Campaign Battle Union: Win Or Fail?

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Campaign Battle Union: Win or Fail?
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Serveur: Fairy
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user: Ryezen
Posts: 50
By Fairy.Ryezen 2009-07-23 16:26:15
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Solution for the people running mobs off to solo them:

Make it so if mob is a certain distance away from fortifications, have it use Charmga (instant, non-spell, non-stunnable) every TP move. Then it will just continue running on toward Fortifications, lackeys in tow, and we get to kill them, too, when they show up. FTW! =)
Serveur: Odin
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user: Faisa
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By Odin.Faisa 2009-07-23 16:28:01
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Ryezen said:
Solution for the people running mobs off to solo them:

Make it so if mob is a certain distance away from fortifications, have it use Charmga (instant, non-spell, non-stunnable) every TP move. Then it will just continue running on toward Fortifications, lackeys in tow, and we get to kill them, too, when they show up. FTW! =)

^ This lol
Serveur: Fairy
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user: effedup
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By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-23 16:28:54
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Ryezen said:
Solution for the people running mobs off to solo them:

Make it so if mob is a certain distance away from fortifications, have it use Charmga (instant, non-spell, non-stunnable) every TP move. Then it will just continue running on toward Fortifications, lackeys in tow, and we get to kill them, too, when they show up. FTW! =)

OH *** YES!!!!!!

THAT IS *** BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!
By 2009-07-23 17:38:41
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Serveur: Diabolos
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By Diabolos.Chupacabra 2009-07-23 17:44:18
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Someone send this on a post-it to SE headquarters! This is one of the more innovative/creative solutions I've seen. Doesn't hurt anyone (no xp loss) and we have a little fun with it too.

Bonus: we get more xp for killing them and raising them afterwards. They get xp for taking the damage. WIN/WIN!
Serveur: Kujata
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user: Hrolandus
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By Kujata.Hrolandus 2009-07-23 17:56:21
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Or... and this is just an option, let people do what they want since they pay for the game too, and if you don't like it just try and take their mobs, do it yourself, shut up/deal with it, or quit campaigning.

And incidentally, Campaign is not a "group event" it's an open event that people are allowed to join or leave freely at any point, with or without the participation of any other player.

The hilarious thing is that most of the people the posted their long chains of whining here probably feel no compunctions about nabbing a NM after seeing people working on the PH for a while, (all's fair, no one had the mob claimed, its not against the rules etc.) but God forbid someone try and actually solo a free Campaign mob because they are smart and are using the game dynamics in a fully legitimate way that works.
Serveur: Diabolos
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user: Caesar
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By Diabolos.Chupacabra 2009-07-23 18:30:09
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My issue wasn't so much an issue until Unions came into play. I could always just dump my tags and leave when I felt like it. I could allow the solo guy to beat on the mob for 45 mins if he liked.

Now, I have to stand around idle for those 45 mins, because I just killed 5 things and would like to share in the spoils. Or, I can run around aimlessly trying to find where the last mob is.

Point is, it was fine before, but now it's inconsiderate. And while I'm sure no one on the internet cares about anyone else's time, I'd like to extend some courtesy to some people, sometimes.
Serveur: Leviathan
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Posts: 250
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2009-07-23 22:03:40
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The thing I don't like about campaign is you really have to go what fortifications sometimes. Which of course yields in garbage points.

SE should convert it back to the way it was but give fortifications either counter or some kind of spikes. That way people can't afk hitting them without coming back dead.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Hrolandus
Posts: 35
By Kujata.Hrolandus 2009-07-23 22:29:04
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Spikes... wow I like that buddy - now that is a good idea!
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2009-07-23 22:39:07
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There should be a quest for an item, let's call this item the Campaign Compass. The quest will no doubt be somewhat tedious and definitely include an NM fight of moderate proportions. Perhaps the quest and or the NM fight takes place in Xarcabard [S].

Then once you get this item, let's make it a temporary key item, it will allow you to see all the campaign mobs currently on the map.

I say temporary because it would be something that if you wanted to continue to have this option, you would have to work for it. Not exactly like the quest that gave you the item, but something to make you work to keep it. After a certain amount of time it would expire and then you have to do the quest over again.

I think this solution would be reasonable.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-07-23 22:41:32
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Chaosx said:
There should be a quest for an item, let's call this item the Campaign Compass... it will allow you to see all the campaign mobs currently on the map.

Ummm why not follow the RNG and BST who have widescan?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-07-23 22:41:56
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Chaosx said:
There should be a quest for an item, let's call this item the Campaign Compass... it will allow you to see all the campaign mobs currently on the map.
Ummm why not follow the RNG and BST who have widescan?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2009-07-23 22:43:58
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Malekith said:
Chaosx said:
There should be a quest for an item, let's call this item the Campaign Compass... it will allow you to see all the campaign mobs currently on the map.

Ummm why not follow the RNG and BST who have widescan?

Can they see all the campaign mobs on the map? I thought widescan was only for regular mobs and NMs.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-23 22:46:02
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Hrolandus said:
The hilarious thing is that most of the people the posted their long chains of whining here probably feel no compunctions about nabbing a NM after seeing people working on the PH for a while, (all's fair, no one had the mob claimed, its not against the rules etc.) but God forbid someone try and actually solo a free Campaign mob because they are smart and are using the game dynamics in a fully legitimate way that works.

If you're referring to me, or including me in that "set" of people (I'm sure you are), you're absolutely wrong...if I see people obviously working towards an NM, no, I won't just swoop in and steal it out from under them. I leave it for them, because they've been doing all the work for it, and me just taking it cause I can is an *** move.

I guess the difference I'm seeing here is that I just won't be an ***, pretty much, whether it involves leaving people dead when I could do something about it, dragging a mob across the zone like a greedy child yelling "mine!" instead of sharing like everyone else. Even if I can't raise someone, I'll shout for them, and specifically seek out people that CAN raise...even if I don't *** know the guy, because I know what it's like to be that guy and can sympathize. Maybe it's cause I don't do endgame where so many *** and elitists congregate and it hasn't rubbed off on me, yet. People that like to tout how ruthless the world is, like I said before, the world is what you make it. If you are a remorseless opportunist, then of course you will view the whole world as being that way.

Thank God the ENTIRE community isn't like that...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-07-23 22:49:17
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Widescan shows up everything with a name floating above it's head except for players. So mobs, NM's, campaign mobs, npc's of all types. Just won't show up things like ???'s.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2009-07-23 22:55:39
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Blazza said:
Widescan shows up everything with a name floating above it's head except for players. So mobs, NM's, campaign mobs, npc's of all types. Just won't show up things like ???'s.

Damn there goes that idea, oh well.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Cojak
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By Seraph.Majinn 2009-07-24 12:25:29
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Malekith said:
Chaosx said:
There should be a quest for an item, let's call this item the Campaign Compass... it will allow you to see all the campaign mobs currently on the map.
Ummm why not follow the RNG and BST who have widescan?

Because there's always a RNG or BST present, right? Or they haven't already left to intercept the mobs before they reach the fort.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1230
By Bahamut.Citag 2009-07-24 12:56:22
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Haseyo said:
I don't even care for this Union system. I do campaign battle for exp/merits while seeking or if I'm not in the mood for partying.
Now these money-hungry people come rushing in and start ruining that for us. ; ;

Thats exactly how I feel right now. Im totally annoyed. I finally went and did some more campaign last night (I got thf from 65-74 almost all in campaign) and my xp has been destroyed. I was amazed to see how many people there were at every battle I went to. It also seems like the npcs are more present, every fight had them. Then I tried to do the union thing several times and didnt get anything out of that. So I guess its up to Fov to solo the rest to 75 ><
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Gilgamesh.Tallulah 2009-07-24 13:06:11
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Ryezen said:
Solution for the people running mobs off to solo them:

Make it so if mob is a certain distance away from fortifications, have it use Charmga (instant, non-spell, non-stunnable) every TP move. Then it will just continue running on toward Fortifications, lackeys in tow, and we get to kill them, too, when they show up. FTW! =)

OH *** YES!!!!!!

THAT IS *** BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

i have to agreee with the chaps above. sir, let me buy you a beer.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-07-24 13:17:02
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Play the game to be self- sufficient, that way when things go wrong you don't have to rely on other people.

If you don't have people who can widescan, then follow the shady people. Do what you can and make the best of it...
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Bismarck.Kho 2009-07-24 15:28:21
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The other day I did some where a group of people, possibly rmt or a wad of greedy ls noobs, dragged the nm to the C.A. and camped there. Yeah I got tags but I couldn't get a union b/c aoe were flying!
There were crowds of people trying to get a union, but to no avail.
imo, se needs to stop thinking that this game is full of friendly, mannered people and really think before they add something like this.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-25 12:07:30
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Unions are optional regiments that players may participate in when engaging in Campaign battles.

ok ok ok, for those of you butthurt about The Union, please focus your ADHD eyes on the bolded....Once you've read what's in bolded, please STFU and enjoy Campaign.

that is all...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2076
By Bahamut.Bojack 2009-07-25 20:56:43
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Kungfuhustle said:
Unions are optional regiments that players may participate in when engaging in Campaign battles.

ok ok ok, for those of you butthurt about The Union, please focus your ADHD eyes on the bolded....Once you've read what's in bolded, please STFU and enjoy Campaign.

that is all...

That really makes no sense. Why would you choose to do campaign battles but then not bother with unions and a chance to get a bit of gil? If you're doing a campaign battle and are pissed off about the way they're going these days, it's not going to change just because you don't join a union.

I had this idea for an item that I thought would be MINT in campaigns tho. Something you could buy with Allied Notes...something like this:

Allied Radar
[Ammo] All Races
Campaign: 'Wide Scan'
Lv. 60 All Jobs

They could even charge 100k in notes for it...I'd buy it.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2076
By Bahamut.Bojack 2009-08-03 23:27:06
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Is it just me or did anyone else notice a very small ninja edit to campaign battles. I noticed that when the text shows that a new group is 'beginning their relentless attack' in an area it no longer shows what direction they're coming from. Maybe SE did that to make it a little more difficult for people to head them off before they even get close to the fort.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-03 23:43:01
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Malekith said:
Play the game to be self- sufficient, that way when things go wrong you don't have to rely on other people.

If you don't have people who can widescan, then follow the shady people. Do what you can and make the best of it...

This attitude still gives me the shits.

FFXI was NEVER intended to be a solo game, people were always supposed to work together to get things done. While campaign has allowed people to get experience solo, you still often need to rely on the people around you to help out. I've mentioned this before, but as blu/nin, I can solo most regular campaign mobs without too much hassle. However if there are a stack of people on it, the tp spam can be deadly. If I was soloing the mob, I'd be totally self sufficient and could solo it easily, but 20 more people feeding it tp means that I can no longer tank effectively, yet does that mean that any of the melee mages are going to help out? No, it damn well doesn't, they're just free-loading on my tanking to get exp for themselves.

Your solution would most probably be that I don't tank, except that I often pull hate with melee alone, and if I take any damage, I'm then going to cure myself and take even more hate. So really, the only way in campaign to be TOTALLY self-sufficient, is to be a *** and drag mobs away from everyone else and solo them. Alternatively, in one of those few campaigns were people are actually helping each other out and playing their jobs as intended, I can feel free to debuff the mob without pulling hate to help out the tank, and even do damage too if the tank is good. And since everyone is doing their jobs and not just meleeing while trying not to pull hate, we all get more exp for it as well.

Even if I do choose to tank a mob, I'm usually totally fine without any outside help, but the occasional cure III or IV when the mob gets 3 nasty tp moves off in a row is certainly a welcome help. But hey, if you're so hot on being self-sufficient, you go up to Xarcabard [S] and go solo some Dahaks. See how long you last when someone starts fighting one right next to you and you're getting hit with two body slams at the same time while tanking one. Or even better, let's see how self-sufficient you are while petrified.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
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By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-08-03 23:51:28
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Blazza said:
Malekith said:
Play the game to be self- sufficient, that way when things go wrong you don't have to rely on other people.

If you don't have people who can widescan, then follow the shady people. Do what you can and make the best of it...

This attitude still gives me the shits.

FFXI was NEVER intended to be a solo game, people were always supposed to work together to get things done. While campaign has allowed people to get experience solo, you still often need to rely on the people around you to help out. I've mentioned this before, but as blu/nin, I can solo most regular campaign mobs without too much hassle. However if there are a stack of people on it, the tp spam can be deadly. If I was soloing the mob, I'd be totally self sufficient and could solo it easily, but 20 more people feeding it tp means that I can no longer tank effectively, yet does that mean that any of the melee mages are going to help out? No, it damn well doesn't, they're just free-loading on my tanking to get exp for themselves.

Your solution would most probably be that I don't tank, except that I often pull hate with melee alone, and if I take any damage, I'm then going to cure myself and take even more hate. So really, the only way in campaign to be TOTALLY self-sufficient, is to be a *** and drag mobs away from everyone else and solo them. Alternatively, in one of those few campaigns were people are actually helping each other out and playing their jobs as intended, I can feel free to debuff the mob without pulling hate to help out the tank, and even do damage too if the tank is good. And since everyone is doing their jobs and not just meleeing while trying not to pull hate, we all get more exp for it as well.

Even if I do choose to tank a mob, I'm usually totally fine without any outside help, but the occasional cure III or IV when the mob gets 3 nasty tp moves off in a row is certainly a welcome help. But hey, if you're so hot on being self-sufficient, you go up to Xarcabard [S] and go solo some Dahaks. See how long you last when someone starts fighting one right next to you and you're getting hit with two body slams at the same time while tanking one. Or even better, let's see how self-sufficient you are while petrified.

It's true that it wasn't designed for solo play, however it's the most challenging gut-wrenching fun you can have if you dare to try on things that are fairly hard.

Things like this make my eyes glaze over and inspire me to try crazy ***as well.

...they do however need to make it so mobs won't go far from the fortification, union ***has people dragging mobs over 5-6 squares on the map away which is utterly ridiculous.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-08-03 23:59:15
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Blazza said:
[I]f you're so hot on being self-sufficient, you go up to Xarcabard [S] and go solo some Dahaks. See how long you last when someone starts fighting one right next to you and you're getting hit with two body slams at the same time while tanking one. Or even better, let's see how self-sufficient you are while petrified.
Sarcasm so noted amigo...

Really now... what sort of *** would I be were I go go up there with that knowledge get killed and then bitched about how no one raised or cured me? That'd be pretty *** stupid in my opinion...

Look folks can *** about people helping or not all they want, but you can't force anyone to act not if your only interaction is via 1's and 0's on a game.

If folks don't cure, they don't tank, don't play a way you think they should that'll get reflected in their exp award post fight. If that's not good enough for you suck, eggs man. Get a beer and chill out instead of raging over what selfish asshats people have become.

Didn't you ever read Aseop's Fables as a kid? In particular the tale of the grasshopper and the ant? Go google it... that's all I'm coming from. If I go to campaign battle I try and organize a pt for it just like I would for besieged. If I can't get one I play it safe so I don't get screwed over. If you can't/won't/don't want to do that and expect others to bail you out then I'm at a loss at what to tell you.
By 2009-08-04 00:00:28
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Serveur: Garuda
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user: Valkyrie
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By Garuda.Sheila 2009-08-04 00:03:37
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Campaign on Garuda is really popular heh...usually there is so many people doing 60+ per zone >_<

I really like union though..I made about 500k within 3 days hehe so its not too bad...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-04 00:05:01
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Lmao, that guys on Odin, I saw him playing with it one day, and he sent me a /tell the next day that he'd finally managed to solo one... took him about 3 hours apparently. Not sure he'd try again now that he won't get 100% ninja tool expertise, and he's damn lucky to be 1/1 on drops ; ;

I agree that solo is one of the most challenging, and often enjoyable elements to this game, but soloing an NM, and soloing a campaign mob with 20 other people fighting it are two totally different things. You can't bind or sleep a campaign mob, and kiting will generally lead to other people taking hate off you, which may or may not be desired.
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