SubJob : /Whm, /Rdm, Or/Sch?

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SubJob : /Whm, /Rdm, or/Sch?
By 2015-11-18 19:17:49
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By Elizabet 2015-11-18 19:33:40
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Default for me is /rdm for convert mainly. /sch is very useful if you need -NA spells or if you have a good nuking set on your smn since /sch can increase your elemental magic skill to usable levels.

I never use /whm unless I need teleportation which is super rare these days.
By 2015-11-18 19:44:28
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Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Keja 2015-11-18 20:29:23
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I typically sub RDM for the majority of events. I don't have MP issues or anything usually - I rarely need convert. I like it for Conduit!

I have not used SCH sub job in quite some time. At one point, SCH was the only sub job I would use. I'll have to go back to using it to see how it fares.
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By Elizabet 2015-11-18 23:28:50
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Asura.Keja said: »
At one point, SCH was the only sub job I would use. I'll have to go back to using it to see how it fares.

SCH was amazing balls back when lvl 75 was cap cause we couldn't convert, Sublimation was equal to refresh, but sch let us take full use of the weather gimmick for perpetuation (Relic horn perp -3 in matching weather, perp was a concern back then). Back then, you wouldn't get cure4 anyways from any subs so basically SCH was go to since it did it all, and then some, except for teleports, and stona.

It's however no longer the case.
By Draylo 2015-11-18 23:56:43
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Typically /rdm but I like /sch for nuking when its appropriate.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Nunzio 2015-11-19 02:55:51
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My favourite is /SCH. To everything the others said, I'd like to add that you can use desert boots and sandstorm for extra movement speed that actually stacks with fleet wind. Running like a chocobo when questing is pretty sweet =] It's almost a perma-flee on yourself.
RDM is pretty okay, but I almost never have to resort to Convert anyway.
Also, outside of events, and in those cases where you might be skillchaining/MBing with your avatar, I tend to enjoy /SAM. we have B skill in staff, which is 2handed and swings fast, so Hasso and Seigan can be used effectively (and we don't have proper spells, so recast isn't hurt)
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-11-19 03:14:30
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Not sure the Sandstorm and Desert Boots comment is relevant when you could just use Herald's Gaiters regardless of your subjob :3
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 12
By Asura.Nunzio 2015-11-19 03:27:35
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Not sure the Sandstorm and Desert Boots comment is relevant when you could just use Herald's Gaiters regardless of your subjob :3
True. forgot about those TBH, but then again, disregard that part. =]
They cost only 30k though, and are wearable by a bunch of other jobs should you want to sub /sch on those.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-11-19 04:35:22
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I mean, I was all for /SCH and Desert Boots back in the days when Herald's Gaiters were 15-20 mils gil, but nowadays they're pretty cheap so honestly I'd just go with those if you ask me.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-11-19 05:25:54
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/sch is my personal preference, mainly because of its nuking capabilities and versatility.
As others above me also say, the 'Arts' stances add a significant amount to your Magic skills making it easier to land nukes and enfeebles as well as making cures more potent.
Aside from that, Sublimation is indeed a very nice MP recovery tool if there's noone in the party that can/will cast Refresh on you.

This sub provides both offensive qualities as well as support options, depending on your party and enemy.
Not counting some of your very useful passive traits like conserve MP.
You can play Summoner like Rydia in FFIV!

/rdm is mainly useful for its MP recovery options, apart from the occasional Cure (Which will be less potent due to the notably lower skill, the same goes for nukes and enfeebles) and Fast Cast this sub doesn't bring much to the table in ways of functionality.

/whm, ah, the staple of the level 75 era, these days mostly useful for transportation and when fighting mobs that may petrify your party members.
That said, Summoners are hardly employed as main healers anymore and even if we are, /sch benefits the role much better even if /whm gets a higher tier cure and access to the Curaga range.
By 2015-11-19 07:55:53
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2015-11-19 11:24:11
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/WHM almost fulltime for me.

/RDM is silly because I never run out of MP unless I'm doing Volt Strike Conduit, and you sacrifice access to the -na spells.

/SCH has its uses, but they generally involve giving weather to the whole party or needing to cast nukes. Otherwise I'd rather have Cure IV than higher healing skill and slightly cheaper spells. Cure III just doesn't cut it.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Rakshaka
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By Asura.Rakshaka 2015-11-19 11:49:27
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/WHM almost fulltime for me as well. Cure IV and na spells are a must for supporting yourself/teammates/trusts. Perg's right that Cure III just doesn't cut it. Reraise(spell) is nice when you're spending all your wards on Reraise for your teammates before an event starts. Cura is a fast "wake up nearby party members" spell that I'll cast right after Sac torque wakes me up. Self haste is nice when I don't have Garuda out. Flash is one of those spells that isn't resisted often, it's useful for clutch damage prevention, and mob distraction. Divine seal is great for the oshi healing moments. Dia II, another unresisted spell. Repose actually works against 75-era mobs. I use it for sleeping Naul for Zeni. <3 /WHM.

/RDM ditto on the never running out of mana part. I could see it being useful if you're conduiting something that requires a convert before the 30 seconds is up.

/SCH I'll use this in situations where I'm going to be nuking something that won't resist all my spells.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1350
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-11-19 14:13:03
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Not to be argumentative but, well, you know me. :)

I wouldn't call keeping Light Arts up a downside really since it lasts 2 hours, but keeping Aurorastorm up is definitely a downside.

Enmity isn't a concern to me because if I need to cast Cure, I run out of hate range to do so. So having a single big cure is more important to me than MP efficiency or enmity. (Divine Seal can be nice for this reason too.) If I need to Cure myself within hate range, then the fight is almost over for better or for worse; won't matter if it's Cure 3 or Cure 4.

Needing to keep up Aurorastorm would mean needing to run out of range every 2 minutes or so to avoid generating enmity with it. (I'm oldschool, I keep enmity at zero for safer resummoning.) Or it would mean needing to cast Aurorastorm before every cure, because I so rarely need to cure myself that it's just not worth keeping up fulltime. Either way it adds a lot of tedium. Timing is just too important for SMN.

Not saying I think it's a terrible idea, there's no doubt it's more MP efficient. I just don't think it's worth the risk and effort. I'll spend the extra MP to ensure my safety when it matters.
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