Screenshots No Longer Saving

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Screenshots No Longer Saving
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tename
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2021-05-07 13:28:17
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Cpu said: »
It could be an issue with the AuctionHelper plugin and Guildwork. If I had 2+ characters attempt to bid on something at the same time it would report it to ffxiah like I had 30+ winning bids in a row, even if there was only one item available for sale at the time. It indicates an issue with the buyer's client, not the seller's.

Fun fact. This is NOT an issue with auctionhelper OR guild work OR Ffxiah. It's an issue with FFXI's AH server. The server log actually thinks you had 30 winning bids in a row. Which means... If you have two characters bid at the same time, SE knows, they just don't care.

Or... SE is incompetent and they don't know, but they could since AH history is saved indefinitely.
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2021-05-07 13:51:45
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
This has come up in our support discord every once in while, but no resolution has been 1 size fits all. You have mentioned some of the fixes like trying other image formats, pointing out the issues with dgvoodoo and how it brakes the function, and also permission issues that can prevent the file from being saved.

One i didnt see is, you can try using SSOrganizer to see if that helps, if you find that SSOrganizer creates the folder but it is empty then that likely means the file was not actually created.
Tried SSOrganizer just for the hell of it. It created the folder structure when I tried a screenshot, but did not save an image. I'm never getting this ***fixed. /sigh

Have you tried the suggestions in the thread, such as changing from jpg to png and running as admin etc
By Draylo 2021-05-07 14:08:12
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Yes I have tried all of those and they don't work for me.. I don't understand what this could be if people NOT using dgvoodoo are experiencing this as well. I remember that snippet tool being suggested as a replacement but I don't like it compared to simply hitting a button in-game. We are doomed on this
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2021-05-07 14:13:57
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Fraps still exists, can just use it for screenshots.

NVM it doesn't support windows 10.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [54 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Modron
Posts: 4
By Carbuncle.Briga 2021-06-30 11:22:30
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I was having a similar problem: game says it gets saved but nothing shows up using SSOrganizer or not. Fiddled with keybinds with no luck.. finally the issue was having dgVoodoo Watermark on. Unticked this option and screenshots are being saved properly again :D
I am on Windowed Mode.

Hope this helps.
By Draylo 2021-06-30 21:38:46
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How did you test it? You were in game and screenshots weren't saving so you unticked and it saved after? Or did you log out and go back in? The logging in/out changes the instance of the game and seems to randomly fix the issue, but I never had the watermark on and it always had this problem so I doubt that is the fix.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Modron
Posts: 4
By Carbuncle.Briga 2021-07-01 02:12:34
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Saved setting, closed dgvoodoo.
Log off, quit pol and relaunched.
By Draylo 2021-07-01 12:41:32
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It won't last long then
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [66 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Xavros 2021-09-05 08:03:05
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Sorry to necro, but I've found a solution. It involves using ReShade however, so if you don't want to use it, then there's still no known solution it seems :(

If you use the same key to take screenshots in both Windower and ReShade which is the case by default, you'll need to do this:
In the console, type "console_displayactivity 0" (without quotations). This will disable the console from popping up in screenshots taken by ReShade, which happens 99/100 times lol.
Don't forget to set the ReShade screenshot directory to somewhere else, otherwise you'll be flooding your POL folder.

Taking screenshots with both Windower and ReShade means you might get lucky and get a screenshot that doesn't include your addons etc. from Windower. On the flipside, you won't get the ReShade enhancements there, but those can be easy to edit in.

This only works because I've noticed ReShade never fails to take screenshots, but if yours doesn't always take screenshots then I'm afraid the Win + PrtScr is the safer way to go. At least it's fast and most of the burden is in editing, not saving the pic.

If there's a way to hide addons and plugins along with all the other UI stuff, then we've won the war on screenshots... provided ReShade never fails to take them.
By Draylo 2021-09-08 00:54:11
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Not really the solution, its more like a workaround. That has already been suggested using the snippet tool, its just a hassle imo. I don't get why this has never been fixed, it apparently isn't soley due to dgvoodoo, so something changed over the years to be causing this.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: JasTx
Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Xavros 2021-09-09 08:55:54
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Draylo said: »
Not really the solution, its more like a workaround. That has already been suggested using the snippet tool, its just a hassle imo. I don't get why this has never been fixed, it apparently isn't soley due to dgvoodoo, so something changed over the years to be causing this.

Ah true, poor choice of word - sorry about that >_>
With this, as long as you add "console_displayactivity 0" to the Windower init file, you can just hit PrtScr to take screenshots of the game without the window or taskbar etc showing up, which is slightly better than clicking the program, naming it and saving it. The biggest hassle is installing DgVoodoo and ReShade, which is mainly an issue if you use a potato laptop or something.

I guess this bug is too unpredictable to reproduce for people if they don't use DgVoodoo? Personally, I never had problems taking screenshots with vanilla Windower - on the other hand, vanilla FFXI would straight up refuse to take any screenshots... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fun times
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-09-09 11:09:53
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I just want to be able to use windower native screen shots again so I can use the hide argument. Unloading every addon with a display of any sort when you want to take a clean screenshot is.. not fun. /sigh.

That said, if it's choosing between ddgvoodo's no crashing everytime something takes fullscreen focus from XI, vs windower screenshots.. well, I'm sticking with DGvoodoo.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [341 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 5
By novus 2022-08-16 19:10:25
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Going to revive this and say you can just change the bind to something else you don't use. I could not get print screen to work at all, even saving as jpg, but this worked. For example...

bind ` screenshot png hide

I decided to come back after a long break and wanted to use dgvoodoo2. Make sure both of the watermark options are set to false in your .conf file too.

Figured I'd share since this bugged me and a friend earlier today.
By Draylo 2022-08-16 19:46:26
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It changes on every instance of the game, sometimes it works but most times it doesn't. You sure you didn't just get a good instance?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [213 days between previous and next post]
By coldreactive 2023-03-18 01:48:22
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I just got this problem too, but I was using dgvoodoo fine yesterday and it was taking screenshots. WindowsKey+SHIFT+S does nothing on my system, and Snip & Sketch (Snipping tool's replacement) can't be obtained since the dialogue that appears when clicking "Try Snip & Sketch" can't have its OK button clicked.

SSOrganize creates the file structure, but no files are created. Also, using WindowsKey+PrintScreen saves nothing either when FFXI is focused, but DOES create the folder where the file WOULD have been saved
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Asura.Cebera 2023-03-18 03:10:48
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I just had this too! For some unfathomable reason Windows decided that Windower was no longer allowed write privileges on my second drive, reinstalling Windower onto C: solved it for me.

It’s Windower specific though as Steam is on my second drive and that has not had any change when saving screenshots for those games.

If you don’t want to move it another way I got working was installing Reshade and putting the screenshot directory on C:
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [89 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Goldn122
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Wyntercat 2023-06-14 20:13:30
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My antivirus has ransomware protection that was stopping windower's screenshots. I added it as an exception and that fixed my problem.

I Hope this helps someone else.
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