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Serveur: Ramuh
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user: dasva
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By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-09-03 15:13:15
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Enternius said:
Dasva said:
Lol clearly you haven't been 1hitting pets... I netted over 24k an hour consistently thru out the 60s until I had to move away from pets

Not only is that mathematically impossible (considering 250 exp is the cap for exp per mob, and respawn time is 1 minute, 30 seconds, equating to roughly 11,250 exp per hour MAX if you never had to heal and if mobs were never in awkward positions (Of course, this isn't accounting for chains which give roughly a 15% bonus to exp over time)), but even if you DO take BLM to 75, you get stuck with Mount Zhayolm manaburns which are NEVER over 10k per hour.

Actually 300 is the max from 61+... I healed enough in that 1.5 min to nuke again so lets and would stop at chain 5. Oh and if your 1hitting them awkward postition doesnt matter so lets see. 1.5min/60 min up to 40 kills or 6 sets of chain 5 and a 1 chain 3 in a hour... hell just for casting time lets ignore that last set all together. First would be 300 then 360 then 375 then 390 then 420 then 450. So each chain 5 set 2295X6 is 13770... Ok still a bit low but much much better then 6-8k. Sure pet respawn isnt 1 min? Cause Ive definitely had xp count 24k several times. Even double ring wouldn't do that and I refuse to use anni for somethign like that... actually was anni even out idk its been a long time. And have you really never gotten over 10k an hour in a manaburn on Mount Z? Ever trying againg wamouras and killing 10+ at a time? You'll go way over 10k an hour
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 15:18:31
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Korpg said:
Here is the honest facts.

BLM's pros:
Higher damaged nukes (BLM T4 compared to a SCH T4 with that 20% potency stratagem on).
Access to AMIIs
Access to Blind/Bind/SleepII/Sleepga/SleepgaII without subjobs or JAs.
Access to the 6 Elemental debuffs without subjobs to worry about it.
Access to stronger gear based on INT and nuking (i.e. Macc+, MAB, INT+)

SCH's pros:
Ability to go from DD to healer in an instant
Access to debuff -ga spells
Access to buff -ga spells
Access to weather effects (i.e. full time obis)
Access to weather debuffs
Stratagems and Sublimation.

Now, you can absorb the pros of one job into another job, but out of the two, BLM absorbs the most pros.

For Example, take the bolded statements of this quote:

Enternius said:
Well let's take it this way. Pros BLM vs. SCH.

-AMII spells.

-Guaranteed -10% MP cost and cast time through Dark Arts
-Guaranteed additional 10% potency from weather Spell+Obi
-Guaranteed additional 10% potency AND 7 INT from hailstorm+Hyorin Obi
-JA that gives +20% potency every 1 minute
-JA that gives -50% MP cost every 1 minute
-JA that gives -50% cast time and recast every 1 minute
-JA that makes spells like Gravity, Sleep, Bind, Paralyze etc AoE, every 1 minute
-Access to damn near all WHM spells, making the /RDM vs. /WHM debate completely moot
-One of the best sets of both Artifact and Relic armor in the game
-Reraise II...Come on...
-Sublimation? It's better than Refresh.

Ok, some of the bolded statements are a weaker version (i.e. only 2 charges on Stratagems instead of 4, so the timer would be once ever 2 minutes, and RR 1 instead of RR 2) but you got to admit, some of the pros outlined can be absorbed by a BLM/SCH.

BLM/SCH is the best nuker. There is no questions asked, because its got the major pros of a SCH added into the major pros of a BLM. The only problem about a BLM/SCH is that there is no SS/Blink anymore. That can be remedied by a SCH/RDM in the party, who's job is to SS-ga the BLMs every now and then.

So, to answer your question, a BLM is better than a SCH if used right. If you are going pure damage, BLM/Any. If you are going pure Damage/MP, BLM/SCH. If you are going by usefulness, SCH/Any. Thats it.

Bumping this because its a good point and people don't tend to read pages outside of current ones.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-09-03 15:18:36
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Enternius said:
Meeky said:
Depends on situation....

You don't see people shouting for SCH over BLM for most things. I'd level both, you obviously have the time with that many 75's anyways

You don't see people shouting because most BLMs are too stubborn to finally admit there's competition as a nuking job (Aka all the BLMs on this thread), and others just seem to think SCH is just a different version of RDM, and still others that don't realize that SCH requires the use of your BRAIN, unlike BLM which is just a glass cannon.

Depends on the situation. If you want someone for pure nuking most the time blm will win. Outside of situations where how fast you can kill stuff is a huge deal like xp. But if you have tanks and your dmg is mainly from big nukes so minimize tp given who cares if your a galka blm and you litterally use up all your mp on the one spell if the sch has to use 2 to do as much and gives the mob twice the tp... Also its alot hard for sch to get enough skill/macc to floor resist rates on HNMs. Possible but harder. Most halfway decent blms can nuke in almost full dmg gear and just throw on af hands or something
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Pandemonium.Vincevalentine 2009-09-03 15:21:13
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Aliceisback said:
Honestly think of pudding camps you can run around JAing aggroing everything there to still do less dmg...

You are wrong there. Ebullience makes a Bliz IV from a decent SCH do over 1600. Can any normal BLM do that? I doubt it. I just hit 75, but at 74 with day bonus from Obi, AF2 legs, Ugly pendant, and Sorc. Ring, I was doing 1522 at puddings with Blizzard IV. SCH can do more damage on those, without a doubt.

And yes, I realize we have AMII, and SCH does not. However, with SCH's MP efficiency, they are a beast. This thread should say to level the one that suits you best, because you can basically think of SCH as many have said, a "Jack of all trades, and master of none." Just level what you want.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 15:21:54
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Dasva said:
Most halfway decent blms can nuke in almost full dmg gear and just throw on af hands or something

Any BLM worth their salt could nuke full damage with Zenith Mitts on if they wanted to. Of course, those BLMs would be working on or getting Morri Hands so that point is moot. But you can still maximize damage with a low resist floor if you are smart about your gear choices.

And yes, I'm going after full Morri, I'm 1/15 on the gear, but don't really have a lot of time to do Salvage atm.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: deodate
Posts: 63
By Asura.Deodate 2009-09-03 15:22:59
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Enternius said:
Meeky said:
Depends on situation....

You don't see people shouting for SCH over BLM for most things. I'd level both, you obviously have the time with that many 75's anyways

You don't see people shouting because most BLMs are too stubborn to finally admit there's competition as a nuking job (Aka all the BLMs on this thread), and others just seem to think SCH is just a different version of RDM, and still others that don't realize that SCH requires the use of your BRAIN, unlike BLM which is just a glass cannon.

You act like there's a bias by BLMs, but you are speaking as biased SCH. The BLMs don't determine what job is needed by someone shouting for a job. If a party needs a SCH they will shout for a SCH. If they need a BLM they will shout for a BLM. Don't blame the BLMs for being stubborn as the reason that people shout for them.

SCH is a more versatile job who can fill the role of a BLM or a WHM. But if you are looking for a job to fill the roll of a BLM, just get a BLM. If you can't get a BLM, SCH will work as well.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-09-03 15:23:34
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Vincevalentine said:
You are wrong there. Ebullience makes a Bliz IV from a decent SCH do over 1600. Can any normal BLM do that? I doubt it.

User submitted image

That wasn't with max damage build either.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 191
By Carbuncle.Aliceisback 2009-09-03 15:24:28
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Enternius said:
Meeky said:
Depends on situation....

You don't see people shouting for SCH over BLM for most things. I'd level both, you obviously have the time with that many 75's anyways

You don't see people shouting because most BLMs are too stubborn to finally admit there's competition as a nuking job (Aka all the BLMs on this thread), and others just seem to think SCH is just a different version of RDM, and still others that don't realize that SCH requires the use of your BRAIN, unlike BLM which is just a glass cannon.

Read the bold.... Gaurntee you if its a GOOD BLM a SCH will look as though it is a RDM.... I'm talking about the BLMs that can pop 2.2k Freeze and Burst 2s w/o the day.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Marylyn
Posts: 10
By Valefor.Marylyn 2009-09-03 15:24:31
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Korpg said:
Here is the honest facts.

BLM's pros:
Higher damaged nukes (BLM T4 compared to a SCH T4 with that 20% potency stratagem on).
Access to AMIIs
Access to Blind/Bind/SleepII/Sleepga/SleepgaII without subjobs or JAs.
Access to the 6 Elemental debuffs without subjobs to worry about it.
Access to stronger gear based on INT and nuking (i.e. Macc+, MAB, INT+)

Sch and Blm Tier IV are about the same, as my Sch I outnuke quite well geared Blms(can check my Sch gear sets ^.^). As far as access to spells w/ sj, sch should almost always be /rdm giving them access to anything crucial such as bind, grav so that shouldn't even be an issue.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 15:28:05
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You do have very valid points, Korpg (I always thought that was cool about you. For once someone that's not saying "My job is better because I said so") Buuuuuuut, if you're considering sub jobs, let's look at your list again.
Korpg said:
BLM's pros:
Higher damaged nukes (BLM T4 compared to a SCH T4 with that 20% potency stratagem on).
Access to AMIIs
Access to Blind/Bind/SleepII/Sleepga/SleepgaII without subjobs or JAs.
Access to the 6 Elemental debuffs without subjobs to worry about it.
Access to stronger gear based on INT and nuking (i.e. Macc+, MAB, INT+)

SCH's pros:
Ability to go from DD to healer in an instant
Access to debuff -ga spells
Access to buff -ga spells
Access to weather effects (i.e. full time obis)
Access to weather debuffs
Stratagems and Sublimation.

Right from the start you can take out #2 and #3 from BLM.

I do, however, want to draw special attention to the helix spells, which are a highly underrated line of spells.

They may have the nuke damage of ~T1 Fire, but that damage repeats 6~7 times, making it basically, well, 7-8x as strong as Fire, which if you've tried T1 spells at 75 you know they do a lot.

With full Helix merits on SCH, my Ionohelix does anywhere from 250~300 damage base. That means about ~2200 damage total if you're lucky with an additional 7th tic. That's damage that's eating away at a mob's HP while you're kiting, or while nuking. Seeing as how it only costs 87 MP, and takes a whopping 3 seconds to cast as opposed to 10 seconds for AMII, and only gives you enmity for the initial 300ish damage, a Helix spell, pound-for-pound, will alone do more than an AMII spell, for 1/3 the MP and 1/3 the cast time.

And I know you're a really good BLM but you're underestimating SCH. My nukes do more than a BLM's at my gear/skill level, with Ebullience and a Weather spell up. And SCH only has 5 less skill and 2 less INT at 75 than a BLM so there's no reason to write it off for having weak nukes just because you're a really good BLM.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 15:41:24
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Marylyn said:

Sch and Blm Tier IV are about the same, as my Sch I outnuke quite well geared Blms(can check my Sch gear sets ^.^). As far as access to spells w/ sj, sch should almost always be /rdm giving them access to anything crucial such as bind, grav so that shouldn't even be an issue.

This is my damage on puddings JUST with day effects:

User submitted image

You can leave out obis because SCH can equip those too. Relic pants give this type of damage though. Lets see how much damage a fully buffed SCH can make and compare it JUST on Thunder IV. I don't think you can even beat 1.6k on that. Even if you are at your best.

BTW, this damage was with /RDM, since I rarely go to a merit party as /SCH. My BLM has also improved quite a bit since this was taken, but I don't go do puddings that often, so I can't show you updated damage rating.

No weather effects included, remember.

Enternius said:

With full Helix merits on SCH, my Ionohelix does anywhere from 250~300 damage base. That means about ~2200 damage total if you're lucky with an additional 7th tic. That's damage that's eating away at a mob's HP while you're kiting, or while nuking. Seeing as how it only costs 87 MP, and takes a whopping 3 seconds to cast as opposed to 10 seconds for AMII, and only gives you enmity for the initial 300ish damage, a Helix spell, pound-for-pound, will alone do more than an AMII spell, for 1/3 the MP and 1/3 the cast time.

While I don't underestimate anyone's SCH or BLM, I do know this. Your damage is based off of resists. If you get resisted on anything (be damage or time) it will greatly affect your damage output. Some of the higher mobs that NEED BLMs to nuke it down have a higher damage resist rating. That means that normal damage 250 Helix for 6 ticks would more than likely go donw to 125 Helix for 3 ticks. See the problem? Not only that, but you have just built that resistance towards that spell, which might be crucial for a BLM, like me, to deal max damage.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 15:47:30
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It's true that SCH is subject to resists, but honestly so is BLM, and the difference is barely there. While it is true BLM gets better gear overall, a lot of the better pieces for BLM are All Jobs (Omega Ring, Uggalepih Pendant, Novio/Moldavite, etcetc) And if that's not enough, SCH has a merit Stratagem that gives +10 M.ACC per merit.

Honestly I've only been 75 SCH for about a month now and have barely had time to work on it since I'm more concerned with crafting and getting my Maat's Cap, but I'll try to get a screenshot of Pudding damage later today.

Edit: To be completely honest, I have no idea what to expect from Puddings. I've seen my fiance do mid-1700s on her BLM but I've never been there on SCH so I have no attestations to add yet, though I do frequently hit 1500 on Limbus mobs (Really the only thing I've been doing lately). Anyway when I get a sec I'll go get a screenshot.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 15:52:15
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Enternius said:
And SCH only has 5 less skill and 2 less INT at 75 than a BLM so there's no reason to write it off for having weak nukes just because you're a really good BLM.

I missed this on my last post.

BLMs get gear that SCH doesn't that increase the Damage/Accuracy more than SCH. I have to check my gear real quick and see what I wear that a SCH can't.

Weskit (with INT+3 augumented) gives INT+3, MAB+6, MAcc+5, and Conserve MP+2 (yes, that counts) than a SCH can wear.
Z.Mitts gives MAB+5 and 50 MP more
Stole gives INT+3, although Prudance Torque would be the same either job.
Witch Sash give INT+5, MAcc+2, and M.Crit+2, but SCHs should always fulltime all 8 obis. I got 2 obis for days, but I also have Relic pants too
Ixion Cape gives INT+5, Enmity -2 (thats important too) and 20 MP
Sorc Ring gives MAB+10, and I know there isn't anything a SCH can wear ringwise that would even come close to matching this.

So, lets total this up: INT+16, MAB+21, MAcc+7, M.Crit+2%, MP+70 more for BLM. I don't know what a SCH would wear nuking in place of the body, hands, neck, back, or 1 ring to get as close to these stats as possible. Maybe Elemental Torque would give you your MAcc+7, but you also lose up to INT+5 if you have a Prudance Torque.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rydiya
Posts: 7063
By Bahamut.Rydiya 2009-09-03 15:54:33
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Korpg, For a good set on Scholar nuking for high resists, take a look at the item set I have in place, and compare it to what you just mentioned.

The AF body has a hidden thing of +15 MAB.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 15:54:42
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Obis count ONLY if you use the MP for the spell, that means you have to change to Light Arts, cast your weather spell, change to Dark Arts, then nuke. By that time, a BLM would have already nuked 1 time and in the middle of nuking another time.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 15:57:05
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Korpg said:
Obis count ONLY if you use the MP for the spell, that means you have to change to Light Arts, cast your weather spell, change to Dark Arts, then nuke. By that time, a BLM would have already nuked 1 time and in the middle of nuking another time.

Or you could cast in Dark Arts and take the +6 MP. Won't kill ya.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-03 16:00:35
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ITT pointless debate, BLM is better on some situation, SCH is better on some situation. Comparing damage = useless.

What you compare is ACHIEVEMENT. What can a BLM do and what a BLM can't do. Same for SCH. Instead of comparing raw pudding damage a good question is : Can a BLM reach chain 6 solo ? Which with success rate on chain 6 ? Same goes for SCH.

What matter is the result, and not the theoretical *** about +x% damage or saving +% MP. Numbers are nice, if these do not allow you to do something better than BLM~SCH, then they're useless.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 16:02:28
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Korpg said:
Weskit (with INT+3 augumented) gives INT+3, MAB+6, MAcc+5, and Conserve MP+2 (yes, that counts) than a SCH can wear.
Z.Mitts gives MAB+5 and 50 MP more
Stole gives INT+3, although Prudance Torque would be the same either job.
Witch Sash give INT+5, MAcc+2, and M.Crit+2, but SCHs should always fulltime all 8 obis. I got 2 obis for days, but I also have Relic pants too
Ixion Cape gives INT+5, Enmity -2 (thats important too) and 20 MP
Sorc Ring gives MAB+10, and I know there isn't anything a SCH can wear ringwise that would even come close to matching this.

Well I'll give you a list of options for what you mentioned.

Obviously body allows for Royal Redingote with MP+20 INT+5 MAB+4 MACC+4 which is a tad bit better than unaugmented Weskit.

Neck obviously allows SCH to wear both Elemental Torque and Uggalepih Pendant.

Argute Belt, enough said.

Gleeman's Cape from Einherjar.
SCH can still wear the ToAU ring or Omega for the M.ACC but yeah, sadly we get nothing as good as Sorc ring.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2009-09-03 16:03:25
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dont feel like readign all this but from what i seen 1 big point being over looked you level blm to 75 you stuck to playign that job forever only one way for anythign end game unless u level brd pld rdm cor and or whm with it. Sch least you get to have more options for play style and not as locked to the job for everything
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-03 16:05:37
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Well as long as you love your job that's not a problem :p
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2009-09-03 16:08:37
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looks like Enternius only compare hisself to BLM who just hit 75 or dont have max merits or close to HQ gear.
You say you have this awsome Ebullience which you can use 4 times in 4 min, right? thats how much? 20MAB i am not sure, what you forget is that BLM has inital +32 MAB just for beeing BLM. + stuff like Korpg listed, gear that SCH cant equip. In endgame SCH will never replace a BLM. Sure let your SCH switch between dark/light in dynamis, but you never reach such a performance which is needed from a BLM even only because you dont have 4 forms of Sleep+ Stun (for stuff like Dynamis).
A SCH trying to reach 320/120 you need alot of stuff and its very hard while a BLM can put 330+skill with 120int depending on race np.
Would never say SCH isnt good, but SCH in my eyes is (seeing on engame use) a better Whm then a BLM. A Support Job. I love to have SCH in BLM PT's for the int+7 he can give with ice weather, but thats NOT JUST SCH only. from this a BLM can benefit too.
On Ouryu we used SCH f.e. for quick aoe stona and there our very well gear SCH full merited nuked too from time to time. Yes she could reach high numbers too, but resist was a very huge problem and she still did less dmg then 70% of our BLM.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 16:10:43
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Rydiya said:
Korpg, For a good set on Scholar nuking for high resists, take a look at the item set I have in place, and compare it to what you just mentioned.

The AF body has a hidden thing of +15 MAB.

While this is nice. and very accurate (MAcc+50 if I get it right) it doesn't really help balance your damage. MAcc only helps with accuracy, not damage. Your set has a total of INT+40 and MAB+5. If this is your nuking set, then that means you will be very accurate, but do a lot less damage than possible. My nuking set has INT+45 (this set is not perfect, its what I have atm), MAcc+12, MAB+46. With capped merits on Elemental, and Burn on, my resist rate is floored and I still have the nuking power to back it up. Let me give you an example:

Last night we did 3 JoHs in my shell (Jailer of Hope). We had I think 4 BLMs and a SCH. My Blizzard with weather and day was doing about 1250 damage non-magic burst (did 1400 when it does) and my Freeze II did 1600~ non-magic burst (did 1800+ when it did, no relic gloves or extra merits on AMIIs atm). The closest nuker below me (I was on top, go figure) was actually the SCH, but his nukes with that stratagem did only 50 more damage or so more than the other BLMs. Mind you, they aren't fulltime BLMs, or endgame BLMs, but they are good at their job.

BTW, I died alot from hate last night, need a buffer on BLM again lol.

Point is, while resist rates do help your nukes, they don't increase them.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 16:17:20
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Mindi said:

Would never say SCH isnt good, but SCH in my eyes is (seeing on engame use) a better Whm then a BLM. A Support Job. I love to have SCH in BLM PT's for the int+7 he can give with ice weather, but thats NOT JUST SCH only. from this a BLM can benefit too.

Endgame SCH has its uses. It CAN nuke, just not as good as BLM. If you have 6 people who can be either BLM or SCH, a smart leader would pick the one who is the best SCH of those 6 (unless he is also their best BLM, then keep him as BLM and take the second best SCH out of the group) and have the rest of the guys go as BLM. The SCH has the job of buffing the BLMs along with nuking. BLMs just nuke and drain when needed, and have them all sub /SCH for MP purposes only (sublimation + stratagems).

You can put a SCH in a party of BLMs and, if your team is good, can work better than having 6 BLMs in a party.

SCH isn't useless, you just have to have the right people, and smart people, to do their jobs, and you can do anything.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 16:19:32
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Honestly, comparing a BLM's M.ACC to a SCH's M.ACC is like comparing a DRG's ACC to a THF's ACC. It's a very minor difference and won't be a deciding factor on whether or not you're useful in your group.

That being said, keep in mind I had stated from the start that yes, a good BLM will almost ALWAYS have better nuke damage than a good SCH. My point was, that same SCH will be able to nuke at full power, more frequently and for less MP, all the while supporting his party with (Among other things) Klimaform, which gives a rather large M.ACC bonus to the current nuke you're casting, and Storm spells, like Hailstorm giving all the BLMs INT+7 while still giving potency+10%.

I guess you could say SCH is to mages what BRD is to melees. But it also nukes very well and heals very well by itself, all the while maintaining more average MP than a WHM or BLM .
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Darkei
Posts: 149
By Fairy.Darkei 2009-09-03 16:28:23
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Enternius said:
SCH Pwned to BLM, is my word!!!


User submitted image

First clear you mind... SCH is a great job but you no take the PRO's of BLM and CON's of SCH.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-03 16:29:08
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Enternius said:
Honestly, comparing a BLM's M.ACC to a SCH's M.ACC is like comparing a DRG's ACC to a THF's ACC. It's a very minor difference and won't be a deciding factor on whether or not you're useful in your group.

That being said, keep in mind I had stated from the start that yes, a good BLM will almost ALWAYS have better nuke damage than a good SCH. My point was, that same SCH will be able to nuke at full power, more frequently and for less MP, all the while supporting his party with (Among other things) Klimaform, which gives a rather large M.ACC bonus to the current nuke you're casting, and Storm spells, like Hailstorm giving all the BLMs INT+7 while still giving potency+10%.

I guess you could say SCH is to mages what BRD is to melees. But it also nukes very well and heals very well by itself, all the while maintaining more average MP than a WHM or BLM .

You still forget that many of a SCH's advantages (nuking for -10% MP to -50% MP) can be used by a BLM. A BLM/SCH has all the "useful" abilities that is needed for a SCH, with the exception of that one, nice little 20% Potency Stratagem.

And you will understand what I mean by a BLM/SCH being the best nuker in the game.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2009-09-03 16:33:42
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Enternius said:
Honestly, comparing a BLM's M.ACC to a SCH's M.ACC is like comparing a DRG's ACC to a THF's ACC. It's a very minor difference and won't be a deciding factor on whether or not you're useful in your group.

That being said, keep in mind I had stated from the start that yes, a good BLM will almost ALWAYS have better nuke damage than a good SCH. My point was, that same SCH will be able to nuke at full power, more frequently and for less MP, all the while supporting his party with (Among other things) Klimaform, which gives a rather large M.ACC bonus to the current nuke you're casting, and Storm spells, like Hailstorm giving all the BLMs INT+7 while still giving potency+10%.

I guess you could say SCH is to mages what BRD is to melees. But it also nukes very well and heals very well by itself, all the while maintaining more average MP than a WHM or BLM .

Well the mages brd is Cor ;) but generally yea thats what we use sch for, support PT and when sch sits on his mp they nuke too yea. Sch is a multiuse job.
Macc and his access to it, is the thing that makes BLM allways a better nuker for endgame in my eyes. Sure sch can nuke too with useing less mp and such, but i never saw that we took a sch with us for his nukeing ability. Rather he is giving Aoe Phalanx/SS and such to melee or tank's and with the propper enmity- he wont get so much hate from this actions.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-09-03 16:34:22
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I just want to add something that's sorta related, this graph, by Kanican/Kaeko (You may know him as the best BLM who ever lived, who now condones SCH over BLM) shows just what I mean when I say SCH is the most efficient nuking job.

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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2009-09-03 16:42:28
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Enternius said:
I just want to add something that's sorta related, this graph, by Kanican/Kaeko (You may know him as the best BLM who ever lived, who now condones SCH over BLM) shows just what I mean when I say SCH is the most efficient nuking job.

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This is a graph. That is all.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2009-09-03 16:47:47
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Noone ever said SCH isnt mp efficient.
But you forget to differ between the target. (thats where the MACC with the MAB comes in) When you resist all your nukes your damage/MP ratio wont be that nice anymore^^ And when you add these massive Macc like one posted a set, you dont have the dmg anymore.

And now add to this nice graphs a BLM/SCH useing Parsimony. What you get?! i cant prove any numbers, but just with easy logical math:
SCH(Parsimony)/SCH(NonCharge)=%ish differenz what Parsinoy do for the SCH.
Now just muliplicate this with the BLM. What you get?
13,13/7,23*7,96=14,45.. thats a little more then 1 less then SCH with Both abilitys active which is just 1Nuke/minute. Ok this is just comparision with seeing all stuff linear.
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