Need a sr event
And some insight on the next endgame event would be dandy as well
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Need a sr event
And some insight on the next endgame event would be dandy as well If i can get spell interruption rate, my precast capes will dance for joy.
Pretty safe assumption anything you can consider defensive will be on it.
Wouldn't be surprised to see parry evasion SIR meva mdt pdt bdt petdt (more)hp guard resist(all?)+ At what point does the damn cape become broken though lol. Slap 10 "defense stat" on it and there's no point for basically any other cape in the game anymore. Resist ailments 10% please.
BDT II. Cmon SE it's about time
I would laugh and cry if I could get pet -dt 10% on ambu cape. that doesn't seem too unlikely.
been trying for years to get 5% on pastoralist's while stuck at 4%. that extra 5~6% would cap bst pdt though. Getting 5 isn't too hard with the abundance of accolades now. Now trying to get it with a decent amount of acc /wrist. Somehow my mule got a 5dt/20 acc in like 1 stack but I gave up trying to get more than 15 acc after around 20 stacks on the main.
Asura.Eiryl said: » Pretty safe assumption anything you can consider defensive will be on it. Wouldn't be surprised to see parry evasion SIR meva mdt pdt bdt petdt (more)hp guard resist(all?)+ At what point does the damn cape become broken though lol. Slap 10 "defense stat" on it and there's no point for basically any other cape in the game anymore. 'They want grindy content, they will arrange it so that you need to add even more capes into your rotation But speaking generally, the last big ambush update was the +2 sets and it's been some months. I think capes will see us through to May-June when the 16th anniversary year begins and they roll out whatever content they have been cooking. I am cautiously optimistic it will be something closer to omen and new zones than recycled old content. It's grindy by default, only being able to 3 per month when i have almost 50......
No one made you make 50 capes, you were ok grinding those out, you'll be fine grinding the next set out too.
selfishly as a cloth crafter I'm hoping against actual DT,PDT,MDT as they would make something like the moonbeam/moonlight cape obsolete, and that's essentially another Ou drop in the way Moonbeam Neck is... coming from materials only available there. From a practicality standpoint of content life, omen is already bordering on being the terrain of those (like me) still foolish enough to chase a body... making one of the crafted accessories from there worthless would only speed that up.
They should do something really fun like dt varies (inversely) with hp on the capes. Liven things up a little
Occasionally Absorb Damage Taken +% and Spell Interrupt would be incredibly handy especially given how sparse some Spell Interrupt gear is for certain jobs that aren't PLD
So dynamis D is going to have better drop rates during the event... Say hello to prices dropping as well?
Don't expect the new capes to have PDT/MDT/BDT unless the new augment slot caps at 5 upgrades instead of the 10 everybody seems to be expecting.
If it's gonna cap at 5 then yes, I could see *DT being part of it. I'd be very happy with -5dt on my tp and other capes. Would allow me to clear out my inventory a bit and have a better cape in my -dt sets, while sporting a little extra -dt in my regular sets.
Speaking of; there's a very small chance these new stats are 10 with the ability to get 3 full augs per month.
Expect 5, be happy "if" 10 If you're expecting DT, I feel you'll be let down. You would only need to make one cape that way.
Fenrir.Snaps said: » If you're expecting DT, I feel you'll be let down. You would only need to make one cape that way. If it ever were to cap at 10, then I don't expect any form of *DT to be part of the defensive list, honestly, but more stuff like Meva, Eva, MDB, resists and the sorts. Glad to be proven wrong of course, but not really expecting it. Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: » ahhh... Adblock can specifically block elements, so i don't have to see Numquam's avatar image anymore. Thank you for this tip. Asura.Sechs said: » Agreed. PDT/MDT/BDT sound more realistic. And like I said before I kinda expect this new augment to cap at 5. Sweet jeebus. If they do that, they better add a new mog wardrobe to go with it. Ain't nobody got space for that. This is how they get the holdouts who haven't gotten 3&4 yet
Just keep adding more and more and more and more ***. Especially Job specific ***. Hello Relic+3 Af required crafted mats and omen cards
Relic required delve/vagary mats and dyna 2.0 drops Empy will require ???? Mats and abyssea 2.0 drops Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: » Af required crafted mats and omen cards Relic required delve/vagary mats and dyna 2.0 drops Empy will require ???? Mats and abyssea 2.0 drops Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: » Af required crafted mats and omen cards Relic required delve/vagary mats and dyna 2.0 drops Empy will require ???? Mats and abyssea 2.0 drops Maybe Omen materials or scales. They need to keep that content relevant, like they have Delve and Vagary, as we move forward. But I don't think SE is finished adding to DDynamis. The mentioned weapons are coming. And I suspect they will involve far more than simply synthing them up, like the Raetic line. Because they need to keep DDynamis currency relevant... For empyrean, expect the most random worthless item to suddenly be the one they choose.
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