Do I NEED Whm Lvl'd To Take Cor To 75?

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Do i NEED whm lvl'd to take cor to 75?
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Ninelives
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By Fairy.Ninelives 2009-07-22 11:44:39
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Just for gits and shiggles, here's a link to the JP Button interview about Corsair, /Whm, and the Japanese play style for the job (see question #12):

Syxx said:
Thanks alot every1, this really helped me out lol. because whm is something i dont plan on playing until its 100% Necessary~~

Next job : COR

As long as you don't waste future merits on Winning Streak. :p

/opens up a can of worms
Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-07-22 11:52:25
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Are you guys talking merits or endgame?

There is no reason ever to come /blm to any merit camp, and to be a great DD cor they come /nin anyway with Mkris/joy and WS spam. And yes I have asked Cor's to come to merits /whm and I don't even feel bad about it. It all depends on the camp if its not birds and you don't have the right gear builds then NO you shouldn't come /rng and dd. Remember that Cor (outside of bird camps) isn't a heavy DD...alot of times a good merit consist of BRD, DD, DD, DD, RDM..the last spot is left open for another buffer job I don't care if its brd/whm or Cor/???. Almost always @ Mamool ja camps its better for the Cor to come /whm to help out in a MP crunch if there ever is one, if you want I guess you can come /dnc(lol?). Remember merits aren't always about showing off ones Epeen, do whats good for the pt, that means if you are asked to come /whm then come /whm (unless its birds).

Now if you want to be a Cor DD, get ready to blow ***-tons of gil and put in your /search comment that you are indeed a DD cor and you don't wanna pt outside Birds. But that being said just cuz you wanna fling ***doesn't mean you are excused from your buffing responsibilites.

Then again you're a Cor so by all means refuse to merit with whom ever you want..Supply and Demand FFXI-Style!

*Side Note: I love turning down merits when I'm on rdm and just wait for ppl to freak out at me../sigh
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Kyri
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By Carbuncle.Kyri 2009-07-22 11:53:58
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my ex ls made it mand for any cor in the ls to have /whm if they wanted to be a cor to events
Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Nieko 2009-07-22 11:54:51
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Kyri said:
my ex ls made it mand for any cor in the ls to have /whm if they wanted to be a cor to events

I'm guessing that's why it's an EX ls?
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Kyri
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By Carbuncle.Kyri 2009-07-22 12:00:14
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it broke up ; ; now i spend my days like the old days, helping, pl farming and breaking my 2000+ ws for mythic ws's x.X now to pick up a second craft...
Serveur: Remora
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user: Dubont
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By Remora.Dubont 2009-07-22 14:23:43
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Kyri said:
my ex ls made it mand for any cor in the ls to have /whm if they wanted to be a cor to events

this is the mindset of most players. I hate Cor aka brd. I like Cor aka omfg pirate with dice! also

Zorander said:
Almost always @ Mamool ja camps its better for the Cor to come /whm to help out in a MP crunch if there ever is one, if you want I guess you can come /dnc(lol?). Remember merits aren't always about showing off ones Epeen, do whats good for the pt, that means if you are asked to come /whm then come /whm (unless its birds).

Ok so with this logic it is safe to say that the brd shouldnt pull and should equip def gear and sub war just incase the melee go down and he has to tank =) As i said before, making a DD/buffer job have a healing sub is like making a healer or support only job sub a melee job. How about next time you go to merit ask the sam to sub whm and equip mp gear for cures -.- see how fast u get laughed at.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemicion 2009-07-22 14:29:19
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We all know what a corsair's strong points are and what their general purpose is. However, don't be so quick to shun the various options of utility it has available to it.

Let's say you join a manaburn at the pudding camp. Would you really wanna sub ranger so you can do inferior resisted damage and cause more unnecessary aggro with massive JA usage? Or would you rather be there with support with heals, status removal and bar-resistance spells in case ***hits the fan since you will be mainly loaded with MAB & Refresh to begin with?

The range of use may be limited, but the point remains that it does indeed have its moments and uses. To deny it just cause it goes outside of your common role is silly.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-07-22 14:32:01
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How about next time you go to merit ask the sam to sub whm and equip mp gear for cures -.- see how fast u get laughed at.

Heh...totally agreed. People wouldn't dream of asking a SAM to /WHM, and I think demanding a COR /WHM is equally ridiculous. If you really want a good healer, get a WHM/SCH...a combination I've personally fallen in love with recently for awesome healing. 8)
Serveur: Midgardsormr
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By Midgardsormr.Katashuro 2009-07-22 14:41:01
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Dubont said:
How about next time you go to merit ask the sam to sub whm and equip mp gear for cures -.- see how fast u get laughed at.

So you imply that COR is a heavy melee DD like SAM? lol
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Shindo
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By Fenrir.Shindo 2009-07-22 14:48:02
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If extra healing is needed, don't underestimate Dancer's Roll and the power of Regen. That goes for BRDs too, but just watch the shitstorm that would ensue should a BRD sing anything but march/madrigal/ballad.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemicion 2009-07-22 14:49:44
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Shindo said:
If extra healing is needed, don't underestimate Dancer's Roll and the power of Regen. That goes for BRDs too, but just watch the shitstorm that would ensue should a BRD sing anything but march/madrigal/ballad.

I agree, Regen & Refresh is often a godsend for paladins tanking the big stuff, and I'll toss them MDB if they're fighting something nasty like JoL.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
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By Remora.Dubont 2009-07-22 14:53:36
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Artemicion said:
We all know what a corsair's strong points are and what their general purpose is. However, don't be so quick to shun the various options of utility it has available to it.

Let's say you join a manaburn at the pudding camp. Would you really wanna sub ranger so you can do inferior resisted damage and cause more unnecessary aggro with massive JA usage? Or would you rather be there with support with heals, status removal and bar-resistance spells in case ***hits the fan since you will be mainly loaded with MAB & Refresh to begin with?

The range of use may be limited, but the point remains that it does indeed have its moments and uses. To deny it just cause it goes outside of your common role is silly.

At pudding camps i sub blm (or sometimes drk for stun) since it seems to fit better. MABII from blm trait + MAB from rolls + quickdraw setup = 300+ added damage a shot.
Katashuro said:

So you imply that COR is a heavy melee DD like SAM? lol

Oh heavy DD no but DD yes. Sam also has "semi" support ability if you look at some of its abilities. So why not make them sub whm? Or better yet since mnk has high mnd, make them sub whm. Or since drk has natural mp, make them sub whm. How about next xp pty u have, tell the pld to sub whm instead of war or nin since he has natural mp and 1 cure III may end up being better for the pty than having shadows or voke. Seriously..idk where some people get their ideas from XD ALTHOUGH i do agree with cor/whm in a few situations (note few). Kirin fights (if you are in the blm pty cor+5 blms), Low man Gods (6 man genbu, suzzy, byakko, Seiryu) and low man/MB dynamis (By low man i mean 2 or less parties)
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2009-07-22 15:05:38
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Dubont said:
Kirin fights (if you are in the blm pty cor+5 blms), Low man Gods (6 man genbu, suzzy, byakko, Seiryu) and low man/MB dynamis (By low man i mean 2 or less parties)

This is what I was trying to point out earlier. I really hope your previously mentioned melee/whm comparisons were a joke considering the use of dancer sub. The only reason /whm is plausible and can work is for the simple fact that COR has access to refresh; in the same sense that /dnc works for jobs that always gain TP, ie: melee jobs.

Technically COR has two options for healing support, however, /dnc would assume the COR has the opportunity and ability to melee, since shooting with a 600 some delay gun isn't exactly the best way to gain TP for critical moments on curing waltz.

Therefore, why not take advantage of a commonly used roll for when you are in a situation where shooting/meleeing or dealing damage in general (aside from QD) would be futile. COR has access to plenty of MP gear but doesn't have to compromise many pieces to have a strong QD set at hand as well.

All I'm saying is, if you're in a spot where shooting and meleeing is unnecessary or otherwise counter productive when additional support can be used, why not at the very least have /whm available? And if healing is solid from other people, then sub BLM for more MAB goodness by all means.

To deny /whm for COR would be like a bard subbing ninja when it doesn't need to pull and is outside of any range of AOE.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-07-22 15:11:10
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Just to point out a fact about the dnc roll... *uses dancer roll, gets an 11* "No noob use acc+haste" Dont have haste as cor.. "Wtf cor sucks..fine acc+att" But the +hp/tick from dnc roll is pretty high...i can give regen and acc to help the mage out so it will be safer "no noob acc+att or gtfo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________________________---------------------------------------- this has happened so many times its not even funny. Its gotten to the point where i dont even merit on cor unless i get a JPS pty invite..theydont care what they get as long as they get xp 90% of the time. PLD roll ftw
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemicion 2009-07-22 15:13:29
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I always used corsair's roll in merit parties. They didn't seem to mind ^^
Serveur: Pandemonium
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Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-07-22 15:14:40
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So you imply that COR is a heavy melee DD like SAM? lol

I know this wasn't directed at me, one who knows COR would imply that it's equal to SAM in the DD department. However, anyone who knows COR also knows that it's much better suited as a backup DD than a backup healer.

For me, the bottom line is simply this: If your pt really needs healing that badly, there are far, FAR better choices than COR/WHM. I would not waste my time, cards, and bullets in a pt that demanded COR/WHM. But then, I refuse to pull, also, so maybe I'm just a picky ***. 8P
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-07-22 15:15:21
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On rare occasion ill get a request for Double att + Crit rolls...but thats usually when meriting with LS mates that know im a Crit *** who screams like a little girl everytime i see a double attack....

Ninja edit no.....Corsair edit (cor > nin ftw): @ Silv, im a picky *** too. I refuse to pull w/o a peacemaker..and i refuse to buy a peacemaker..
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2009-07-22 15:18:55
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Silvaria said:
So you imply that COR is a heavy melee DD like SAM? lol

I know this wasn't directed at me, one who knows COR would imply that it's equal to SAM in the DD department. However, anyone who knows COR also knows that it's much better suited as a backup DD than a backup healer.

For me, the bottom line is simply this: If your pt really needs healing that badly, there are far, FAR better choices than COR/WHM. I would not waste my time, cards, and bullets in a pt that demanded COR/WHM. But then, I refuse to pull, also, so maybe I'm just a picky ***. 8P

For party/merit situations, I couldn't agree more. COR has plenty of firepower capacity even on some of the rough stuff, and to deny that for a merit party would generally piss me off, unless I was desperate for merits and didn't have the gil to blow on bullets.

Also COR is far too slow at pulling in comparison to BRD or even RDM or THF. Quick Draw recast just isn't conducive to bird merit camp assuming you have competition.
Serveur: Remora
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user: Kindle
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By Remora.Kindle 2009-07-22 15:37:39
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Gonna Ignore this question.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
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By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-07-22 15:58:37
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Kelia said:
User submitted image

i'm sorry to keep posting this ss that's not even on my photobucket, but he was subbing dnc. you really don't need to sub whm on anything you can hit with a joyeuse.
I'd go with this opinion at this point considering no one's mind has really been changed throughout this debate. From talking with a friend last night, COR/DNC actually seems like a really good option if, like Kelia said, you can TP on the mob with Joy. At least in this regard you've got TP to spare, still get to keep your DD rolls and MP is no factor at alllll. Still leaves the gap of levels before Joy, but people will just have to make the decision for themselves on that, because I'm sure everyone is tired of "YOU"LL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE INTRICACIES OF COR" and "WATCHIT PAL I READ THE INTERNETS" lol
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Alyssiah 2009-07-22 16:40:29
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Artemicion said:
A good example: Being stuck in the BLM party during Dynamis. Always have refresh & MAB rolls on, so why not take advantage of what will remain active at all times?

Also, MAB affects Leaden Salute. Another reason why being in a BLM PT rocks lol. Granted, sure it's not going to be as sexy as a fully buffed Slug (etc.) it's still a very good WS for certain situations.

And yeah I get quite a bit of MP going /rdm /blm /whm too. (Side note)
Serveur: Hades
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user: kvazz
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By Hades.Kvazz 2009-07-22 16:46:00
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No, but \whm is nice when @ mamool camp for merits.
COR DDing is awsome vs colibri, but kinda suck vs mamools, so well, your own choice most of the time!
Is it NEEDED? No.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-07-22 16:49:41
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Zorander said:
Almost always @ Mamool ja camps its better for the Cor to come /whm to help out in a MP crunch if there ever is one, if you want I guess you can come /dnc(lol?). Remember merits aren't always about showing off ones Epeen, do whats good for the pt, that means if you are asked to come /whm then come /whm (unless its birds).

Ok so with this logic it is safe to say that the brd shouldnt pull and should equip def gear and sub war just incase the melee go down and he has to tank =) As i said before, making a DD/buffer job have a healing sub is like making a healer or support only job sub a melee job. How about next time you go to merit ask the sam to sub whm and equip mp gear for cures -.- see how fast u get laughed at.[/quote]

You missed my point entirely..

And lol asking a sam to come /whm is not even in the same boat as asking a cor to come /whm. I honestly done give a crap what the cor comes as as long as do there job, now if they come DD cor (which is /nin with Mkris, Joy and killer gear) then watch out because most Pick up sams, wars, mnks, nin or basically any other DD job wont stand a chance. My best merit pt was DDcor Ridill War x2, Brd x2 and rdm..and the war that didn't have the adaberk took 3rd place in damage.

I don't really know why I replied again but once again if you are a Cor and want be the best you can be...I can almost promise in your career as a cor you will be asked sooner or later to come /whm..and most likely for your ls, isn't always fun to say ">< yeah i didn't wanna lvl whm..pick a different sub" see how that goes..

I lvl'd Drk, sch, whm, blm and Nin for Rdm subs..are they always needed? Nope but if i'm ever asked to come one of those subs I'm glad I have it and don't have to explain to my ls that don't have that sub.
Serveur: Fairy
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By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-22 16:49:57
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COR/DNC seems like it'd be a pretty cool substitute for the peeps looking for a COR/WHM...I mean, with healing waltz you can remove a lot of the negative status effects you would run into anyways...and having drain up could alleviate some curing.

Purely as a thought experiment on my part, mind you, I've partied with a COR like 5 times total and every time they've subbed /RNG or /NIN...
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-07-22 16:50:53
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Dubont said:
Kyri said:
my ex ls made it mand for any cor in the ls to have /whm if they wanted to be a cor to events

this is the mindset of most players. I hate Cor aka brd. I like Cor aka omfg pirate with dice! also

Zorander said:
Almost always @ Mamool ja camps its better for the Cor to come /whm to help out in a MP crunch if there ever is one, if you want I guess you can come /dnc(lol?). Remember merits aren't always about showing off ones Epeen, do whats good for the pt, that means if you are asked to come /whm then come /whm (unless its birds).

Ok so with this logic it is safe to say that the brd shouldnt pull and should equip def gear and sub war just incase the melee go down and he has to tank =) As i said before, making a DD/buffer job have a healing sub is like making a healer or support only job sub a melee job. How about next time you go to merit ask the sam to sub whm and equip mp gear for cures -.- see how fast u get laughed at.

You missed my point entirely..

And lol asking a sam to come /whm is not even in the same boat as asking a cor to come /whm. I honestly done give a crap what the cor comes as as long as do there job, now if they come DD cor (which is /nin with Mkris, Joy and killer gear) then watch out because most Pick up sams, wars, mnks, nin or basically any other DD job wont stand a chance. My best merit pt was DDcor Ridill War x2, Brd x2 and rdm..and the war that didn't have the adaberk took 3rd place in damage.

I don't really know why I replied again but once again if you are a Cor and want be the best you can be...I can almost promise in your career as a cor you will be asked sooner or later to come /whm..and most likely for your ls, isn't always fun to say ">< yeah i didn't wanna lvl whm..pick a different sub" see how that goes..

I lvl'd Drk, sch, whm, blm and Nin for Rdm subs..are they always needed? Nope but if i'm ever asked to come one of those subs I'm glad I have it and don't have to explain to my ls that don't have that sub.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-07-22 17:44:13
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I can almost promise in your career as a cor you will be asked sooner or later to come /whm

Then at some point in my career as COR, the person making that request will be politely told no. 8)
Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Demonwhisper 2009-07-22 18:12:51
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Basicly, it all depends what you want to do with your COR.

If you are just using COR for merits, i wouldn't worry too much about /whm. Sure /whm on birds JUST in case the mage gets slept by lullaby, or for erase elegy on DDs after brd pull. An extra MP pool never hurt anyone on a 'support' job. (and i totally agree with not pulling without peacemaker.) But, Cor can be a very good puller on Birds for a couple reasons. a. peacemaker is fast b. wlegs or skadi feet ftw c. light shot = no reflect d. no debuffs or slept mages ^^! this could be challenging with the Quick Draw timer vs. PT speed.

IF your doing end game stuff with cor, you will NEED /whm. Dynamis, might be able to get away with /nin but you would need gear and food to be effect i think. HNM cor will need a large AGI (certainly if your elvaan) for Quick Draw and /whm sub only for SS blink and cures. /Blm is useful in somecases im cure but i have never really used it (and thats why i level /blm >.>).

Really, its your choice. Just know that player such as myself and members of my linkshell, and other linkshell with HQ jobs etc. will tell you /whm for Meripo regardless of camp beacuse they wont need your damage at all.

Play the way you want to play. But just keep an open mind on the other aspects and abilities the job has to offer in other areas of the game.

Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Ventia 2009-07-24 22:27:12
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Okie-dokie know the topic is a bit old but just wanted to toss my 2 cents in~ When I took COR to 75 I was never asked to sub WHM in a party and I dont sub it ever in parties at 75 either. The only time I do sub WHM is in Einherjar because that's what I'm asked to do. You can get away without it but to be a well rounded COR you'll want to eventually level it up~ JP parties however do expect /WHM from what I understand. I personally havent come across that though lol All in all just play however is fun for you. This is a game afterall :3 Subbed NIN at the time; just goes to show you can sub whatever and still pump out the damage. ^^ (Our merit parties always consist of the same people: 2x Mandau THF, BRD, me on COR and my boyfriend on his Gungnir DRG main healing so I've never got to go /rng to a merit party. Maybe someday I'll get to try it out lol :3)
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Serveur: Fairy
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user: Vincerez
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By Fairy.Vincerez 2010-04-11 09:24:19
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Cor/dnc is just as useful and fun ^.^
Serveur: Caitsith
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By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2010-04-11 11:06:52
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Quote not working..

From: Fairy.Ninelives
As long as you don't waste future merits on Winning Streak. :p

/opens up a can of worms

Duude, Winning Streak is tight. With 5/5 I can put up like 6 different rolls and be ready for the next roll when the first one wears. Also, in meripo situations, I can slap up Evokers > Chaos > Corsairs, and then just DD for the next almost 7 minutes. With longer rolls, the recasts on Fold and Snake Eye will be closer to ready, so that's not a big deal.

The main reason I wanted to get Winning Streak merits: COR Rotation before a zerg. Roll > 1 minute > Roll > Random Deal > Roll. Pop Kirin. Party 1 still has a 5 minute roll on and the other parties are around 6 minutes. If it's a less than 3 minute zerg, I can slap up at least 2 more rolls.
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