Random Politics & Religion #27

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Random Politics & Religion #27
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
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By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-27 09:24:49
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The Trevor Project lists that 40% in a national survey had attempted suicide and of those 92% of those were before the age of 25. It never goes into detail as to WHY they suddenly drop after the age of 25 but it could be a number of reasons, including the Chris Crocker logic being thrown around here. ...I mean realizing that he's just gay rather than trans, not the leave Britney alone thing.


Another site lists the suicide attempt rate between 32% and 50% across "the countries" which, I'm not sure what they mean by that, either way there's a list of reasons as to why they may attempt suicide.

Serveur: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-08-27 09:27:35
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
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By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-27 09:27:37
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
This is wrong.
Also, when you speak in absolutes like that, it makes you look like a belligerent fool.

You are wrong.

Medical data directly contradicts your statement. Objective studies directly supports my statement. Who's really the fool.

There are people who aren't part of your religious cult, your going to have to accept that at some point in time.
You're really trying here, aren't you?

Where did your post-op numbers come from? Your pre-op numbers were accurate for "attempts" up to the age of 25 but I saw nothing for after the surgery.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-27 09:34:39
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Where did your post-op numbers come from?

Read the link posted.

They did a review of patient data for over 300 transgenders and compared them both to a group of non-trans people and a then divided based on operation or no-operation. They were focusing on mental illness rates and one of those is being suicidal. They actually found the rates of being suicidal post-op were significantly higher then no-op and that overall transgender had a suicidal rate several times higher then the control population.

That's just one study, there are many more and your going to have to dig because people feel very uneasy mentioning the post vs pre operation rates as the LGBT crowd supported by your religious cult attacks them for it.
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-27 09:47:07
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Where did your post-op numbers come from?

Read the link posted.

They did a review of patient data for over 300 transgenders and compared them both to a group of non-trans people and a then divided based on operation or no-operation. They were focusing on mental illness rates and one of those is being suicidal. They actually found the rates of being suicidal post-op were significantly higher then no-op and that overall transgender had a suicidal rate several times higher then the control population.

That's just one study, there are many more and your going to have to dig because people feel very uneasy mentioning the post vs pre operation rates as the LGBT crowd supported by your religious cult attacks them for it.
I'm not actually religious due to seeing my aunt flopping around in the floor and "talkin' ta Jesus" when I was three, so you can drop that line. Also, it's more often the right who are more religious than the left and it's usually the right who are against gays and whatnot...though I am glad to see you can accept that people on both sides can have similarities. *shrug*

I don't really have time to sit and read a study that long, one thing I suppose I could mention is that in the US you have to go through psychiatric screening to be able to move forward with sex reassignment. If there is regret after the operation, that tells me that 1. people are losing orgasmic function after operation and 2. clearly we need better mental health professionals if those who aren't really trans are getting through to have surgery.

Lastly I'd have to wonder if this is including Female-to-Male (Again, I skimmed) and if so, there's a lot of your issues there. As we all know, being a man obviously means being hung like a horse and hard as a rock and the FTM lower surgeries are much more complex and much less functional usually. So if you include transmen, you are kinda screwing up the results because the two surgeries are very, very different.
Serveur: Odin
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By Odin.Slore 2017-08-27 09:48:28
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either or he/she/it was a traitor. Plain and simple.
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-27 09:50:00
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Asura.Saevel said: »
My personal beliefs are that people should be allowed to do whatever they want to themselves. If some people with a mental disorder want to LARP then who am I to judge. Just don't go around trying to use big government to beat everyone into giving those people special and preferential treatment.
Also, this is a two-way street.
By 2017-08-27 11:09:58
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By Ruaumoko 2017-08-27 12:55:38
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Candlejack said: »
If the so-called Evangelical Christian conservative hypocrites want to be left alone to do as they wish, then they should leave others alone to do as they wish. Yet they don't. They rail against women deciding to get abortions, or trans people having the transition surgery, or against women and homosexuals joining the military, and then whine when their complaining is met with lawsuits and themselves being beaten in the courts.
Abortions are abhorrent, the religious right wing is correct. I would only say abortions are necessary in extremely difficult circumstances, like pregnancy harming the mother's life or if a woman has been raped. One cannot take the fringe cases like these and apply them to argue for an entire practice which is effectively infanticide. If a couple did not bother getting contraceptives, got a woman pregnant and then sought state-funded abortion then that is wrong no matter how you slice it.

I do not see eye-to-eye with the religious right wing about women and homosexuals joining no being allowed to join the military. My sister serves in the air force proudly, and I am proud of her for doing so.

Christian Conservatives have actually been on the right side more than they have been on the wrong side throughout history. America did not take to Negative Eugenics (Euthanasia, Mass-Killings of the Unfit/Homosexual/Other Races) as much as Nazi Germany did because there was a big anti-eugenics movement from the religious right-wing which effectively killed popular support. Christians rallied against it because man-led intervention in human nature was deemed blasphemy and Conservatives rallied against it because they felt that the State should not undertake social engineering and that such actions violated the 14th Amendment.
Point-of-case, Skinner v. Oklahoma in 1942.

You can actually pinpoint the exact year in which this resistance really began. It began in 1927 following the Buck v. Bell case in the Supreme Court. Buck v. Bell authorised the mass sterilisation of the mentally unfit, criminals, delinquents and other 'degenerates' within Virginia. This was a step-too-far for the Christian right and they gathered public support to challenge this brand of Negative Eugenics, which in hindsight was really *** good considering what Nazi Germany (you know, national socialists) did with the same doctrine.

Oh, and you can thank Evangelical Christians for the abolition of slavery. Also for contributing to the success of the Civil Rights Movement.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2017-08-27 13:12:02
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Ruaumoko said: »
Oh, and you can thank Evangelical Christians for the abolition of slavery. Also for contributing to the success of the Civil Rights Movement.

I was there for the civil rights movement, freedom rides and all. There were many wonderful Christians who were part of it. None of them were what we call evangelicals in this 21st century.
By 2017-08-27 14:11:15
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Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-08-27 15:59:17
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Ruaumoko said: »

Christian Conservatives have actually been on the right side more than they have been on the wrong side throughout history. America did not take to Negative Eugenics (Euthanasia, Mass-Killings of the Unfit/Homosexual/Other Races) as much as Nazi Germany did because there was a big anti-eugenics movement from the religious right-wing which effectively killed popular support. Christians rallied against it because man-led intervention in human nature was deemed blasphemy and Conservatives rallied against it because they felt that the State should not undertake social engineering and that such actions violated the 14th Amendment.
Point-of-case, Skinner v. Oklahoma in 1942.

The courts opinion in Skinner v Oklahoma was that it found Oklahoma's Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act of 1935 unconstitutional due to the lack of it's application to white collar crimes. That does not follow the narrative you are trying to perpetuate. Especially given that sterilization laws are still active in the states.

Ruaumoko said: »
You can actually pinpoint the exact year in which this resistance really began. It began in 1927 following the Buck v. Bell case in the Supreme Court. Buck v. Bell authorised the mass sterilisation of the mentally unfit, criminals, delinquents and other 'degenerates' within Virginia. This was a step-too-far for the Christian right and they gathered public support to challenge this brand of Negative Eugenics, which in hindsight was really *** good considering what Nazi Germany (you know, national socialists) did with the same doctrine.

You're rewriting history by looking backwards to fit your opinions and narrative. Instead of forward from the event itself. The opinion at the time differs vastly from what you are attributing.

The law in question was supported by both Conservatives and Progressives, Democrats and Republicans, Christians and Jews. Which is why there's a certain comedic irony that the Nazis used the courts opinion in Buck v Bell to defend the eugenics program/crimes against humanity.

With regard to social opinion it should be noted that it was the Catholic Church (not Evangelicals in US) that was vocal against eugenics, specifically sterilization laws due to it's opinion that it violated Canon-law.

DANIEL J. KEVLES, IN THE NAME OF EUGENICS: GENETICS AND THE USES OF HUMAN HEREDITY 57−69 (1985) (discussing scientific and popular support for eugenics); EDWARD J. LARSON, SEX, RACE, AND SCIENCE: EUGENICS IN THE DEEP SOUTH 30−32 (1995) [hereinafter SEX, RACE, AND SCIENCE] (discussing support for eugenics by persons of different political parties and ideological groups); CHRISTINE ROSEN, PREACHING EUGENICS: RELIGIOUS LEADERS AND THE AMERICAN EUGENICS MOVEMENT 85−109 (2004) (discussing Christian and Jewish support for eugenics).
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11333
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-08-27 19:44:25
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Candlejack said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
Oh, and you can thank Evangelical Christians for the abolition of slavery. Also for contributing to the success of the Civil Rights Movement.

I was there for the civil rights movement, freedom rides and all. There were many wonderful Christians who were part of it. None of them were what we call evangelicals in this 21st century.
Exactly. Many southern Evangelical Christians Baptists... back then identified as Democrats (These were the same ones who, back then, were in either the Nazis or the KKK) who left the Democrat party after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act into law, and we all know about Nixon's use of the Southern Strategy to appeal to these Dixiecrats against Goldwater's warning not to use it.
By 2017-08-27 19:56:13
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Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2017-08-27 20:00:21
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That Scientific American I mentioned on the last page:

Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-08-27 20:55:18
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Ruaumoko said: »
*** up your internal biology through hormone treatment, altering your brain's behavior in ways it was never designed to, will cause thoughts of suicidality.
Your link had no such causal link to hormone therapy and suicide. You're making ***up.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-08-27 21:21:33
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
*** up your internal biology through hormone treatment, altering your brain's behavior in ways it was never designed to, will cause thoughts of suicidality.
Your link had no such causal link to hormone therapy and suicide. You're making ***up.

Um, it's a survey. Of course there isn't causality.
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Amandarius 2017-08-27 21:38:01
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A brief pause to recognize how amazing Game of Thrones was tonight.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-08-27 21:43:39
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
A brief pause to recognize how amazing Game of Thrones was tonight.

Mexico was inspired.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-08-27 21:47:00
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I asked for something that linked the therapy to suicide in the causal way he's inferring. There was nothing like that.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-08-27 21:57:10
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
I asked for something that linked the therapy to suicide in the causal way he's inferring. There was nothing like that.

Causality is very hard to prove in cases of psychology, so what you're asking for to either to prove or disprove his statement likely doesn't exist. At best you guys would be arguing over inconclusive data augmented with preconceived notions based on personal biases.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-08-27 22:12:53
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I know this. We're not disagreeing. Why is this suddenly on me?
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-08-27 22:19:10
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
I know this. We're not disagreeing. Why is this suddenly on me?

Given past arguments in here on the topic, I thought you were on the team of people who think there is no relationship whatsoever, and bullying alone contributes to the suicide rates. Given that the extremes on both sides of the argument are ridiculous and the truth is likely to be a combination of factors, I figured it would be good to tamp that down since everyone is just arguing what they think and not what they can even remotely begin to prove.
By 2017-08-28 01:09:51
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By 2017-08-28 06:21:32
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Comment: Stop name-calling. >_> It's fairly civil.
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-28 06:57:07
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It's fairly civil atm, so.. I don't know why the name calling. Don't be the guy slinging the first hand full in a shitstorm. >_>

Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
I know this. We're not disagreeing. Why is this suddenly on me?

Given past arguments in here on the topic, I thought you were on the team of people who think there is no relationship whatsoever, and bullying alone contributes to the suicide rates. Given that the extremes on both sides of the argument are ridiculous and the truth is likely to be a combination of factors, I figured it would be good to tamp that down since everyone is just arguing what they think and not what they can even remotely begin to prove.
Bullying, family being unsupportive, feeling inadequate, etc. Various reasons.
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2017-08-28 07:52:54
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Can you get a bachelor's degree in women's gender studies?
By 2017-08-28 08:18:03
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Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2017-08-28 08:59:47
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
A brief pause to recognize how amazing Game of Thrones was tonight.
Its official. Game of Thrones is a religion.

Anna Ruthven said: »
Can you get a bachelor's degree in women's gender studies?
Women's studies, yes. Women's gender studies? No idea.

But as the current Scientific American illustrates, gender studies is a legitimate field of study.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-08-28 09:08:03
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
This is wrong.
Also, when you speak in absolutes like that, it makes you look like a belligerent fool.

He may come off as belligerent, but he's correct.

You come off as someone who just can't handle reality when you essentially whine about him being correct.
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