Is This Worth Buying +1?

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Is this worth buying +1?
Posts: 41
By UryuAsura 2015-01-11 05:39:37
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Wondering if this thing is worth buying +1'd. Or just stick with NQ. Thank-you in advance!
Serveur: Siren
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user: Sieha1
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By Siren.Sieha 2015-01-11 06:43:57
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it depends on your gear, the situations and buffs you play with, if when you put your gear and other stats into the spread sheet if it changes your dps, among other things.

however if you have to ask then it means gil is not plentiful so the answer is probably no.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: valli
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By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2015-01-11 06:46:03
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Of course it isn't. The value of any HQ gear (crafted) is always WAY beyond reasonable.

Think about it, it's probably idk, 10m if you can find one? The mats cost 100k.

As someone who can and has made these, I still use a NQ cause I sell things like that to dumb people.
Posts: 13251
By Pantafernando 2015-01-11 08:03:07
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Anything is worth the amount youre willing to pay.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Protey
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By Leviathan.Protey 2015-01-12 07:29:33
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Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
Of course it isn't. The value of any HQ gear (crafted) is always WAY beyond reasonable.

Think about it, it's probably idk, 10m if you can find one? The mats cost 100k.

As someone who can and has made these, I still use a NQ cause I sell things like that to dumb people.

100k? i looked up the prices on your server. Just the Wyrm Blood is 200k. The Beryllium Ingot is 350k. Even if you buy the ore and craft yourself, it's still a little over 300k for the ingot.

So we're looking at a minimum of 500k on Quetzalcoatl.
Posts: 13251
By Pantafernando 2015-01-12 07:32:46
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Ow, ***.

I tossed some wyrm blood i had thinking it wasnt worth to npc...
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: valli
Posts: 1420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2015-01-12 07:43:08
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Leviathan.Protey said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
Of course it isn't. The value of any HQ gear (crafted) is always WAY beyond reasonable.

Think about it, it's probably idk, 10m if you can find one? The mats cost 100k.

As someone who can and has made these, I still use a NQ cause I sell things like that to dumb people.

100k? i looked up the prices on your server. Just the Wyrm Blood is 200k. The Beryllium Ingot is 350k. Even if you buy the ore and craft yourself, it's still a little over 300k for the ingot.

So we're looking at a minimum of 500k on Quetzalcoatl.

It was 100k last time I cared enough to look. People have stopped doing Nexus so the value has increased, due to rarity, not actual value.
Crazy people must be spamming that ***to cap smithing, cause the nq is selling for 30k, that's a HUGE loss.
The point remains, it's absolutely not worth the price.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2015-01-12 07:47:41
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10m is nothing, put 4 nodowas in front of me at 10m each and i'll buy em all(even though I have a mule that's T1 on it with orvail ring, so highest attainable HQ chance)

between mat cost(500k * 16 synths average = 8m), relative inability to sell NQs, and time waiting on wyrm blood to appear on AH.. the cost to make them is well above 10m

whether the gil could be better invested elsewhere depends on your priorities and what other pieces you're missing, nobody can answer that besides you
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2015-01-12 08:19:01
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It's pretty simple - is your SAM a Ferrari or Volkswagen?

If it's a Ferrari you won't think twice about buying that gold plated Steering wheel for an additional 40 000$.
Posts: 128
By Numquam 2015-01-12 08:22:35
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By 2015-01-12 09:55:10
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Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2015-01-12 10:01:37
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Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
It's pretty simple - is your SAM a Ferrari or BANDWAGON?

If it's a Ferrari you won't think twice about buying that gold plated Steering wheel for an additional 40 000$.

Fixed. BIS is BIS and always worth it, however is this BIS for you?

Yes? Then worth it. No? Then ask yourself

Can you find comparable?
Is BIS free and attainable?
How much do you like VW?
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Posts: 1533
By ScaevolaBahamut 2015-02-16 13:48:37
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Nazrious said: »
Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
It's pretty simple - is your SAM a Ferrari or BANDWAGON?

If it's a Ferrari you won't think twice about buying that gold plated Steering wheel for an additional 40 000$.

Fixed. BIS is BIS and always worth it, however is this BIS for you?

Yes? Then worth it. No? Then ask yourself

Can you find comparable?
Is BIS free and attainable?
How much do you like VW?

So unbelievably full of ***.

Literally every SAM without a Koga has something better than this to spend 10 mil on.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Neboh
Posts: 458
By Lakshmi.Neboh 2015-02-16 14:37:29
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Boils down to what your goal is and what you're needing at the moment. If you still need a lot of other stuff for your SAM, it's perhaps best not to get it. But if you have everything already and just looking to pimp out your SAM, why not? It's not game breaking but yeah will allow you better builds assuming you have everything else.
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