Meditate In The JP World

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Meditate in the JP world
Guildwork Premium
Posts: 177
By IBHalliwell 2016-11-24 07:26:00
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I noticed neither of the main WIKI (FFXIclopedia nor BG-WIKI) yet cover the recent changes to the meditate JA for SAM. Before updating them, I thought I'd post here sharing both my experiences and asking for yours.

As a new ilvl 119 SAM, I've been working on JP. The first set I completed was Meditate! I also got 119 gear to help it.

Meditate gear:
Head (AF): Wakido Kabuto +1
Hands (Relic): Sakonji kote + 1
UPDATE: Back (Ambuscade): Smertrios's mantle

Cool thing about meditate is with it both fully merited and JP maxed at 20, I'm getting every 2.5 minutes and 300 TP/tick!!

With the above gear, I'm seeing about 12 ticks (or more) for 3,600 TP (or more). This is an estimate, as its difficult to see beyond 3,000 TP.

I've been able to do 3 to 4 WS right after a meditate, and thus some SC, too.

Many times things don't workout and I max to 3,000 TP and miss out on anything beyond it, BUT ... Sometimes I can (as I said) do multiple WS after a mediate.

What about your experience?

Thank you,

I. B. Halliwell on Ragnarok (formerly of Caitsith)
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By ScaevolaBahamut 2019-03-12 19:59:15
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I am so tired, you guys.
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By Foxfire 2019-03-12 21:10:41
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*** outta here with this necro ***
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