Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 12:12:24
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lol yes, it's called tracing, and it's a thing. And also yes, there is a huge testing shortage in every single state.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 12:17:37
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It’s weird but not surprising to hear leftists acting confused and morally outraged while maintaining no observable standards.

Abortion: it’s my body I’ll do what I want. Doesn’t hurt you, mind your own business. Govt has no right to tell me what I can do with my body.

Legalization of drugs: my body my choice. Let all nonviolent offenders out of prison today, they didn’t hurt nobody.

Illegal migration: borders should be open. They’re just world citizens looking for jobs. They should be allowed to freely come here and do what they want.

Coronaflu: The federal government must force everyone to stay home indefinitely! Obey! It doesn’t matter that I could just stay home and hide, I want the government to force everyone else to do it too. They shouldn’t get a choice!

It’s almost as if they only regurgitate the propaganda stories fed to them by their masters, without ever considering the logic or motives them behind them or how they contradict the other policies that they rote regurgitate without any original thought.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 12:24:17
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Viciouss said: »
lol yes, it's called tracing, and it's a thing. And also yes, there is a huge testing shortage in every single state.

You didn’t even try to answer the question. What is the “testing problem?

Let’s pretend you could snap your fingers and have test results for everyone in the world right now. Now what? Do you only allow people who have recovered back into public? How do you enforce that? Does everyone have to get repeatedly tested until they get sick, recover, and test positive for antibodies? What is the actual functional purpose of testing that helps get people back out into the world? Spoiler there is none. The “testing problem” is a false narrative fabricated and pushed by the propaganda outlets to get leftists mad at their opposition. It’s a fake problem with no real consequence or solution.
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 12:33:33
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lol wow. Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it a false narrative. At all.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 13:07:17
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Viciouss said: »
lol wow. Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it a false narrative. At all.

What's with these extreme low IQ, low effort responses where you guys never even try to explain anything you say or respond in good faith to anything anyone else says or asks? It's like a kid on the bus going "whatever you're gay lol."
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 13:12:29
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Also, what the *** do you think a society is? The entire point of a society and the reason humans thrive is because people do ***for each other. Youre acting like somehow supporting others is a flaw, when its the literal only reason humans exist.

Society does not exist, in any form, to provide for non-producers. Societies from all points in time have shunned and cast out the weak who do not contribute. Only modern western liberalized society has agreed to support these people and allow them to live, and the experiment has failed and caused the debt crisis we now have.

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Also, the longer this goes on, the higher your savings go up in value. Your investments deteriorate in value the longer this goes on.

Under normal circumstances with an open economy, the reverse is true; your savings deteriorate in value, while your investments increase in value...

...right now, the price of goods is going to likely go down, meaning your immediate buying power is going to go up. Your savings, right now, are just going to be worth more. Especially in short term personal value, as it will allow you security for longer.

Where as investments arent returning a positive income for most investments, as most places are shut down.

Again, you have no idea how money works. This is basic investing.

I'm not going to beat you up anymore because I believe you lack the capacity to understand why what you're saying is incorrect, but I will give explaining it one more shot:

Supply and demand are inversely related. With small businesses shut down and supply chains struggling, there is less supply of goods. When supply is low, price increases, and you have to spend more for goods. When the fed prints more dollars and hands them out, inflation occurs and the value of each dollar is worth less. People who just received what they think is "free money" now compete with each other to buy the same goods that are in short supply, driving the prices up further. Your savings are worth less due to inflation, and savings accounts are earning nearly 0% interest.

No one here has been talking about investments; the conversation is about getting people back to work to pay their rent, utilities, and grocery bills. Your assessment of "investments" is also nonsense. Companies that you can invest in have almost all been operating, not shut down. If you're invested in real estate then your tenants still owe you rent. If you're invested in precious metals then you're sitting pretty. The concept of "investments" is far too broad to make the idiotic claims you're making.

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
So, you literally agreed with what i said. Again, its an agreement between the consumer and the government. This is a dollar, this is the value placed on the dollar. The consumer then agrees with transactions.

And printing more money doesnt inherently change the value of said money. You can create a temporary currency to later buy back, or even just putting out more money in the stalled economy wouldnt spike inflation because the economy is, in general, paused and only essential goods can for the most part be easily purchased.

Its not nearly as simple as youre attempting to make it out to be.

I need to be clear that I do not agree with anything you're saying. Cost of goods is absolutely not based on an "agreement between consumer and government." The government does not set the price of good. The government can only reduce the value of currency by printing more. Consumer demand determines the value of a dollar vs goods, and money markets determine the value of the dollar vs other currencies. Printing more money DOES affect the value of existing money. This is the principle of inflation. No one is creating temporary fake currency to later buy back, and that doesn't even make sense. The economy isn't "frozen" like you seem to think... The wealthy are still benefiting from this. It's people like your poor parents who still support you and need to get back to work that are getting hurt. you've completely lost the plot.

Out of sheer curiosity, how old are you and what's your background and education in? Idc if you did or did not go to college or any of that, but what do you do or specialize in? What are you trained to do? Everything you've been saying has been the opposite of the truth. It's mind-boggling.

Congratulations, you are wrong. There is no such thing as a "non producer". Just by existing, you are providing. There is also no such thing to back up your claim that society has "shunned the non producers". The elderly, children and disabled all fit into this description, and theyre helped the most, historically. Turns out youre just a ***.

Thats... not how that works. Supply is still high for most goods, its demand that is lowering, especially for non essential goods, meaning you need to lower the price to encourage sales. You claim to know supply and demand, yet you arent even getting this basic ***correct.

Hell, you dont even really need to worry about your rent. Whats your landlord gunna do? Evict you? And put WHO in there? Do you realize how long it takes to find a tenant normally? And in this situation, where no one is capable of paying rent? Who the *** is going to replace you? The landlord is out money either way, but if they boot you out theyre out money in the future. This is doubly true for businesses that are closed. Its an empty threat at best.

At this point, the smartest thing you can do is just put your foot in your mouth, you dont understand how the economy even works.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 13:13:40
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kireek said: »
Asura.Veikur said: »
"What happens if enough people aren't willing to risk their lives to spend money they don't have on non essential services?"

"The vast majority of people on the planet will definitely risk their lives for stupid ***. Nothing to even consider"

Good, thought provoking conversation, Kireek.

The risk or death and infection are being heavily inflated due to New York and New Jersey numbers (which are also being intentionally inflated).

Also, I've pointed out already that human nature is such that people will always happily take risks. I don't even know why this is a shock to you. Any doctor will tell you to stop drinking, stop smoking, stop vaping, eat properly, work out every many people do these things cause the doctor said so? Very very few, yet suddenly all these people are going to listen doctors verbatim? Gl with that, once the lockdowns are lifted most people will go back to life.

When you get in your car you are putting your life at risk, 300k people die every year in car accidents in the US. You think people are going to sell their car now, or accept that risk? Why do you think this is any different? Even you accept risks every single day happily, yet for some reason this case is different to you because the MSM have terrorized you.

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Yes, major cities that are the central hub of global transport, new york being the central place of the world economy, got hit first. That has nothing to do with the new york governor directly being incompetent, thats just logically where youd see the first hit and one of the heaviest hit.

So you're saying we should not judge those two places the same because they are different cases? ok that's great, then the lockdowns in other places should be eased cause that's a different situation. Glad we agree.

No, thats not what im saying, im saying its going to hit there first, which it did. Which means its doubly important to shut down everywhere else, not ease up, else it will spread like wildfire to those areas, as we can clearly see now, given theyre the ones with the largest current increase.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 13:17:50
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abknight said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Veikur said: »
Please explain the positive benefits of spreading a particularly infectious lethal virus.
The GOP says people must die so the economy can recover. I don't understand why they want their most fervent supporters to be the sacrificial lambs, but if they think it is a positive thing I will agree with them.

It’s a matter of choice and free will. If they reopen things then you have the choice to go out and do as you please, knowing the risks. If you want to stay quarantined then you can. Reopening has no negative effect on anyone who wants to stay quarantined. You’ve bought into a fear monger narrative pushed by people who seek to gain either financially or politically.

The temporary shutdown only existed to give hospitals time to increase capacity. Remaining shut down until a vaccine is found is not an option and would cause immeasurably more damage than the worst case scenario from everyone getting coronavirus. Everyone who goes back to work will eventually be exposed to it, and a very small percentage of those people will die. Responsible people don’t avoid going to work indefinitely to avoid the chance of dying in a car crash on their daily commute. Responsible people don’t live in total isolation to avoid the viruses that already exist.

I see the msnbc fear monger headlines every day about the “death toll” so I know how you’ve been tricked into believing it’s really scary, but you people need to grow up and use more common sense than that. They make money off of freaking you out into clicking on their headlines, and their stories are designed to push a narrative written by one political party. It’s not unusual to be cautious of something new and unknown, but come on.

Yeah, opening up has no negative effects on anyone who wants to stay quarantined.... except death, as has already been *** proven ten times to sunday because, guess what! People interact with each other, and you need supplies! So now dumbass A who wants to be free and needs muh freedums infects person C, who infects D, who infects E, who delivers food to quarantined person F who then dies.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 13:18:58
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
.01% of the country own 99% of the wealth in the country... of course they pay the most in taxes. Thats literally the only way the tax system could possibly work....
When the top 1% pays about 40% in taxes, what he said isn't false.
.01 =/= 1. What he said is false.

Actually look into who owns the wealth in the US. Its not the top 1%, its the top 1% of the 1%.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 14:26:29
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Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 14:34:32
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abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »
lol wow. Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it a false narrative. At all.

What's with these extreme low IQ, low effort responses where you guys never even try to explain anything you say or respond in good faith to anything anyone else says or asks? It's like a kid on the bus going "whatever you're gay lol."

You don't get to complain when all your doing is taking kireek like potshots at people you don't agree with. The only person posting extremely low IQ responses is you.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-20 14:39:27
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Yeah, don't you know you should only take Vic-like potshots for people you disagree with?

What is wrong with you???
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 14:41:47
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Congratulations, you are wrong. There is no such thing as a "non producer". Just by existing, you are providing. There is also no such thing to back up your claim that society has "shunned the non producers". The elderly, children and disabled all fit into this description, and theyre helped the most, historically. Turns out youre just a ***.

Thats... not how that works. Supply is still high for most goods, its demand that is lowering, especially for non essential goods, meaning you need to lower the price to encourage sales. You claim to know supply and demand, yet you arent even getting this basic ***correct.

Hell, you dont even really need to worry about your rent. Whats your landlord gunna do? Evict you? And put WHO in there? Do you realize how long it takes to find a tenant normally? And in this situation, where no one is capable of paying rent? Who the *** is going to replace you? The landlord is out money either way, but if they boot you out theyre out money in the future. This is doubly true for businesses that are closed. Its an empty threat at best.

At this point, the smartest thing you can do is just put your foot in your mouth, you dont understand how the economy even works.

Even the other commies are starting to get quiet trying to figure out what's happening in your brain at this point. No such thing as someone who doesn't produce, and you provide value just by existing? Tell us what value people in persistent vegetative states provide to your fantasy idea of "society." Now tell us the difference between the value they provide and the value that you personally provide. It would appear that there is none. You have to be on drugs to think like this.

Historically, parents care for children until they're adults and then they're on their own. Only in the modern west do manchildren live with their parents their entire lives. Historically the elderly are extremely rare because people died from disease, war, or natural causes by their 30s or 40s. Only in the modern west are the elderly treated like really old children. Historically the weak, HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE, crippled, etc were mercy killed at birth or cast out from their tribe or village. This isn't even debatable, go read a book. The modern liberalized west has been running this experiment of artificially supporting lifelong adult dependents for about the past 80 years, and the burden that's piled up on the relatively small percentage of productive members of society has become crushing. Look at the breakdown of the federal budget.

Have you been to a grocery store over the past month? Notice how the shelves have been empty, it takes over a week to schedule grocery pickup, there are restrictions on the quantity of meat you can purchase at once, etc.? This is called supply shortage. No one is clamoring to get back to work so they can order ferraris you dunce. No one here is talking about luxury goods except for you as some kind of weird tangent.

If your last point about rent was true then no one would pay rent. Tell your parents to stop paying your rent for a couple of months and see what happens. I'm convinced that you've never worked a day in your life and are a full-time dependent. I'm not convinced that you've graduated high school.

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Yeah, opening up has no negative effects on anyone who wants to stay quarantined.... except death, as has already been *** proven ten times to sunday because, guess what! People interact with each other, and you need supplies! So now dumbass A who wants to be free and needs muh freedums infects person C, who infects D, who infects E, who delivers food to quarantined person F who then dies.

People are already going to the store to get supplies now. Elderly people are already staying quarantined now. The people who care for the elderly are already going to the store to get supplies for themselves. We're not keeping the people who care for the sick and elderly in vacuum bubbles between shifts. People in quarantine are already receiving deliveries of food right now. Opening businesses back up literally does not change anything for people who want to remain quarantined. Everyone who would freely choose to go back out into public would be exercising their right to choose what they do with their own body. Literally not putting anyone at risk who hasn't also made that same choice.

You never answered any of my questions about how old you are, what your education/training is in, or what your "small business" is. You have the logic processing of a potato.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 14:44:13
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TFW everyone lives alone and their choices only effect them and them alone.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 14:44:36
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Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
Viciouss said: »
lol wow. Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it a false narrative. At all.

What's with these extreme low IQ, low effort responses where you guys never even try to explain anything you say or respond in good faith to anything anyone else says or asks? It's like a kid on the bus going "whatever you're gay lol."

You don't get to complain when all your doing is taking kireek like potshots at people you don't agree with. The only person posting extremely low IQ responses is you.

LOL you literally did it! "Nuh uh you're the one that's low IQ!"

vic you're the only one we never heard back from on what you do for a living and how you're paying your bills. What's up?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 14:48:48
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Congratulations, you are wrong. There is no such thing as a "non producer". Just by existing, you are providing. There is also no such thing to back up your claim that society has "shunned the non producers". The elderly, children and disabled all fit into this description, and theyre helped the most, historically. Turns out youre just a ***.

Thats... not how that works. Supply is still high for most goods, its demand that is lowering, especially for non essential goods, meaning you need to lower the price to encourage sales. You claim to know supply and demand, yet you arent even getting this basic ***correct.

Hell, you dont even really need to worry about your rent. Whats your landlord gunna do? Evict you? And put WHO in there? Do you realize how long it takes to find a tenant normally? And in this situation, where no one is capable of paying rent? Who the *** is going to replace you? The landlord is out money either way, but if they boot you out theyre out money in the future. This is doubly true for businesses that are closed. Its an empty threat at best.

At this point, the smartest thing you can do is just put your foot in your mouth, you dont understand how the economy even works.

Even the other commies are starting to get quiet trying to figure out what's happening in your brain at this point. No such thing as someone who doesn't produce, and you provide value just by existing? Tell us what value people in persistent vegetative states provide to your fantasy idea of "society." Now tell us the difference between the value they provide and the value that you personally provide. It would appear that there is none. You have to be on drugs to think like this.

Historically, parents care for children until they're adults and then they're on their own. Only in the modern west do manchildren live with their parents their entire lives. Historically the elderly are extremely rare because people died from disease, war, or natural causes by their 30s or 40s. Only in the modern west are the elderly treated like really old children. Historically the weak, HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE, crippled, etc were mercy killed at birth or cast out from their tribe or village. This isn't even debatable, go read a book. The modern liberalized west has been running this experiment of artificially supporting lifelong adult dependents for about the past 80 years, and the burden that's piled up on the relatively small percentage of productive members of society has become crushing. Look at the breakdown of the federal budget.

Have you been to a grocery store over the past month? Notice how the shelves have been empty, it takes over a week to schedule grocery pickup, there are restrictions on the quantity of meat you can purchase at once, etc.? This is called supply shortage. No one is clamoring to get back to work so they can order ferraris you dunce. No one here is talking about luxury goods except for you as some kind of weird tangent.

If your last point about rent was true then no one would pay rent. Tell your parents to stop paying your rent for a couple of months and see what happens. I'm convinced that you've never worked a day in your life and are a full-time dependent. I'm not convinced that you've graduated high school.

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Yeah, opening up has no negative effects on anyone who wants to stay quarantined.... except death, as has already been *** proven ten times to sunday because, guess what! People interact with each other, and you need supplies! So now dumbass A who wants to be free and needs muh freedums infects person C, who infects D, who infects E, who delivers food to quarantined person F who then dies.

People are already going to the store to get supplies now. Elderly people are already staying quarantined now. The people who care for the elderly are already going to the store to get supplies for themselves. We're not keeping the people who care for the sick and elderly in vacuum bubbles between shifts. People in quarantine are already receiving deliveries of food right now. Opening businesses back up literally does not change anything for people who want to remain quarantined. Everyone who would freely choose to go back out into public would be exercising their right to choose what they do with their own body. Literally not putting anyone at risk who hasn't also made that same choice.

You never answered any of my questions about how old you are, what your education/training is in, or what your "small business" is. You have the logic processing of a potato.

Again, put your foot in your mouth and shut the *** up. No, historically families lived together pretty much their entire lives, its only recent modern history that this has changed. Historically, you didnt have the population or the support to move out far, as the resources just werent there, and sticking together to pool resources was just far smarter.

No, that is not called "supply shortage", thats a shortage of a specific good at its end destination, the supply exists, the actual delivery cant keep up because stores dont have a back room. If you go to the store now, the shelves are stocked, because deliveries have changed to prioritize what is selling fast. We have more supply than we know what to do with, and will never see a supply shortage of necessities.
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 14:51:53
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abknight said: »
It’s weird but not surprising to hear leftists acting confused and morally outraged while maintaining no observable standards.

Abortion: it’s my body I’ll do what I want. Doesn’t hurt you, mind your own business. Govt has no right to tell me what I can do with my body.

Legalization of drugs: my body my choice. Let all nonviolent offenders out of prison today, they didn’t hurt nobody.

Illegal migration: borders should be open. They’re just world citizens looking for jobs. They should be allowed to freely come here and do what they want.

Coronaflu: The federal government must force everyone to stay home indefinitely! Obey! It doesn’t matter that I could just stay home and hide, I want the government to force everyone else to do it too. They shouldn’t get a choice!

It’s almost as if they only regurgitate the propaganda stories fed to them by their masters, without ever considering the logic or motives them behind them or how they contradict the other policies that they rote regurgitate without any original thought.

Reminder: This is a complete shitpost.
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 14:56:09
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abknight said: »
You never answered any of my questions about how old you are, what your education/training is in, or what your "small business" is. You have the logic processing of a potato.

No one has to answer your "questions", which have no bearing on how delusional you are. Again, the huge testing shortage that is keeping us closed is not a false narrative because you don't like it. Its reality. The federal guidelines clearly state that we can't open until the proper testing is in place. Its not a local issue, its not a state issue, its a problem that has to be solved by the federal government.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2020-04-20 14:59:16
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I mean I'm "liberal" by a lot of standards but I'm still of the opinion that people are entirely in their right to protest (according to US law/constitution) despite it still being outright stupid to gather in large numbers, currently.

It's still people's right to have an abortion.

Non violent offenders shouldn't be in prison.

Nobody is saying borders should be open, so that's just *** stupid to assert.

The standards are pretty *** simple to understand if you're not a partisan hack.

Oh, people should also keep their guns, and the police should be demilitarized and held personally accountable when violating individual rights instead of hiding behind their badge.

But hey, somehow both this thread and the pandemic have been politicized, which is still *** baffling.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-20 15:04:12
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Viciouss said: »
abknight said: »
You never answered any of my questions about how old you are, what your education/training is in, or what your "small business" is. You have the logic processing of a potato.

No one has to answer your "questions", which have no bearing on how delusional you are. Again, the huge testing shortage that is keeping us closed is not a false narrative because you don't like it. Its reality. The federal guidelines clearly state that we can't open until the proper testing is in place. Its not a local issue, its not a state issue, its a problem that has to be solved by the federal government.
Then don't *** when people question his ability to run said business when he doesn't understand basic economic principles. You know, something you should have known at high school.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 15:05:38
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Jetackuu said: »
I mean I'm "liberal" by a lot of standards but I'm still of the opinion that people are entirely in their right to protest (according to US law/constitution) despite it still being outright stupid to gather in large numbers, currently.

It's still people's right to have an abortion.

Non violent offenders shouldn't be in prison.

Nobody is saying borders should be open, so that's just *** stupid to assert.

The standards are pretty *** simple to understand if you're not a partisan hack.

Oh, people should also keep their guns, and the police should be demilitarized and held personally accountable when violating individual rights instead of hiding behind their badge.

But hey, somehow both this thread and the pandemic have been politicized, which is still *** baffling.

You have a right to assemble under certain conditions, which are not applicable at the moment, so you currently do not retain the right to protest. You also never have the right to protest in a way that gets in the way of normal functions, especially not emergency personnel.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-20 15:06:39
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Jetackuu said: »
Non violent offenders shouldn't be in prison.
Then Madoff shouldn't be in prison, right?

How about Skilling?

Neither of these *** were imprisoned for violent crimes, but both have done more damage to society than most rapists and murderers have done.

Should they be free?
By 2020-04-20 15:17:24
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Post deleted by User.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 15:20:52
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Again, put your foot in your mouth and shut the *** up. No, historically families lived together pretty much their entire lives, its only recent modern history that this has changed. Historically, you didnt have the population or the support to move out far, as the resources just werent there, and sticking together to pool resources was just far smarter.

No, that is not called "supply shortage", thats a shortage of a specific good at its end destination, the supply exists, the actual delivery cant keep up because stores dont have a back room. If you go to the store now, the shelves are stocked, because deliveries have changed to prioritize what is selling fast. We have more supply than we know what to do with, and will never see a supply shortage of necessities.

lol you're killin me with the backwards brain gymnastics. Supply is measured as goods available for immediate purchase by the customer, it's not a measure of things that just exist somewhere. That's like saying we have a massive supply of lava, we're just having trouble extracting it from the earth and getting it to people. "Shortage of lava at its end destination," in your terms. Existence is not the same as supply buddy. See: meat quotas, bread shortage and astronomical price increase of yeast, shortage and increase in price of toilet paper and paper towels, huge backorder queues of basic products from amazon, etc. Pretty much the only thing that's gotten cheaper is oil/gas, and that's unrelated to covid.

Are you indian or something? I didn't say anything about living together; "on their own" as in they're expected to be responsible and productive and not full-time dependents. Name some civilizations from 6,000b.c. to 1935a.d. that have allowed people to remain dependent on their parents into their 30s and 40s. Name some civs that take special care of their mentally HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and crippled, and people who refuse to work and contribute. Name some civs where people even regularly live to what we now consider retirement age. Spoiler there are none.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 15:24:31
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You're literally asking for the impossible.

But because of modern medicinal and nutritional advances, not because of societies family structure.

Also, any family with an unwed daughter for large stretches of human history.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 15:24:42
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abknight said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »

Again, put your foot in your mouth and shut the *** up. No, historically families lived together pretty much their entire lives, its only recent modern history that this has changed. Historically, you didnt have the population or the support to move out far, as the resources just werent there, and sticking together to pool resources was just far smarter.

No, that is not called "supply shortage", thats a shortage of a specific good at its end destination, the supply exists, the actual delivery cant keep up because stores dont have a back room. If you go to the store now, the shelves are stocked, because deliveries have changed to prioritize what is selling fast. We have more supply than we know what to do with, and will never see a supply shortage of necessities.

lol you're killin me with the backwards brain gymnastics. Supply is measured as goods available for immediate purchase by the customer, it's not a measure of things that just exist somewhere. That's like saying we have a massive supply of lava, we're just having trouble extracting it from the earth and getting it to people. "Shortage of lava at its end destination," in your terms. Existence is not the same as supply buddy. See: meat quotas, bread shortage and astronomical price increase of yeast, shortage and increase in price of toilet paper and paper towels, huge backorder queues of basic products from amazon, etc. Pretty much the only thing that's gotten cheaper is oil/gas, and that's unrelated to covid.

Are you indian or something? I didn't say anything about living together; "on their own" as in they're expected to be responsible and productive and not full-time dependents. Name some civilizations from 6,000b.c. to 1935a.d. that have allowed people to remain dependent on their parents into their 30s and 40s. Name some civs that take special care of their mentally HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and crippled, and people who refuse to work and contribute. Name some civs where people even regularly live to what we now consider retirement age. Spoiler there are none.

Again, you have no idea what supply is or how modern supply chains work. Just save face and shut up. There is no supply shortage, and currently, there is too much supply with no demand. Most perishable foods have been composting or are being dumped currently because the main demand for it, restaurants, have not been demanding nearly as much. What you see at your grocery store is NOT the full supply. Its not even a fraction of it.

Name one civilization? Literally all. Next. Again, youre the odd one out. Youre the ***.
Posts: 368
By abknight 2020-04-20 15:29:53
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Jetackuu said: »
I mean I'm "liberal" by a lot of standards but I'm still of the opinion that people are entirely in their right to protest (according to US law/constitution) despite it still being outright stupid to gather in large numbers, currently.

It's still people's right to have an abortion.

Non violent offenders shouldn't be in prison.

Nobody is saying borders should be open, so that's just *** stupid to assert.

The standards are pretty *** simple to understand if you're not a partisan hack.

Oh, people should also keep their guns, and the police should be demilitarized and held personally accountable when violating individual rights instead of hiding behind their badge.

But hey, somehow both this thread and the pandemic have been politicized, which is still *** baffling.

I'm libertarian and a realist, and agree a lot of what you said. However, there are congressmen that have called for open borders and lots of loonies that support the idea. There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles. The point of my post was that all the people calling for continued lockdown coincidentally are either "progressives" or fake communists, they all seem to get their talking points from the same brand of propaganda outlet, and none of them logically process anything they see or hear before regurgitating it.
Posts: 17682
By Viciouss 2020-04-20 15:36:59
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abknight said: »
The point of my post was that all the people calling for continued lockdown coincidentally are either "progressives" or fake communists, they all seem to get their talking points from the same brand of propaganda outlet, and none of them logically process anything they see or hear before regurgitating it.

And this is completely made up and false. There are plenty of "conservatives" that are in favor of continuing the social distancing and shutdown. Notice how zero states have opened? Thats because all the governors, Republican and Democrat, have said no we are not opening because you don't understand science. Only a select few idiots opened up some beaches and saw literally thousands of people flock there. Florida gotta Florida. Guess how long thats gonna last?

Your in the overwhelming minority.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-04-20 15:42:06
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abknight said: »
Name some civs that take special care of their mentally HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and crippled, and people who refuse to work and contribute.
Northern Vietnam, 4000 years ago.
Russia, 34000 years ago.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-20 15:43:39
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abknight said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I mean I'm "liberal" by a lot of standards but I'm still of the opinion that people are entirely in their right to protest (according to US law/constitution) despite it still being outright stupid to gather in large numbers, currently.

It's still people's right to have an abortion.

Non violent offenders shouldn't be in prison.

Nobody is saying borders should be open, so that's just *** stupid to assert.

The standards are pretty *** simple to understand if you're not a partisan hack.

Oh, people should also keep their guns, and the police should be demilitarized and held personally accountable when violating individual rights instead of hiding behind their badge.

But hey, somehow both this thread and the pandemic have been politicized, which is still *** baffling.

I'm libertarian and a realist, and agree a lot of what you said. However, there are congressmen that have called for open borders and lots of loonies that support the idea. There are other nonviolent criminals that need to stay in prison, like human traffickers and pedophiles. The point of my post was that all the people calling for continued lockdown coincidentally are either "progressives" or fake communists, they all seem to get their talking points from the same brand of propaganda outlet, and none of them logically process anything they see or hear before regurgitating it.

"Nonviolent crimes"

"Human traffickers and pedophiles"

I dont think you understand what a nonviolent crime is.
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