June 2020 Version Update

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June 2020 Version Update
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Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 17:20:58
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RadialArcana said: »
It's really annoying and the later opponents are asshats.

There is a trick in those high tiered challenge (chacharon and the kid mithra).

The trick is: they were coded to not make many mistakes.

But if suposelly youre perfect, then youre predictable.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 17:45:45
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This would be faster without the animations wasting so much time, like 80% faster.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-11 17:49:00
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IDK, it looks to be total RNG to me. My 3rd win against Kuyin, she made a total brain dead move when she was on track to win. This gave me the lead and I won. Chacharoon was a joke for me and went 3/3 all like 22-9, he was playing moves that didn’t even make sense all 3 times. The meeble I found to be the worst of them all, I barely went first and he *** me nearly every game.
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 17:51:42
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I really want all those rewards on all mules (or at least the ANVkey and silver voucher) but i guess just gonna stick with main chars...
Posts: 4348
By RadialArcana 2020-06-11 18:01:34
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You can get all clears just on moogle, don't have to go against the harder ones.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Senaki
Posts: 1183
By Odin.Senaki 2020-06-11 18:23:37
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Valefor.Maurauc said: »
The moghancement is pretty cute. I don't know if it has any actual effects, but you do get a bunch of Mandragora running around in the breeding grounds.

Huh, interesting.
Posts: 4348
By RadialArcana 2020-06-11 18:29:34
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spent over an hour doing it, got the anv key and got a leather worth 10k.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 18:29:43
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RadialArcana said: »
You can get all clears just on moogle, don't have to go against the harder ones.
Can confirm
I was 2/3 wins on Meeble, did Moogle, and new loot/kid mithra opened up.

There seems to be a catch if you cheese it through moogle:
AMAN and #ANV are 50 points each for me. I have 0 wins against Mithra and Cacharoon right now.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 19:30:18
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Beat the mithra 3x, AMAN and ANV are still 50 points each. I'm still 2/3 on Meeble and 0/3 on Chacharoon for wins though.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-11 19:30:31
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Here's an easy strat if you go first, seems to work well. I'm 9/9 with this method, and since the RNG doesn't seem to be in your favour if you go second, giving up seems faster.

~select area 3 to start
~select area 5
~opponent should make a single move leaving 4 on your area 2
~select area 2
~select area 5
~select area 3
~opponent makes a move

From there you usually end up with 5 on your area 1, do that, but it can vary. Select area 5, then area 4, then it should be easy from there on out.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 19:33:05
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Anyone else have AMV/AMAN down to 30 points each? I dont want to waste time on chacharoon / 3rd meeble win if its for nothing.
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 19:41:38
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I beat all of them, and the price dont change.
Posts: 4348
By RadialArcana 2020-06-11 19:43:26
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You maybe get more points for the win against harder opponents?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 19:44:37
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Pantafernando said: »
Now you asked, i decided to do a few games, and managed to unlock all ??? there. There rewards are quite good, just the game is super time consuming

Painting of a mercenary: 30j
12 Pinches of pungent powder: 10j
12 Pinches of pungent powder II: 10j
12 Pinches of pungent powder III: 10j
Cooper A.M.A.N voucher: 30j
Special Gobbiedial Key: 30j
Dial Key #Fo: 30j
Silver A.M.A.N voucher: 30j (once a real day)
Dial Key #ANV: 30j(once a real day)
So is the bolded a typo then?
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 19:45:54
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Sorry, yes, i paid 50j
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 19:46:59
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RadialArcana said: »
You maybe get more points for the win against harder opponents?

Actually is the opposite as the harder oponent makes more combos so they get more mandy than the derps.

But the difference doesnt seems noticeable
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 19:58:30
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If anything, fighting against Chacharoon just makes sense if you can make an addon. As firedemon said and i can confirm, hes so predictable that you just need to follow 4 patterns to win without even locking the screen.

Like he said, against Chacharon you just need to do:

Starts first then

You |-3-|-5-|---|-4-|---|
Him |---|---|-2-|---|-6-|

Then you pretty much got the upperhand to win against him
By Draylo 2020-06-11 21:34:28
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Odin.Senaki said: »
Valefor.Maurauc said: »
The moghancement is pretty cute. I don't know if it has any actual effects, but you do get a bunch of Mandragora running around in the breeding grounds.

Huh, interesting.

That is cute, but I'd rather my EXP bonus lol
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-11 23:23:57
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Here's an easy strat if you go first, seems to work well. I'm 9/9 with this method, and since the RNG doesn't seem to be in your favour if you go second, giving up seems faster.
You can win comfortably if the CPU start, provided they dont take their 3 first. If they hit you with their 3-5, which I think is 7-8, just bail and start over.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-11 23:38:39
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
You can win comfortably if the CPU start, provided they dont take their 3 first. If they hit you with their 3-5, which I think is 7-8, just bail and start over.

9 times out of 10 that was their go-to move for me. It was nice to see them pull dumb moves off the start though.
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-11 23:50:55
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Kathena and Chacharoom will always (more chacharoom thant katheena) with 7 (neting a first bonus move) -> 8 (disrupting your first bonus move).

After that, unfortunelly you need to resort to move 3 and allow him to do a ***combo 4->8->7 when things start to even out and he can make alternative choices but those 6 moves are always happening with katheena and chacharoon if they start.
Posts: 1443
By Chimerawizard 2020-06-12 03:35:53
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someone hasn't created a bot for the mandragora mania event yet, have they?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 231
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-06-12 08:03:35
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Ok, who broke it?
They’re doing maint in those zones on Bahamut soon.
Posts: 694
By Wotasu 2020-06-12 08:06:17
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Probably the game "crash" on random, Ive had it happen 4 times now.
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-12 11:10:00
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A version update was performed on FINAL FANTASY XI at the following time.

[Date & Time]
Jun. 12, 2020 1:30 (PDT)

[Affected Service]

[Update Details]
The following issue was addressed.
- The match might end unexpectedly during Mandragora Mania.
- Player name might not appear correctly during Mandragora Mania
Posts: 80
By kairyu 2020-06-12 11:29:58
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I haven’t confirmed but there might be a glitch in this game;

Was facing the Meeble, got 12 mandies on the square next to my board so I could circle the board and get two mandies onto my board in one turn. As the last Mandy ended on my board I got an extra turn as you usually do. When it was the Meeble’s turn again, he went to do a move and the game ended. No chat log message, no gained points, just ended. It only happened once but I’d rather not set up to do this again to test if that’s what caused the game to end lol.
Posts: 4348
By RadialArcana 2020-06-12 11:31:28
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Pantafernando said: »
A version update was performed on FINAL FANTASY XI at the following time.

[Date & Time]
Jun. 12, 2020 1:30 (PDT)

[Affected Service]

[Update Details]
The following issue was addressed.
- The match might end unexpectedly during Mandragora Mania.
- Player name might not appear correctly during Mandragora Mania

Saw both of those bugs yesterday a lot, surprised they let them slip. They normally beta test patches a lot before putting them out.
Posts: 12994
By Pantafernando 2020-06-12 11:35:50
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kairyu said: »
I haven’t confirmed but there might be a glitch in this game;

Was facing the Meeble, got 12 mandies on the square next to my board so I could circle the board and get two mandies onto my board in one turn. As the last Mandy ended on my board I got an extra turn as you usually do. When it was the Meeble’s turn again, he went to do a move and the game ended. No chat log message, no gained points, just ended. It only happened once but I’d rather not set up to do this again to test if that’s what caused the game to end lol.

the game can also ends with a "check mate" ie if the oponent (or you) dont have any mandy to move.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-13 21:23:50
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Pulled out a 27-7 win with moogle going first, but doing 7-6.

17:11:41Chacharoon : Have question?

17:12:08‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Opponent's Turn (First Player) ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
17:12:10Your opponent has selected Area 7.
17:12:17Your opponent receives 2 jingly for a total of 2.
17:12:17‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Opponent's Turn (First Player) ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
17:12:19Your opponent has selected Area 6.
17:12:25 ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Your Turn (Second Player) ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
17:12:42You have selected Area 3.
17:12:48You receive 3 jingly for a total of 3.
17:12:54You have selected Area 5.
17:12:58You receive 1 jingly for a total of 4.
17:13:04Your opponent has selected Area 7.
17:13:20You have selected Area 4.
17:13:25You receive 3 jingly for a total of 7.
17:13:31Your opponent has selected Area 8.
17:13:35Your opponent receives 3 jingly for a total of 5.
17:13:40You have selected Area 5.
17:13:44You receive 1 jingly for a total of 8.
17:13:48You have selected Area 4.
17:13:52You receive 1 jingly for a total of 9.
17:13:54You have selected Area 5.
17:13:58You receive 1 jingly for a total of 10.
17:14:13You have selected Area 3.
17:14:20Your opponent has selected Area 2.
17:14:25Your opponent receives 1 jingly for a total of 6.
17:14:32You have selected Area 5.
17:14:36You receive 1 jingly for a total of 11.
17:14:50You have selected Area 4.
17:14:54You receive 1 jingly for a total of 12.
17:14:56You have selected Area 5.
17:15:00You receive 1 jingly for a total of 13.
17:15:16You have selected Area 1.
17:15:23You receive 1 jingly for a total of 14.
17:15:26You have selected Area 5.
17:15:29You receive 4 jingly for a total of 18.
17:15:42You have selected Area 4.
17:15:49Your opponent has selected Area 7.
17:15:55You have selected Area 5.
17:15:59You receive 1 jingly for a total of 19.
17:16:01You have selected Area 2.
17:16:09Your opponent has selected Area 8.
17:16:13Your opponent receives 1 jingly for a total of 7.
17:16:15Your opponent has selected Area 6.
17:16:26You have selected Area 5.
17:16:30You receive 1 jingly for a total of 20.
17:16:34You have selected Area 4.
17:16:38You receive 1 jingly for a total of 21.
17:16:56You have selected Area 5.
17:16:59You receive 1 jingly for a total of 22.
17:17:00You have selected Area 3.
17:17:06You receive 3 jingly for a total of 25.
17:17:14You have selected Area 5.
17:17:17You receive 1 jingly for a total of 26.
17:17:21You have selected Area 4.
17:17:27Your opponent has selected Area 7.
17:17:37You have selected Area 5.
17:17:41You receive 1 jingly for a total of 27.
17:17:43You have selected Area 2.
17:17:50Your opponent has selected Area 4.
17:17:56You have selected Area 3.
17:18:02Your opponent has selected Area 4.
17:18:07Game Complete!
17:18:08@@Victory! (27 - 7)

As long as they dont hit you with that opening 7-8, you're good. I dont think I've ever hit up 27 jingly in one run going first.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-13 23:49:03
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I got a 28-3 yesterday against the moogle, can't remember who went first though. I just know the AI was doing some really questionable moves and he ended up with only 3 white mandies. I was getting set up every move, it was strange.

Also, if you get 12 mandies on your area 5, it works now and you don't lose a turn.
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