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Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2025-03-18 16:45:20
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I'm not sure where people started to get this idea about augments or +4 for AF.
SE didn't even remotely hint at that :x
Posts: 68
By Genoxd 2025-03-18 16:51:40
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Probably the same place I heard about SMN finally getting Bahamut
Serveur: Asura
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user: iamaman
Posts: 971
By Asura.Iamaman 2025-03-18 16:59:59
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I'm not sure where people started to get this idea about augments or +4 for AF.
SE didn't even remotely hint at that :x

They made a side comment about relic being outdated and needing updates during Freshly Picked but it wasn't a commitment, just a one off remark is the way I read it
By Dodik 2025-03-18 19:21:50
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They also didn't say they would be updating AF via limbus, nor that they would be updating AF in the next few updates.
Posts: 92
By Moonlightagb 2025-03-18 20:03:10
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You guys made me question my memory so I went and looked at the original livestream at the end of last November that they did with the whole squad Fujito, Matsui, that voice actress, etc where they talked about FFXI's future plans. They introduced to us the new Cloud of Darkness htmb, race change, Limbus renewal, and they also mentioned wanting to upgrade Artifact and Relic while they were talking about Limbus.
(timestamp ~1:41:40 you can use closed captions auto translate to English on the video player or maybe someone fluent can translate for us?)
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-03-21 18:37:25
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I don't think anyone here is saying it's a sure thing, but yeah those November livestream comments do seem to support it as a reasonable possibility.

As does past practice. In general, when they do a substantial renewed version of old content, we see revamped versions of gear from the original event.
- NNI gave modern versions of Nyzul Isle armor
- Salvage 2.0 gave modern versions of original Salvage armor
- Dynamis 2.0 and Divergence were related to relic armor upgrades just like original Dynamis
- Unity NMs recycled old NMs and gave modern versions of old NM drops.

Even the kind of lame additional Limbus zones gave upgraded/alternate versions of the Homam/Nashira armor. Or the similarly disappointing Odin II wing in Einherjar had rewards that were updated versions of the same drops from original Odin.

Of course none of that is conclusive evidence that AF is definitely getting further upgrades from Limbus. Maybe they just do Homam/Nashira equivalents and a bunch of accessories a la the old ABC items. But it's really not a huge stretch to think AF upgrades might be here, given the typical SE approach we've seen AND could be reasonably inferred as a real possibility due to the developer comments in that stream.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-21 18:53:08
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Its ok. In 5 posts someone will say they never said that and someone will repeat the same thing for the 6th time.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 971
By Asura.Iamaman 2025-03-22 10:17:49
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The only reason I'm dismissive when it comes up is because stuff like this tends to come up where they make non-committed remarks, people get all amped about it happening, then annoyed when they don't follow through with something they never committed to.

I agree it's likely, but all that we have committed to at this point is new Limbus and the other stuff they've outright said they are actually doing. Anything else is maybe they will, maybe they won't until they flat out say it's being done.
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 11:16:25
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Moonlightagb said: »
(timestamp ~1:41:40 you can use closed captions auto translate to English on the video player or maybe someone fluent can translate for us?)

I got you. First time poster, I actually verified my account just now to make this post lol

I'm not saying anything is 100% confirmed, nor would I say I'm fluent but, I transcribed and translated the relevant parts of the live stream. It is long so I spoiler'd it.

At the 1:43:23 time stamp, they were just talking about new player progression into ilv119 and wanting Limbus to be one of those methods and saying "Everyone can join" and saying that Dyna D is "close" to that as well, but Limbus will have parts that are soloable and parts that are party oriented.

Opone also mentioned in this section about Limbus being content for everyone, bringing up all the accessories like Brutal earring etc that there was something for a wide variety of jobs/players. But to my knowledge, they have not hinted at any Homam/Nashira upgrades nor new version of the accessories.

And finally at the 1:45:23 time stamp, they directly compared upgraded AF gear to the new strength that empyrean is and wanting to bridge that gap.

They also kept mentioning Artifact AND relic gear each time, I'm not going to hold my breath... but yea

I will say that until we get gear teaser picture proof, we can't know anything for 100% certainty, but generally speaking culturally the Japanese hardly end their statements as hard fact, they will always typically leave their comments as "I think" "would be nice" tend to stay away from "strong" impact.

I myself am looking forward to it regardless of what gear does or doesn't come out of it! (Please be alliance content...)

Edit: I should also point out, this "skip" they did not mention at what stage of the upgrade process it would be for, between Lv50/70 base to iLv119+3, we have no information on that as far as I am aware.
By Dodik 2025-03-23 11:33:34
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"Everyone can join" sounds like a DI style thing to me, been mentioned before. Where everyone can join in the fight without being in a party/alliance.

That would be the best thing, IMO. Barrier to entry is a lot lower if you let everyone join regardless of party/alliance.

Still not seeing anything that even hints at upgrades being in the upcoming Limbus update. They literally said "making obtaining base i119 AF easier" wrt to Limbus changes.

To me it sounds like they will eventually add upgrade items to the same updated Limbus, and/or a new currency from said Limbus that will eventually let you upgrade AF beyond +3.
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 11:42:14
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Dodik said: »
Still not seeing anything that even hints at upgrades being in the upcoming Limbus update.

To me it is strongly suggested with these 2 comments that make that hint, Opone specifically asking if it would go above +3 and them comparing the current AF+3 to current Empy+3.

Opone (オポネ菊池): じゃ、+3以上になるってことですか?
that means, going above +3???

Fujito: ま、以上つうかまあそうですね
yea, above, well.. yes.
Fujito: ちょっとね あのアティファクトとかその辺はちょっと最初に作る分だけ弱いというかね 到達してもちょっとあの今のえっとエンピリアン装束とかそっちには叶わないなってい う風なところはあるんでまそっちをもうちょっと強化していくっていうことでフォローできたらいいなと思ってます
um, artifact and such when first made is a bit weak, even after upgrading it, it doesnt compare to the new empyreon armor so bringing that (artifact) up to speed would be nice we think

Edit: Er maybe I'm misunderstanding the "upgrades being in the upcoming Limbus update" part, but this whole talk in the live stream is specifically about the Limbus revamp and what is coming with it. When they first show the slide for Sea and until they switch off back to the questionaire is everything related to Limbus content.
By Dodik 2025-03-23 11:51:11
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as mentioned before regarding artifact and relic armor, firstly limbus will cover that part of gear growth (refering to the immediate conversation before this about acquiring ilv119 gear for new players)

Specifically talking about acquiring ilv119 gear for new players in the new Limbus.

The "firstly" implies something coming afterwards.

Ie, first you will be able to acquire i119 in new Limbus. Later you will be able to upgrade AF in new Limbus. Is how it reads to me.
By K123 2025-03-23 11:54:23
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When he responded "yeah, above, well, yes..." In response to a direct question says to me that augments/RP sounds more like what we'll get than +4. There is no +4 item on the game is there?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 11:55:11
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The bolts/arrows +4 and +5

But they kinda don't exist, but are still in the game
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-23 12:07:31
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K123 said: »
There is no +4 item on the game is there

My guess is they'd do with Artifact +3 what they did with Non-Reforge Relic+2 & Dynamis and give them augments.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 12:08:56
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They need base stats increases. They're a decade behind empyrean. No amount of augments will help.

+5~8 all stat, double the acc/racc, +30 eva/meva, add 70(+) attack, and then add DT

(Why AF largely has zero attack was always a misstep)
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 12:37:50
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Dodik said: »
as mentioned before regarding artifact and relic armor, firstly limbus will cover that part of gear growth (refering to the immediate conversation before this about acquiring ilv119 gear for new players)

Specifically talking about acquiring ilv119 gear for new players in the new Limbus.

The "firstly" implies something coming afterwards.

Ie, first you will be able to acquire i119 in new Limbus. Later you will be able to upgrade AF in new Limbus. Is how it reads to me.

I see what you mean now, I went back to grab the comments just before that (I also edited and added it to the original post for completion sake)

You're right that it implies that something comes afterwards, but I don't think they are talking about within Limbus itself, looking at the previous statement that I went back to get, I think that it is implying to them wanting to make the road to iLv119 in general smoother, and starting that with the New Limbus, hence the skip being introduced which we didn't get with Sortie/Empyrean

To me, what it sounds like is the skip is intended as the catch up for iLv119 that is in New Limbus but at the same time giving us newer upgrades. It makes me think of the Magian reforge methods and the altered Empyrean ws unlock method
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 12:52:05
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I agree that the way Fujito answered does sound suspicious, but given that they also mention Relic gear in the same breath I find it hard to think that Augment/RP would be the way they go, unless they remove the augments off Relic gear and add them to the base stats

It could even just be new name reforge instead of +4~.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 12:57:05
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Garfield said: »
make the road to iLv119 in general smoother, and starting that with the New Limbus

I don't think it's a completely insane take to assume they consider making af+1 materials NPC buyable to be 'making the road to lv119 smoother'. Endgame players may not care much, but it does allow you to do af+1 easily and get the lv74 pieces then pursue the cheaper route for 109.
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 13:05:30
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All the old limbus materials are already NPC buyable, at your local curio vendor moogle.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 13:06:18
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Garfield said: »
All the old limbus materials are already NPC buyable, at your local curio vendor moogle.

Yes, and this was implemented after the interview in question. So, one interpretation could be that they eased the route to 119 by making those materials NPC buyable.
Posts: 6
By Garfield 2025-03-23 13:16:19
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Correct, but they couldn't just remove the ability to upgrade AF gear for the several months they have limbus closed down to revamp it.

Shiva.Thorny said: »
Garfield said: »
make the road to iLv119 in general smoother, and starting that with the New Limbus

I don't think it's a completely insane take to assume they consider making af+1 materials NPC buyable to be 'making the road to lv119 smoother'. Endgame players may not care much, but it does allow you to do af+1 easily and get the lv74 pieces then pursue the cheaper route for 109.

What you are quoting me on is them talking about taking responsibility for the upgrade process and adding a literal skip to avoid even using the old limbus items for AF+1 pre-reforge which is stated here:

Fujito: 頑張るにしてもこれまでと同じ段階じゃないんでもうちょっとスキップできるからという
if you try again, it wont be the same method, since you will be able to skip (implying the previous painful process)
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,666
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-03-23 16:38:37
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
pursue the cheaper route for 109.
The "cheaper" route to 109 is 5 less rem's pages, its also one less 1 game day wait.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3,733
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-03-24 17:51:52
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The next version update is scheduled for early April.

April brings with it adjustments to Besieged

So, how bout some more idle speculation fun. Is this gonna bump things up to level 11? Where do they stop? Is it just gonna be some other adjustments or additions?

Who thinks Besieged "Imperial Standing Accolades" (lol that name) are gonna eventually be used to buy gear people will want to use for non-Besieged endgame stuff?

Who thinks people who haven't bothered are gonna scream bloody murder about how unfair it is when good stuff is released and they're way behind on points (from an event that happens infrequently at unpredictable times)?

I do think they'll eventually add some rewards people will want. I think people will complain like they always do. I also think later higher level Besieged will make it so you get more points per run, so the head start from people who are doing it now may be tempered a bit.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-24 18:10:34
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It's always a crapshoot with these guys.

The smart thing would be to add stuff that works outside of besieged that's at least side grade tier. And that people who haven't kept up with will be mad about.

But you can literally never expect them to do the smart thing. They'll just bail on it half cooked and never reach the place they should have.

They should add a crafting material, but that means adding a new craft armor which hasn't been done in 10 damn years. (not literally)
Posts: 862
By Lili 2025-03-24 18:15:00
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
But you can literally never expect them to do the smart thing. They'll just bail on it half cooked and never reach the place they should have.

I sometimes think you do this to set the expectations yourself have low, so that you can be happy when things get added to the game.

Besieged gear will be similar to Domain Invasion, a bunch of accessories usable across all jobs that do different things, one or two unique gimmicks, a couple "nice but not too necessary", and maybe one omgwtfbbq piece.

Pet accessories will be horrible, of course.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-24 18:24:15
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Hope they do it right and be disappointed.

Or expect them to *** it up and be surprised they didn't.

Easy choice.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-24 18:30:26
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Who thinks people who haven't bothered are gonna scream bloody murder about how unfair it is when good stuff is released and they're way behind on points (from an event that happens infrequently at unpredictable times)?

I'm expecting new accessories/armor from Assault Rewards on par with Domain Invasion and nothing more.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 141
By Shiva.Liam 2025-03-24 18:46:47
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Manifesting the ability to +1 raja's ring with accolades after beating a lvl 15 besieged
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 553
By Asura.Dexprozius 2025-03-24 23:27:28
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Shiva.Liam said: »
Manifesting the ability to +1 raja's ring with accolades after beating a lvl 15 besieged

Rajas is COP.. now if they did Jalzahn's, Ulthalam's, or Balrahn's +1 that'd be hype. They were always fringe even at lv 75

But now that you say that, Rajas / Sattva / Tamas +1's from the upcoming Limbus v2 would be really nice
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