Node 285
The last one went on long enough so I'm gonna go ahead and restart.
Random Politics & Religion #23 (Fake News) |
Random Politics & Religion #23 (Fake News)
Love how respectful you libs are. You bitched and moaned when someone said disparaging names about Obama, but have all sorts of names for others. Is this that open mindedness we hear of all the time?
Thats cute Slore. Very cute.
I have transcended your petty mortal liberal vs conservative conflict. I just hate you all.
Anna Ruthven said: » I have transcended your petty mortal liberal vs conservative conflict. I just hate you all. Yeah? Well, the Thunder still suck, so there. Offline
Posts: 35422
Exodus 8:3 The Nile will teem with frogs(Pepe). They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs.
Who said Pepe is dead...he is in the NIle ! fonewear said: » Who said Pepe is dead...he is in the NIle ! What an odd coincidence. Half of the country is in de Nile. Offline
Posts: 35422
I'm raising my cat gender neutral and I'm wondering why the boys don't like me...
YouTube Video Placeholder
Posts: 35422
Posts: 35422
Candlejack said: » Good morning Vietnam!! On that note, Marine LePenn lost her bid to become the president of France. That's right, the Trumpvestite in France lost, and I can only presume the reason: The French people had a sneak preview of what her leadership would be like by looking at Rump and said my three favored words: "*** that noise!" Offline
Posts: 35422
I forgot to take my medication now I'm growing hair where I shouldn't...
Apparently there are/were anti-Macron protests going on in France. Despite the 2:1 victory.
Ah, correction. They're protesting the fact they were given such shitty candidates in the first place.
As best a bilingual friend can figure, anyway. Sylph.Cherche said: » Ah, correction. They're protesting the fact they were given such shitty candidates in the first place. As best a bilingual friend can figure, anyway. This might be the one time we can actually learn something from France. It makes a lot more sense than having paid protesters go out and only protest the legitimate winner, who by pure coincidence also happens to be the one George Soros didn't want.
Posts: 35422
I'm up for being a paid protester where do I sign up ?
Posts: 35422
In vaguely feminism news:
I'll spare you the reading: Basically overweight woman wore a latex dress and was upset when people made fun of her Image may cause emotional distress: It's a common problem. I wore a latex dress to a job interview and got turned away at the door.
Posts: 35422
Anna Ruthven said: » I have transcended your petty mortal liberal vs conservative conflict. I just hate you all. Well then tell us how you really feel ! Offline
Posts: 35422
Basically she uses Cartman logic:
YouTube Video Placeholder Le pen got far more youth votes than any other nationalist candidate.
When the left looses the youth, there done. Offline
Posts: 35422
Normally what happens is the left grow up and stop being on the left !
Nausi said: » Le pen got far more youth votes than any other nationalist candidate. When the left looses the youth, there done. Funny thing is the left is spinning this as a victory while failing to mention the ridiculous growth of the NF's support base. Just to give everyone an idea, in 2008 they had a 4.5% support. France has a dual vote election system, the first vote is a huge list of different parties candidates and the top two go on to the national election. So 2007 (presidency) 10.4% 2008 (cantonal) 4.5% 2011 (cantonal) 15% 2012 (presidency) 17.9% (third place) 2017 (presidency) 21.3% (first round) / (33.9% second round) This is basically a minority party who's support is growing at an astonishing rate. The big left wing parties were defeated in the first round and left a moderate-left traditional party and the super nationalistic right party. So the real story isn't in Macron's victory, which was easily predicted but in the fast growing support of the nationalistic party. fonewear said: » Normally what happens is the left grow up and stop being on the left ! They come out of university indoctrinated into the socialist / communist progressive ideology. For years they struggle to fight the battle and achieve that grand social Utopia. Later they discover the utter moral bankruptcy of the left and how they were made into useful idiots and switch over. /eyeroll
Calling Macron left, particularly in regards to European politics is pretty damn funny. He's firmly center right. Also, reaching pretty damned hard there, Saev. The United States, compared to the rest of the West, is fairly conservative. The nationalist groups are gaining popularity, but they're mostly nabbing fence sitters and from other conservative parties. |
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