Ideal Food?

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Ideal food?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Yamiadra
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Yamiadra 2017-04-18 16:44:17
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I hate posting new threads because I feel like I'm gonna get eaten alive, but I used the search bar and I don't see anything relevant to what kinds of food specifically should be used by SAM.

I'm trying to find out the most ideal/practical food for general DD/WS would be. I've been using Bream Sushi for accuracy but I'm starting to crest out of the need for higher Acc. and I'm looking into getting damage out of my food instead.

Sorry if this is too n00b a question.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-04-18 16:56:30
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Bahamut.Yamiadra said: »
I feel like I'm gonna get eaten alive
Not unless you post on a food request threa......oh...well, ***.
Posts: 1447
By fillerbunny9 2017-04-18 17:01:59
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multiple suggestions can be found in this thread:
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Yamiadra
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Yamiadra 2017-04-19 03:16:35
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Thank you!
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