So it's not just in the September thread, and more organized.
You need 70,000 Crafter points this time around. You can keep the shield on the whole time while crafting. There is no negative impact on it. Craftsmanship goes up slowly compared to the previous stages.
Wind Crystal Desynths:
Ancient Papyrus Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Beryl Memosphere Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Bruised Starfruit Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Lucky Egg Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Carbuncle's Ruby Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Test Answers Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Star Spinel Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
White Memosphere Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Colorful Hair Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Demon Pen Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Elshimo Marble Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Indigo Memosphere Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Orcish Mail Scales Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Teal Memosphere Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Tonberry Board Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Lightning Crystal Desynths:
Bomb Coal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Fetich Arms Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Ancient salt Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Delkfutt key Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Legs Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Rusty Medal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Frayed Arrow Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Shoalweed Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Desert Venom Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Exoray Mold Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Head Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Scorpion Stinger Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Giant Fish Bones Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Magicked Steel Ingot Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Rusty Key Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Making the light go green
As stupid as it is, Moghancement: Desynthesis helps a lot for farming spheres.
Link to items that give Moghancement: Desynthesis