Selindrile GS HALP, COR ROST

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Selindrile GS HALP, COR ROST
Posts: 8
By Zanii 2020-02-07 08:09:00
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Hi guys! I'm looking for some help, using default Selindrile's COR lua. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way for GS to equip my Phantom Roll Rostrum and then after rolls are finished, to equip my melee weapons back. Is this possible to do or do i just macro equipsets for when im about to roll?

Most of the time I'm not rolling in combat unless something wipes rolls, I dont mind wsing and then rolling and losing some TP and DPS time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 9079
By SimonSes 2020-02-07 08:20:57
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In COR.lua
if spell.type == 'CorsairRoll' and state.CompensatorMode.value ~= 'Never' and (state.CompensatorMode.value == 'Always' or tonumber(state.CompensatorMode.value) > then
			if item_available("Compensator") then
			if item_available("Rostam") then
				equip({main={name="Rostam", bag="Wardrobe 2"}})

Then in your Name_COR_Gear.lua put 'Always' as first option for Compensator Mode
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Darkvlade
Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2020-02-07 08:29:41
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That's not gonna work, if you update seli's GS through Github, whenever he updates, it will overwrite whatever changes you made to cor.lua, he advises to not update or change the basic.lua portion of his GS for this reason, you are better off by using a toggle to change back and forth your weapons, his weapon toggle is already F7 by default
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1809
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-02-07 08:38:30
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Don't do that in your COR.lua.

Do it in your <charactername>_COR_gear.lua file
function user_job_post_precast(spell, spellMap, eventArgs)
  if spell.type == 'CorsairRoll' and state.CompensatorMode.value ~= 'Never' and (state.CompensatorMode.value == 'Always' or tonumber(state.CompensatorMode.value) <= then
    if item_available("Rostam") then
      equip({main={name="Rostam", bag="Wardrobe 2"}})

function user_job_post_aftercast(spell, spellMap, eventArgs)
  if spell.type == 'CorsairRoll' and state.CompensatorMode.value ~= 'Never' and (state.CompensatorMode.value == 'Always' or tonumber(state.CompensatorMode.value) <= then
    send_command('gs c weapons')

If you do the code in COR.lua it will be gone every time you fetch from the master repo.


You don't need to do the code for Compensator itself, it's already handled in job_post_precast.

You need to add the user_job_post_aftercast or you'll stay in that rostam after rolling.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Trig
Posts: 83
By Fairy.Trig 2020-02-07 09:14:42
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There is a simpler way to do it: just specify the bag you save your weapon in within the appropriate set the name_cor_gear.lua. You don't need any more code, see format below.
    sets.precast.CorsairRoll = {main={name="Lanun Knife",bag="Wardrobe2"},range="Compensator",
        head="Lanun Tricorne +1",neck="Regal Necklace",ear2="Etiolation Earring",
        body="Meg. Cuirie +2",hands="Chasseur's Gants +1",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Dark Ring",
        back=gear.tp_jse_back,waist="Flume Belt +1",legs="Desultor Tassets",feet="Lanun Bottes +2"}
Posts: 9079
By SimonSes 2020-02-07 09:24:06
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Fairy.Trig said: »
There is a simpler way to do it: just specify the bag you save your weapon in within the appropriate set the name_cor_gear.lua. You don't need any more code, see format below.
    sets.precast.CorsairRoll = {main={name="Lanun Knife",bag="Wardrobe2"},range="Compensator",
        head="Lanun Tricorne +1",neck="Regal Necklace",ear2="Etiolation Earring",
        body="Meg. Cuirie +2",hands="Chasseur's Gants +1",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Dark Ring",
        back=gear.tp_jse_back,waist="Flume Belt +1",legs="Desultor Tassets",feet="Lanun Bottes +2"}

Afaik Selindrile's lua wont let you simply change weapons for corsair roll like that. They are locked and can be changed only if you do it like in above examples.
Posts: 9079
By SimonSes 2020-02-07 09:25:11
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Cerberus.Darkvlade said: »
That's not gonna work, if you update seli's GS through Github, whenever he updates, it will overwrite whatever changes you made to cor.lua, he advises to not update or change the basic.lua portion of his GS for this reason, you are better off by using a toggle to change back and forth your weapons, his weapon toggle is already F7 by default

Oh didnt knew it. I never updated the lua after i downloaded it once lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-02-07 10:55:31
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Just add a weapon set for rolls and toggle to it when you roll. Then toggle back to whatever you're using for WS.

An example would be:

sets.weapons.LeadenWeapons = {main={ name="Rostam", bag="Wardrobe 3"},sub="Tauret",range="Death Penalty"}
sets.weapons.SavageWeapons = {main="Naegling",sub="Blurred Knife +1",range="Anarchy +2"}
sets.weapons.CritAM = {main="Tauret",sub="Nusku Shield",range="Armageddon"}
sets.weapons.Rolls = {main={name="Rostam", bag="Wardrobe 2"},range="Compensator"}
Posts: 8
By Zanii 2020-02-07 12:27:14
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You guys rock! Ill play around with the stuff a bit more tonight!

Thank you!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2020-02-07 13:18:34
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Gearswap has for a bit(1-2 months) supported exporting Paths on Dyna Div weapons spread the word.
main={ name="Lanun Knife", augments={'Path: B',}},
sub={ name="Lanun Knife", augments={'Path: A',}},
main={ name="Sakonji-no-Tachi", augments={'Path: B',}},
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Carbuncle.Msoc 2020-02-07 13:30:54
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    gear.RAbullet = "Chrono Bullet"
    gear.WSbullet = "Chrono Bullet"
    gear.MAbullet = "Living Bullet" --For MAB WS, do not put single-use bullets here.
    gear.QDbullet = "Animikii Bullet"
    options.ammo_warning_limit = 15

	gear.tp_ranger_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','AGI+10','"Store TP"+10',}}
	gear.snapshot_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle",augments={'"Snapshot"+10',}}
	gear.dw_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Accuracy+10','"Dual Wield"+10',}}
	gear.tp_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Accuracy+10','"Dbl.Atk."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}}
	gear.ranger_wsd_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','AGI+3','Weapon skill damage +10%',}}
	gear.magic_wsd_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','AGI+3','Weapon skill damage +10%',}}
	gear.str_wsd_jse_back = {name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+10','Weapon skill damage +10%','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}}
    gear.roll_rostam = {name="Rostam", augments={'Path: C',}}
    gear.Damage_rostam = {name="Rostam", augments={'Path: A',}}

    sets.precast.CorsairRoll = {main=gear.roll_rostam,range="Compensator",
        head="Lanun Tricorne +3",neck="Regal Necklace",ear1="Etiolation Earring",ear2="Sanare Earring",
        body="Meg. Cuirie +2",hands="Chasseur's Gants +1",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Dark Ring",
        back=gear.tp_jse_back,waist="Flume Belt",legs="Desultor Tassets",feet="Lanun Bottes +3"}
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Trig
Posts: 83
By Fairy.Trig 2020-02-07 13:35:18
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Gearswap has for a bit(1-2 months) supported exporting Paths on Dyna Div weapons spread the word.
Slick! Gonna check this out tonight
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Asura.Superiority 2020-02-07 13:54:51
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Just for clarity, I had talked directly with Selindrile about this just last week. The lua is already set to do this. Steps:

1) Add your rostam/roll gear to the sets.precast.CorsairRoll set.
2) Toggle the Compensator mode to what you want. I personally want my gear to always change for Rostam, so I usually set it to always. Best to set it to always to ensure its working before changing it to something else.
3) Engage a target, use a roll, see that its changing to rostam and then back to melee weapons. (use //gs showswaps to check)

You shouldn't need to change anything else.

The only other thing to check, is to make sure your weapons are locked to a specific set, not to none, otherwise they wont change back to a specified set.
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