Riot 4: Rocky Vs. Ivan

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Riot 4: Rocky vs. Ivan
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Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-08-10 10:55:46
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Let's be fair, we all are guilty of painting groups with broad strokes.

And also, the top 2 are correct, even if you are being factitious.

Antifa are fascists, that is proven every time they "protest"
BLM are racists, it's in their group statement. You cannot say you aren't racist if you actively promote a singular race over all others.
By volkom 2020-08-10 12:09:17
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oh hey~ thought the fed's left portland. why are there still riots protests?
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-08-10 12:16:25
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It's called the Summer of Burning Love!

Don't use racist, patriarchic terms like "riots" and "destruction"!
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2020-08-10 15:16:57
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
No evidence that BLM had anything to do with the looting.
Well, since Antifa has hijacked the BLM protests, it is almost impossible to differentiate them at all.
Instead of actual proof you could at least link to a website, no mater how disreputable, making this claim.

I am not disputing that the BLM protests weren't hijacked, but I dispute that antifa did the hijacking.

Garuda.Chanti said: »
Also no evidence that George Soros has anything to do with either BLM or this spate of looting.
Cash for racial equality =/= cash to BLM.

Garuda.Chanti said: »
So in the future, please refrain from slyly sliming Jews by blaming things on Soros.
You are the first person who attributed the hate against Soros as an anti-semite ploy. Nobody, and I mean nobody I have heard of who is against Soros is against him because he is Jewish (personally, I don't even know or didn't know he is, I personally don't care)....
I am far from the first to point this out.

Just because you didn't know his religion, nor that much of the anti Soros propaganda is manufactured and spread by flagrant antisemites, doesn't mean it isn't antisemitic. Indeed, subtle digs like this are the most effective. Those in the know revel, while those know in the know are fooled.

P. S.
As Michael Ignatieff, the president and rector of the Central European University that Soros founded, puts it: "The Orban [Hungarian] government has decided to make Mr Soros public enemy number one".

So how did this happen?

The answer lies in upstate New York.

In 2013, when the Hungarian leader needed advice on getting re-elected, he approached a legendary political consultant, called Arthur Finkelstein...

"Arthur Finkelstein always said, 'You don't go against the Taliban, you go against Osama Bin Laden.' So it's about personalisation, picking the perfect enemy and then [you] go full on against that person, so that people are actually scared of your opponent. And never talk about your own candidate's policies, they don't matter at all."

Finkelstein realised the best way to get Orban elected was to find a new enemy. He suggested Soros, and it was a perfect choice, Grassegger says. "The very right hated him because he was Jewish, people at the very left hated him because he was a capitalist."

The irony is, Arthur Finkelstein was himself a Jew. "This Jewish gentleman creates this Jewish monster," Grassegger says.

Viciouss said: »
At least they didn't try to blame Antifa right away this time?
You posted a bit late ...

Bahamut.Ravael said: »
.... If Soros doesn’t want to be scapegoated for pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into these groups, maybe he should stop pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into these groups.
But he isn't. He is just blamed for it.

Last autumn thousands of migrants left Honduras bound for the USA, just a month before the mid-term elections that threatened to weaken Republican control of Congress.

Immediately the so-called migrant caravan was blamed on Soros. Fox News repeatedly broadcast claims that Soros wanted open borders and unrestricted immigration.

Jack Kingston, a former Republican Congressman, told me: "It is a very organised effort and somebody is behind this, somebody is paying for some of this and it would be typical of George Soros to get involved in that."

For his part, President Trump retweeted a video that claimed to show cash being handed out to people in Honduras to "storm the US border", with a suggestion that the cash might have come from Soros....

Within hours, journalists discovered the footage was not filmed in Honduras as originally claimed, but in the neighbouring country of Guatemala, and a closer look at the clip showed at least one of the supposed aid workers was armed....
Same BBC article (its long....)
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11187
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-08-10 15:18:29
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*not in the know... (3rd response)
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-08-10 15:24:20
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
But he isn't. He is just blamed for it.

Did you completely miss KN's NYT Link?
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-08-10 15:33:37
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Instead of actual proof you could at least link to a website, no mater how disreputable, making this claim.

I am not disputing that the BLM protests weren't hijacked, but I dispute that antifa did the hijacking.
What, you mean you don't know what's going on in Chicago right now?


Incoming "I hate your source, so I'm going to deny anything you said!" Which, honestly, I should expect that. You already made that clear in the quote above!

Garuda.Chanti said: »
Cash for racial equality =/= cash to BLM.
It's in the freakin Form 990, for crying out loud.

But since BLM is not a 501(c)(3), you cannot find their Form 990 at all (Black Lives Matter Foundation is a separate entity, it is not BLM).

Garuda.Chanti said: »
I am far from the first to point this out.

Just because you didn't know his religion, nor that much of the anti Soros propaganda is manufactured and spread by flagrant antisemites, doesn't mean it isn't antisemitic. Indeed, subtle digs like this are the most effective. Those in the know revel, while those know in the know are fooled.

P. S.
As Michael Ignatieff, the president and rector of the Central European University that Soros founded, puts it: "The Orban [Hungarian] government has decided to make Mr Soros public enemy number one".

So how did this happen?

The answer lies in upstate New York.

In 2013, when the Hungarian leader needed advice on getting re-elected, he approached a legendary political consultant, called Arthur Finkelstein...

"Arthur Finkelstein always said, 'You don't go against the Taliban, you go against Osama Bin Laden.' So it's about personalisation, picking the perfect enemy and then [you] go full on against that person, so that people are actually scared of your opponent. And never talk about your own candidate's policies, they don't matter at all."

Finkelstein realised the best way to get Orban elected was to find a new enemy. He suggested Soros, and it was a perfect choice, Grassegger says. "The very right hated him because he was Jewish, people at the very left hated him because he was a capitalist."

The irony is, Arthur Finkelstein was himself a Jew. "This Jewish gentleman creates this Jewish monster," Grassegger says.
You did not post proof. You posted somebody's opinion as to why people on the right hate Soros. You did not prove that anyone hated him because he was Jewish. You did prove that Finkelstein had a very flawed opinion about people on the right.

They, and I, do not dislike Soros because he is Jewish, we dislike him because his viewpoints, if enacted, would hurt society almost as much as certain people (I am NOT Godwining this topic) did in the past.

Try again.

Garuda.Chanti said: »
But he isn't. He is just blamed for it.
Did you not read the article from NYT that stated that Soros foundation is pouring $220 million into black activist coffers? Are you also going to ignore the fact that, as of 2018, Soros foundation did donate to BLM, even though it was not a charitable or communal activity, as BLM is not classified as charity, or community trust, but political activity? They had to pay proxy tax for such activity for crying out loud!
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11187
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-08-10 17:08:00
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
But he isn't. He is just blamed for it.
Did you completely miss KN's NYT Link?
No, but as I don't subscribe, I can't read the piece.

Its for **** like that that I post excerpts.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Thorbean
Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2020-08-10 17:25:06
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Never spoken to anyone who disliked Soros because he is Jewish. Mention him in the UK and most will say "The Black Wednesday *** who cost me my pension". Nothing about being Jewish, it's his questionable financial practices and market manipulation that cost working class people their life savings that people don't like. Again, judge the individuals actions. Defending him because he belongs to a certain group is no better than attacking him for belonging to a certain group.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-08-10 17:53:46
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Garuda.Chanti said: »

No evidence that BLM had anything to do with the looting.

Also no evidence that George Soros has anything to do with either BLM or this spate of looting.

LOTS of evidence that Soros is being used like the term "european bankers" ie: a scapegoat word for Jews.

So in the future, please refrain from slyly sliming Jews by blaming things on Soros. Come right out and say you are a screaming anti-semite and that we all suck.

Then you can find out what happened to the check for my cut of our world domination, OK?

Don't even try it sister. You start accusing me of being racist or anti-semite specifically we are going to have a big problem.

I'm not slyly doing anything to Jews. Liberals are the true anti-semites these past oh, 12-13 years (can't imagine why...). I'm 100% all in for Israel and Jews. Soros being Jewish has zero to do with him donating over $200 mill to, "BLM causes." That's a fact. Your own news sources stated it as such. Him being Jewish never crossed my mind, but it did yours, obviously. So who is the one who thinks in terms of race or ethnicity? Not me.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-08-10 17:59:10
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I know Chanti is Jewish, and only because she said so. Good for her. I'm glad she is religious. It doesn't affect me at all, nor is she trying to convert me into Judaism. Not that she shouldn't try (good luck!), but she won't because this isn't exactly the place to do it.

I didn't now she was Jewish, nor do I give a ***. But if people on here are going to start name calling and making VERY serious accusations based on someone's opinion one ONE person in their religious/racial/ethnic network, then I'd like to call Rooks in on this. I can take some nonsensical shots from people like Vic about my political opinions, but Chanti crossed a very, very serious line trying to link my criticism of Soros to me being anti-Semite. I've never had an anti-Semitic thought in my life.

Rooks? We still not suppose to be tossing insults and accusation at one another around here or what?
Posts: 6496
By Rooks 2020-08-10 18:25:51
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Oh hey, I got summoned, I love when that happens

Posts: 17679
By Viciouss 2020-08-10 18:29:27
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On a scale of 1-14, how much do you love it?
Posts: 6496
By Rooks 2020-08-10 18:32:57
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To Chanti: don't call people anti-semites without some real proof.

To Prong: Going after Soros as a proxy for anti-semitism is extremely common. I don't care if you didn't know, now you do. You don't seem to be as wired in to the lunatic fringe as much as some around here are so I don't actually disbelieve you, but Chanti wasn't wrong to react with real anger on that.

A quick backread of this thread suggests it's devolved even by the standards of this place. I'm locking it.
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