?-Step Skillchain

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?-Step Skillchain
Posts: 345
By Galkapryme 2020-04-20 16:40:37
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Just getting back into SAM. As Asura tends to be a more technically precise server in terms of how people play, I'm trying to improve my skill across multiple jobs. SAM is high on my list.

The Question: What is the highest step skill chain possible?

I'm not sure if the "steps" imply increasing skill chain strength, or just the number of skill chains executed before you can't anymore. I was able to link 7 skill chains, though they were not all of increasing power, I don't think. I solo'd with a heavy STP set, called 2 BRD trusts, RDM, and a COR for SAM Roll. After the first fight, I dismissed the COR, and called Kuyin so as not to get my SC interrupted. At 3000 TP, I used Kaiten for the AM3 (STP+10). Then I did the following:

@2000 TP, I used Sekkanoki and did Ageha.
Meditate (probably had time to do this after Gekko)

I wanted to follow up with Fudo, but mob died. It was close as I only had like 2 seconds to do Kaiten after Kasha/
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: oyama
Posts: 103
By Phoenix.Oyama 2020-04-20 16:54:53
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Have gotten 8-step before, idk if there's a max.
By Delagyela 2020-04-20 17:01:28
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6 sc's, 7 ws is the max.
Easiest way to test is jinpu, it will Sc itself indefinetly, but after the 6th sc it will not continue and start a new cycle.

I imagine someone who thinks they did 8, had their sc broken at some point.. I regularily 6-step and there is no way to push a 7th sc.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 576
By Asura.Meliorah 2020-04-20 17:52:35
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but what if..
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