Gearswap Support Thread

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Gearswap Support Thread
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 2269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2014-06-12 05:02:52
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I'm pretty sure that particular flow error is the error that comes up when there's an error within your user file. For the sake of simplicity, you can ignore it.

There's no do_bullet_check function in your posted code or in Mote-Include.lua, so that would probably be your issue. What is this suppose to be doing? Where did you see this function?

Edit: I did a search for the parameters and found a "check_ammo" function in his RNG.lua that takes... almost the same arguments. If you want to use that, add it to your COR.lua and make sure the arguments you want to send match the ones that it is expecting.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shystie
Posts: 41
By Asura.Shystie 2014-06-12 05:11:32
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Well don't I feel sheepish. I didn't paste the function onto my file. I guess that's what I get for coming back to it a few days later at 2 am.

The function does a few things. It will check if we have ammo for a specific action, if no ammo, will say so and cancel any actions, for cor it wont allow WS'ing with QD ammo and it will warn you when low on ammo.

Thank you for your reply and sorry to have wasted any of your time. I will test it out tomorrow with the appropriate changes.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 2269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2014-06-12 05:18:34
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No problem at all. For reference -- not just for you, for everyone -- the error messages are generally pretty straightforward if you pick them apart. It's usually a file path, the type of error (probably run time in this case, code that can load, but prevents proper functioning), why it failed (probably attempt to call [function name], a nil value -- meaning the function does not exist), and a line number if applicable.
Posts: 117
By Mozhat 2014-06-12 09:31:29
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Fenrir.Motenten said: »

Thanks Mote!
Hope I put it in the right place.
-- Utility functions specific to this job.
-- Sleep.This requires that you have the Cancel addon loaded as well.
function buff_change(buff, gain)
if buff == 'Sleep' then
if gain and pet.isvalid then
send_command('cancel stoneskin')
equip({neck="Sacrifice Torque"})
elseif == "Sacrifice Torque" then
equip({neck="whatever default gear"})

Another thing I found out yesterday. Shiva had a error when I would use my macro
/pet "Sleepga" <stnpc>, error came back as /magic "Sleepga" <stnpc>.
Sleepga worked in the menu.
So when I unloaded Spellcast [NOTE: I took the SMN xml out] the macro worked fine.
Just wanted you to know about that. Now its time to switch my other jobs the GearSwap.
Thanks again.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-06-12 10:12:09
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Just a clarification: You should be using job_buff_change if you're using that in a file tied to my includes.

Also, you should never, ever use Spellcast and GearSwap at the same time.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shystie
Posts: 41
By Asura.Shystie 2014-06-12 14:46:55
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So I woke up this morning and have been working on it again. I pasted the function and made what changes I think needed to be changed. The function is now working somewhat. It tells me if I don't have any ammo equipped that is a designated ws/ra ammo. However, when I do have correct ammo equipped, when I do a ranged attack, I get two errors:

runtime ...flow.lua:316:
error in function precast:...Mote-Include.lua:645

I went into the include file and it is calling sets.precast.RA which I do have properly defined in my lua.

I made an all caps comment near where I made the changes to the function.

Thanks again for your help!


Posting this in case anyone else uses function do_bullet_checks...

I spelled the ammo's name out in its entirety and it would not work. After trouble shooting, I tried "Achiyal. Bullet" instead and it worked. Spelling it out fully, it would not recognize the ammo and would cancel the ws saying there was no ammo (nil).

Everything seems to be working good. =)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-06-12 21:47:24
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Asura.Shystie said:
    elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
        bullet_name = gear.RAbullet
        if buffactive['Barrage'] then
            bullet_min_count = 6

This is fine.

Asura.Shystie said:
    if not available_bullets then
-------- I DELETED an if statement pertaining to COR here
        if spell.skill == "Marksmanship" and == gear.RAbullet then
            add_to_chat(104, 'No weaponskill ammo left.  Using what\'s currently equipped (standard ranged bullets: '').')
            add_to_chat(104, 'No ammo ('..tostring(bullet_name)..') available for that action.')
            eventArgs.cancel = true

This is wrong. gear.RAbullet should be for normal ranged attacks, while spell.skill only comes into play for weaponskills. The line should be:
		if spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' and == gear.RAbullet then

Asura.Shystie said:
    -- Low ammo warning.
    if spell.action_type ~= 'Ranged Attack' and not state.warned
        and available_bullets.count > 1 and available_bullets.count <= options.ammo_warning_limit then
        add_to_chat(104, '*******************************')
        add_to_chat(104, '*****  LOW AMMO WARNING  *****')
        add_to_chat(104, '*******************************')
        state.warned = true
    elseif available_bullets.count > options.ammo_warning_limit and state.warned then
        state.warned = false

This is wrong. The filter here was for warning on everything except Corsair Shots, which means both ranged attacks and weaponskills should pass through. You've blocked ranged attacks. The condition check should be:
    if not state.warned and available_bullets.count > 1 and available_bullets.count <= options.ammo_warning_limit then

The line 645 warning in Mote-Include sounds like an error that should be fixed by now. Make sure you've run the launcher recently to get the latest version.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: smithra
Posts: 15
By Lakshmi.Smithhart 2014-06-13 04:15:05
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I have an issue w/ my brd.lua taken from Mote's user file. Any time I use Pianissimo before the recast timer is ready, it will eventually use Pianissimo, but then it will continue trying to use Pianissimo indefinitely. I have to reload Gearswap in order for it to stop looping.

As soon as I unload Gearswap, the song will commence and the party member will get buffed.

This will happen both when I manually select Pianissimo and also when I auto-Pianissimo a party member without actually selecting Pianissimo beforehand.

Anyone else having this issue w/ Mote's file? Any help is appreciated.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-06-13 07:33:25
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It was working fine for me last night. Did you modify any of the code?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: smithra
Posts: 15
By Lakshmi.Smithhart 2014-06-13 11:42:46
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I do not believe so. Here's what I have:
state.Buff['Pianissimo'] = buffactive['pianissimo'] or false

	if spell.type == 'BardSong' then
		-- Auto-Pianissimo
		if == 'PLAYER' and not and not state.Buff['Pianissimo'] then
			send_command('@input /ja "Pianissimo" <me>; wait 1.5; input /ma "''" '
			eventArgs.cancel = true

This only happens with a party member. When I try it on myself (manual pianissimo) I can't get it to loop.

Edit: Also, after a little more testing, if I manually Pianissimo, remove the JA, and target a non-party member to sing a song w/ auto-Pianissimo, it will also loop if the Pianissimo recast timer isn't ready. So technically I don't actually need a party member for this to happen.
Posts: 117
By Mozhat 2014-06-15 11:40:26
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Mozhat said: »
Fenrir.Motenten said: »

Thanks Mote!
Hope I put it in the right place.
-- Utility functions specific to this job.
-- Sleep.This requires that you have the Cancel addon loaded as well.
function buff_change(buff, gain)
if buff == 'Sleep' then
if gain and pet.isvalid then
send_command('cancel stoneskin')
equip({neck="Sacrifice Torque"})
elseif == "Sacrifice Torque" then
equip({neck="whatever default gear"})

Another thing I found out yesterday. Shiva had a error when I would use my macro
/pet "Sleepga" <stnpc>, error came back as /magic "Sleepga" <stnpc>.
Sleepga worked in the menu.
So when I unloaded Spellcast [NOTE: I took the SMN xml out] the macro worked fine.
Just wanted you to know about that. Now its time to switch my other jobs the GearSwap.
Thanks again.

I just got to try this out multiple times yesterday and didn't wake up.
I'm I missing something here?

-- If Slept Buff. This requires that you have the Cancel addon loaded as well.
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
if buff == 'Sleep' then
if gain and pet.isvalid then
send_command('cancel stoneskin')
equip({neck="Sacrifice Torque"})
elseif == "Sacrifice Torque" then
equip({neck="whatever default gear"})
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2014-06-15 17:10:35
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Utsusemi spamming itself, has never done it before.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aikawa
Posts: 373
By Asura.Aikchan 2014-06-15 18:00:06
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unload itemizer (it was suppose to be fixed..)
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2014-06-15 18:05:46
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Asura.Aikchan said: »
unload itemizer (it was suppose to be fixed..)
Worked. Thank you Aikchan.
Posts: 40
By meinferno 2014-06-16 13:40:06
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i'm getting a
> body 5 false

error today does anyone know what this is?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2014-06-16 13:49:15
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meinferno said: »
i'm getting a
> body 5 false

error today does anyone know what this is?

Posts: 157
By Azurea 2014-06-16 21:23:51
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Back again! I have a question about elemental obis. Looking at motens BLM.lua, I see it has waist=gear.ElementalObi. Is there anything special that is needed to make this work? I inserted this line into my waist gear for SCH, but its not changing based on storms/day/anything. Does this need specified elsewhere?

Edit: Disregard, you don't put quotations around it, lol >.< Problem solved!
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6197
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-06-16 21:25:12
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It's not an error, it's debug code that I accidentally left in. It should fire off every time you enable something.

Anyway, it'll be fixed after the maintenance tonight. I don't want to merge -dev live right now because there's a (potentially unfinished) replacement for TParty on -dev, but after the update there shouldn't be a problem.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2014-06-16 21:32:32
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Any idea what the body 5 false thing is about? It doesn't appear to affect anything it just floods my screen, I haven't changed anything in my Lua..
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6197
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-06-16 21:39:24
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
It's not an error, it's debug code that I accidentally left in. It should fire off every time you enable something.

^ That's what this is about

Type //console_displayactivity 0
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2014-06-16 21:51:36
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Oh, my bad, sorry. Thanks Byrth! (*^_^;
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tedril
Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-06-17 08:24:22
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Alright, maint strikes again! gearswap.Lua:53 error code?
Posts: 40
By meinferno 2014-06-17 14:54:18
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Can anyone help me with this?
getting "files (x86) window4/addons/gearswap/data/RNG.lua:60: attempt to call global 'binds_on_load' (a nil value)" every time i change to rng other gs files for my other jobs are fine not sure whats wrong with my rng file, using Orestes file just changed gear around.
Posts: 117
By Mozhat 2014-06-17 16:08:42
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Fenrir.Motenten said: »
Aviance said: »
Hello, I'm getting back to the game after a hiatus and trying to convert my spellcasts to gearswap. I had this function in AutoExec that stopped working a while back, but I'd like to try and implement it in GearSwap now.

It's for Summoner, I want it to check if I've been slept and if I have an avatar out, if I do, I want it to kill my stoneskin and swap in my Sacrifice Torque for a tic to wake me up. Swapping it back out again after would be ideal, but I can always just take another action to fix it, if needed.
function buff_change(buff, gain)
    if buff == 'Sleep' then
        if gain and pet.isvalid then
            send_command('cancel stoneskin')
            equip({neck="Sacrifice Torque"})
        elseif == "Sacrifice Torque" then
            equip({neck="whatever default gear"})

This requires that you have the Cancel addon loaded as well.

I tried this out multi xs and couldn't get it to work.
function Job_buff_change(buff, gain)
    if buff == 'Sleep' then
        if gain and pet.isvalid then
            send_command('cancel stoneskin')
            equip({neck="Sacrifice Torque"})
        elseif == "Sacrifice Torque" then
            equip({neck="whatever default gear"})

What I'm I doing wrong?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-06-17 16:19:26
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meinferno said: »
Can anyone help me with this?
getting "files (x86) window4/addons/gearswap/data/RNG.lua:60: attempt to call global 'binds_on_load' (a nil value)" every time i change to rng other gs files for my other jobs are fine not sure whats wrong with my rng file, using Orestes file just changed gear around.

Well it should say : function binds_on_load()
Posts: 40
By meinferno 2014-06-17 16:34:20
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didn't notice that, it did the trick tyvm
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Aeolus
Posts: 22
By Sylph.Aeo 2014-06-18 23:29:11
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Ok. I'm slowly and finally making the change from SpellCast to GearSwap and it's taking me a while because I prefer to write them out myself so that I can understand how things work. Still very much a GearSwap idiot. Using a variety of sources I got a SCH script together that is functioning to some degree but I'm having problems with it still that I can't figure out how to resolve.

The three big problems I have are:

1) When I cast healing magic, I wind up in nuking gear...

2) Seems like I didn't script the checks for stratagems correctly because I'll randomly get the message that a spell is AoE when it shouldn't be, and I never get the correct message or gear when a stratagem is active.

3) My obis don't equip at all, the light weather cure message comes up for weather only, but not for day. The elemental ones don't work at all for day or weather.

Also since I'm asking questions... I wanted to ask if there's a way to set up multiple battlemod filter files for the same job and macro between them. Basically I want to be able to clear out the chat for when I'm stunning, but then take it back to normal when I'm healing.

I'd very much appreciate any help on these issues. Meanwhile I'm going to take a break from the script and go read the GearSwap for dummies thread...

Thanks in advance.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Inference
Posts: 417
By Bismarck.Inference 2014-06-19 00:37:04
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Sylph.Aeo said: »
1) When I cast healing magic, I wind up in nuking gear...

2) Seems like I didn't script the checks for stratagems correctly because I'll randomly get the message that a spell is AoE when it shouldn't be, and I never get the correct message or gear when a stratagem is active.

3) My obis don't equip at all, the light weather cure message comes up for weather only, but not for day. The elemental ones don't work at all for day or weather.

A handful of your spell.elements are written as spell_element. Also should check that all world.day_element/world.weather_elements are written properly. It took me a while to hammer out a proper obi rule in my include just because of dumb typing mistakes.

My Obi check is this, obviously can change it around to be all in one rule if you'd like, but just so you know how to properly type it :

As for elemental magic, you put your Impact rule first(line 381), not within an elemental check, so it checks if a spell is Impact, and if not equips Elemental Magic gear. So any spell that's not Impact that has it's rule named before that(Regen, Cursna, Cures) will just end up in Elemental Gear, where as your checks afterwards would catch anything else.
Obviously can be remedied by moving your Impact rule within your Elemental Magic rule.

Edit: Not 100% sure why strats aren't working, looking at it slowly. The AoE problem is because of how you have the Accession rule worded. You have if A and B or C, which means anytime at least C is true, the whole argument is true. You need to change it to :
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