0 Respect For Obama Usually But This Speech..

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0 respect for Obama usually but this speech..
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Serveur: Odin
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user: Angeljcar
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By Odin.Blazeoffury 2016-07-09 06:56:10
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Never cared for him. Now that he is at the end of his office. I think he is being more raw. There's no 3rd nomination to be had... with trump in the hype along with Hillary, he's more or less Just a ghost in a white house until he actually disappears. But this speech balanced so much. Not to say we all don't think it or have said it ourselves. But to highlight someone who balanced it perfectly. Blacks getting killed? Unjust. Retaliation of cops being killed? Unjust. Do cops matter? Oh yes! I grew up in the hood where F the police was the motto, but when someone breaks into your house? You're hitting up 9-1-1. We need them. On the other side, I've seen unwarranted beat downs. I've been a victim of one myself. But I've also been treated tremendously well by cops.

The following is my personal story and you can skip all of the following and only care for the speech Obama gave, which may be, which is very probable to have been posted.. so for that i apologize, if it has... to not waste your time, here's my unique story, and if you don't care for it and have watched the speech, i have completely wasted your time... lol Sorry.

As someone who has been abused by the police without justification, i understand the outrage. In one hand, i remember when i asked the police to stop clubbing my brother who they had already subdued (He deserved it) they wouldn't stop. I eventually said "If you don't stop i'm going to report you" and upon that statement i was slammed to the floor. I had my arms ready to be handcuffed so they didn't say i was resisting. They proceeded to handcuff me and then shout "Stop resisting" and slammed my head into the floor 3 times. Once i got to the station in the holding tank a cop walked in and said "Have you ever been arrested before you assaulted a police officer tonight?" i yelled "What?"
They walked away and moments later i was summoned to speak to the police chief. She asked me "While staying in this facility do you fear for your life?" I replied "No." then she asked with outstretched words "At Annnnnnnny point during your arrest were you injured in annnnnnny way?" I thought to myself *If i say yes theyre going to say i assaulted a cop... fuq.* so i responded "No."
She said "GOOD ANSWER! :D Throw him back in the cell"
When i got to court there was no assault, just resisting arrest which i fought and got boiled down to "Disturbing the peace"
^ an example of a corrupt system.
However i remember when i was homeless and 18 i had bought some weed. A cop pulled me over after purchasing the weed. He asked if i had anything illegal. Seeing the probability of him finding it, i chose to be honest. I told him that i had some weed in my sock. When he asked me why i am buying drugs i told him "Look, i'm young, i'm homeless and i don't have much to live for.. this is one of the few things that makes me happy and i just got it after trying to scrape 10 dollars together all day." He confiscated my weed. Then wrote me a ticket for weed possession.
I was really bummed out. I got to my friends house who was letting me sleep on the couch that night and put my hands into my pocket to play with the lent that lied inside. Too my shocking surprise i found that my weed was still in my pocket.... When i showed up for court a couple weeks later they told me they had no record of a ticket for me....
^ tho what i was doing was "Bad" he showed me love by being compassionate to my situation.
^ Good cops exist. I've experienced the extremes to both ends.
If this makes any sense to you with all the racial hype, i encourage you to share. ‪

Here is the video:

Your text to link here...
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-09 07:42:19
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What you experienced the first time was known as the "Blue Wall" and it's what is primarily responsible for all the chaos happening now. When one Police Officer goes overboard and breaks the law, the others will lock ranks and do everything possible to protect that Officer. If one Officer loses his ***and shoots you in the head, the others will fabricate and confirm his story about you reaching for his gun. This has been the status quo for decades, back to before the Rodney King riots. Now that social media and mobile camera's exist, everything the Police do is being recorded and shared for everyone to see yet the Police still refuse to break that Blue Wall and thus openly break the law. People yell for change and the Police resist and then continue with supporting the brutality of a few. The public is now erupting into violence and blind retaliations are happening. It's going to grow worse and worse until either a civil revolution starts or the Police back down and fix their system.

I'm expecting to see Police stations bombed and cops executed within the new few years.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-07-09 07:48:41
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So all the police being murdered is there fault? That is terrible to say.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-09 07:56:08
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eliroo said: »
So all the police being murdered is there fault? That is terrible to say.

They are responsible for the situation. When their fellow officer beat someone they looked the other way, when their fellow officer shot someone in cold blood they lied to protect them. When their fellow officer stole or extorted people, they looked the other way. When their fellow officer needed assistance in carrying out their illegal misdeeds, they complied and assisted them. Their refusal to speak up, to support the civilians they were sworn to serve, that is what created this decades old resentment that's been building. Their arrogance thinking they were above the law, that they "WERE THE LAW!", that they didn't need to answer to mere peasant civilians because their lives as "Hero's" were more important.

That is the root cause of this situation. The media is only fanning the flames and trying to take advantage of it, they didn't create it. All this anger, all this retaliation, it's all a symptom of a bigger deeper problem.

If you want to solve this problem, then you must cure the root cause. which is that Police Officers can not be trusted to investigate and police their own.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-07-09 08:04:03
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Asura.Saevel said: »

If you want to solve this problem, then you must cure the root cause. which is that Police Officers can not be trusted to investigate and police their own.

...What? I mean I can't deny that there are officers who protect their fellow officers in absurd situations... but no that isn't the root cause of the problem. The officers that died in dallas had nothing to do with Alton sterling or any other shooting. They were just honest men protecting the rally that they may or may not have agreed with. The problem is the media over sensationalizing things and activist groups speaking out loudly over only the bad they see. You may see one cop shoot or beat someone but I promise you that you never the good cop that handles the situation correctly. Why? Because it isn't media worthy but I promise you it happens a lot more than what you see on the media.

God.. I'm sorry but what you are saying is terrible and absolutely ignorant. You are a symptom of the problem and that problem is just plain lack of information and understanding.

Sure we definitely to find a way to police cops better, but to say that is the problem and to say that is the issue... Just wow...
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-07-09 08:26:18
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It is an unfortunate situation, but it is/was completely forseeable.

Change is and has been very slow. It always is until both sides of a conflict have more to lose than to gain.
The police officers that died in Dallas were innocent of the injustices for which they were killed. They shouldn't have died. However, the shooter and many others feel that they are in a situation that will never change until the other side feels the pain and fear they feel.

So, either reforms are made rapidly or more people will die on both sides. Since rapid change is unlikely, I agree with Saevel, it is going to get worse before it gets better.
By 2016-07-09 08:27:53
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Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-07-09 08:40:23
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This literally isn't some war between Officers and the BLM. It is people overreacting and being extremely ignorant. Officers literally risk their lives everyday to serve and protect. One bad apple out of 100 causes riots like these? And the whole group is the problem?

There are definitely cases where we needed cops to be more visible and where prosecutions should happen. But to say that is the root cause of people killing others in cold blood? No that is just ignorant and if anything making the problem bigger.

People will continue die to die, simply because of people like you who think its acceptable and understandable.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-07-09 08:51:58
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No one here is condoning what has happened/is happening, on either side. But that doesn't mean we can't understand why it is happening.

People will continue to die as long as people like you hold fast that one side is right and the other is wrong--so the side that isn't your own just needs to suck it up and accept the way things are.

Empathy needs to be encouraged.
Posts: 42654
By Jetackuu 2016-07-09 09:04:02
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It's not just bad cops that they're complaining about (which are a higher percentage than that) it's also the fact that the entire justice system is disproportionately geared towards targeting minorities and that is a fact.

End the racial bias in profiling, arresting, trying, convicting.

End the militarization of the police forces.

End the ridiculous and noneffective war on drugs.

Do something about poverty especially inner city poverty.

The list goes on and on but then you'll actually start to see change.

It's just unfortunate that this necessary movement took this turn and has had so many bad examples to rally behind, it takes from the actual problem.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-09 09:11:48
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You are ignorant.... Rodney King wasn't an isolated incident, they were just the idiots who got caught.

The Police protect their own, even if it includes false statements and fabricating evidence. That is the cause of all the public's distrust and feelings of powerlessness towards the Police. Those feelings can manifest and radicalize someone to "take matters into their own hands" and thus this situation is created.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-09 09:12:48
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You know what, *** it, someone like him can't be reasoned with. So problem solved.
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-09 09:30:37
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I find it funny (aka *** pathetic) how quick people are to say "Dallas cops aren't the bad cops, those were the actions of a few bad police, we shouldn't condemn them all based on the actions of a few."

But change the words police or cops to blacks, Muslims, refugees, etc and suddenly that logic doesn't apply anymore.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-07-09 09:40:42
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Holy *** I'm in a politics thread and in complete agreement with Saevel why is it so cold and why do I see Porxies?
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Morier
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By Phoenix.Morier 2016-07-09 09:46:26
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eliroo said: »
This literally isn't some war between Officers and the BLM. It is people overreacting and being extremely ignorant. Officers literally risk their lives everyday to serve and protect. One bad apple out of 100 causes riots like these? And the whole group is the problem?

There are definitely cases where we needed cops to be more visible and where prosecutions should happen. But to say that is the root cause of people killing others in cold blood? No that is just ignorant and if anything making the problem bigger.

People will continue die to die, simply because of people like you who think its acceptable and understandable.
Yeah, your "bad apple" takes an innocent life. That is worth way more than a protest.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-07-09 10:01:00
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Grumpy Cat said: »
I find it funny (aka *** pathetic) how quick people are to say "Dallas cops aren't the bad cops, those were the actions of a few bad police, we shouldn't condemn them all based on the actions of a few."

But change the words police or cops to blacks, Muslims, refugees, etc and suddenly that logic doesn't apply anymore.

What about police cops ?

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Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-07-09 10:08:44
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I am not even saying that the "blue wall" isn't an issue. I am saying that is not the reason that things like this happen.

Things like "this" meaning innocent people being murdered. People were provoked into killing by the riots and the protests and the over-exaggeration of the media. It isn't about a "blue wall" it is about making a point and making this into a war.

Does reform need to happen? Sure. Do people need to be better educated? Sure.

We can't sit here and blame these shootings on the cops, on the blacks on anyone but the people doing the shootings and the people aggravating the people. If we encourage violence, even for the sake empathy we just produce more violence. These things will continue to happen because we emphasize with them.

"The cops had it coming" is just as bad as saying as "Rodney King had it coming", he didn't nor did they. They were all innocent and just the result of hate and lack of education.

But change the words police or cops to blacks, Muslims, refugees, etc and suddenly that logic doesn't apply anymore.

This is really stupid and ignorant. If a black kills a cop in a single incident it won't make national media. If a cop kills a black man then it will make national media. This "Blue wall" is the hot topic and thus the center of media.

Also, I don't think anywhere I Implied Rodney king or Alton sterling deserved what happened to them. I think they were equally innocent and the cops involved should be prosecuted and not protected.

All I am arguing is that blaming what happened in Dallas on the cops in dallas is just as ignorant as blaming Alton sterling for what happened to him.

Give us education reform and more money put towards education in poor communities and hold cops responsible for the live's they take.

I personally live in Texas and have gotten in countless arguments with my peers over the past few days over how I think Alton sterling should not have been shot, don't begin to pretend you know what I believe.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-07-09 10:19:35
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The only thing that is going to happen is more violence. Cause violence begets more violence.
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
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By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-09 10:25:44
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eliroo said: »
If a black kills a cop in a single incident it won't make national media. If a cop kills a black man then it will make national media.

There is a reason for this. Because from just a quick google search 26 police have been killed this year. Police have killed 609 people this year.

eliroo said: »
All I am arguing is that blaming what happened in Dallas on the cops in dallas is just as ignorant as blaming Alton sterling for what happened to him.

Exactly my point, thank you for agreeing with me.

My comment was intended to point out not that we should be blaming Dallas police for what all other police do, but rather that we should NOT be blaming every black person or Muslim or immigrant for the actions of a few members of their population.

eliroo said: »
don't begin to pretend you know what I believe.

Trust me, no one is doing this. Considering you are just arguing with people by calling them stupid/ignorant and then reinforcing their points, no one has any inkling of what you believe here.
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-09 10:28:49
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fonewear said: »
The only thing that is going to happen is more violence. Cause violence begets more violence.

I like to think of it more like "History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever."

Unless something changes, we can't stay in the second beat forever.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Calatilla
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By Asura.Calatilla 2016-07-09 10:46:07
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eliroo said: »
If a black kills a cop in a single incident it won't make national media. If a cop kills a black man then it will make national media.

What if a Black cop kills a Black man.
Posts: 42654
By Jetackuu 2016-07-09 10:49:51
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Grumpy Cat said: »
fonewear said: »
The only thing that is going to happen is more violence. Cause violence begets more violence.

I like to think of it more like "History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever."

Unless something changes, we can't stay in the second beat forever.

Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-07-09 10:59:37
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Grumpy Cat said: »
I find it funny (aka *** pathetic) how quick people are to say "Dallas cops aren't the bad cops, those were the actions of a few bad police, we shouldn't condemn them all based on the actions of a few."

But change the words police or cops to blacks, Muslims, refugees, etc and suddenly that logic doesn't apply anymore.

On the flip side, you have people lashing out against all police for the actions of the few, but giving a pass to groups that are sheltered by political correctness. Hypocrisy runs both ways.
Posts: 42654
By Jetackuu 2016-07-09 11:02:26
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They need to stop discriminating against Mecha.
Posts: 113
By barkley1 2016-07-09 11:12:57
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I do not carry nor own a gun. I was told that if you pull the gun on someone, you are marked. If you pull the trigger, you are marked.

This was inevitable,the retaliations against the cops that is. This country is a mess and always has been. There is a reason why American history is such a sad read, being the trail of tears or slavery. Seriously, taking History in college was like reading a tragedy every quarter.

As for Obama, I do not have any issues with him. Obama being in office did not hurt me financially perse, I guess that is all you can ask for in a president....my money is still right and I got through college, I have no complaints. Shallow, I know, being financially motivated, but I digress..

The folks fearing Black Lives Matter or Labeling them as a threat/terrorist group is the issue. Blacks are seen as a threat, which is why they are killed so hastily. Officers fear them, and fear for their lives, therefore act irrationally.

The protesters were in disarray, running frantically, unaware of the situation just as the cops were. What an unorganized terrorist group they are.....
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Shruiken 2016-07-09 11:36:44
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Holy *** I'm in a politics thread and in complete agreement with Saevel why is it so cold and why do I see Porxies?

Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-07-09 11:46:15
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Asura.Saevel said: »
What you experienced the first time was known as the "Blue Wall" and it's what is primarily responsible for all the chaos happening now. When one Police Officer goes overboard and breaks the law, the others will lock ranks and do everything possible to protect that Officer. If one Officer loses his ***and shoots you in the head, the others will fabricate and confirm his story about you reaching for his gun. This has been the status quo for decades, back to before the Rodney King riots. Now that social media and mobile camera's exist, everything the Police do is being recorded and shared for everyone to see yet the Police still refuse to break that Blue Wall and thus openly break the law. People yell for change and the Police resist and then continue with supporting the brutality of a few. The public is now erupting into violence and blind retaliations are happening. It's going to grow worse and worse until either a civil revolution starts or the Police back down and fix their system.

I'm expecting to see Police stations bombed and cops executed within the new few years.

Sounds mad when no proof is given in cases involving police that police were acting unjust.
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-09 11:55:45
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Sylph.Dravidian said: »
Sounds mad when no proof is given in cases involving police that police were acting unjust.

Except for all the video evidence.

But I guess evidence is not proof anymore.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-07-09 12:08:18
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Asura.Saevel said: »
What you experienced the first time was known as the "Blue Wall" and it's what is primarily responsible for all the chaos happening now. When one Police Officer goes overboard and breaks the law, the others will lock ranks and do everything possible to protect that Officer. If one Officer loses his ***and shoots you in the head, the others will fabricate and confirm his story about you reaching for his gun. This has been the status quo for decades, back to before the Rodney King riots. Now that social media and mobile camera's exist, everything the Police do is being recorded and shared for everyone to see yet the Police still refuse to break that Blue Wall and thus openly break the law. People yell for change and the Police resist and then continue with supporting the brutality of a few. The public is now erupting into violence and blind retaliations are happening. It's going to grow worse and worse until either a civil revolution starts or the Police back down and fix their system.

I'm expecting to see Police stations bombed and cops executed within the new few years.

Isn't there always going to be a "blue wall" in a society with police? I mean, how can one expect people that have to put their lives on the line addressing the undesirables of a culture and not expect them to coalesce and support each other when one of them *** up?

This isn't to say that they should ever be above the law. They never should. But I think it is foolish for the BLM crowd or anyone to protest and wreck havoc expecting there to be no blue wall. There's always going to be some cops that break the rules.
Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-09 12:18:42
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Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
No one here is condoning what has happened/is happening, on either side. But that doesn't mean we can't understand why it is happening.

People will continue to die as long as people like you hold fast that one side is right and the other is wrong--so the side that isn't your own just needs to suck it up and accept the way things are.

Empathy needs to be encouraged.

Extremely well said. Unfortunaely, noone ever seems to be understanding of both sides. They hear the side they want to and completely ignore the other.

At least the most vocal voices. It's like the average american being neither hardcore republican or hardcore democrat. Most people don't check your bumper stickers before they stop to help you fix a flat tire but the talking heads have agendas so either every cop did what he had to do in the moment, or the only people who deserve to die are the ones pointing actual guns at the cop, no matter how ridiculously real they look in the moment. (If you think it's real enough to threaten someone with, it's real enough to get your head blown off for).
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