Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 15:45:11
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Again, you have no idea what supply is or how modern supply chains work. Just save face and shut up. There is no supply shortage, and currently, there is too much supply with no demand. Most perishable foods have been composting or are being dumped currently because the main demand for it, restaurants, have not been demanding nearly as much. What you see at your grocery store is NOT the full supply. Its not even a fraction of it.

Name one civilization? Literally all. Next. Again, youre the odd one out. Youre the ***.

Haha kid's gettin mad and pullin out the big boy words. Name one civilization that meets the criteria I listed.

You're trying to semantically confuse yourself. So your logic is that empty store shelves and quotas on protein is somehow not a symptom of shortage because dairy farms aren't selling as much milk to public schools and restaurants aren't buying raw product? All of the people struggling to fill grocery orders must be suffering from mass delusion. What city do you live in and where do you buy your groceries?
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 15:48:41
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Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
The point of my post was that all the people calling for continued lockdown coincidentally are either "progressives" or fake communists, they all seem to get their talking points from the same brand of propaganda outlet, and none of them logically process anything they see or hear before regurgitating it.

And this is completely made up and false. There are plenty of "conservatives" that are in favor of continuing the social distancing and shutdown. Notice how zero states have opened? Thats because all the governors, Republican and Democrat, have said no we are not opening because you don't understand science. Only a select few idiots opened up some beaches and saw literally thousands of people flock there. Florida gotta Florida. Guess how long thats gonna last?

Your in the overwhelming minority.

Ok, what's your personal political stance? Let's see this poll you took of conservatives who support your lockdown agenda.
By 2020-04-20 15:49:19
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Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 15:53:57
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 15:56:23
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abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
The point of my post was that all the people calling for continued lockdown coincidentally are either "progressives" or fake communists, they all seem to get their talking points from the same brand of propaganda outlet, and none of them logically process anything they see or hear before regurgitating it.

And this is completely made up and false. There are plenty of "conservatives" that are in favor of continuing the social distancing and shutdown. Notice how zero states have opened? Thats because all the governors, Republican and Democrat, have said no we are not opening because you don't understand science. Only a select few idiots opened up some beaches and saw literally thousands of people flock there. Florida gotta Florida. Guess how long thats gonna last?

Your in the overwhelming minority.

Ok, what's your personal political stance? Let's see this poll you took of conservatives who support your lockdown agenda.

Yea, right after you share your "poll" of all the people that support the current lockdown and how they are exclusively left leaning. Remember, you are the one that is making ***up about the left.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2090
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-04-20 15:57:10
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kireek said: »
China is incredibly powerful right now /
They go peepee in your coke!
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:01:33
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Asura.Veikur said: »
abknight said: »
Name some civs that take special care of their mentally HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and crippled, and people who refuse to work and contribute.
Northern Vietnam, 4000 years ago.
Russia, 34000 years ago.

Neandertal - The very first comment nails why this hypothesis is poor: "I feel like the conclusion here is a bridge too far with a sample size of one. You would need to routinely find subjects with an obvious disability, which lived into later live to conclude that society helped the subject live into later years. A single subject out of the presumably billions of Neanderthals that roamed the Earth over the millennia... it's at least as likely the Grog just got lucky, absent other evidence / further subjects."

Vietnam & Russia - Same deal as Neandertal. It's a hypothesis from some bleeding heart based on one skeleton they found lol.

Show me some written evidence that this actually occurred and was the norm in any civilization.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 16:02:15
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Again, you have no idea what supply is or how modern supply chains work. Just save face and shut up. There is no supply shortage, and currently, there is too much supply with no demand. Most perishable foods have been composting or are being dumped currently because the main demand for it, restaurants, have not been demanding nearly as much. What you see at your grocery store is NOT the full supply. Its not even a fraction of it.

Name one civilization? Literally all. Next. Again, youre the odd one out. Youre the ***.

Haha kid's gettin mad and pullin out the big boy words. Name one civilization that meets the criteria I listed.

You're trying to semantically confuse yourself. So your logic is that empty store shelves and quotas on protein is somehow not a symptom of shortage because dairy farms aren't selling as much milk to public schools and restaurants aren't buying raw product? All of the people struggling to fill grocery orders must be suffering from mass delusion. What city do you live in and where do you buy your groceries?

There is no grocery shortage, that lasted all of a week until supply chains adjusted, thats how modern supply chains work. Any place that has a shortage currently is terrible at managing their back-end supply chains, and in the minority. Especially with far fewer people doing daily shopping.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 16:03:42
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!

1) If youre going to try to argue some kind of semantics, pedophilia isnt a crime. Child molestation or exploitation is, and both are violent in nature, both being sexual assault.

2) Human trafficking is violent in nature. Any form of kidnapping includes violence by definition.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:05:06
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Viciouss said: »

Yea, right after you share your "poll" of all the people that support the current lockdown and how they are exclusively left leaning. Remember, you are the one that is making ***up about the left.

I'm talking about all the people on this forum who support continued lockdown. I already stated my political stance. Let's hear yours and see how it aligns with your stance on lockdown.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:20:37
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!

1) If youre going to try to argue some kind of semantics, pedophilia isnt a crime. Child molestation or exploitation is, and both are violent in nature, both being sexual assault.

2) Human trafficking is violent in nature. Any form of kidnapping includes violence by definition.

I even linked the site where they define the types of crimes. Come on guy. Human trafficking is listed in a separate category from violent crime.

Not gonna argue the semantics of pedophilia as a "mental disorder" vs potential crimes resulting from being a pedophile, but sexual assault of anyone is a violent crime. The spirit of what I was obviously going for was nonviolent but horrible crimes like running a child porn ring, child grooming, exposing yourself to minors, etc. Those people should be summarily executed by the parents of the victims, but if the state has to get involved then they should at least be locked up and not let out. I hope you're not circling back to try to defend releasing people convincted of nonviolenet crimes related to pedophilia...
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 16:22:17
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!

1) If youre going to try to argue some kind of semantics, pedophilia isnt a crime. Child molestation or exploitation is, and both are violent in nature, both being sexual assault.

2) Human trafficking is violent in nature. Any form of kidnapping includes violence by definition.

I even linked the site where they define the types of crimes. Come on guy. Human trafficking is listed in a separate category from violent crime.

Not gonna argue the semantics of pedophilia as a "mental disorder" vs potential crimes resulting from being a pedophile, but sexual assault of anyone is a violent crime. The spirit of what I was obviously going for was nonviolent but horrible crimes like running a child porn ring, child grooming, exposing yourself to minors, etc. Those people should be summarily executed by the parents of the victims, but if the state has to get involved then they should at least be locked up and not let out. I hope you're not circling back to try to defend releasing people convincted of nonviolenet crimes related to pedophilia...

And again, literally ALL OF THAT is violent in nature. So you have no point.
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 16:22:32
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abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »

Yea, right after you share your "poll" of all the people that support the current lockdown and how they are exclusively left leaning. Remember, you are the one that is making ***up about the left.

I'm talking about all the people on this forum who support continued lockdown. I already stated my political stance. Let's hear yours and see how it aligns with your stance on lockdown.

Oh I see, so I have to produce a poll but you don't, because you are narrowing your insults to this forum, in which you are calling all the people on the left "fake communists." Thats pretty funny. I'm not playing your games. Ir doesn't look like anyone is actually. You are just trying to create scenarios that benefit you because you are completely delusional about:

Covid Testing and how its keeping us shutdown.
Grocery Supply and how its not currently suffering any shortages
Civilizations and how they function.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 16:27:03
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Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »

Yea, right after you share your "poll" of all the people that support the current lockdown and how they are exclusively left leaning. Remember, you are the one that is making ***up about the left.

I'm talking about all the people on this forum who support continued lockdown. I already stated my political stance. Let's hear yours and see how it aligns with your stance on lockdown.

Oh I see, so I have to produce a poll but you don't, because you are narrowing your insults to this forum, in which you are calling all the people on the left "fake communists." Thats pretty funny. I'm not playing your games. Ir doesn't look like anyone is actually. You are just trying to create scenarios that benefit you because you are completely delusional about:

Covid Testing and how its keeping us shutdown.
Grocery Supply and how its not currently suffering any shortages
Civilizations and how they function.

The best part is that conservatives are really, really good at putting up communism. Also, people still think the USSR was a communistic government or china is a communistic government (communism on a governmental level means you have no central government by default)
By 2020-04-20 16:27:04
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By 2020-04-20 16:30:56
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Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:31:06
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!

1) If youre going to try to argue some kind of semantics, pedophilia isnt a crime. Child molestation or exploitation is, and both are violent in nature, both being sexual assault.

2) Human trafficking is violent in nature. Any form of kidnapping includes violence by definition.

I even linked the site where they define the types of crimes. Come on guy. Human trafficking is listed in a separate category from violent crime.

Not gonna argue the semantics of pedophilia as a "mental disorder" vs potential crimes resulting from being a pedophile, but sexual assault of anyone is a violent crime. The spirit of what I was obviously going for was nonviolent but horrible crimes like running a child porn ring, child grooming, exposing yourself to minors, etc. Those people should be summarily executed by the parents of the victims, but if the state has to get involved then they should at least be locked up and not let out. I hope you're not circling back to try to defend releasing people convincted of nonviolenet crimes related to pedophilia...

And again, literally ALL OF THAT is violent in nature. So you have no point.

Click the damn link brainlet. It's not categorized as violent crime by the DOJ. Do you speak English?
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:35:34
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Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »

Yea, right after you share your "poll" of all the people that support the current lockdown and how they are exclusively left leaning. Remember, you are the one that is making ***up about the left.

I'm talking about all the people on this forum who support continued lockdown. I already stated my political stance. Let's hear yours and see how it aligns with your stance on lockdown.

Oh I see, so I have to produce a poll but you don't, because you are narrowing your insults to this forum, in which you are calling all the people on the left "fake communists." Thats pretty funny. I'm not playing your games. Ir doesn't look like anyone is actually. You are just trying to create scenarios that benefit you because you are completely delusional about:

Covid Testing and how its keeping us shutdown.
Grocery Supply and how its not currently suffering any shortages
Civilizations and how they function.

Another attempt, another unanswered question. It's impossible to have a good faith dialogue with someone who refuses to support anything they claim.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2020-04-20 16:40:03
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abknight said: »
There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles.

Pedophilia by itself isn't a crime, what you're referring to are sexual predators and they along with human traffickers are both violent offenders.

Says the guy who calls himself a libertarian, don't make me laugh.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2020-04-20 16:41:13
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Viciouss said: »
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:44:03
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DirectX said: »
kireek said: »
And while the world relies on China for hardware, China avoids software dependency on outsiders by creating substitutes: TikTok to replace snapchat, Weibo instead of Twitter, WeChat & RenRen for Facebook. Indeed, there is an alternative Chinese version for almost any platform.
This entire post is incredibly dumb, but this one made me laugh.

First of all because all tech companies steal from each other, especially social media platforms.

Secondly because, having taught Chinese students for years and having seen them using things like Weibo and WeChat I have seen that they were miles ahead of Facebook and WhatsApp for years. If anything FB and WhatsApp steal their features. I know you wouldn't know this though, because you live in some 99% white area while hating the boogeyman non whiteys and have never even spoken to a Chinese person outside of ordering a takeaway, but the nonsense you regurgitate is embarassing. Interesting to see you post one of your sources of "education" finally though.

Racist alert! It's always weird to see the types of people who scream racism about everything, actually be racist themselves. Some kind of mental disorder or profound lack of self-awareness. A lot of times it's people hating their own race as an extension of their own self-loathing, because they're personally a failure or their daddy wasn't nice to them.

He "taught" English to brown first graders though and he saw them using knockoff apps, so your whole article is DEBUNKED. Social media apps rip each other off, so your article primarily about US dependence on goods manufactured in China is TRASH. You've been DOMINATED Kireek.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 16:49:01
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.

Violent crime includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault.

Human trafficking is in a different category of crime from violent. So is pedophilia. DOI! Yikes!

1) If youre going to try to argue some kind of semantics, pedophilia isnt a crime. Child molestation or exploitation is, and both are violent in nature, both being sexual assault.

2) Human trafficking is violent in nature. Any form of kidnapping includes violence by definition.

I even linked the site where they define the types of crimes. Come on guy. Human trafficking is listed in a separate category from violent crime.

Not gonna argue the semantics of pedophilia as a "mental disorder" vs potential crimes resulting from being a pedophile, but sexual assault of anyone is a violent crime. The spirit of what I was obviously going for was nonviolent but horrible crimes like running a child porn ring, child grooming, exposing yourself to minors, etc. Those people should be summarily executed by the parents of the victims, but if the state has to get involved then they should at least be locked up and not let out. I hope you're not circling back to try to defend releasing people convincted of nonviolenet crimes related to pedophilia...

And again, literally ALL OF THAT is violent in nature. So you have no point.

Click the damn link brainlet. It's not categorized as violent crime by the DOJ. Do you speak English?

You do realize that it having its own separation and legal definitions doesnt mean that its not also a violent crime, right?
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 16:50:36
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Jetackuu said: »
abknight said: »
There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles.

Pedophilia by itself isn't a crime, what you're referring to are sexual predators and they along with human traffickers are both violent offenders.

Says the guy who calls himself a libertarian, don't make me laugh.

What's with all the freaks trying to low-key make pedophilia sound like it's not that big a deal? "pedophilia isn't a crime." - nyaarun. "pedophilia by itself isn't a crime." - jet. You're gonna trigger nyaarun's semantics reaction by claiming that "sexual predation" is a crime. Already clarified that rape and assault of anyone of any age is a violent crime. There are a lot of nonviolent crimes related to pedophilia and child predation, and if you release all criminals who committed crimes that the DOJ considers to be nonviolent, you'd be releasing them. What a degenerate *** side you guys have taken and tried to argue.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 17:06:28
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abknight said: »
Jetackuu said: »
abknight said: »
There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles.

Pedophilia by itself isn't a crime, what you're referring to are sexual predators and they along with human traffickers are both violent offenders.

Says the guy who calls himself a libertarian, don't make me laugh.

What's with all the freaks trying to low-key make pedophilia sound like it's not that big a deal? "pedophilia isn't a crime." - nyaarun. "pedophilia by itself isn't a crime." - jet. You're gonna trigger nyaarun's semantics reaction by claiming that "sexual predation" is a crime. Already clarified that rape and assault of anyone of any age is a violent crime. There are a lot of nonviolent crimes related to pedophilia and child predation, and if you release all criminals who committed crimes that the DOJ considers to be nonviolent, you'd be releasing them. What a degenerate *** side you guys have taken and tried to argue.

You literally do not understand what the word violent or violence means if you think anything related to child predation is nonviolent.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 17:12:34
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Anything related to sexual exploitation of children, including possession of pornography you had no hand in the creation of, falls under the wide brim of sexual assault. Which are all violent crimes.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-04-20 17:14:12
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
abknight said: »
Jetackuu said: »
abknight said: »
There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles.

Pedophilia by itself isn't a crime, what you're referring to are sexual predators and they along with human traffickers are both violent offenders.

Says the guy who calls himself a libertarian, don't make me laugh.

What's with all the freaks trying to low-key make pedophilia sound like it's not that big a deal? "pedophilia isn't a crime." - nyaarun. "pedophilia by itself isn't a crime." - jet. You're gonna trigger nyaarun's semantics reaction by claiming that "sexual predation" is a crime. Already clarified that rape and assault of anyone of any age is a violent crime. There are a lot of nonviolent crimes related to pedophilia and child predation, and if you release all criminals who committed crimes that the DOJ considers to be nonviolent, you'd be releasing them. What a degenerate *** side you guys have taken and tried to argue.

You literally do not understand what the word violent or violence means if you think anything related to child predation is nonviolent.

I think what he's saying is things such as viewing pedo pics on your PC is definitely pedophilia and criminal and you go to jail for it as you should, but the act of simply viewing pics isn't violence, but you are still one sick *** and may (studies show most likely will) act on your urges if left unattended among the general public. That kind of "non-violent" offender should not be let out for any reason.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-20 17:14:46
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I'm still waiting for the justification of releasing Madoff and Shilling....
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 17:16:31
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Incorrect. Possession falls under sexual exploitation which falls under sexual assault which falls under violent crimes.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-04-20 17:21:07
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Asura.Veikur said: »
Incorrect. Possession falls under sexual exploitation which falls under sexual assault which falls under violent crimes.

You're talking rules made up by men(and women) and how breaking them has been classified as punishable by those same men(and women).

I'm talking about literally, staring at a picture, no matter the subject, literally is not a violent act. Unless they suddenly since poundmetoo completely changed Webster's definition of violence which...these days, wouldn't surprise me.
By 2020-04-20 17:37:36
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