Plouton- Vagary Mega Boss

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Plouton- Vagary mega boss
Posts: 393
By cervelo84 2015-04-06 20:54:58
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which SC chain are you guys doing for spawning Plouton?

Soboro acc issues .. this new way of winning is so stupid.. Anyone try just doing 6 way SC on the Umbril instead of an elemental?

We only tried once and Didn't have a cor. Will redo with max acc tomorrow.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2015-04-06 21:06:45
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You could use the ilvl 115 GK of the WKR shark, and put occ attack twice and acc+ on it.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-04-06 21:06:46
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you can do:



or i'm pretty sure just jinpu 6x works too
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Dakenx 2015-04-06 21:13:13
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6x jinpu definately works. 2x mad + accuracy gear + aggressor there should be no issue hitting with soboro. Sekki 2x jinpu > 1 hr 3x jinpu > meditate or just TP last jinpu > pop
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-04-06 21:18:24
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make sure your GEO is doing precision/torpor as well and you should have no issues at all
Posts: 393
By cervelo84 2015-04-07 05:07:28
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ty, yea with geo cor rdm brd I heard it's not an issue.
Posts: 393
By cervelo84 2015-04-07 05:16:17
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Jinpu was fine with Koga, I wonder why it didn't spawn.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
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By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-04-07 08:30:18
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I realize using Soboro sucks for some SAM's but that's what I have mine use for popping Perfidien and Plouton. We also stack as many buffs on him as possible for stage 2 and 3, so there's generally not many issues except the ocassional whiff. With as much practice as we've been getting we're popping Perfidien and Plouton with 15 minutes of entering the zone - sometimes earlier.

Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
make sure your GEO is doing precision/torpor as well and you should have no issues at all


Taking a GEO or two (at least 1 if you're doing a low-man run) makes all the difference in the world.
Posts: 393
By cervelo84 2015-04-07 15:52:21
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ty guys, no issues today, just need proper buffs, and decent gear. was 899 /checkparam before buffs
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Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-25 08:27:23
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I thought I would share this on this thread since I thought it might help with Samurais who need to 6-step for vagary. A couple nights ago, I figured out a way to perform a 6-step with Dancer without any support or special gear. So I thought if Dancer can do it without any support, then so can Samurai. So I made a 6-step macro plan for Samurai and had a samurai friend test it on Urugnites, and it worked! This method should work very consistently with a little bit of TP equipment. If you can gain 2000 tp within 10 seconds while meditate is up, then you can do this! Norifusa may help, but if you have a decent TP set, then you should still be able to hit that. (Job points into Meditate Effect also help a lot)

First set up a set of 6 macros, titled Step1, Step2, ~~~~ Step6. For the first two macros, you will have to use them at a certain tp amount. For macros 3 through 6, use the next macro about 1 second after finishing the last one.

Macro 1 (Use @ 1000 tp):

/ja "Hagakure" <me> <wait 1>
/ja "Meditate" <me> <wait 1>
/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>

Macro 2 (Use at 1500~2000 tp):

/ja "Sekkanoki" <me> <wait 1>
/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>

Macro 3:

/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>

Macro 4:

/ja "Meikyo Shishui" <me> <wait 1>
/ws "Tachi:Jinpu" <t>

Macro 5:

/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>

Macro 6:

/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>

If you set up your macros correctly, and you use the timing I suggested, then this should work every time without relying on buffs so long as no one else pulls hate and moves the elemental. I know it is possible to set up the macros slightly differently, but I really recommend setting up one macro for each step, since it will keep you in sequence.
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Serveur: Cerberus
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user: tidis
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By Cerberus.Tidis 2016-03-25 08:51:17
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You really don't need to use macros or JAs to do the 6 step requirement on SAM.
Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-25 09:05:00
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Cerberus.Tidis said: »
You really don't need to use macros or JAs to do the 6 step requirement on SAM.

Of course you don't. If you have sufficient gear, capped magic haste, and COR buffs, just about any melee job can possibly pull it off without JAs or macros. But the purpose of these macros is to do it with zero support, and a modest gear requirement, for which you do need to use certain job abilities in a certain order with a certain timing. If the Skillchainer doesn't have to rely on other players, then there are less variables involved, so it should be more consistant.

There are other methods certainly, but I found this to be quite consistent without any support whatsoever.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-03-25 10:06:41
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or you could just use your normal macro set and use your jas at the correct times

it's not exactly rocket science
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-03-25 10:08:40
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Why wouldn't you be getting buffs? Do 10 magic kills require everyone else's attention?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-25 10:34:44
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Sylph.Braden said: »
Why wouldn't you be getting buffs? Do 10 magic kills require everyone else's attention?

I don't think a lot of people know this, but iirc so long as you have less than 18 people altogether you can actually drop party and summon your own trusts. I know for a fact it works in Geas Faet or whatever, and I seem to recall it working in Vagary also.
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