On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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Serveur: Cerberus
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user: onagh
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By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-12 15:30:13
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Leviathan.Protey said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
ibm2431 said: »
You can't have a more potent set: Cure Power caps at 700. You have 18-41 Healing Skill (depending on gifts) that isn't doing anything.

I totally get wanting to have your precast and midcast sets be the same, though. But personally I figure since I'm already swapping out from idle gear I can briefly pop through the same Fast Cast precast set I use for most everything else.

It says "power floor" on that table and hard caps are only given for "hp floor". I don't see a "700" cap for "Power" itself.

That comes from here: Motenten testing

Aye I remember someone testing this in Abyssea with Max MND buffs saying that it no longer affected cure potency after a certain amount, never actually witnessed it myself.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Ganno 2015-09-13 04:12:35
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Leviathan.Protey said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
ibm2431 said: »
You can't have a more potent set: Cure Power caps at 700. You have 18-41 Healing Skill (depending on gifts) that isn't doing anything.

I totally get wanting to have your precast and midcast sets be the same, though. But personally I figure since I'm already swapping out from idle gear I can briefly pop through the same Fast Cast precast set I use for most everything else.

It says "power floor" on that table and hard caps are only given for "hp floor". I don't see a "700" cap for "Power" itself.

That comes from here: Motenten testing

Aye I remember someone testing this in Abyssea with Max MND buffs saying that it no longer affected cure potency after a certain amount, never actually witnessed it myself.

I did a testing 2months ago, posted on page13.
Power cap has been put back on may update when they adjusted janniston ring/glorious earring.
Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2015-09-13 06:50:52
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Ok, I changed the all-in-one cure set I previously posted according to the cap.

ItemSet 337732

Base stats (hume*):
MND 92* + 15
VIT 83*
Skill 424 + 16

Queller Rod (D) skill +15, potency +10, casting time -7
Vanya Hood (A) potency +7, enmity-6
Vanya Clogs (D) potency +5, casting time -15, conserve mp +6

Total equipment stats:
MND +168
VIT +85
Potency +50 (assuming capped unity bonus on the earring)
Potency II +4
Casting time -57 (-79.3 with merits & Light Arts)
Skill +76
Enmity -50
Conserve mp +12 (37 with /sch)
Haste +26
Fast cast +5

Base cure "power":
floor[(107+168)/2] + floor[(83+85)/4] + 440 + 76 = 695 (700 with 5 more skill at 60 jp)

Seems to be correct?
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2015-09-13 07:14:19
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Slightly less Fast Cast (for recast timers), but I think it might be a fair trade-off for merged precast/midcast set. I like how that set lets you reach the power cap with fewer JPs, and how the Kuchekula is hot-swappable with Janniston for those who have it.
Serveur: Asura
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user: ganon8413
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By Asura.Ganno 2015-09-13 12:22:39
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this is the best cure i've found from what i have
ItemSet 337923

Vanya Hood D
Kaykaus Boots D
Queller Rod A
Mending cape: Curepot+5 healing skill+10

with full merits(MND/VIT/enmity-) and JP910+ :

power cap: 699
cure pot: +50
cure pot II: +9
enmity: -47
haste: +26
Fast Cast: +20
ConserveMP: +33

I just use Mushroom Stew to cap Power and have enmity -50 :)
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Protey 2015-09-13 15:32:13
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Ok, I changed the all-in-one cure set I previously posted according to the cap.

ItemSet 337732

Base stats (hume*):
MND 92* + 15
VIT 83*
Skill 424 + 16

Queller Rod (D) skill +15, potency +10, casting time -7
Vanya Hood (A) potency +7, enmity-6
Vanya Clogs (D) potency +5, casting time -15, conserve mp +6

Total equipment stats:
MND +168
VIT +85
Potency +50 (assuming capped unity bonus on the earring)
Potency II +4
Casting time -57 (-79.3 with merits & Light Arts)
Skill +76
Enmity -50
Conserve mp +12 (37 with /sch)
Haste +26
Fast cast +5

Base cure "power":
floor[(107+168)/2] + floor[(83+85)/4] + 440 + 76 = 695 (700 with 5 more skill at 60 jp)

Seems to be correct?

If you get the Gifts of Healing Magic Casting Time then you should swap out the back piece for Swith Cape +1.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Devrom
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2015-09-16 06:55:05
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Now that we are able to cast aurorastorm from sub, Twilight Cape and Korin Obi/Hachirin-no-Obi will be locked on their slots and that also means I need to figure out a new all-in-one cure set (or just say f* it and never bother again) to cover the loss of the stats from those slots (which might be impossible).

Of course, I can't complain for the benefits but it takes so long to figure out a set like this considering all the augments and sidegrades T_T
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2015-09-16 10:28:44
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Not to mention possibly finding a way to work Incanter's Torque in there for that delicious MP Not Consumed +1%! It might also let you outright drop Sirona's Ring, but you'd lose Enmity and Fast Cast from Orunmila's.

Dropping Mending Cape for Twilight might end up requiring Vanya Clogs (for me).

Subsequently, I'm playing with idea of working Welkin Crown in with its Fast Cast+7%, but the loss of Healing Skill / Cure Potency from the head slot might be too much.

So I'm back to the drawing board too. Considering two different sets: one with HQ Kaykaus, and one for those without the means to get it.

I also have no idea how the loss of gear haste from dropping Ninurta's can be made up.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: ithorien
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By Shiva.Chumm 2015-09-17 17:12:52
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In the SCH guide they use chatoyant staff for weather cures, implying that the cure pot received from that is light affinity rather than straight potency. I don't really understand how that interacts with potency/power, is chatoyant/apollo's relevant for WHMs now that we have aurora on sub?
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Darvamos 2015-09-17 17:29:00
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Shiva.Chumm said: »
In the SCH guide they use chatoyant staff for weather cures, implying that the cure pot received from that is light affinity rather than straight potency. I don't really understand how that interacts with potency/power, is chatoyant/apollo's relevant for WHMs now that we have aurora on sub?
Thats because Iridescence gives an extra 10% and is forced if wearing obi during right times(day/weather). The set that is in the WHM guide hasn't been correct to hit max for a while. Pretty sure when it first came out it had Chant staff like it should.

The max Bonus for day/weather/Iridescnce is capped at 40%. Even thought in total we can hit 50% (Day + Double Weather) Belt 35% + Cape 5% + Iridescence 10%. We normally won't have double weather and day so almost always good to be rocking a chat staff to push it futher. The set listed is 40% if double weather + day but its not implied that is what its for. It reads more to me as having day + single weather based on his numbers(25% only).

Some numbers:
Day Bonus: 10%
Single Weather: 10%
Double Weather: 25%
Iridensece: 10%(Can be forced to always happen with OBIs during right times.)

P.S. more in the set needs to be changed so you back at 50% regular cure potency too.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-17 19:04:12
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Asura.Darvamos said: »
Shiva.Chumm said: »
In the SCH guide they use chatoyant staff for weather cures, implying that the cure pot received from that is light affinity rather than straight potency. I don't really understand how that interacts with potency/power, is chatoyant/apollo's relevant for WHMs now that we have aurora on sub?
Thats because Iridescence gives an extra 10% and is forced if wearing obi during right times(day/weather). The set that is in the WHM guide hasn't been correct to hit max for a while. Pretty sure when it first came out it had Chant staff like it should.

The max Bonus for day/weather/Iridescnce is capped at 40%. Even thought in total we can hit 50% (Day + Double Weather) Belt 35% + Cape 5% + Iridescence 10%. We normally won't have double weather and day so almost always good to be rocking a chat staff to push it futher. The set listed is 40% if double weather + day but its not implied that is what its for. It reads more to me as having day + single weather based on his numbers(25% only).

Some numbers:
Day Bonus: 10%
Single Weather: 10%
Double Weather: 25%
Iridensece: 10%(Can be forced to always happen with OBIs during right times.)

P.S. more in the set needs to be changed so you back at 50% regular cure potency too.

ItemSet 320297

I believe this is a weatherset with max potency.... don't forget the head piece can be augmented for +5% Cure potency. It could probably be optimized with a couple of new pieces here and there, I had started to update some of the sets this morning (I was altering the weatherset but put it back for reference, my mistake for forgetting to reset it!).

With that said I personally don't use the Chatoyant staff simply for Inventory reasons.

Kaykaus feet is an obvious upgrade for the conserve MP option, I think there's a better headpiece/gloves also somewhere but I'd need to properly dig for it.

Edit: Edited the set a little, I'll be updating these sets in the next couple of days, hadn't realised I'd neglected it, the fastcast/precast sets I'll leave as they are as they're still capped and with instant cast etc, I've not seen anything to upgrade, but I may have missed something.

Cure sets/emnity fixes/Enfeebling sets probably the area to look at, and melee sets (Which I never took seriously) is a one set suits all situation now so................ Watch this space!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: ithorien
Posts: 22
By Shiva.Chumm 2015-09-18 10:41:06
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So setting aside day/double weather, with just aurorastorm on SCH sub would that set beat a typical max power/potency set? And if so, does finding the potency elsewhere hurt your -enmity too much for it to be worth it?
Posts: 53
By Parshias 2015-09-18 21:24:41
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Took a stab at making an Aurorastorm set:

ItemSet 338054

Vanya Hood and Clogs Path A. Totals are:

Cure Potency +49%
Cure Potency II +2%
MND +158
VIT +93
Healing Skill +84
Enmity -40 (-45 with merits)
Haste +17%

A Hume WHM/SCH with max merits into MND will have 690 Cure Power with this set without any JP Gifts.

Unfortunately wasn't quite able to hit the 50% potency cap, and still missing some -enmity, but its not too bad for a quick try.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-19 14:57:46
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Shiva.Chumm said: »
So setting aside day/double weather, with just aurorastorm on SCH sub would that set beat a typical max power/potency set? And if so, does finding the potency elsewhere hurt your -enmity too much for it to be worth it?

Max power isn't remotely close to a 187.5% potency, like no where near. The Emnity would be something to consider.

Plus since when can you Aurorastrom /sch? its level 50+?
Posts: 873
By camaroz 2015-09-19 15:08:14
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Since the update maybe?
Posts: 53
By Parshias 2015-09-19 15:36:44
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Plus since when can you Aurorastrom /sch? its level 50+?

They adjusted the levels on the SCH weather spells in the latest update. Now you can use all of them as /SCH.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2015-09-20 01:10:17
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think i read here a while back the cure potency gifts are counted toward the 50 cap. was doing some set testing and had 50 potency equiped for 1024 cure iv, took off the roundel earring and did 990. i have the first potency gift at 125 jp so im wondering whats up
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2015-09-20 01:16:33
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Parshias said: »
Took a stab at making an Aurorastorm set:

ItemSet 338054

Vanya Hood and Clogs Path A. Totals are:

Cure Potency +49%
Cure Potency II +2%
MND +158
VIT +93
Healing Skill +84
Enmity -40 (-45 with merits)
Haste +17%

A Hume WHM/SCH with max merits into MND will have 690 Cure Power with this set without any JP Gifts.

Unfortunately wasn't quite able to hit the 50% potency cap, and still missing some -enmity, but its not too bad for a quick try.
use bismarck neck http://www.ffxiah.com/item/10960/phalaina-locket
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2015-09-20 01:52:50
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ItemSet 333964

What I just came up with:

path B on head for 20 extra skill to make up for loss of theophania hands

path A on feet for extra 7% potency and -6 enmity

You only need +1 potency on telchine hands, but if you get a max +8 you can swap the earring out for whatever floats your boat, beatific for cure power, novia for -enmity, or magnetic for conserve mp. Neck also depends on your personal cure power from merits, gifts, boost mnd etc. It may not be needed so it too can be swapped like the earring.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2015-09-20 02:44:17
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put a working set together, max power and potency. still reliant on boost mnd to cap my power but hood will allow me to move things around.

cure iv - 1262 75 mp return 5 mp net loss (lol) 492 stoneskin
cure v - 1528 91 mp return 31 mp net loss 595 stoneskin
cure vi - 1966 117 mp return 88 mp net loss 766 stoneskin (daddy like)

this is with 10/15 solace jp and 159 total jp
By 2015-09-20 04:38:08
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Neptune
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By Ragnarok.Nep 2015-09-20 07:01:26
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Using my existing gear as a starting point, this is what I could come up with as an all-round set, prioritising in the order of Weather Bonus > Cure Potency +50% > Enmity -50 > Healing Magic Skill. It's a little too light on skill, but a bit stumped for what I could replace besides things from the Kaykaus / +1 set, which I will never pay for.

ItemSet 338104

Vanya Hood: Path A,
Vanya Clogs: Path D,
Bokwus Gloves: Path A
Cure Potency: +50%
Cure Potency II: +2%
Enmity: -50 (merits included)
Healing Magic Skill: +60 (merits included)
Conserve MP: +14
Haste: +20%
MND: +144
VIT: +73
Serveur: Asura
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user: Sabishii
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By Asura.Sabishii 2015-10-17 19:15:15
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I have a friend who is playing WHM, and they want to use kinetic's WHM Gearswap, but when you load it, it's out of date. I find it absurd that this thing is out here, and it's out of date, and there's a whole ordeal to go through the code and fix it. Anyone have an updated version?

TL;DR: anyone have an updated mote-based, Gearswap for WHM? Kinematic's version is out of date and gives an error saying it's out of date.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Lenus
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By Lakshmi.Lenus 2015-10-17 19:23:58
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Wouldn't 2 Haoma rings or haoma/sirona be better than 2 -enmity rings, due to the change with healing magic skill/Tranquil heart lowering enmity?
Serveur: Asura
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user: ganon8413
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By Asura.Ganno 2015-10-18 02:15:28
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From BG:
Tranquil Heart
Reduces enmity gain when casting healing magic.
Enmity reduction from this Job Trait is applied in a separate step from -Enmity from Equipment.

As such, it does not contribute to and allows you to surpass the -50 Enmity cap.
Final Enmity = (Original Enmity)*(1 - (Enmity Down from Gear)/100)*(1 - (Enmity Down from Trait)/100)
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-10-18 08:44:01
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Asura.Ganno said: »
From BG:
Tranquil Heart
Reduces enmity gain when casting healing magic.
Enmity reduction from this Job Trait is applied in a separate step from -Enmity from Equipment.

As such, it does not contribute to and allows you to surpass the -50 Enmity cap.
Final Enmity = (Original Enmity)*(1 - (Enmity Down from Gear)/100)*(1 - (Enmity Down from Trait)/100)

Actually, that was relevant in 11 Nov 2012 - Notes.

I remember vaguely someone saying that the JP Forums or somewhere had mentioned that Tranquil Heart didn't work like that anymore and actually contributed to the gear cap now, but I have 0 confidence in the "theory crafting" most JP opinions have on how things work.

I'm not sure how "updated" BG Wiki is a reliable source these days, although a brief google check certainly didn't find any alternatives/contradictory evidence, so I'm inclined to believe this is still the status quo.



Reading through it, but certainly shouldn't copy and paste BG and call it gospel when it's from 3 years ago. Things change and we should always be open to changes we don't know about!

A quick translation of what the Community Rep said (Is a Community rep just a player or is it an actual employee of SE? Other reps say "We at SE will be..." so I assume Yes? If so this would be an official response from their own people so................?) has said its the same ***:

Hostility of job characteristics "Tran kill Heart" - the effect of the same treatment and equipment benefits.
In addition, job characteristics "Tran kill Heart" and equipment benefits of hostility - effect value when combined is "-50" is the lower limit.

ON this basis that it's a community rep, and he's confirmed they contribute to the same cap, that's certainly something people should take into account if accurate.

Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Wouldn't 2 Haoma rings or haoma/sirona be better than 2 -enmity rings, due to the change with healing magic skill/Tranquil heart lowering enmity?

Yes assuming this is accurate.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2015-10-18 11:01:50
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
ON this basis that it's a community rep, and he's confirmed they contribute to the same cap, that's certainly something people should take into account if accurate.

Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Wouldn't 2 Haoma rings or haoma/sirona be better than 2 -enmity rings, due to the change with healing magic skill/Tranquil heart lowering enmity?

Yes assuming this is accurate.

A week after that post, some JP went and tested it and showed tranquil heart has a cap separate from the equipment cap so it would appear the community rep is either full of it or just didn't understand the question properly.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-10-18 11:22:11
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
ON this basis that it's a community rep, and he's confirmed they contribute to the same cap, that's certainly something people should take into account if accurate.

Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Wouldn't 2 Haoma rings or haoma/sirona be better than 2 -enmity rings, due to the change with healing magic skill/Tranquil heart lowering enmity?

Yes assuming this is accurate.

A week after that post, some JP went and tested it and showed tranquil heart has a cap separate from the equipment cap so it would appear the community rep is either full of it or just didn't understand the question properly.

Wonder how they tested it, due to emnity decay based on damage taken, etc how they accurately measured that before I'd go and be like signed in blood.

Don't suppose you have a link to this testing I could read through so I can update the guide with accurate information? I find it unlikely JP Forum Reps miss read ***in their own language and then no one called them out on it.

Not that SE has a great track record mind you but.............. Even 1000 monkeys can write Shakespeare.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2015-10-18 11:42:01
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Mmmm, there's a video of it, but I hope your japanese is good since all the text is in the video itself.

I haven't actually watched the video in it's entirety because it's 12 min long and I find enmity testing a somewhat dry subject but the methodology looks good skipping through it and a number of people have vouched for it.

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-10-18 12:02:01
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
Mmmm, there's a video of it, but I hope your japanese is good since all the text is in the video itself.

I haven't actually watched the video in it's entirety because it's 12 min long and I find enmity testing a somewhat dry subject but the methodology looks good skipping through it and a number of people have vouched for it.


Watched a bit, using a level 1 mob to stop there being an issue with Damage Emnity Degradation was a smart move, however the healer is pulling threat by doing nothing other than the single cure, and the other guy is using enfeebles which only turns it's head for a second.

The sample size is appauling.

The issue with using a mob that removes 0 HP from anyone is any cure won't return a HP Value, so the CE doesn't actually gain anything because its based on HP restored, meaning we're only working off VE which decays and makes it hard to judge how it works strictly speaking.

No Where does it states that Emnity - gear works on your Total Emnity, it may only work on Volatile Emnity, or Cummulative Emnity, meaning the testing is flawed in its very basics.

With that said, my Japanese isn't great so I couldn't translate the text terribly well so I may have missed the entirety of the explanation.

At this point, I'm still inclined to agree with the BG version on account of it's Tested previously and just because a SE rep says it's wrong, I'm not 100% sold yet.

Still interesting though, irrespective you can cap power, potency and emnity with the right gear anyway.
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