So I've noticed this issue for a while, usually assuming there's something on my end I haven't tried yet. Findall often shows inaccurate numbers on my mules, giving returns showing repeat countings if you will.
Example- I do a //findall Sealord, and it shows me the 10 skins on my main, and the 48 on a mule in their satchel (accurate). Then also shows a second counting of 12 more in the mule's satchel, for a total of 60, but listed independently- even though on the same character in the same storage slot. (those "extra" 12 don't exist. True total is 48 on the mule).
I've seen this frequently with other large quantity items, such as storing Alexandrite or RMEA stones. But I've also seen it with simple things like 2 or 3 handshards. A double counting, if you will.
Is this due to old info in the plugin? I have done unload/reload cycles of the plugin, even deleted and re-downloaded. This still occurs. Again, I'm assuming there's a way to clear any old info and I just am not doing it properly. Any suggestions are quite helpful and appreciated!