Will WoW Classic Affect FFXI Playability?

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Will WoW Classic affect FFXI playability?
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By 2019-07-25 09:30:38
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Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-07-25 09:32:24
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DirectX said: »
I think they should at least allow the people on tiny servers who would like a better experience a free move.

While I don't think they'd do that either, and consider the half price transfers pretty damn close, at least it isn't actively penalizing the people who have chosen to stay on their small server like a merge would be. Certainly a suitable compromise.

I really don't think anyone who is financially stressed over $9 has any business wasting any time on XI, though. Go mow lawns, walk dogs, do something.
By Shichishito 2019-07-25 09:37:10
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how would a free move penalize people who chose a small server? those who'd leave would target larger servers, not the tiny ones. if anything they'd get more of what they came for, having all the server for themselfs.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-07-25 09:37:51
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I said it wouldn't. A merge would.
By 2019-07-25 09:38:24
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By 2019-07-25 09:38:28
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By 2019-07-25 09:40:32
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By 2019-07-25 09:46:56
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By 2019-07-25 09:53:46
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By Shichishito 2019-07-25 09:58:52
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if SE granted a 1 free move to everyone i'd still avoid moving to asura. would probably wait till they close asura and look what other server builds a healthy population.
By 2019-07-25 09:59:35
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By 2019-07-25 10:02:01
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Serveur: Excalibur
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By Nadleeh Sakurai 2019-07-25 11:56:32
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Will WoW Classic affect FFXI playability?
no, because they dont share resources, and use different servers, and are hosted by different companies.

Serveur: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-25 12:17:17
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If I stopped buying my morning Soda on the way to work, in one week I could pay for a transfer. If I gave up one night in a month of ordering takeout, I could transfer me AND a buddy.

Its priorities. If you wanna move, go for it. Give up something else temporarily and I'll wager a shiny penny you can cover it.

Stop complaining if you're on a tiny server and don't like it. I dunno, my group of friends really like short ambuscade queues, favorable aeonic pops always open, and only 1 or 2 random gilselling /yells a day. Yeah, its a tad annoying when you can't pop over to the AH and find some obscure HQ gear just waiting for you, but there's enough crafters if you make good connections that you can commission damn near anything these days. Or, friend up with someone working the margins and transferring to Asura to buy/sell ***every now and then and place an order.

The ONLY benefit of a bigger server is a more loaded AH. If you don't have people to play with on Leviathan(fill in any small server), you probably won't on Asura either. Because I guarantee, things are happening on small servers. If you're not involved, its likely because either a)your schedule doesn't work with when the action is, or b)you've built a reputation that isn't conducive to groups in one way or another.

Before SE allows anyone to server transfer, they should activate your on board camera and show you a picture of yourself, with the question "are you trying to run from this player?"

As for WoW- from those I've met they're a completely different player type than the hardcore FFXI player. Won't affect it at all.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 458
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-07-25 14:30:25
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
The ONLY benefit of a bigger server is a more loaded AH. If you don't have people to play with on Leviathan(fill in any small server), you probably won't on Asura either. Because I guarantee, things are happening on small servers. If you're not involved, its likely because either a)your schedule doesn't work with when the action is, or b)you've built a reputation that isn't conducive to groups in one way or another.

To a point, this would come back to someone's personal preferences.

Things are always happening, it's a matter of how those groups get filled up. Leviathan, like I assume any small server at this point, is almost entirely about friends and linkshell members. There's not a whole lot in the way of pickup groups happening, and that tends to be fine by us, whether due to preference or expectation of how FFXI is (Leviathan now is similar to how Pandemonium was pre-merge, IMO).

To be fair, with a population the size of ours, it's fairly inevitable that you'll end up familiar with a lot of the folks that share your playtime anyway.

Still, Asura (at least) has a lot more in the way of pickup groups going on, which are more analogous to the various group finder features that many MMOs (particularly the more modern ones) implement. In many games, that's a valid way to approach all but maybe the highest end content, without having to commit to a LS/Guild/etc schedule.
Much like having a lot of soloable content, the ideal is making the game more pick up and play. Folks that have played other games might be accustomed to having one. Someone trying to approach the game like that would have a much better time on Asura.

There'd also be the thriving mercenary scene on the larger servers, that is far more limited on smaller ones. Some may consider that a benefit.

So it might be a little unfair to make assumptions about people that'd prefer what Asura has to offer. Some may just be trying to play the game like many other games can be played. The only universally better thing may be the AH, but there are other potential reasons to prefer it.
By 2019-07-25 14:33:32
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By 2019-07-25 14:39:00
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 458
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-07-25 14:47:26
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DirectX said: »
As was mentioned by someone else earlier, many people cannot or refuse to schedule their lives around being online on certain days and at certain times. This is one of the universal benefits of being on a server which actually has people - you can jump on and find something to do. Props to anyone who can and is still scheduling their life around FFXI, each to their own.

Sure, and a good bit of what I wrote was in support of that. I'd still say the only universal benefit is the AH, because a larger population doesn't often benefit those who have an established group, or simply want to solo, etc. It's more likely to just mean congestion (even if you don't see it, due to them search the zone first).
By 2019-07-25 14:52:07
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-07-25 16:41:19
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DirectX said: »
People on Asura probably have all the jobs they want mastered long ago...

This is just ridiculous. You said yourself that the situation is horrible due to all the RMT burns. If people were all capped on CP, they wouldn't patronize the burns, and the RMT would have given up and quit. There is no doubt that Asura's CP camps are noticably worse than Leviathan's.

There was a giant organized effort by Eiryl to make it known to SE how bad the ambuscade queues were on Asura. You say it's only for a day or two, but on months where it's easily farmable others have complained that it's just as bad 2-3 weeks in.

There are complaints about Einherjar, due to nobody wanting to party. Tenzen, Leviathan during HTBC campaign. These are things people on your server have actively complained about-and recently.

To me, it seems that you are so dead set on validating your own opinion that you're putting blinders on to the congestion around you. That, or you never actually play the game to see it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-07-25 16:46:47
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I think that a lot of the "cp bot" problem is character selling tbh. For what, 50m (worth about 20 bucks) you master a job, then sell the character for a couple hundred. It's a no brainer. I don't really know why people would pay hundreds for mastered jobs when they could just pay the $20 themselves and get it mastered... but yeah.
By 2019-07-25 16:55:15
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-07-25 16:57:35
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HTB congestion slowed down a lot, pretty much all the HTB bots are gone from what I can tell. It's just not efficient to run them currently I guess. (or maybe they got bored, money's great but super boring)

You more or less won't see anyone doing leviathan 24/7 like it was a year ago.

As far as ambuscade... its like night and day when it takes 'effort' and when its faceroll. (*) no new gear/weapons has a lot to do with long queue too.
Posts: 42653
By Jetackuu 2019-07-25 22:13:41
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DirectX said: »
Jetackuu said: »
DirectX said: »
Being on Bahamut which doesn't have a population problem, how can you speak for the servers which have 200-300 people online and of those not even half which are actually there and playing? Are you suggesting that having a few friends who all happen to have a bunch of characters that they can multibox through automation and add-ons is the norm, or how the game should be played?

Considering there's many groups that do thing on Bahamut and it's not even twice as large as the #s you just suggested, it's really easy to do the comparison. A merge isn't needed, and yes the current game works really well low-man for almost all content, literally the only exception I can think of is Dyna-D, which can still be done with 2 parties. Get good?
FFXIAH shows 6,940 active accounts on Bahamut, 3,000-3,800 more than the servers we are talking about. Having DOUBLE the number of players, yes, is a very different situation.

I know that you cannot help yourself but to try to attack and belittle people because you have so little self-confidence but if you only had the intelligence to comprehend it you would see I am clearly not referring to my own situation. I have multiple fully geared accounts from low-manning end game content, but not everyone can be expected to do things with such low numbers or to have multiple friends with multiple accounts. There are a lot of mid-tier and upper-mid tier players that shouldn't be prevented from doing content because they can't 2-4 man Omen, for example. They should have the populations that allow them to find enough people for any content at the maximum it can take. This is how the game was intended, if not then Omen would be capped at 3 people and Dynamis 12.

It's not that different and you're hilarious, hilariously sad at trying to ad-hom when you've already lost the argument.
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
throw Asura and Bahamut together and leave everyone else alone.

I'd quit the game, want nothing to do with those retards.
By Draylo 2019-07-25 22:15:15
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Have to admit when people, especially returning players, log in and see 300 online it's a bit depressing. There is something to be said about higher server numbers for a lot of benefits.
Posts: 42653
By Jetackuu 2019-07-25 22:23:42
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Draylo said: »
Have to admit when people, especially returning players, log in and see 300 online it's a bit depressing. There is something to be said about higher server numbers for a lot of benefits.

Literally the only benefit is more crafters, everything else about it is a negative. Anyone who is pro-merge is a moron.
By Draylo 2019-07-25 22:25:42
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No. not really. First for the reason I said, people see those numbers and get depressed and quit because they can't find people. There are other benefits such as stocked auction house, shout group availability, the sense you're playing an MMO and not an offline single player game? I mean, you can't call people idiots because they want to be on a server that has some life.

You can complete content on a low population server but there are obvious benefits to one that has more people, those are just some of the benefits.
Posts: 42653
By Jetackuu 2019-07-25 22:52:58
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Covered the one, the rest is entirely subjective, so no.
By 2019-07-26 01:41:52
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By 2019-07-26 01:45:29
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