Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 Announced With A Fee.

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Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 announced with a fee.
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Calatilla
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By Asura.Calatilla 2016-06-30 13:08:48
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Asura.Saevel said: »
We want moar free ***!
Is it really free if you're already paying a subscription fee?
By 2016-06-30 13:09:15
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Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-06-30 13:10:32
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Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind if they charged for race changes, sex changes, skin colours (brown-skinned Galka anyone?), name changes, or even to delete previously used linkshell names so you can use them again (like when someone stole my old LS name when Hades merged into Cerberus ..), but to go as far as adding more wardrobes is punishing those who play many jobs in endgame which isn't fair because the most dedicated players shouldn't be paying extra.

Hell, give a brand new player the option to have Triple EXP for a week for the sweet price of £3. Stuff to help returning players get back into the game would be cool, and I reckon some would pay a little extra to get back into the flow without having to solo old content for weeks. Punishing the dedicated players and making them pay more for something they really should be getting anyways .. is a Jean-Luc Picard facepalm.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 13:13:33
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Asura.Calatilla said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
We want moar free ***!
Is it really free if you're already paying a subscription fee?

You didn't have it before and at no point in time did anyone promise you it or make any obligation to provide you with it. Therefor the expectation that it should materialize and be provided to you, free of charge, is the definition of "wanting more free ***".

Someone posted earlier, they could of just raised the sub fee by $1 USD a month and the provided it "free" to everyone. Or they could just continue on as usual and not provide it at all. Not having Wardrobe 3/4 wouldn't cause anyone to quit and if anything people would just create more mules.

So yes it's "I want moar free ***!!!!"
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Nickeny
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By Bismarck.Nickeny 2016-06-30 13:14:29
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind if they charged for race changes, sex changes, skin colours (brown-skinned Galka anyone?), name changes, or even to delete previously used linkshell names so you can use them again (like when someone stole my old LS name when Hades merged into Cerberus ..), but to go as far as adding more wardrobes is punishing those who play many jobs in endgame which isn't fair because the most dedicated players shouldn't be paying extra.

Hell, give a brand new player the option to have Triple EXP for a week for the sweet price of £3. Stuff to help returning players get back into the game would be cool, and I reckon some would pay a little extra to get back into the flow without having to solo old content for weeks. Punishing the dedicated players and making them pay more for something they really should be getting anyways .. is a Jean-Luc Picard faceplam.

2 dollars a month and you get double currency to drop in savage and dyna. 5 dollars a month and your aftermath stays up 2minutes longer. 10 dollars a month and you get the JP button...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2016-06-30 13:18:17
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They didn't charge any extra when they added wardrobes 1 and 2, why is this suddenly different? Mog Satchel was different altogether because that was a 1 off payment for a security token, the satchel was just an ingame bonus incentive.

Next they`ll bring out a new job that you can buy for $5 a month.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-06-30 13:18:27
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Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind if they charged for race changes, sex changes, skin colours (brown-skinned Galka anyone?), name changes, or even to delete previously used linkshell names so you can use them again (like when someone stole my old LS name when Hades merged into Cerberus ..), but to go as far as adding more wardrobes is punishing those who play many jobs in endgame which isn't fair because the most dedicated players shouldn't be paying extra.

Hell, give a brand new player the option to have Triple EXP for a week for the sweet price of £3. Stuff to help returning players get back into the game would be cool, and I reckon some would pay a little extra to get back into the flow without having to solo old content for weeks. Punishing the dedicated players and making them pay more for something they really should be getting anyways .. is a Jean-Luc Picard faceplam.

2 dollars a month and you get double currency to drop in savage and dyna. 5 dollars a month and your aftermath stays up 2minutes longer. 10 dollars a month and you get the JP button...

Damn they sound like good deals. My daughter doesn't need a savings account for college .. this is far more important.
Serveur: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2016-06-30 13:19:18
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this is clearly pay2win for pet jobs, now you can move all that sack+satchel gear to wardrobe 3+4 so you can carry 160 more dawn mulsums!
It was another pet buff all along
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 13:20:37
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Asura.Calatilla said: »
They didn't charge any extra when they added wardrobes 1 and 2, why is this suddenly different

So you are arguing they should of charged for Wardrobes 1 and 2 instead of being generous?

Again they don't owe you a damn thing. You pay for a service and they provide you with that service. Anything above and beyond that service is 100% kindness on them.

You aren't entitled to kindness, that's what makes it special.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 13:23:48
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I'm still waiting for someone to show where in the EULA, the license you agree to that governs their contractual obligations, the obligation to give inventory expansions free of charge exists.

Now we can make the argument that it's "nice" for them to do, and I wouldn't disagree, yet "nice" is not an obligation. So until someone can point out where SE violated it's own EULA, it's just a bunch of people being pissed they aren't getting "more free ***".
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Asura.Avallon 2016-06-30 13:27:29
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Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Man... I love all the cucks ok with paying 30% more for 160 spaces...

I don't think anyone really wants to pay extra to have 160 more spaces. It's more that we play daily and wouldn't be able to just look at the inaccessible grayed-out wardrobe tabs on the menu without physically twitching.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-06-30 13:33:00
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people aren't pissed about the wardrobe, they're pissed about SE introducing cash shop techniques to xi because it's a very short step from paid wardrobe to paid specialty campaigns or other more gameplay related buffs
Serveur: Asura
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user: Sessho
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By Asura.Syto 2016-06-30 13:36:48
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I think it is also possible that SE wants people to create more characters or accounts as well.

They can be using this technique as a marketing mechanism to also attach more characters and subscriptions in general. Many who don't like this system would rather make a whole new account or mule ID add-on. They also have a very nice "visual" diagram of multiple characters on a single account..etc.

I'm not gonna blame them for being a company that is struggling to survive in a challenging and aggressively growing MMO gaming market. It's their company guys. It would be awesome though as a member of their company, to be able to know where these funds are going to be allocated.

It doesn't hurt to be transparent a little more for a company to its public and members (I know they try to be in some ways). If we knew that these funds will be going towards longevity of the game's life span, then awesome. If it won't affect the game's lifespan in anyway, then one could wave the corporate greed flag with a little more confidence.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-06-30 13:40:52
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Many of us have been paying an extra $1 or $2/mo for years for extra storage (mules). The vast majority of mules exist to support a main character. I understand the concerns about the monetization model creep, but this does not really break new ground.

The worst part of this is the price. I get hundreds of storage spaces on a mule for $1/mo but now it is $4/mo for 160 that helps my main more conveniently? They can't expect people to really go for that.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4380
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-06-30 13:41:08
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
people aren't pissed about the wardrobe, they're pissed about SE introducing cash shop techniques to xi because it's a very short step from paid wardrobe to paid specialty campaigns or other more gameplay related buffs

^This. Like I said before, games that start offering these additional rewards for money end up going too far and alienate the loyal playerbase. Wardrobe 3/4 is charging the most loyal players who play many jobs and seriously need it, while new/returning players, or players like myself who only play 3-4 jobs don't really need it. Is that fair?
Posts: 6
By orome 2016-06-30 13:54:00
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Honestly, I'm less mad that it isn't free than it's not even good economy. It makes nearly no sense to me.

INB4 the mob comes for me: I'm stating an opinion.

  • You're paying $4 for 160 inventory slots on a recurring basis. As I was discussing with another player, if this were a one-time fee (like Satchel), I'd be just fine to drop a bit of coin, but this is recurring.

  • If you're a person who doesn't have mules, this makes even less sense. Per character you have, you have about 240 slots that are accessible to you (Inventory, Mog Wardrobe 1 & 2)... for $1 per month as a mule and you can transfer most items from one character to another.

  • Unless you are swapping between like 6 jobs at all times (Why?), you're not going to need the extra 160 slots of accessible inventory. Moogle Slips are a thing. See pervious point re: esp if you don't have mules.

  • I'm sure this is a prototype related to introducing microtransactions for other types of content and I'm not sure I'm here for that, either.

Idk. At least give a discount for buying all of that at once since it's recurring. Like "Hey, if you buy 3 & 4 together, it's $3. Otherwise, it's $2 per slot."

In the end though, I can just not have it and be fine, but other people have to deal with that and it sucks.
Posts: 322
By Ulthakptah 2016-06-30 13:59:43
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Asura.Calatilla said: »
They didn't charge any extra when they added wardrobes 1 and 2, why is this suddenly different? Mog Satchel was different altogether because that was a 1 off payment for a security token, the satchel was just an ingame bonus incentive.

Next they`ll bring out a new job that you can buy for $5 a month.
I didn't pay jack ***for my satchel. I downloaded the free app, unlocked it, then removed that annoying hassle.
By volkom 2016-06-30 14:03:05
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This is totally gonna happen right?

Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-06-30 14:10:12
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How the *** is anything "free" in FFXI? If you've been playing since NA release you've paid over $2000 in monthly fees per account (with only 1 character) at this point.

For the record, I think that the wardrobes would be fine if they were a one-time payment type thing (like with the original satchel/security code) but they've done nothing worth increasing the subscription fee. The game is already almost as expensive as FFXIV to buy, and the monthly fee is the same cost yet it's 11 years older than XIV.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
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By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-06-30 14:11:43
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People are letting their imaginations run a little wild. The wardrobes are going to by purchased like a character. It doesn't look like a whole store is being added. Also, people are saying they might add new job, emotes, and gear for a price. SE said they can't even create new spells, so none of that is even possible.

I agree, I was really looking forward to wardrobes and it stings a little that I need to pay for it. But, if you're committed to the game and you need it, you'll probably buy it. If you don't need it, then great, you save $4.

Here is the link because some of the stuff people are saying leads me to believe not everyone has read it.

And if you are someone who quit this game, stop complaining about this. No one is offering you any inventory space for $2.
Posts: 52
By Zululu 2016-06-30 14:16:21
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I'd pay more for:

North new areas and Viking job.

South islands of Mithra and Time mage job

East areas with max equipments. Equipment need all items from past challenges, artifacts relics zmn Apollyon salvage etc.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2016-06-30 14:28:10
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
People are letting their imaginations run a little wild. The wardrobes are going to by purchased like a character. It doesn't look like a whole store is being added. Also, people are saying they might add new job, emotes, and gear for a price. SE said they can't even create new spells, so none of that is even possible.

I agree, I was really looking forward to wardrobes and it stings a little that I need to pay for it. But, if you're committed to the game and you need it, you'll probably buy it. If you don't need it, then great, you save $4.

Here is the link because some of the stuff people are saying leads me to believe not everyone has read it.

And if you are someone who quit this game, stop complaining about this. No one is offering you any inventory space for $2.
I think it's more that people are saying that this lends to the idea that they'll do for XI what has been in XIV.
Not that there will be new thing, but nickle and dimed "cheats" to buy the things already outright.
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 14:28:53
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
people aren't pissed about the wardrobe, they're pissed about SE introducing cash shop techniques to xi because it's a very short step from paid wardrobe to paid specialty campaigns or other more gameplay related buffs

Can't believe people don't understand this yet after 10 pages. I can already tell you from past experiences with over half of these people that they'll be the first to turn on their heels and start bawling like a baby as soon as the cash shop implements something that they don't like.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 14:30:29
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orome said: »
Unless you are swapping between like 6 jobs at all times (Why?), you're not going to need the extra 160 slots of accessible inventory. Moogle Slips are a thing. See pervious point re: esp if you don't have mules.

I do this all the time because I actually play many different jobs for different things. Having extra instantly accessibly inventory that I don't need to move ***around is a life saver for me.
By volkom 2016-06-30 14:30:51
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What exactly is wrong with a cash shop? Think it would useful for people with limited play time or for people who just want particular things
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 14:32:22
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volkom said: »
What exactly is wrong with a cash shop? Think it would useful for people with limited play time or for people who just want particular things

Not all of us are so complacent and willing to be double fisted in the *** for both a sub fee and having to pay for features individually when the game is on a P2P model. Asking for an additional $2 monthly service charge to maintain bytes of data is ridiculous.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-06-30 14:32:43
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
people aren't pissed about the wardrobe, they're pissed about SE introducing cash shop techniques to xi because it's a very short step from paid wardrobe to paid specialty campaigns or other more gameplay related buffs

Can't believe people don't understand this yet after 10 pages. I can already tell you from past experiences with over half of these people that they'll be the first to turn on their heels and start bawling like a baby as soon as the cash shop implements something that they don't like.

And we'll be there saying "we told you so from the beginning". I highly discourage anyone buying these wardrobes unless 1) you have the spare money and don't care, or 2) you actively play 6 or more jobs and keep them geared with up-to-date macros. Anything less than that you shouldn't because it will only encourage SE to do it more in the future.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 14:36:03
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Neither of you even play that much.

Seriously the people bitching the most rarely even play the game anymore.....
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