Transgender Teen Commits Suicide

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Transgender teen commits suicide
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-12-31 10:59:09
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I think I'm good to say 90% of parents would literally shut down upon hearing their child is transgender / think they might be LBGT.

Very similar to the reason vets decide to kill themselves (and they are literally the embodiment of what we consider ideal men/women) there are very few people who could understand/help them without relying on stereotypical ***.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 10:59:52
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Maybe I can have my ashes spread all over Michelle Obama's organic hippie garden !

Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-31 10:59:54
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Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
Many don't know where to go, how to get help or that they even do need it. Some go to the people they think will help them and are met with disdain or disaproval.

Parents are a huge help in all of this. A solid support structure could be key. Making parents aware of the dangers, of the signs is important.

Especially if you go to a counsellor, therapist or other psychological professional who doesn't share your belief structure. Hell, this is true even of physical medicine. If your beliefs conflict with a practioner, they can cause your distress to spiral out of control.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:00:30
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
I think I'm good to say 90% of parents would literally shut down upon hearing their child is transgender / think they might be LBGT.

Very similar to the reason vets decide to kill themselves (and they are literally the embodiment of what we consider ideal men/women) there are very few people who could understand/help them without relying on stereotypical ***.

Yea there is no handbook for raising children however I should make one to profit from it.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2014-12-31 11:01:04
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fonewear said: »
Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
fonewear said: »
I'm not pro suicide I just think that this person died thinking he/she is going to spread some awareness. They could have a done a lot more good living and contributing to a cause than dying for it.
Not always necassarily true. While I do agree that suicide is never the answer sometimes a death can send waves through a community.

This situation will be decried by some, abused for their own purposes by others, supported or denounced. She may have reached more people, however it may be taken, through her death than she may have through her life.

For example look at how many people just dismiss femnism altogether nowadays because of a vocal minority.

Mostly it is just a wasted life, usually someone who feels trapped with no way out and very little support or understanding from anyone else.

I was with you till the feminism part. It is the vocal minority that speaks so loud it drowns out the rational feminist.

I get that not all feminist are crazy but it is hard to hear the rational ones cause they aren't shouting.
Then replace feminism with anything really. Religion? Race? Atheists? etc. People tend to find ways to disregard a message because they can rely on a vocal minority to ruin that message.

It is hard to hear the rational ones and it's so much easier to dismiss or mock the issue because of the crazy ones.

Think about something that's important to you a message that you're trying to convey that gets drowned out by ten crazy uninformed *** running their mouths. As a rational one you try to convey yuor message but people tend to ignore you and relate you to those crazy *** running their mouths off.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:02:37
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You think my ashes will help or hurt the garden ? Depends on my pH level I guess ?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2014-12-31 11:02:44
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fonewear said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
I think I'm good to say 90% of parents would literally shut down upon hearing their child is transgender / think they might be LBGT.

Very similar to the reason vets decide to kill themselves (and they are literally the embodiment of what we consider ideal men/women) there are very few people who could understand/help them without relying on stereotypical ***.

Yea there is no handbook for raising children however I should make one to profit from it.
Its very possible to make lots of money making something that will help others.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:04:28
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I didn't read the story but I'm assuming the parents didn't know how to deal with a transgender kid felt isolated alone etc.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2014-12-31 11:04:31
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fonewear said: »
You think my ashes will help or hurt the garden ? Depends on my Ph level I guess ?
You'd be better off just burying a body underneath the garden. TV has lead me to believe that our decomposing bodies would be a good source of nutrients!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:05:45
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I guess this is one the reasons I shouldn't have kids. Because if they turned out like me that wouldn't be good.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-12-31 11:09:23
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fonewear said: »
You think my ashes will help or hurt the garden ? Depends on my pH level I guess ?

"And here in my Conservative garden where we use former Republicans in life to fertilize our American-grown vegetables I have some fresh Fonewear carrots ready to be plucked and thrown into our Conservative rabbit stew, shot today with an open carry rifle."
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:09:50
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Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
fonewear said: »
You think my ashes will help or hurt the garden ? Depends on my Ph level I guess ?
You'd be better off just burying a body underneath the garden. TV has lead me to believe that our decomposing bodies would be a good source of nutrients!

So when the cops come by my house and says "Why all the dead bodies under your garden" I'll reply have you seen how big my tomatoes are ?
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-12-31 11:10:12
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Good parenting. Simple solution, hard to implement.

Talking about everything and anything with an open mind.
unconditional love.
Wisdom so that children can be guided.
understanding, of your child, and the effect you have on them.

But with teen moms being glorified and the Kardashians, I have to make the statment clear.

Good parenting, not the current Average parenting.

Will every suicide be stopped? No but I bet you the numbers would drop like a rock.

Edit: because i missed fones post.

"GREEN tomatoes are people"
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2014-12-31 11:11:38
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fonewear said: »
Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
fonewear said: »
You think my ashes will help or hurt the garden ? Depends on my Ph level I guess ?
You'd be better off just burying a body underneath the garden. TV has lead me to believe that our decomposing bodies would be a good source of nutrients!

So when the cops come by my house and says "Why all the dead bodies under your garden" I'll reply have you seen how big my tomatoes are ?
So that's how you were winning all those damn contests!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:12:11
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But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-12-31 11:14:28
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fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

But if you are a teenage girl who is fugly with no *** and tons of acne you are more likely to end up on a youtube/ vine parody this is serious business, afterall.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-12-31 11:14:59
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fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Capitalism is the best thing ever, we have chicks with big butts while you ogle turnips commie scum.

Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2014-12-31 11:16:06
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Nazrious said: »
Good parenting. Simple solution, hard to implement.

Talking about everything and anything with an open mind.
unconditional love.
Wisdom so that children can be guided.
understanding, of your child, and the effect you have on them.

But with teen moms being glorified and the Kardashians, I have to make the statment clear.

Good parenting, not the current Average parenting.

Will every suicide be stopped? No but I bet you the numbers would drop like a rock.

Edit: because i missed fones post.

"GREEN tomatoes are people"
I don't think teen moms are being glorified though. Most of the programs that showcase them are actually leading to a decrease in teen pregnancies. It's showcasing how hard it actually is no matter how many of the teens they bring on that show are not very good role models and maybe thats what other teens need to see or hear. Look at this girl who slept with a gouy too young and look how hard it is or how she keeps struggling because she follws that lifestyle. Gets ya to think twice maybe.

Every suicide will not be stopped this is true but good parenting would be a great start in reducing the numbers as you pointed out.

Edit: also those shows where you see some girls post about how they will get pregnant to try and get on that show is more about our obsession with being famous than it is with those shows promoting teen pregnancy in any way.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-31 11:16:14
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Nazrious said: »
Good parenting. Simple solution, hard to implement.

Talking about everything and anything with an open mind.
unconditional love.
Wisdom so that children can be guided.
understanding, of your child, and the effect you have on them.

But with teen moms being glorified and the Kardashians, I have to make the statment clear.

Good parenting, not the current Average parenting.

Will every suicide be stopped? No but I bet you the numbers would drop like a rock.

Edit: because i missed fones post.

"GREEN tomatoes are people"

I'm very much in agreement with you about parenting being subpar as a country right now.

But I also don't think parents can handle all problems. All the love, understanding, and open-mindedness in the world isn't going to help children who have clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety, or related issues.

Added to the problem is that these conditions frequently manifest from ages 17-25, so frequently these teens turn into young adults in college or living on their own as part of the workforce and it becomes even more difficult for them.

That said, when it comes to LGBT-type issues, parenting is huge and parents who are too selfish with what they want their child to be do more harm than good in this country, by and large.
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-12-31 11:17:00
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Capitalism is the best thing ever, we have chicks with big butts while you ogle turnips commie scum.


I thinks its more to do with genetic diversity than capitalism... butt implants maybe but big butts are not uncommon in my neck of the woods.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-31 11:17:23
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fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Every time you speak its name, you substantiate it, feeding it power, fame, and fortune.

Don't speak of it. Don't acknowledge it. And certainly don't watch it. Let it waste away into botoxed obscurity.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-12-31 11:18:44
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Ramyrez said: »
Added to the problem is that these conditions frequently manifest from ages 17-25, so frequently these teens turn into young adults in college or living on their own as part of the workforce and it becomes even more difficult for them.

what country are you living in? I'm pretty sure staying with your parents until you're 30 is in vogue right now.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:18:52
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South Park did a good episode about fame. It was Britney Spears but pretty much the same sort of deal.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:19:50
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Nazrious said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Capitalism is the best thing ever, we have chicks with big butts while you ogle turnips commie scum.


I thinks its more to do with genetic diversity than capitalism... butt implants maybe but big butts are not uncommon in my neck of the woods.

I just need to find myself a young Armenian woman then...
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-12-31 11:20:43
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Ramyrez said: »
Nazrious said: »
Good parenting. Simple solution, hard to implement.

Talking about everything and anything with an open mind.
unconditional love.
Wisdom so that children can be guided.
understanding, of your child, and the effect you have on them.

But with teen moms being glorified and the Kardashians, I have to make the statment clear.

Good parenting, not the current Average parenting.

Will every suicide be stopped? No but I bet you the numbers would drop like a rock.

Edit: because i missed fones post.

"GREEN tomatoes are people"

I'm very much in agreement with you about parenting being subpar as a country right now.

But I also don't think parents can handle all problems. All the love, understanding, and open-mindedness in the world isn't going to help children who have clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety, or related issues.

Added to the problem is that these conditions frequently manifest from ages 17-25, so frequently these teens turn into young adults in college or living on their own as part of the workforce and it becomes even more difficult for them.

That said, when it comes to LGBT-type issues, parenting is huge and parents who are too selfish with what they want their child to be do more harm than good in this country, by and large.

Not disagreeing, that would fall under the understanding part. You can compare it to Tylenol. My kid has 103 fever, I give him Tylenol. Sure it may not be the best for him and might lead to autism or w/e, but as a parent I am not letting that fever get to 104.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-31 11:21:10
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Ramyrez said: »
Added to the problem is that these conditions frequently manifest from ages 17-25, so frequently these teens turn into young adults in college or living on their own as part of the workforce and it becomes even more difficult for them.

what country are you living in? I'm pretty sure staying with your parents until you're 30 is in vogue right now.

Sorry, I guess I'm jaded because my life doesn't exist in the overblown stereotype and I know exactly 0 people from college who moved back in with their parents for more than a month or two.

Though I did have a friend who more or less lived the movie Grandma's Boy. He's a ridiculously skilled guy with a degree in music performance but he was spending a year living on his grandmother's property (nice apartment above her garage I think) for free, building up cash to do Master's work. He spent it playing video games, smoking weed and teaching music lessons making ridiculous money.

I kind of hate him for it.
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-12-31 11:22:45
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fonewear said: »
Nazrious said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Capitalism is the best thing ever, we have chicks with big butts while you ogle turnips commie scum.


I thinks its more to do with genetic diversity than capitalism... butt implants maybe but big butts are not uncommon in my neck of the woods.

I just need to find myself a young Armenian woman then...

Umm... I live in the US, there are Armenians here but Latinas seem to have the best proportions.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-31 11:23:05
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Nazrious said: »
Not disagreeing, that would fall under the understanding part.

I suppose so, as long as the implication is understanding when you need to take it up a notch and get medical professionals involved.

Like in your example, once their fever is that high and the Tylenol hasn't helped, maybe consider a trip to the ER.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-12-31 11:23:16
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Ramyrez said: »
Sorry, I guess I'm jaded because my life doesn't exist in the overblown stereotype and I know exactly 0 people from college who moved back in with their parents for more than a month or two.

meh, I'm seeing ***through the eyes of a guy trying to hire young punks / dropouts to do construction work, & not being able to find any.

mostly talking ***, not suggesting that my observation is the norm.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-12-31 11:24:16
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Nazrious said: »
fonewear said: »
Nazrious said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
fonewear said: »
But Kim taught me that sex tapes can boost me from relative obscurity to having a televised wedding on E!

Kim is the American dream famous for being umm having a big butt and umm other stuff.

Plus marketing you got to market your sex tape to the right people.

Capitalism is the best thing ever, we have chicks with big butts while you ogle turnips commie scum.


I thinks its more to do with genetic diversity than capitalism... butt implants maybe but big butts are not uncommon in my neck of the woods.

I just need to find myself a young Armenian woman then...

Umm... I live in the US, there are Armenians here but Latinas seem to have the best proportions.

I do look forward (in the future)to being the white minority and I can complain about those damn Latinas taking my job !

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