By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2013-07-07 07:59:18
Technically yes, you can have spellcast send a command out to itemizer and have it pull items out, however it does take time, so it's only useful for switching modes when you can wait several seconds for it to finish. About .5 sec per piece, depending on your lag, it needs to take out or put away. It is useful for many things, like pulling out echo drops or other meds that don't have to be in your inventory full time. Or you could use it for JA enhancing gear that you don't use too frequently. Just be sure that if you do this, that you have enough of a delay to allow it to pull the piece out before use.
As for arts, yes, you can make Spellcast check your buff active and see if the right one is up. You can even make it switch what strat you are using to the right one for your current arts. I like to do arts manually though because occasionally I just need to cast one tiny black magic and if I'm switching every time then the recast would be down and I'd get stuck til the recast is up.
If you want to explain what you want done, I'm sure myself or others can get you code to do it.