Physical Magic And Modifiers

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Physical magic and modifiers
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Gekuz
Posts: 37
By Ragnarok.Gekuz 2014-07-18 05:40:59
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Hi guys here again with a new question about Magic and modifiers.

When i was playing tons of years ago, I was generaly focused on those 2nd modifiers to make my physcals spells more powerfull by the way right now i see that today blu prefers to put a full STR set for physcal spels and than add the second modifiers only if the main piece have a STR Boost.

I mean, Amorphic is a 2nd mod DEX and INT, i was wondering it's better a DEX+INT set or a set with STR and some spare DEX and INT?

I'm asking this since i have to augment Hurkan head...
thanks for your help
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2014-07-18 05:57:07
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The secondary mods on AS are not strong enough to be more advantageous than STR. Think of all spells as having a 25% STR mod because of how fSTR factors into damage. Additionally STR contributes to the attack portion of the equation.Because of these two factors, generally a secondary mod needs to be 50% or better before it starts becoming more valuable than STR and there aren't many spells where this applies (Vanity Dive and Benethic Typhoon would be a couple examples)
Posts: 17
By Bariman 2014-07-18 08:25:36
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Correct if I'm wrong, but under Chain Affinity mods are doubled so Amorphic would be 40% DEX 20% INT (but STR is essentially still 25%).

That being said, STR is the major one for most sets because STR is a mod in almost all blue magic you would cast with the only exceptions being vanity dive (50% DEX) and benthic typhoon (60% AGI). Delta Thurst, Heavy strike, glut dart, quad continuum, thrashing assault, goblin rush are all pure STR or STR+ another with only delta thrust (20% STR 50% VIT) and maybe thrashing assault (not pinned down on mods yet) having a higher mod other than STR.
Posts: 853
By Highwynd 2014-07-18 09:43:10
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Next patch when Berserk/Warcry/Nature's Meditation/Minuets/Food start counting towards Blue Attack, BLU is going to be absolutely ridiculous.
Posts: 17
By Bariman 2014-07-18 10:36:39
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It definitely will if the blue magic spells keep their att bonuses like delta thrust's 50?% and Quad continuum's 25%, but honestly I don't see them letting BLU keep attack bonuses on spells on top of being boosted by other means of attack bonuses. Plus, it would mean that they are affected by the opposite, too, like Tojil's att down aura or gastric bomb in Woh Gates worm parties. Of course BLU has erasega so its not that big of a deal.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2014-07-18 10:56:02
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Even if they let all those bonuses stack (no real reason why they wouldn't) it's probably going to be a rare occasion where casting is superior to melee in terms of DPS in party play. For solo, it will make Azure Lore skillchains a little more practical, maybe open up some better combos. I figure the mathy blu's will simulate higher attack scenarios on common targets and break down if/when casting is superior.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-07-18 11:26:17
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Not sure if theyre going to remove blue attack and make them based off of main hand attafk. I think theyre just going to add +blue attack to foods and buffs. Doubt they're gonna add -blue attack to all those -attack moves. Although it would be easier to code and a bit of a shortcut to just change the formula to be main hand attack. Although, if such is the case, blue magic skill will only affect magic accuracy of secondary effects and base damage of blue spells, with main hand attack affecting its attack power(instead of blue magic skill affecting both). Considering the damage of blue magic on TW mobs, (5-7k quads and 3-4k heavy strikes), blue spells are going to rape adoulin NMs and bosses easily and a blu could just cycle through their big spells instead of meleeing(with azure lore) and probably outdamage other jobs. Instead of meleeing, they just cast a 6k multi hit spell every 2.5 seconds as their autoattack(closer to 7-8k with azure lore with the attack buffs.

I think new physical spells in the future wont have wsc similar to new magic so chain affinity will only slightly boost them(and only if damage varies with tp). Its an exciting time to be a BLU. All we need is a 7-8/tick refresh spell and we're going to be high tier.

The ability to back to back spam weapon skill-like damage every 2 seconds regardless of TP is going to be amazing for zergs, they'll probably make new multi hit spells very expensive to cast (150-200+ Given that we have more mp now than at 99, and maybe also very long recasts).

Stacking berserk/minuets/chaos roll/natures meditation and our big spells having attack modifiers, we'll be casting with ~2-2.5k attack, our limiting factor will be accuracy and MP but now with Distract II with Saboteur, accuracy may not even be an issue.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 151
By Shiva.Devrom 2014-07-18 12:42:15
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will all these updates change the "blu sucks at end game" mindset? that is what really matters.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2014-07-18 12:49:43
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The job doesn't actually suck, its just that most of the ppl that play the job are idiots.

They are changing the way attack works, but I would have been happier if they just gave more bonus damage for opposing monster families (like 50% boost?). That would benefit those who plan ahead, which imo is what blue is about.
By Goltana101 2014-07-18 13:23:58
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Cerberus.Doctorugh said: »
The job doesn't actually suck, its just that most of the ppl that play the job are idiots. They are changing the way attack works, but I would have been happier if they just gave more bonus damage for opposing monster families (like 50% boost?). That would benefit those who plan ahead, which imo is what blue is about.

I would say this is less of the reason. The real reason why people "think" BLU sucks or is a lackluster DD is because of sheer ignorance. Most have no idea how the job operates, its strengths and utility, and have no desire to learn how effective the job can be in virtually any instance. That includes people who do play the job and those who observe others playing.

In other words, if it aint punching and kicking or swinging a GKT, people generally don't care, because its "out of sight, out of mind". They don't get to see enough good BLUs in action, and it is a real shame. But the job doesn't suck by any means, in any level of ffxi content.
Posts: 17
By Bariman 2014-07-18 13:46:55
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Ophannus said: »
Not sure if theyre going to remove blue attack and make them based off of main hand attafk. I think theyre just going to add +blue attack to foods and buffs. Doubt they're gonna add -blue attack to all those -attack moves. Although it would be easier to code and a bit of a shortcut to just change the formula to be main hand attack. Although, if such is the case, blue magic skill will only affect magic accuracy of secondary effects and base damage of blue spells, with main hand attack affecting its attack power(instead of blue magic skill affecting both). Considering the damage of blue magic on TW mobs, (5-7k quads and 3-4k heavy strikes), blue spells are going to rape adoulin NMs and bosses easily and a blu could just cycle through their big spells instead of meleeing(with azure lore) and probably outdamage other jobs. Instead of meleeing, they just cast a 6k multi hit spell every 2.5 seconds as their autoattack(closer to 7-8k with azure lore with the attack buffs.

I think new physical spells in the future wont have wsc similar to new magic so chain affinity will only slightly boost them(and only if damage varies with tp). Its an exciting time to be a BLU. All we need is a 7-8/tick refresh spell and we're going to be high tier.

The ability to back to back spam weapon skill-like damage every 2 seconds regardless of TP is going to be amazing for zergs, they'll probably make new multi hit spells very expensive to cast (150-200+ Given that we have more mp now than at 99, and maybe also very long recasts).

Stacking berserk/minuets/chaos roll/natures meditation and our big spells having attack modifiers, we'll be casting with ~2-2.5k attack, our limiting factor will be accuracy and MP but now with Distract II with Saboteur, accuracy may not even be an issue.

This is why I think they will either reduce or lower or get rid of altogether the att bonuses on blue magic. Quad continuum would probably push attack cap all by itself with all the buffs to att and debuffs to def available. If not, then delta thrust definitely would.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2014-07-18 15:05:10
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If not, then delta thrust definitely would.

I don't remember Delta Thrust getting much of an attack bonus. QC, VD and Goblin Rush do however
Posts: 17
By Bariman 2014-07-18 15:27:20
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Yeah, I seem to remember reading that delta thrust had a really strong att+ when it first came out, but for some reason can't find it. Maybe it was just the strong mods for a low MP spell or higher base damage because it did a lot of damage compared to pre-abyssea spells like disseverment.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Azryel
Posts: 317
By Ragnarok.Azryel 2014-07-18 15:36:49
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Goltana101 said: »
The real reason why people "think" BLU sucks or is a lackluster DD is because of sheer ignorance.

BLU was my 3rd 75 back in the day, and I’ll always have a love for the job, but I just don’t see how someone can make it a worthwhile addition in the realm of high-end content, barring some extremely niche circumstance. BLU is quite utilitarian, but that being said, it’s outdone in every aspect by other jobs: melee, magic damage, curing, whatever, something else is superior to it, and in my humblest of opinions it doesn’t offer anything unique to a party that makes it worth dropping a more specialized job class in order to bring along. I like the job, and I’ve had a lot of fun playing it in the past, but I think “endgame” BLU is a pipedream… unless they adjust the stun accuracy aspect of it. Granted, it’s been a hot second since I’ve played BLU, but I recall the initial stuns (Sudden Lunge, in particular) lasting a good deal of time but that resistances built up rather quickly; I would gladly take back every word I just said with a smile on my face if BLU could be a viable alternative to stun-gun SCH!

TL:DR version: I'd like to see BLU get shifted into the role of stunner in order to bring something to the table in high-end content.
By Goltana101 2014-07-18 15:53:19
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Not really understanding how the quoted portion related to what you said below that.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Azryel
Posts: 317
By Ragnarok.Azryel 2014-07-18 15:56:07
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Goltana101 said: »
The real reason why people "think" BLU sucks or is a lackluster DD is because of sheer ignorance.
Goltana101 said: »
Not really understanding how the quoted portion related to what you said below that.
Most people think it sucks because it does... Reference the part where I said other jobs are better than BLU in every aspect.

EDIT: The stunning and TL:DR digression at the end was just my attention span wandering :p
Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
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Posts: 19559
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-07-18 16:11:37
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Ophannus said: »
The ability to back to back spam weapon skill-like damage every 2 seconds regardless of TP is going to be amazing for zergs, they'll probably make new multi hit spells very expensive to cast (150-200+ Given that we have more mp now than at 99, and maybe also very long recasts).

not really. a full buff zerg situation is where spamming magic is at its worst
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2014-07-18 17:01:36
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I see blu as the best one hander in ffxi. It was never meant to be the best at anything, although is great with swords and close range crippling. Req is an amazing WS in itself, but the job has the ability to do practically anything very well. Swinging swords is just the tip of the iceberg. Any clever blu will be a useful asset to his group, whether it be stunning, hasting, terror, winds erasing, Angon...the job compliments others very well, and makes the whole group better. It may not particularly lead in any category, but it competes and makes everyone else in the party better. And it sure can handle its own and not have to rely on assistance for buffs. At this point in ffxi, there is no content that absolutely is so strict that it forbids a blu from having usefulness. Blu is a swell job
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