Treasure Hunter Demystified

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Treasure Hunter Demystified
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2,296
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-06-07 10:12:02
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Fast cast
Hybrid Tp sets
Rng Atk
Evasion Set
Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Fulltime TH 8 TP set
Fulltime TH 8 -Dt set
Aeolian Edge TH 8 set (to hit everything in an AoE with TH 8 when people gather all the omen mobs into a lump or pull dynamis sandoria orcs on magic weakness/melee resistant mode for the corsairs)
IDK if it's just me but I never full-time TH sets even in omen farming runs - Just Tag, kill, tag, kill, tag, kill, etc... Still walking away with 10-20+ - Don't see the point of full-timing TH at all unless its Dyna D for Volte Gear because you actually have time to apply TH.

SE needs TH to mean more - Maybe Stat down on the mob IE -9 all stats when TH 9 is applied to the monster that can't be dispelled going up to 15 - with better proc rate..
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1,410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2020-06-07 10:39:09
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Fast cast
Hybrid Tp sets
Rng Atk
Evasion Set

Most of those things are either subsets of what I defined as a main set though. Hybrid TP is just an offshoot of TP and -dt, as is evasion to -dt, and I assume you mean ranged accuracy as opposed to ranged attack. There's a lot of situational things in there that you can micromanage, but the difference between doing so and not doesn't have a big impact on the game or performance.

-Fast cast is only useful for casting utsusemi, and that's only for /nin sub. Personally I spend more time subbing /dnc and /drg than I do /nin, and the only thing I would /nin for is some form of group content where I'll have a healer. I've never had any issues with shadow management in those instances without a fast cast set. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to micro for. It's nice, but it has minimal impact.

-X-bow is depreciated in the current state of affairs since ammo builds are better in group content. The defense down is somewhat relevant so a ranged accuracy macro isn't a bad idea, but that's just an offshoot of an existing TP set again --- in this case something like malignance armor with ranged accuracy accessories. Carrying a snapshot set is silly in my opinion unless you're already going to be carrying it because you play ranger. X-Bow has an extremely low delay already, and you only need to shoot enough bolts to break up larger camps. With the healing and haste/buff support trusts afford it's more effecient to just pull and melee. Last time I checked, omen fodder mobs die just about as fast as dynamis junk mobs.

IDK if it's just me but I never full-time TH sets even in omen farming runs - Just Tag, kill, tag, kill, tag, kill, etc... Still walking away with 10-20+ - Don't see the point of full-timing TH at all unless its Dyna D for Volte Gear because you actually have time to apply TH.

It's not just you, it's just a personal playstyle. In my case, the amount of time I would save by swapping between my TH 8 TP set versus doing a tag - swap - tag - swap routine is so insignificant it's not worth my time to bother. I can tear through trash mobs in seconds no matter what I wear. When you reach a certain gearing point you're micro starts saving you only fractions of seconds and percentages at which point other factors like engage speed and the time it takes to swap from one mob to the next start to have a bigger impact on run speed. And that gearing point comes long before "full HQ everything + REMA all the things status". Also, alternative playstyle methods of doing things, like my aforementioned "aeolian edge the camp for TH 8" is a bigger time saver. In the main thread several pages back we discussed aeolian edge burning omen fodder and there were a few videos posted. Stuff like that is much more impactful than micro nowadays.

I'm not saying micro doesn't have it's purposes. Just that it's literally just micromanagement. On a macro scale, with the amount of damage we're capable of putting out and the ease we shred through content now it literally boils down to a drop in the bucket.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2,296
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-06-07 11:00:09
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Not trying to convert you to Gearswap or anything but it handles all the things you just spoke about. We have a tag/fulltime Th feature that works on the first hit on the mob allowing you to do more stronger AEs after TH is applied.

And I agree it comes down to playstyle. Can't expect every thf to have all those sets fleshed out. But it does help shave seconds off runs and might save your skin in certain situations.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1,410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2020-06-07 11:36:58
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It's all good. I respect both playstyles. I have no issues with people who want to lua for their thief. The point I was trying to make was that thief doesn't benefit from lua's like mages do. Mage has so many situational things it's beyond silly. Thief has relatively few, and the ones that it does have can easily be macroed around. I have an aeolian edge set for full damage, and a set with plunderer's hands macroed in for AoE TH 8 tagging, and they're both next to one another on one of my ctrl lines . I have my TP and DT macroes named so that they're interchangable on the fly just by changing 1 or 2 letters. TP versus TPTH, or TPTH2, DT, DTTH etc. So I have access to any of my gear sets with a simple adjustment of a single letter or two in game and I can swap them as needed on the fly. And with the quality of my gear the difference in performance between lua-ing for these swaps versus macroing them is just so tiny. There are plenty of thieves that are heavily geared similarly by now, and I'm sure a bunch of them can probably relate to that sentiment.

But I still stand by my point on TH proccing in dynamis, since that's what the original discussion was about. I do think fulltiming TH 8 is a good idea in dynamis. If you proc TH 9 on several dozen trash mobs every run that you would have otherwise missed proccing because you tagged and removed your th gear you're losing out on a lot of voidshards, armors, moldys and gems in the long run, and a lot of them sell for 3-5 mil apiece or more. The implications on landing TH 10-11 on wave 2 NMs is obvious bcause no other mlobs in the game drop volte gear. Thief is the only job that can proc TH just from meleeing, and there is actually a significant difference in proc rate between wearing TH 8 fulltime versus tagging and unequipping it, so for the purposes of dynamis D fulltiming your TH gear is a relevant decision.
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2021-06-06 07:48:03
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Couple questions I am having trouble finding clarification on:

1. Initial proc is stated to be 8, but with my gear I am seeing 10, my gear is not capped not am I Master Thf. Can you proc @14 or is the base 8 actually now 10?

2. After applying TH on NMs, should I change into a DPS set or stay in my TH/DT/Meva set. Does staying in TH set increase the chances of my initial 10 increasing to 14?

I understand these may be clarified somewhere, I am just having trouble finding the information.

Appreciate the assistance.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-06 08:03:32
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Initial hit is 8, circumstantially 9(Vorseal etc) first proc will be 9, circumstantially 10. That's why you never see an 8.

Situational. Your call, there is no right answer, but TH set will increase proc rate.
Posts: 113
By Heck 2021-06-06 08:04:20
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1. If you have at least Treasure Hunter +5 equipped (you get 3 from merits job traits) you will always trigger TH8 on anything you tag. TH8 doesn't proc in this case and there's no animation for it. , it's just the soft cap on THF main. You only will proc TH9 and onwards. The reason you're seeing TH10 instead of TH9 proc is because your server has a Mog Tablet that is granting you an extra TH in conquest zones or you are in Escha with a Zone Blessing that also gives an extra TH. Those are special buffs that pushes the soft cap from 8 to 9 and allows you to proc 10.

2. Noone is really sure, but after playing THF for a while I notice more procs to higher tier TH with more TH gear stacked. Could just be a placebo effect but after 150~ liliths I will go with more TH gear = more procs.
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2021-06-06 11:59:22
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Heck said: »
1. If you have at least Treasure Hunter +5 equipped (you get 3 from merits)

From being thf. just so nobody starts looking for TH merrits

Also increasing worn TH For procs seems to have very little effect (withing margin of errors) according to testing.
albeit test had some valid criticism ( and alot of invalid). it is still the best source of testing I am aware off

Also i dont believe vorseals affect TH.
Do you have any info on this ?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radiuz
Posts: 1,274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2021-06-06 12:08:45
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DaneBlood said: »
Heck said: »
1. If you have at least Treasure Hunter +5 equipped (you get 3 from merits)

Also i dont believe vorseals affect TH.
Do you have any info on this ?

Escha/Reisenjima zone blessing Justice adds TH+1 on top
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-06 12:09:42
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It's the blessing, it starts you out at 9
Posts: 113
By Heck 2021-06-06 15:42:18
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DaneBlood said: »
Heck said: »
1. If you have at least Treasure Hunter +5 equipped (you get 3 from merits)

From being thf. just so nobody starts looking for TH merrits

Also increasing worn TH For procs seems to have very little effect (withing margin of errors) according to testing.
albeit test had some valid criticism ( and alot of invalid). it is still the best source of testing I am aware off

Also i dont believe vorseals affect TH.
Do you have any info on this ?

Yea I wrongly put merits not traits, fixed it. Its the blessing/super kupower that pushes you past the soft cap
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [1380 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-17 12:10:26
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Not demystified.

Posts: 853
By Tarage 2025-03-17 13:04:50
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Not demystified.


Thanks for the necro bump dipshit.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-17 14:38:22
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Your therapist can help you with that.
Posts: 853
By Tarage 2025-03-17 15:12:31
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Your therapist can help you with that.
Do you regularly tell your therapist about necrobumping topics with asinine comments? Because maybe you should.
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