If You Use A DPS Meter Don't Post The Logs

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If you use a DPS meter don't post the logs
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2020-09-17 10:54:29
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What do you mean "you people".

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Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-09-17 11:05:50
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Fundamentally all it boils down to, from all angles, is simply this.

"This thing will make people think Im an ***... Im gonna do it" is synonymous with "Im an ***", what you think of it doesnt actually matter.

Its akin to accidently stepping on someones foot. If they go the first time "Ow, that hurts, could you not?", its fine to go "My bad I didnt notice, sorry"

But if you keep doing it now that you know it hurts the person, fully aware of that fact, now you are doing it on purpose and are an ***. You can only play the "I didnt know" card literally once.

In other words, you at no point can ever play the "Yeah well I have steel toe boots so it doesnt hurt when other people step on my toes!" card, it doesnt matter, it has no impact on the results of your actions.

The level of *** you are directly scales off how much it hurts others. If your action is a mild inconvenience or just annoying, you're a bit of an ***.

Going hyperbole and pushing this to "Omg people say that <doing a mildly annoying thing> makes me <literally hitler>" when the reality of it is "When you do <mildly annoying thing> you are <mildly annoying>", is disingenuous and basically displays a lack of good faith in the discussion.

In other words, you're just trolling, and no one sees it for anything more than that.

Dont post unsolicited DPS logs into public chat. Its not rocket science.

How you feel about it does not matter. "I dont mind when others do it" does not matter. You are not other people. Other people are not you.

Part of growing up is learning everyone in the world perceives things different. Your perception is not the only valid perception.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-09-17 11:29:47
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Well, I agreed that the player who posted it was probably just showing off. But I also feel that someone sharing data should not be considered offensive (I actually liked when players would post their parses). Then 1 poster made this about people suffering from emotional or mental issues. And finally, in my attempt to avoid gendered terms, I got to be accused of racism. There is no discussion allowed online. Either you believe the same things or you get threatened, called names, or get accused of trolling.
That's why I don't comment often. Those who frequent this forum are simply looking for ones that will agree with them.
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