New to Endgame SAM - Seeking Direction/Advice
By Ecaidiana 2016-03-25 23:49:57
Good evening fellow Samurai!
I've been playing again for just shy of 30 days, and with the help my my Linkshell mates and a fair number of hours logged, I've not only managed to get SAM to 99 but acquire a reasonable set of gear. I've also obtained both Tachi: Fudo and Tachi: Rana which puts me in the position to easily 2-step either Light or Darkness SC reliably for a BLM or SCH to Magic Burst on. Here is my current set of gear (be mindful, this is my "TP Set" though I do not yet have a seperate "WS Set" to equip):
ItemSet 342757
A few major things to note with the above set. The Cibitshavore is Path C, Rank 15 (STR+12, sTP+7) and the three Naga pieces are Path A, Rank 15 (STR+30, Accuracy+45, SubtleBlow+21)*combined. I have DEX+5, Accuracy+30, Attack+9, DAtk+1 augmented onto the Valorous Mask and STR+3, sTP+1, Zanshin+4 augmented onto the JSE Cape. I'm currently working on obtaining and upgrading a JSE great katana to replace the Tsurumaru in an attempt to break 1100 accuracy w/ Sole Sushi for Dho Gates and Sinister Reign.
1) How adequete of a TP set is this? Do you see a clear upgrade path off of this set? (I've had trouble finding viable upgrades outside of Reisenjima NM drops).
2) How would you approach building a WS set to change into, taking the current pieces into consideration? Ifrit Rings? or is there something else I'm overlooking (aside from the WS boosting neckpieces).
As far as merits go, I've got all the SAM merits, Great Katana skill, and +15 STR/DEX (and +5% crit, -5% enmity), along with +15 HP merits. For Job Points, I have 55 currently spent giving me +10 additional STR during Hasso.
Thank You!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2016-03-26 01:01:36
I apologize, I don't know if you already saw this guide. Just pointing at it again just in case you haven't seen it.
It really is the greatest advice that anyone can give to a new SAM all pre-made and polished. Reiden and several other Veteran SAMs including Ejiin from Ragnarok have inputted and added to it over the years to develop this. I highly recommend following it as your bible. Any gear close to what you can reach in the sets in this guide are viable as long as you have enough Accuracy and WS Accuracy to achieve success in the target content level (which you are aware of course). There are many ways to achieve it. The sets in this guide are basically most popular and most ideal.
Just continue upon the path that is provided to you in this wonderful guide. Even I have a lot to learn. I am not where I want to be yet. My playtime is still not as great as any of those guys who achieved the pinnacle of power like Ejiin. I have a lot of respect for them. All the best on your journey brother. ^_*)y
By iambatman3131 2016-03-26 01:08:48
Level Blue Mage.
By Ecaidiana 2016-03-26 01:33:10
I did see that guide, and while there is some decent information in it that I did base some decisions on, the guide is a literal train wreck from an interpretation standpoint. Listing 5 different sets for every weapon/weaponskill (many of which are identical, even on the same line...wtf?) and they are all builds that require excessive hours and 100's of millions of gil to complete. There is little in there to act as a starting point of reference for a "new" samurai, baselines to progress into content in which to acquire many of the items listed in the builds, and while everything seems to be built around accuracy...there is no mention of the actual accuracy values each build provides, nor the x-hit of the build.
TL:DR, while the guide does provide some reasonable information on merits and job points...it does little else to help a newbie along. Thus I made a post inquiring about more specific information that guide can not provide.
By Ecaidiana 2016-03-26 01:33:29
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 161
By Sylph.Jrpg 2016-03-26 03:22:38
Reforged empy +1 body and legs are the biggest improvements you can make to your TP set (body has high acc+STP, legs add JA haste to Hasso and also have lots of STP). The Valorous head augment you have is good, but try to get more DEX/acc on it. Ryuo and Rao have their places, but try to get Valorous hands and feet if at all possible and get as much DEX/acc as you can on those too.
TP Bonus Moonshade is critical for WS on SAM; use that + Brutal Earring, or Ishvara, and Fotia gorget/belt. Ifrit Ring (+1) is good, but don't forget about acc on WS sets.
Not sure about weapon upgrades since I have a mythic. I did use Umaru (with very high dex+acc augments) to make my JP grinding simpler.
Regarding BLU... As someone with a 2100 JP mythic SAM and 2100 BLU, I'm always on BLU for whenever I'm going melee to anything. I have multiple Valorous gear with decent augments, as well as some Ryuo/Rao gear, but my BLU beats my SAM in pretty much every way possible, from flexibility to acc requirements to overall damage. In fact, I have to spend five to ten times as many Reisen stones for my SAM to still fall short of BLU. That's just the state the game is in right now.
But hey, if you want to play SAM, play SAM.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-03-26 04:21:13
I have to agree that the "SAM Guide" is an absolute mess. With today's gear options pretty much covering all weapons there really isn't a need anymore to list 5 sets for each weapon. Its also silly to optimize for trash level mobs even if it is just a single earring change. I'd actually ignore the first two sets unless you are stuck doing delve still.
Going back to the massive amount of sets, there is a bit of disorganization because there is indeed A LOT of sets here because there are so many weapons and buff situations. My advice is not to over-complicate the sets because frankly, the people who know how to deal with situational gear don't need a guide to teach them how to do it. Also, it's supposed to be a GUIDE-- it should be easy to use for people to jump right into the job and perform well.
Thus, the best way to approach this is to condense gearsets to acc values and reasonable hit builds that have a default of 25% haste.
From the above sets I would say look aim for the Mod/High Acc sets. Now you may not have access to all of the above gear yet, but with the information that is currently available to you, its easy to determine "Hey I need more acc/stp/multi-strike in this slot here, I can replace this item with this other similar item."
There aren't going to be any specific "1100 Acc" sets because there are so many different ways to hit it due to varying degrees of Merits/Job points between one player and the next, not to mention adding whatever brd/cor/geo buffs you may get. The best the community has come up with are examples of Low (Trash lvl) Mid High Max Acc situations. The higher Acc you need the lower the chances you will be stacking stp or multistrikes.
And yes you will have to spend millions of gil on gear at some point, same can be said for any job you want to perform well on there is just no way around it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-03-26 04:28:03
You also want to figure out a way to include either Wakido Kote +1 or Kasuga Haidate +1 into your sets as you will not hit delay cap w/o them.
Good evening fellow Samurai!
I've been playing again for just shy of 30 days, and with the help my my Linkshell mates and a fair number of hours logged, I've not only managed to get SAM to 99 but acquire a reasonable set of gear. I've also obtained both Tachi: Fudo and Tachi: Rana which puts me in the position to easily 2-step either Light or Darkness SC reliably for a BLM or SCH to Magic Burst on. Here is my current set of gear (be mindful, this is my "TP Set" though I do not yet have a seperate "WS Set" to equip):
ItemSet 342757
A few major things to note with the above set. The Cibitshavore is Path C, Rank 15 (STR+12, sTP+7) and the three Naga pieces are Path A, Rank 15 (STR+30, Accuracy+45, SubtleBlow+21)*combined. I have DEX+5, Accuracy+30, Attack+9, DAtk+1 augmented onto the Valorous Mask and STR+3, sTP+1, Zanshin+4 augmented onto the JSE Cape. I'm currently working on obtaining and upgrading a JSE great katana to replace the Tsurumaru in an attempt to break 1100 accuracy w/ Sole Sushi for Dho Gates and Sinister Reign.
1) How adequete of a TP set is this? Do you see a clear upgrade path off of this set? (I've had trouble finding viable upgrades outside of Reisenjima NM drops).
2) How would you approach building a WS set to change into, taking the current pieces into consideration? Ifrit Rings? or is there something else I'm overlooking (aside from the WS boosting neckpieces).
As far as merits go, I've got all the SAM merits, Great Katana skill, and +15 STR/DEX (and +5% crit, -5% enmity), along with +15 HP merits. For Job Points, I have 55 currently spent giving me +10 additional STR during Hasso.
Thank You!