Random Politics & Religion #09

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Random Politics & Religion #09
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Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 09:49:00
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
America should take a lesson from the British and setup their very own Australia. Consider it my platform if I run for the highest office in the land.

I'm gonna build and island and dump all our undesirables on it! We can circle the place with ships and anyone who tries to leave gets BOOM'd.

Debtor's colony 2: South Pacific Shuffle
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-08-03 09:56:24
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2016-08-03 10:08:22
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Blazed1979 said: »
Condescending tone, please remember it when I come back and shool you.

For someone who's spewed anti-semitic rhetoric here many times, I'm surprised to see shul or temple used in such a positive way. A mitzvah!

Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 10:11:54
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damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2016-08-03 10:12:46
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment

Ease up a bit please. You're driving it into the ground.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 10:13:43
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment

Ease up a bit please. You're driving it into the ground.
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 10:18:37
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment

Ease up a bit please. You're driving it into the ground.
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?
To be fair, you probably have a better chance of P&R being removed or RP&R being abolished than getting the edit button back.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 10:23:03
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment

Ease up a bit please. You're driving it into the ground.
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?
To be fair, you probably have a better chance of P&R being removed or RP&R being abolished than getting the edit button back.
How in the hell is that an upside?

If anything, I'm fighting, and fighting hard, to keep P&R here. I'm the absolute last person who wants it gone.

If it's a choice of being perma-banned or losing P&R, I rather be perma-banned. At least I can see other people's viewpoints instead of going to the filth that is MSN/FOX for other people's viewpoints. Be it as it may, this forum has at least SOME sense of civility for the internet.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-03 10:31:02
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I have no opinion as I wasn't around for whatever shitfest caused edit to get removed.

I just know I tend to get a little anal about my spelling errors and the like and I dislike not being able to correct them.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 10:31:54
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
damn, I missed another #Wings4Rooks moment

Ease up a bit please. You're driving it into the ground.
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?
To be fair, you probably have a better chance of P&R being removed or RP&R being abolished than getting the edit button back.
How in the hell is that an upside?

If anything, I'm fighting, and fighting hard, to keep P&R here. I'm the absolute last person who wants it gone.

If it's a choice of being perma-banned or losing P&R, I rather be perma-banned. At least I can see other people's viewpoints instead of going to the filth that is MSN/FOX for other people's viewpoints. Be it as it may, this forum has at least SOME sense of civility for the internet.
People seem to treat this thread like they used to treat the Flame Core. Mass amounts of trolling, flaming, pointless fighting, and flamebaiting posts that border on conspiracy theory. Everytime any of us try to talk about site improvements, there's always an elephant in the room; P&R and how to stabilize it. We barely make progress because of it. It's discouraging to staff as a whole and seems bad for the community to have it here.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 10:35:51
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To a long story short; we're tired of trying to fix P&R but we can't let it stay broken
Posts: 6509
By Rooks 2016-08-03 10:36:37
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?

Just so we're clear, and it's from the admin account so you know it's legit:

Edit is never, ever, coming back to P+R. Dumb typos are the only enjoyment I get from this section anymore, and I'll be dead, buried, and in Oklahoma before I surrender that.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-03 10:38:02
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Frankly wish I knew why I was so drawn to keep coming back here myself.

I generally like everyone on some level. Don't know why we insist on bitterly arguing over ***over which we have no direct power.

But we do!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-08-03 10:40:40
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Rooks said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I'm trying to get our Edit button back.

.....is it working Rooks?

Just so we're clear, and it's from the admin account so you know it's legit:

Edit is never, ever, coming back to P+R. Dumb typos are the only enjoyment I get from this section anymore, and I'll be dead, buried, and in Oklahoma before I surrender that.

It's the only enjoyment you get from this section? What if we give you other things to enjoy?


Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-03 10:41:49
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Serveur: Hyperion
user: Rooks
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2016-08-03 10:42:03
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Ramyrez said: »
Frankly wish I knew why I was so drawn to keep coming back here myself.

I generally like everyone on some level. Don't know why we insist on bitterly arguing over ***over which we have no direct power.

But we do!

This is the core of the problem, really.

If this section really was a total waste, it'd be easy to write off. If everyone got along and played by the rules, there'd be no discussion to have.

But there's just enough actual quality discussion, among people who have at least some shared interests, to keep it from being irredeemable, and too much strife and pointless* bickering to make it enjoyable.

* = by pointless, I mean the personal infighting type stuff. Arguments over policy points happen, so even when people are entrenched I don't really consider that any more "pointless" than any other conversation. It's the abandoning of rhetoric and logic completely, for pointed, personal rancor, that strikes me as profoundly foolish.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2016-08-03 10:45:07
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Random 2nd Amendment-ish thought: If someone tries to mug you and you're stone cold enough to disarm him and drive him away, what happens to the weapon? Can you keep it, risking having criminal evidence, do you turn it in?

Good question.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 10:49:51
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Arguing over policy points, not an issue.

Arguing over politicians, also not an issue.

Bickering over policy points, again, not the issue.

Having some people get away with rule breaking, while others are targeted by certain moderators for not even the littlest things is an issue.

What is wrong with P&R cannot be solely blamed on one group of people. Moderators have their own issues to deal with too.

This isn't a one-way street here!
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 10:51:29
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Personally, I find the limited quality discussion to be eclipsed by the infighting, trolling, and whatnot. The few moments of civil discussion doesn't make up for the hours of cussing and insulting each other.

Lastly, I absolutely hate the conspiracy theory-esque posts going in either direction, claiming proof that doesn't exist.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2016-08-03 10:52:08
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Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 10:56:35
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Jetackuu said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?
I was more referring to "it's been proven....but I won't provide said proof."

I should've been more clear. If you want to try to prove something to someone, show them proof. If you leave someone to Google something on the internet, they are more likely to find 50 links saying the opposite of what you claim before they find a link that matches. That's the nature of the internet.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-08-03 10:58:32
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Jetackuu said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?

Unfortunately it's more common with the first half lately.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2016-08-03 10:58:40
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?
I was more referring to "it's been proven....but I won't provide said proof."

I should've been more clear. If you want to try to prove something to someone, show them proof. If you leave someone to Google something on the internet, they are more likely to find 50 links saying the opposite of what you claim before they find a link that matches. That's the nature of the internet.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-03 10:59:18
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?
I was more referring to "it's been proven....but I won't provide said proof."

I should've been more clear. If you want to try to prove something to someone, show them proof. If you leave someone to Google something on the internet, they are more likely to find 50 links saying the opposite of what you claim before they find a link that matches. That's the nature of the internet.
In all honesty, how many people actually give evidence to their arguments on this website?

I can name 3, maybe 4 people. A couple post articles without providing the source, but at least that isn't bad.

Most people here make statements without providing evidence, and if you provide evidence, they automatically dismiss it because it doesn't fit in their narrow viewpoint. Point that out, they report you for harassment.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-08-03 11:05:33
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Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
If I told you what I really hated some mod would ban me I'm sure though.

Strictly speaking, they shouldn't. Expressing an opinion isn't really against the rules unless you're directly attacking or threatening anyone...

Tell that to the mods with strong bias no names. Bannable for having a opinion against vaccines.

If there's pro choice for abortion there should be pro choice for vaccines. Jim Brown is a tyrannical governor in California of course he is a Democrat.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-03 11:06:36
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Tell that to the mods with strong bias no names. Bannable for having a opinion against vaccines.

Your opinions are damaging to public health.

Go away.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2016-08-03 11:07:19
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
claiming proof that doesn't exist.

Isn't that the claim to fame of half the title?
I was more referring to "it's been proven....but I won't provide said proof."

I should've been more clear. If you want to try to prove something to someone, show them proof. If you leave someone to Google something on the internet, they are more likely to find 50 links saying the opposite of what you claim before they find a link that matches. That's the nature of the internet.
In all honesty, how many people actually give evidence to their arguments on this website?

I can name 3, maybe 4 people. A couple post articles without providing the source, but at least that isn't bad.

Most people here make statements without providing evidence, and if you provide evidence, they automatically dismiss it because it doesn't fit in their narrow viewpoint. Point that out, they report you for harassment.

Mmmm...You might be discounting the people who stopped posting links to explain their opinions on a subject but gave up. It's pointless if no one is going to read what's presented and jump to conclusions.

This has been demonstrated and pointed out many times. So...
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-03 11:10:08
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Bannable for having a opinion against vaccines.
That's more of a liability issue.
Serveur: Hyperion
user: Rooks
Posts: 109
By Terlet Sangria 2016-08-03 11:10:14
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »

Topicbanned. You know better by now, so I don't know why you insist on choosing this hill to die on
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-03 11:10:21
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And some people don't past factual articles at all, they post conspiracy blogs/videos and any time you post evidence to refute them they say "well that's just what the system wants you to believe, the scientists are bought and paid for by the Zionists, man!"

And then you just sort of sigh and realize these people are allowed to vote.
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