Plugins Broken Via Version Update |
Plugins broken via Version Update
Posts: 67
Did boxdestroyer ever get fixed?
Posts: 31
Boxdestroyer still not working... I saw mention of a way to update the messages manually via a python script, I ran the one included in the folder in Addons, and I got boxdestroyer messages back but they are WAY wrong. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Posts: 31
Ooo nvm I managed to find an updated messages.lua here: does it actually work for you? i tried updating to that lua recently and it didnt do anythign for me. doesn't display anything.
Posts: 31
Yeah it worked for me. I just copy/pasted the files on that link to the relevant folder, reloaded boxdestroyer, and it was working fine. I don't know how recently you tried but it was updated like four days ago.
New update (that downloaded when I crashed today) messed up chat logs.
Standard issue that happens every month; wrong tp moves in chat @ ambuscade. Breadwinner now uses eagle eye shot and "special attack" instead of "archtype meeble warble" Ragnarok.Phuoc
Today when i started playing, gearswap doesnt seem to work, its giving me this error:
lua runtime error: equip_proccesing.lua:246 attempts to index field (a nil value) Tried reinstalling it but it doesnt work, tried it on 2 different computers with 2 accounts and nothing, any1 have a solution for it? It doesnt seem to swap any gear at all D: Assuming it's the new update resources, you're using a new item and the resources file is old/*** up so GS won't work with it
I don't know how they managed to rollback the resource file, but they did lol Ragnarok.Phuoc
Well i dont know, its kind of weird because tried my blu now and it works fine for now but on my cor alt it just doesnt work, gives me that error and im not using the new volte or af2 gear on that mule, will try reloading the whole client on the mule.
You're using a hep sapara, im betting
I just tested it, hep sapara is breaking gs so they used a rather old resource file Ragnarok.Phuoc
And that fixed it, yea was mainhanding hepa sap +1, thx for the tip (i didnt know it could cause GS conflicts)
tl:dr old resources used for recent update, pls fix <3
LOL the resource file is from JULY! Ragnarok.Phuoc
Where is a good place to update/replace them?
Well, ideally Cair checks this sooner than later and fixes it, but if you don't have a backup you have to find someone that didn't log off and didn't crash yet and ask them for it.
I run more than one pc so I usually have a backup. You need the entire res file, and the resources in updates file Even replacing them both didn't work. There are other various issues kicking in,
Weapon Skills aren't being recognized through Gearswap and removing gear instead of leaving what's currently in use. Crafting is triggering a state change and forcing idle in GS, disable if you're crafting and in crafting gear. Yeah, something is -seriously- *** up... light the windower dev beacon is still up to date with the resources from 2017-12-10, if you replace your res/ folder from there manually and restart you'll be back up and running with 'new' gear again.
I didn't recreate the WS/crafting stuff before replacing myself, but it doesn't seem to be happening. If you restart it will overwrite the file you manually put in, you have to disconnect from internet to prevent auto updates
And I already did that, and there was still an issue, it's more than just the res folder After it overwrites, don't touch the contents of ~\updates\ - manifest.xml, resources.xml and replace ~\res\ again, it won't overwrite again after that until the next time server side is updated.
I'm getting something strange with Gearswap.
GS says it can't find "Horos casaque +1" if I used the validate command. If I try to equip a set with that item, it doesn't equip it (well it does equip the set as a whole, but not that piece specifically). Though if I use //findall to look for the item, it says it's in my inventory. As a matter of fact it really is there and I can manually equip it np. I doublechecked for typos multiple times, but there's none that I could spot. As a matter of fact it used to work flawlessly before the last patch (which is the last time I played on DNC that I can remember). Anybody got a clue what could the cause of this bizarre issue be? Note: I don't keep my char logged in. I shutdown and reload (and keep my windower and resources updated) every time. Yesterday after I had to relog I suddenly started getting this error, and battlemod wasn't working properly. I looked in the battlemod folder in my addons folder and noticed the settings and colors xml were now blank. I deleted the folder then redownloaded it from it windower launcher but that didn't resolve it. For now I've just turned it off but curious if anyone else is having the same issue or knows of a fix. Thanks Shiva.Berzerk said: » Yesterday after I had to relog I suddenly started getting this error, and battlemod wasn't working properly. I looked in the battlemod folder in my addons folder and noticed the settings and colors xml were now blank. I deleted the folder then redownloaded it from it windower launcher but that didn't resolve it. For now I've just turned it off but curious if anyone else is having the same issue or knows of a fix. Thanks When I try to reload the plugin I'm getting this error: followed by the ones up above. If I delete my battlemod file, and redownload a copy from a friend, it will load 1 time then won't reload or load onto other characters beyond that. Shiva.Berzerk said: » Shiva.Berzerk said: » Yesterday after I had to relog I suddenly started getting this error, and battlemod wasn't working properly. I looked in the battlemod folder in my addons folder and noticed the settings and colors xml were now blank. I deleted the folder then redownloaded it from it windower launcher but that didn't resolve it. For now I've just turned it off but curious if anyone else is having the same issue or knows of a fix. Thanks When I try to reload the plugin I'm getting this error: followed by the ones up above. If I delete my battlemod file, and redownload a copy from a friend, it will load 1 time then won't reload or load onto other characters beyond that. Still haven't been able to fix this. It seems to be a problem with multiple plugins as the settings.xml file for DressUp is not saving anything. The file is empty even when i make changes in game. Only recently been able to focus on the game after taking a good break to buckle down and focus on getting my CCNA then CCNP, and noticed that Pricer doesn't seem to be working.
Does anyone have an updated version since the patch? I'm not sure when it would have broken as I haven't logged in since October of last year. Bahamut.Alexcennah
It's broken since yesterday and it's related to this site using https now. I'm think the problem is between lines 63 and 68:
Code require('chat') config = require('config') require 'strings' http = require('socket.http') res = require('resources') = 'Pricer' = 'original: Brax, improvements and additions: Kenshi' _addon.version = '2.0' _addon.commands = {'price','pricer'} -- Settings defaults = {} defaults.server = "bahamut" settings = config.load(defaults) epoc = os.time{year=1970, day=1, month=1, hour=1} servers = { ["bahamut"] = "sid=1", ["shiva"] = "sid=2", ["titan"] = "sid=3", ["ramuh"] = "sid=4", ["phoenix"] = "sid=5", ["carbuncle"] = "sid=6", ["fenrir"] = "sid=7", ["sylph"] = "sid=8", ["valefor"] = "sid=9", ["alexander"] = "sid=10", ["leviathan"] = "sid=11", ["odin"] = "sid=12", ["ifrit"] = "sid=13", ["diabolos"] = "sid=14", ["caitsith"] = "sid=15", ["quetzalcoatl"] = "sid=16", ["siren"] = "sid=17", ["unicorn"] = "sid=18", ["gilgamesh"] = "sid=19", ["ragnarok"] = "sid=20", ["pandemonium"] = "sid=21", ["garuda"] = "sid=22", ["cerberus"] = "sid=23", ["kujata"] = "sid=24", ["bismarck"] = "sid=25", ["seraph"] = "sid=26", ["lakshmi"] = "sid=27", ["asura"] = "sid=28", ["midgardsormr"] = "sid=29", ["fairy"] = "sid=30", ["remora"] = "sid=31", ["hades"] = "sid=32" } getSalesRating = function(rating) return rating >= 8 and "Very Fast" or rating >= 4 and "Fast" or rating >= 1 and "Average" or rating >= 1/7 and "Slow" or rating >= 1/30 and "Very Slow" or "Dead Slow" end function get_sales(item,stack) local sales = {} local history = {} local header = {} header['cookie'] = temp_header or servers[defaults.server] local result_table = {}; http.request{ url = ""..item..stack, sink = ltn12.sink.table(result_table), headers = header } result = table.concat(result_table) local r = (string.gmatch(result,"<title>(.-)</title>")) for word in r do title = word end stock = "" local re = (string.gmatch(result,"<span%sclass=stock>(%d+)</span>")) for word in re do stock = word end local ra = (string.gmatch(result," x(%d+)")) for word in ra do stack = " x"..word end local se = (string.gmatch(result,'Site.server%s=%s"(%w+)"')) for word in se do server = word end rate = "" last_saleon = nil local ru = (string.gmatch(result,'"saleon":(%d+),"seller":%d+,"buyer":%d+,"price":%d+,"seller_name":"%w+","seller_id":%d+,"seller_server":%d+,"buyer_id":%d+,"buyer_name":"%w+","buyer_server":%d+}];')) for word in ru do last_saleon = tonumber(word) end local t = string.match(result,'Item.sales = (.-);') sales = string.gmatch(t,"{(.-)}") sales_ = string.gmatch(t,"{(.-)}") count = 0 for word in sales_ do count = count + 1 end if last_saleon then true_rating = count * 86400 / (os.time()-last_saleon) rating = getSalesRating(true_rating) end if rating == "Very Fast" then rate = tostring(rating:color(204)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" elseif rating == "Fast" then rate = tostring(rating:color(258)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" elseif rating == "Average" then rate = tostring(rating:color(156)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" elseif rating == "Slow" then rate = tostring(rating:color(264)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" elseif rating == "Very Slow" then rate = tostring(rating:color(167)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" elseif rating == "Dead Slow" then rate = tostring(rating:color(160)).." ("..string.format("%.3f",true_rating)..") sold/day" end if t == "null" or t == "[]" then rate = "" end windower.add_to_chat(207,"[Server: "..tostring(server:color(201)).."]") if stock == '0' then windower.add_to_chat(207,"[" ..tostring(title:color(258))..tostring(stack:color(258)).."] [Stock: "..tostring(stock:color(167)).."] [Rate: "..rate.."]") else windower.add_to_chat(207,"[" ..tostring(title:color(258))..tostring(stack:color(258)).."] [Stock: "..tostring(stock:color(258)).."] [Rate: "..rate.."]") end max = 0 if t == "null" then windower.add_to_chat(207,'No auctionable item.') elseif t == "[]" then windower.add_to_chat(207,'No sales.') else for word in sales do history['saleon'] = string.match(word,'"saleon":(%d+),') history['seller_name'] = string.match(word,'"seller%_name":"(%w+)",') history['price'] = string.match(word,'"price":(%d+),') history['buyer_name'] = string.match(word,'"buyer%_name":"(%w+)",') windower.add_to_chat(207,'('"%d %b., %Y %H:%M:%S",epoc+history['saleon'])..') '..tostring(history['seller_name']:color(5))..string.char(0x81, 0xA8)..tostring(history['buyer_name']:color(5))..' ['..tostring(comma_value(history['price'])..'G'):color(156)..']') max = max +1 if max > 6 then break end end end temp_header = nil end function comma_value(n) local left,num,right = string.match(n,'^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$') return left..(num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)','%1,'):reverse())..right end function get_item_id(name) local result = nil for i,v in pairs(res.items) do if string.lower( == string.lower(name) or string.lower(v.enl) == string.lower(name) then result = end end return result end windower.register_event('addon command', function(...) local args = T{...} local server_names = S{"bahamut","shiva","titan","ramuh","phoenix","carbuncle","fenrir","sylph","valefor","alexander","leviathan", "odin","ifrit","diabolos","caitsith","quetzalcoatl","siren","unicorn","gilgamesh","ragnarok","pandemonium","garuda","cerberus", "kujata","bismarck","seraph","lakshmi","asura","midgardsormr","fairy","remora","hades"} if args[1] then if server_names:contains(args[1]:lower()) then if args[2]:lower() == "default" then if settings.server == args[1]:lower() then windower.add_to_chat(207,'Server '..args[1]:lower()..' already set as default.') else settings.server = args[1]:lower() settings:save() windower.add_to_chat(207,'Server '..args[1]:lower()..' set as default.') end elseif args[2]:lower() == "stack" or args[2]:lower() == "s" then for i,v in pairs(args) do args[i]=windower.convert_auto_trans(args[i])end local item = table.concat(args," ",3):lower() local stack = "/?stack=1" temp_header = servers[args[1]:lower()] local id = get_item_id(item) if id then get_sales(id,stack) else windower.add_to_chat(207,"Item Not Found or wrong command use '//price help' for info") end else for i,v in pairs(args) do args[i]=windower.convert_auto_trans(args[i]) end local item = table.concat(args," ",2):lower() temp_header = servers[args[1]:lower()] local stack = "" local id = get_item_id(item) if id then get_sales(id,stack) else windower.add_to_chat(207,"Item Not Found or wrong command use '//price help' for info") end end elseif args[1]:lower() == "help" then windower.add_to_chat(207,"Pricer Commands:") windower.add_to_chat(207,"//price <server> default (set the default server to search)") windower.add_to_chat(207,"//price <item> (search a specified item in the default server)") windower.add_to_chat(207,"//price stack <item> (search a stack of the specified item in the default server)") windower.add_to_chat(207,"//price <server> <item> (search a specified item in the specified server)") windower.add_to_chat(207,"//price <server> stack <item> (search a stack of the specified item in the specified server)") elseif args[1]:lower() == "stack" then for i,v in pairs(args) do args[i]=windower.convert_auto_trans(args[i])end local item = table.concat(args," ",2):lower() local stack = "/?stack=1" temp_header = servers[args[1]:lower()] local id = get_item_id(item) if id then get_sales(id,stack) else windower.add_to_chat(207,"Item Not Found or wrong command use '//price help' for info") end else for i,v in pairs(args) do args[i]=windower.convert_auto_trans(args[i]) end local item = table.concat(args," "):lower() temp_header = servers[args[1]:lower()] local stack = "" local id = get_item_id(item) if id then get_sales(id,stack) else windower.add_to_chat(207,"Item Not Found or wrong command use '//price help' for info") end end end end) result_table isn't getting populated for some reason I don't know because my coding skills are only very basic level. And no, changing "http" to "https" on url doesn't fix it. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Short form is socket.http doesn't do https. Need to replace it with luasec,
Damn, that's what I was fearing, that would need an update to luacore itself, right? Thanks, man!
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