Random Politics & Religion #29: Hypocrisy Edition

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Random Politics & Religion #29: Hypocrisy edition
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 13:33:38
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Zerowone said: »
After all it is Friday and you got nothing better to do
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Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 13:34:18
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And like magic I'm again proven right.

Now wait and see if any of the usual suspects condemn this commonly accepted practice within the Democratic party.

Dude couldn't even call them out for blatant prejudice and bigotry. If the GOP had an email saying not to wire black homosexual women he would be losing his ***right now.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 13:34:50
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Ramyrez said: »
Zerowone said: »
After all it is Friday and you got nothing better to do
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To think he went on to be in a bunch of family friendly non threatening comedies !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 13:36:24
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Ice cube is the non threatening black man you wish you knew !
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 13:36:36
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Asura.Saevel said: »
If the GOP had an email saying not to wire black homosexual women he would be losing his ***right now.

No, the difference is the GOP isn't dumb enough to say that in an e-mail because they already know it anyway.

.../sarcasm? Yes/no?

That one might work both ways I think.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 13:37:29
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fonewear said: »
Ice cube is the non threatening black man you wish you knew !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 13:38:41
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Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
Ice cube is the non threatening black man you wish you knew !

Jazz !

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Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:41:30
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Asura.Saevel said: »
And like magic I'm again proven right.

Now wait and see if any of the usual suspects condemn this commonly accepted practice within the Democratic party.

Dude couldn't even call them out for blatant prejudice and bigotry. If the GOP had an email saying not to wire black homosexual women he would be losing his ***right now.

You were actually proven wrong and that’s because you couldn’t detect the humor let alone satire.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2017-11-03 13:41:46
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fonewear said: »
I could boycott Starbucks cause the owner is a crazy liberal...but they make coffee I like. The politics of business owners isn't that damn important to me.

me biting into my sandwich from Chik-fil-A: "hmm what's so great about the gays anyway?.."
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 13:43:21
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Shiva.Shruiken said: »
fonewear said: »
I could boycott Starbucks cause the owner is a crazy liberal...but they make coffee I like. The politics of business owners isn't that damn important to me.

me biting into my sandwich from Chik-fil-A: "hmm what's so great about the gays anyway?.."

"I could buy the store brand pasta but Barilla is on sale for the same price and better..."
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:43:56
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Shiva.Shruiken said: »
fonewear said: »
I could boycott Starbucks cause the owner is a crazy liberal...but they make coffee I like. The politics of business owners isn't that damn important to me.

me biting into my sandwich from Chik-fil-A: "hmm what's so great about the gays anyway?.."

Was that you shooting people in that one Starbucks in Chicago, Fone?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 13:45:03
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Zerowone said: »
Was that you shooting people in that one Starbucks in Chicago, Fone?

What does he look like? A guy who isn't lazy?
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:46:06
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Ramyrez said: »
Zerowone said: »
Was that you shooting people in that one Starbucks in Chicago, Fone?

What does he look like? A guy who isn't lazy?

Dawg why are gonna assume his gender like that. Last I checked this wasn’t the DNC IT Dept.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-11-03 13:47:05
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Shiva.Shruiken said: »

their waffle fries are so good... I've already forgotten about the controversy...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 13:47:45
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Currently I'm hooked on PC air duster...***is hard to break:

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Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:48:58
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Shiva.Shruiken said: »

their waffle fries are so good... I've already forgotten about the controversy...

Have you had the #4 from the Breakfast menu. Hmmmm heaven. Add some Chil-fil-A sauce and it’s like a party in your mouth and everyone is coming.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:51:25
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Holy ***I think the administration just trolled the liberals and the conservatives:

Trump administration report: Climate change mostly human-caused.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 13:53:05
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Ramyrez said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
If the GOP had an email saying not to wire black homosexual women he would be losing his ***right now.

No, the difference is the GOP isn't dumb enough to say that in an e-mail because they already know it anyway.

.../sarcasm? Yes/no?

That one might work both ways I think.

Produce some form of evidence, otherwise it's just speculation.

We've already provided evidence the DNC has racist and bigots inside it's central staff.

Seven questions bubble up to the surface as I ponder this:

1 Why is Madeleine Leader still employed by the DNC? I can answer that one: her email accurately reflects the culture of the Democratic National Committee, and the Democratic Party. If she wasn’t completely confident that such an open expression of prejudice and discrimination would be acceptable, she would not have dared to put such a sentiment into print.

Even so, if the Democrats had an ounce of sense or even aspired to decency, they would have fired Leader with expressions of horror, and proclaimed her a rogue employee. However, the party apparently believes that its base and perhaps even the typical Democrat will read Leader’s message and say, “What’s the matter with that?”

2. Do progressives and Democrats really think there is a difference between saying “no white, straight males need apply” and “no black lesbians need apply”? I can answer that one too. Of course they do. They really think the latter is despicable, racist, sexist homophobia, and the former is just virtuous diversity at work.

They really do. No, seriously. They do.

3. Why was this story first reported at the Daily Wire, a conservative website, then at several other conservative websites, then on Fox News, and finally at The Hill, a political website that tilts left, but not yet at any mainstream media sources?

See #1 above. One reason the DNC thinks it can pretty much duck this embarrassment is that it knows the mainstream media will cover the party’s tracks by not reporting the story. “Democracy dies in darkness,” pompously proclaims the Washington Post on its front page. Right. The Post doesn’t want independents or anyone who isn’t in lock-step with whatever the Democratic Party does or says to know how low the party of Jefferson, Jackson and FDR has sunk, and how much it has abandoned democratic ideals. It has been three days since Leader’s email became public. The Post has kept the story in darkness. So has the New York Times, apparently because blatant bigotry at the DNC isn’t news fit to print.

4. Why do Democrats want Donald Trump to be re-elected? They must want this; I can’t figure out any other explanation for the party’s behavior since November. It should have looked at itself in the mirror, and realized that it has become so estranged from basic American values that the public was willing to elect Donald Trump—Donald Trump!— rather than submit to the divisive tribalism seeded and cultivated by the Obama Administration. Instead of pulling itself away from the abyss, however, it is hurling itself over and in.

5. Does everybody find the DNC’s response as pathetic as I do? The Hill got this regarding the email from DNC spokesman Michael Tyle:

“The email in question was not authorized by the DNC nor was it authorized by senior leadership. All hiring decisions at the DNC are made consistent with the DNC’s commitment to equal employment opportunity and hiring an inclusive and talented staff that reflects the coalition of the Democratic Party, because our diversity is our greatest strength.”

Sure. Except that if the email has not been made public, Leader would have hired a gay, non-white male or female or some other anointed combination, and no one would have known or cared, because she was reflecting the culture and attitudes she works in. (Of course it’s not “authorized”—it was an internal email. Lame.)

This wasn't some hidden discussion or fringe element, this was a primary DNC staff manager putting out their hiring preferences over an email visible to the entire staff as though it's a normally accepted practice. Liberal news sources are being super quiet about it, pretending it didn't happen.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 13:53:10
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-11-03 14:06:36
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fonewear said: »
Currently I'm hooked on PC air duster...***is hard to break:

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Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-11-03 14:07:50
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Zerowone said: »
We all know you feel like you’re persecuted for being a straight white man. That on the surface the email aligns with the sentiments that fuel the, “It’s ok to be white” campaign you're attempting to advocate.
Is there something wrong with being white?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 14:12:08
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Another example of acceptable racist and bigotry by the left.


There you guys go, there is your ideology of "tolerance and diversity". Only tolerate what they deem good, and only the diversity they want.

That is why you never allow a liberal government to have control, this is the first thing they start to do when given the chance.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-11-03 14:12:10
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This will certainly finish Drumpf for sure!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-11-03 14:13:56
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Nausi said: »
Is there something wrong with being white?

do you mean besides the sunburns... and the not being able to dunk.

of all the wrong things I was tragically born without I think I lament not having any rhythm the most...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 14:14:38
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Nausi said: »
Is there something wrong with being white?

do you mean besides the sunburns... and the not being able to dunk.

of all the wrong things I was tragically born without I think I lament not having any rhythm the most...

We can't jump or play basketball !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 14:15:42
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I'm white but I could be whiter:

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 14:16:20
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Zerowone said: »

I stopped there.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 14:17:33
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Science can kiss my shiny metal *** with it's beakers and lab coats !
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 14:24:48
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Nausi said: »
Zerowone said: »
We all know you feel like you’re persecuted for being a straight white man. That on the surface the email aligns with the sentiments that fuel the, “It’s ok to be white” campaign you're attempting to advocate.
Is there something wrong with being white?

Is there something wrong with your self esteem.

I’m ok with being white, are you?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-11-03 14:26:44
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Zerowone said: »
Holy ***I think the administration just trolled the liberals and the conservatives:

Trump administration report: Climate change mostly human-caused.
It's part of an older mandate from the 90s so it's not really a Trump administration thing. They'll present it to the president and congress and the rest will unfold predictably.
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