Stop tabbing to excel sheets, tables and wikis. Instead have all the info right on your screen (or toggle just what you need)!
SheolHelper will show:
a segment counter
a resistance table showing the mob type as well as physical and elemental resistances in detail
proneness to cruel joke
current floor's map on-command
This addon is for your sole convenience while farming segments. Overlays will only be shown in Odyssey.
Try to always load before entering or maps will not work. You can drag segments and resistances around individually.
The resistance table is not a completely accurate representation of actual game data.
It is merely a compilation of publicly available information from varying sources.
Segments might get lost to "lag" but will catch up if you keep killing mobs.
This means that the last (few) mob(s) you kill in a run might not register if you lag too much.
Use as orientation only!
A word about cruel joke: Oh my. Where to start. Let's just say that the suggestion for doom in this addon refers mostly to Sheol C where types appear in either A/B/C.
If you're a regular on BLU CJ in Odyssey A, B AND C, and have insane amounts of M.Acc it would be nice if you gave some feedback on the differences between the three zones. Especially regarding same mobs. BGWiki mentions that some mobs are prone in B but then supposedly not so in C and has no info on A to begin with (Rams e.g.) but that's basically the only source I have seen so far that even mentions separate observations. To me this kinda sounds like former observers simply might have missed M.Acc to doom Lv 130+ mobs. But then again Sheol B Floor 4 and above is also Lv 130+, so...
Just be aware that this is in line with the BGWiki doom table for Sheol C for now.
//shh toggle [segments/resistances/joke] : Shows/hides either info //shh bg [segments/resistances/all] [0-255] : Sets the alpha channel for backgrounds //shh conserve : Toggles segments being shown in Rabao after a run //shh map : Toggle the current floor's map //shh map center : Repositions the map to the center of the screen //shh map size [size] : Sets the map to the new [size] //shh map floor [floor] : Sets the map to reflect [floor]
[Download Link]
[To-Do's and known bugs]
BGWiki lately mentions different amounts of additional unique resistance between zones. SheolHelper currently does not account for this but rather substracts flat 50%. Will not be fixed until further information on Sheol A is available.
There has been reports that regular nostos mobs in Odyssey get their elemental resistance rank raised in Odyssey B and C by two and four steps respectively based on this Japanese Twitter post. Some people have reported that this is notable enough to be accurate. This would heavily impact magic damage in Sheol C in general and could be reason for the observed doom resistances as some mobs could hit a 50% resist rank or even less for certain elements.
refactored core functions for better performance
Karakul can be doomed
April 2022 Update fixed
addon will no longer show or be active in any zone/instance other than Rabao and Sheol A/B/C
now holds all possible monster types for A, B and C, including NMs
excluded Sheol Gaol NMs from triggering computation while SheolHelper is loaded
excluded Halos from being computed
added default path for maps in default settings
improved disclaimer behavior
improved and narrowed checks when zoning from or in to Odyssey
If you experience wonky behavior, find bugs or wrong data, please check the repository if any updates have been pushed since and feel free to post it here or open an issue on Github.
Hope it helps!