Share Your Custom FFXI UI |
Share your custom FFXI UI
The other night I decided to stream a quick Omen run for the LS leader on discord, he arrived a little late so he had to sit it out but wanted to watch our progress. He made a comment about my interface which then led everyone on discord to check my stream. They were all surprised with it's look/set up, some saying it's it looked like I was playing FFXIV (I do borrow a lof of their icons).
Now when they watch a video from Brixy or NextGames, they ask me which addons they use. Although I don't full time some of those addons like in thier videos I do on occassion activate them when needed (like gearinfo, scoreboard/parse). I'm a little surprised a thread like this doesn't already exist. But here are the addons I full time when playing. Hope otheres will share theirs and if nothing else, this helps others modernize their game a bit if they care to. Your mileage will vary, I play at 3840x1440. So I have a lot of realestate to play with. Lower resolutions might look cluttered. Fulltime Addons: XIVHotbar - (Akirane updated SirEdeonX's original addon) XIVParty XIVbar Invtracker Giltracker Equipviewer FFXIDB Debuffed Occasional Addons: Gearinfo Infobar Parse (liking it better than Scoreboard lately) Few notable mentions about Akirane's updated XIVHotbar for those that messed with the original. Every bar can be moved anywhere/everywhere you want. They can be made to go vertical or horizontal. They are clickable by mouse. I find myself playing with keyboard and mouse a lot of the times. Can keybind to your liking. And there's more features/updates in the pipeline.
ROFL, dead.
I don't play full width on my monitor resolution, and my second monitor is dedicated to alts. I have a hud window system I made that allows any kind of alt to send and make a hud window on my main screen to show me various information that I might not feel like looking at their screen for.
Yes... literally every video I upload they ask me about ui stuff. Even after I made a video about setting up a UI lol. I tried out xivhotbar but it tended to interfere with my actual macro bar and felt restrictive for that reason. I macro EVERYTHING. This was when it was new though, I may try to play around with it and implement it again. I have extra G keys on my keyboard so maybe I could bind those to some helpful macros or something
Edit: Equipviewer, xivparty, distance, infobar, timers, invtracker (only for main inventory, not total inventory), pettp (not shown since I'm in mhaura), battlemod That reminds me.. I need to make a keybind that toggles show/hide for some of these addons
Asura.Erupt said: » I don't play full width on my monitor resolution, and my second monitor is dedicated to alts. I have a hud window system I made that allows any kind of alt to send and make a hud window on my main screen to show me various information that I might not feel like looking at their screen for. Man I really tried to intergrate ruptchat but I couldn't get it to do what I wanted. I saw you've updated since so I might give it another go. Might have to just put it over the regular chat and make the background opaque. Bro - This thread really made me feel bad about my UI - I need to step it up lol
Posts: 130
I use a *highly* bastardized version of XIVHotbar in order to make it look and act like XIV's crossbar since I mainly play with a controller. I originally wrote it to entice my XIV-obsessed wife into playing XI more, but in the process of making it I decided I liked it more than XI's macro system, so I stuck with it. Some of the additions I've made to it include Xing out any BLU spells I don't currently have equipped and any NIN spells I'm out of tools for, including the count of any stackable item I bind to a button combo, a skillchain window indicator (the horizontal green bar, which shrinks into the center as the skillchain window passes), and a button combo binding utility. Also, any weaponskill bound to a button will change--if applicable--into the icon of the skillchain it would make if I were to use it right now (only when skillchain window is open), which you can see happening to Expiacion in the below image on the right side. Skillchain indicator (with animated crawling ants, on which I spent more time than I'm willing to admit making look right). Button combo binding utility menu. Button combo binding utility confirmation screen. Offline
Posts: 4,683
The staggered line of your XIVhotbar is offensive to my eyes!
Aliekber said: » Skillchain indicator (with animated crawling ants, on which I spent more time than I'm willing to admit making look right). Button combo binding utility menu. Button combo binding utility confirmation screen. Holy s*** man... This incredible stuff. You share this with the public? Or you gonna hog this amazing thing to yourself? Some other example of my customized XIV Hotbar's for all my alts (Geo, Cor, Whm, Brd, Rdm, Main Drk). Nice custom icons. Single tone color scheme looks clean.
Before this thread: My UI is fine, I got equip viewer and multiple horizontal chat logs!
After this thread: Jesus Christ my UI is terrible. Carbuncle.Razziel said: » Aliekber said: » Skillchain indicator (with animated crawling ants, on which I spent more time than I'm willing to admit making look right). Button combo binding utility menu. Button combo binding utility confirmation screen. Holy s*** man... This incredible stuff. You share this with the public? Or you gonna hog this amazing thing to yourself? I'll second this request... Been looking for a controler hotbar option for 7 years. Aliekber
Please post a link to this addon. I've been struggling with a joytokey ffxiv map for a long time. This would be life changing. Offline
Posts: 130
RadialArcana said: » The staggered line of your XIVhotbar is offensive to my eyes! It's meant to emulate the behavior of this. Arkanethered Asura said: » Carbuncle.Razziel said: » Holy s*** man... This incredible stuff. You share this with the public? Or you gonna hog this amazing thing to yourself? I'll second this request... Been looking for a controler hotbar option for 7 years. Yeah, I can release it, with some caveats:
Edit: with all that said, while the setup is onerous, and the binding dialog is odd, I find it an absolute joy to actually use in battle, and I'll never go back to vanilla macros. I've been assigning complex keyboard combinations via gearswap / windower.
Then I use joytokey to press those actions similarly to ffxiv. Lt + rb = cycle elements Lt + rt = cor shot Rt + x = double up Perhaps there is a way to slim down some of the requirements? I'd be happy to just mess around with your version of the hotbar. Maybe I can make the key assignments part work for me with a different method. EnigmaFFXI said: » My current UI :) Bruh... is this all custom on your end? Can you share if someone wants to do something similar? Is the FFXI box art thing under where it says Valkurm Dunes an indicator of what expansion's zone you're in, or just for pretties?
EnigmaFFXI said: » Thanks for the compliment's! All of the games menus, chat frames, player frame, pet frame, party frame and equipviewer frame: are all custom made by me. Addons list: Barfiller Battlemod Clock Enemybar Equipviewer Gametime Giltracker Infobar Partybars XIVBar XIVParty XIVPetbar Zonetimer FFXIDB All of these addons have been modified(some heavly) to get this current look. As for uploading it for others...I may but I do like that it's personal to me. It's alright if you don't feel comfortable uploading it for others. Thanks for sharing your setup. Been tinkering with xivhotbar for a couple of days now and now I have it setup to control all my subjob magic on summoner. Any time I swap subjobs it swaps the spells macroed to match. Enfeebles and nukes for /rdm, -na spells, replacing sleep with repose, and banish/ga for whm etc... I also added a load and unload macro to drop the minimap when needed. So much new fun stuff I can do with this now! |
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