs and player characters appear to be few and far between. I also simply want to be able to give everyone more options as to how they want their game to look, and since there doesn't appear to be a huge variety in the character section, I've started there.

Q: Who are you?

A: I am the texture toucher. If you have textures, I will touch them. Even if you hide them, I will touch them anyways. If you don't have textures, I will scream, and touch your models and UVs instead. Once I have touched your textures, I will leave. Resistance is futile. Do not worry. I will not influence the conscience of your textures. They will trust me, and so will you.


A: Ok but tell me what equipment you want it to be visible on first ;) it will be special just 4 u...
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-05 06:26:58
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Fixed the seam on his sideburn that somehow escaped my notice this time. Updated version is now available on Nexusmods, but I'll need some time to update the other images with this fix. Some shading is slightly different as well, since I forgot to enable a few layers >_>;
edit: All images with the flaw have now been updated.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-08 10:25:15
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Visual Glitch Found

Discovered this one when I was working on Humes and realised that I'd kept the bone and skinning data from Noesis. After rotating the jaw joints, I was greeted with this mess...
(warning: somewhat cursed image)This also affects the female Elvaan but I removed all their joints upon import... -_- so I need to set up their Blender scene file again.

If you're thinking of installing my mod before I roll out the fix for this, please stay away from cutscenes involving Elvaan to preserve your eyes. If you've already installed, please remove my mod from your XIPivot directory with "//pivot remove (directory name)" before entering a cutscene with Elvaan.

I am quite busy over the next few days, but it should be a quick fix with the power of projection painting.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-13 07:39:19
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Version 0.1.3 Now Available!

This version fixes the mouth issue that was mentioned in the previous post, and also makes a few tweaks to other texture details. All images are put in spoilers so that jumping to the post doesn't result in the need to scroll.

Male Elvaan Changes

Female Elvaan Changes

If you plan to watch any cutscenes involving Elvaan and have downloaded my pack previously, please download this version before heading into any cutscnees. If you don't, Halver from WotG will haunt your dreams...
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-04-15 02:20:45
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Minor Update

After going through and fixing the Elvaan mouths, it came to my attention that my work on male Elvaan #6 dampened his fabulousness, since I chopped a lot of his crest (the fan thing) off. I don't know why I made that change in the first place since it really ruined his facial proportion and his silhouette, and above all it failed to replicate the vibe of his character creation model. With this update, I have restored him to his former glory.
I will also start posting about updates in the Articles section on the NexusMods page so that checking this thread for the changes isn't necessary anymore. However, I'll keep posting here so that if you are a regular XIAH user, you can see when the thread updates for whatever reason.

Btw as a reminder, you are always welcome to give feedback on the mod here or at NexusMods. Let me know what you think, even if it's just "u r bad lol"... and take pictures and send them to meeeee!!!!!
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [154 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-09-16 10:31:19
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Humes are now available!

Hello everyone, it's been a little over 5 months since the last post :') sorry for the massive delay, my life was like a rollercoaster during that time. Fortunately though, I was able to find some time to just sit my butt down and get the rest of the textures smashed out, and hence I present to you this release! ^^

I hope you all enjoy the textures and that they breathe some freshness into Vana'diel for you! :)

I've updated the OP to include the Hume images which are also on the NexusMods page.
In this post, I'll specifically detail what has changed in the Elvaan textures, since I made a few tweaks to them while I was working on the Humes. There really isn't much to it - mainly adjustments to male Elvaan #2.His irises have been made darker and smaller to better reflect his character creation model. If you don't like this change, simply keep your old versions of ROM\27\89 and 90.

The second minor change is a fix with #4b (always this guy giving me trouble lol). His sideburn was actually affected by the visible seam that was mentioned in the hotfix (2nd post), but it was much harder to see since the hair was black. I didn't realise it had affected the B variant until I had a close look in Blender.

There may have been other changes that I've missed since I was forced to leave the project and game for a while, but they should be relatively minor.

Happy modding and gaming! Mithra are next, hopefully my life will let me work on them in peace ^^
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-09-17 03:46:44
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Lol I realised after a while that I overcompensated and made female hume 8b's blonde hair too bright compared to her character creation model. This new version is now available on NexusMods.
Here's the comparison between the two versions (0.1.0 and 0.1.15):Feel free to stay on 0.1.0 if you like it better :) the .dat file for this one is ROM\32\78.dat, so just don't replace this one when you're updating in the future.

edit: fixed the image, the 'after' previously had jaggy edges since I forgot to hide a layer. It's not like that in the game LOL, made a cringe mistake
(the white edges are also not present in the game, this is simply from the padding being saved as white in my painting software before I do the necessary changes)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 744
By Asura.Lunafreya 2022-09-17 07:55:05
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These look great. Well done! Looking forward to Mithra.
Posts: 4,683
By RadialArcana 2022-09-17 08:15:11
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Alpha texture work on the hair is really great.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-09-18 02:56:10
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Thank you both!! Your encouragement and support really means a lot :D
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [77 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-12-04 04:18:47
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Minor Update

The .7z archives for all races now have the top ROM folder included. I hadn't realised that I'd omitted such a crucial thing from the files until some users on NexusMods pointed it out. Sorry for the inconvenience!
This initial update also contained a folder named 51 that has the vanilla Mithra textures in it. If your install contains it, please delete or rename it so that other Mithra texture mods will load instead of them. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I'm still working away at the Mithra, and am hoping to release them before the end of this year (no guarantees though). Stay tuned :)
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Jasmint 2022-12-05 08:45:36
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A custom mod

This was a request from StudGrandpa on NexusMods. It is a mod of my spin on male hume 2A, but with blue eyes and stud earrings.If you would like this custom texture mod, here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UHOLRGdbAXig4IOBA08tscFG2fGjHxPL/view?usp=sharing

I have put information related to making requests in the Q&A of this thread, in case you are interested. ^^
For now, I will only be accepting requests akin to recolours and small accessory additions to my existing work as these do not require much time to make.

Clarification (for that lawyer guy who reads the forums, I totally see you ;D): Request means free - one that is not free is a commission, and I will not be doing commissions.
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