Sc Dmg Bonus Increase?

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sc dmg bonus increase?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: pretre
Posts: 52
By Phoenix.Pretre 2015-03-26 19:48:53
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The increased potency based on the number of skillchains has been doubled, this was in this update im not sure what this means as if it meant what I thought it did people would be excited by it
Posts: 13250
By Pantafernando 2015-03-26 19:51:28
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Its magic burst adjustment, not skillchain. Its magic burst that was enpowered, not skillchains.

Btw, it seems that magic burst was enpowered something god likely. It should be seriously researched, it wasnt just a small improvement.
Posts: 13250
By Pantafernando 2015-03-26 19:52:10
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To the point that should be nerfed.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2254
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-03-26 19:56:17
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Those SAMs using Sengikori on the closing WS are finally gonna be doing it right (assuming you have someone MBing of course).
Posts: 913
By Zackan 2015-03-26 20:00:44
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Pantafernando said: »
To the point that should be nerfed.

You will get your wish most likely..

enough idiotic people stupidly complained that Rudra's Storm needed a nerf.. so because stupid people idioticly complained they proceeded to do as yall asked...

Therefore I predict stupid people idioticly complaining about this as well.

(This is a PVE game, I don't get why people even complain about a job at all being possibly over powered... for balancing purposes bring other jobs up... not down.
Posts: 13250
By Pantafernando 2015-03-26 20:05:30
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Zackan said: »
Pantafernando said: »
To the point that should be nerfed.

You will get your wish most likely..

enough idiotic people stupidly complained that Rudra's Storm needed a nerf.. so because stupid people idioticly complained they proceeded to do as yall asked...

Therefore I predict stupid people idioticly complaining about this as well.

(This is a PVE game, I don't get why people even complain about a job at all being possibly over powered... for balancing purposes bring other jobs up... not down.

I just stated the logical: if because THF could do 30k with a ja each 40 secs, what about a mage that can do 40k with minor buffs every tier 5 nuke?

Im one of those that complained with rudra nerf, but after that, it was created a threshold where a job can be considered "balanced" or "unbalanced".

Btw, this new change should puts tier 6 magic in whole another level.
Posts: 913
By Zackan 2015-03-28 16:07:34
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Pantafernando said: »
Zackan said: »
Pantafernando said: »
To the point that should be nerfed.

You will get your wish most likely..

enough idiotic people stupidly complained that Rudra's Storm needed a nerf.. so because stupid people idioticly complained they proceeded to do as yall asked...

Therefore I predict stupid people idioticly complaining about this as well.

(This is a PVE game, I don't get why people even complain about a job at all being possibly over powered... for balancing purposes bring other jobs up... not down.

I just stated the logical: if because THF could do 30k with a ja each 40 secs, what about a mage that can do 40k with minor buffs every tier 5 nuke?

Im one of those that complained with rudra nerf, but after that, it was created a threshold where a job can be considered "balanced" or "unbalanced".

Btw, this new change should puts tier 6 magic in whole another level.

Maybe, but the difference is getting the magic burst damage boost requires at least some coordination and a blm who knows how to burst. Which trust me is not the easiest especially the higher the tier(which means longer casting times)

A thief could solo and get his damage boost. A blm can not solo to get his boost(trusts MAYBE being an exception, but still thats not really solo)
Posts: 13250
By Pantafernando 2015-03-28 16:27:09
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Zackan said: »
Pantafernando said: »
Zackan said: »
Pantafernando said: »
To the point that should be nerfed.

You will get your wish most likely..

enough idiotic people stupidly complained that Rudra's Storm needed a nerf.. so because stupid people idioticly complained they proceeded to do as yall asked...

Therefore I predict stupid people idioticly complaining about this as well.

(This is a PVE game, I don't get why people even complain about a job at all being possibly over powered... for balancing purposes bring other jobs up... not down.

I just stated the logical: if because THF could do 30k with a ja each 40 secs, what about a mage that can do 40k with minor buffs every tier 5 nuke?

Im one of those that complained with rudra nerf, but after that, it was created a threshold where a job can be considered "balanced" or "unbalanced".

Btw, this new change should puts tier 6 magic in whole another level.

Maybe, but the difference is getting the magic burst damage boost requires at least some coordination and a blm who knows how to burst. Which trust me is not the easiest especially the higher the tier(which means longer casting times)

A thief could solo and get his damage boost. A blm can not solo to get his boost(trusts MAYBE being an exception, but still thats not really solo)

BLM maybe not, but surely SCH can do it solo with its jas.

Also, when we are talking in potentially 40k+ dmg, it becomes feasible create coordination for that. Its not hard, just there wasnt incentive to do that, but now there is, and depending how enmity will work it can become the norm, as what happened with the skillchains closing with rudra stacked (if mage start pulling every sec the mob and dying probably this method wont be popular among average players).
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2015-03-28 16:41:35
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Just posted in the other thread:
mortontony1 said: »
I like the new bursts tbh. Makes mages seem more 'glass cannon'-y to me. Instead of spamming 1-2k nukes, waiting with a T5 to burst off a 3-4 step chain for 40k (just pulling numbers out of my ***, but you get my point)

Odds are if you're doing content hard enough to be able to coordinate stuff like this, it's content hard enough that if mage pulls hate it's an 'oh ***' moment, where as THF could do most their stupid damage enmity free, or at least significantly less, and if they were to pull hate it wouldn't have been nearly as big an issue. Glass cannon dawg.
Posts: 12149
By palladin9479 2015-03-30 08:01:38
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Zackan said: »
enough idiotic people stupidly complained that Rudra's Storm needed a nerf.. so because stupid people idioticly complained they proceeded to do as yall asked...

Nahh RS was broken, that fTP was way to high for a single hit WS on a job that can auto-crit it and close darkness. It's now about as powerful as other high tier WS's and slightly better at closing SC's due to SA/TA.

We've been organizing SC's and coordinating via Skype, thankfully most of our nukers are pretty good at hitting the MB for some pretty nice damage. Multi-step SC's have always been possible and nice, back in 04 and 05 we would bring 2 SAM/THF's to events and do the following with 2 PLD's and some BLMs.

SAM1 WS1: Tachi Gekko -> Meditate
SAM2 WS2: Tachi Yukikaze (Induration) -> Meditate
SAM1 WS2: SATA Tachi Gekko (Fragmentation)
SAM2 WS2: SATA Tachi Kasha (Light)

The final SC would do 2x the damage of the final WS and the chain of nukes that would MB shortly after would also produce a sh!t ton of damage. PLD on either side made it so that both of the final SATA's would stick all that hate and resulting SC hate onto them.

We stopped doing all that because with sufficient buffs you can WS spam something dead in a very short period of time. It becomes unmanageable to do SC's with any more then two DD's, you end up holding TP too much or stepping all over each others SC. We are only switching to it now because NMs are now so overpowered with every status ailment known, that you want the absolute minimum number of people in range or giving it TP.
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