store tp and other jobs
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2013-06-13 08:35:37
ive had samurai lvld for about 2months now and im slowly getting to learn the job. ive been working on a store tp calculator using the forumlas listed in the sam guide in this forum, and ive got it working great. i answer a few yes/no's, input my delay, and store tp from my ws set and it tells me exactly how much store tp i need in my tp phase to hit w/e build im after.
the issue im having is expanding it beyond sam to take into consideration jobs like drk and war w/ the higher delay wpns.
i checked the drk forums and found X-hit builds listed in their main guide; when i use the forumlas listed from our sam guide to calculate store tp, things dont match.. namely, from what i can tell, especially w/ the /war builds, the gear sets they have for X-hit builds do not have enough store tp to actually hit the said X-hit build.
my main questions are:
is weapon skill return tp factored differently for other jobs compared to sams? (for ex. a drk w/ apoc 513delay /war, according to the formulas lists it at 16.5tp back from a ws; seem low?)
and, if thats not the case, what am i missing when trying to decipher X-hit builds for other jobs. in this case, the drk guide x-hit builds that, according to using the formula listed in the sam guide, comes up short in necessary storetp compared to what is actually listed in the drk guide.
appreciate the help!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-06-13 08:37:11
Did you account for the additional hits of Resolution in your tp return?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2013-06-13 08:42:41
no, noob when it comes to wars/drks and their ws's. resolution is multihit so it gets more tp back w/ each hit?
are the added hits consistent, and what kind of tp return are we looking at for that.
would that negate the forumlas for deciphering necessary store tp to obtain X-hit?
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-06-13 08:43:56
Each additional hit of the ws adds 1 tp returned, so that's probably what skewed your results.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2013-06-13 08:55:23
yeah, just looked up the ws, resolution is 5hit, which would put WS tp return over 20, making for an easy 5hit.. interesting.
makes me wonder then about tp return for other ws's. catastrophe looks like a single hit; ive got it coming up around 8tp shy of a 5hit still using the sam store tp forumla.
though, if all ws's have a varied amount of tp they return, then it does somewhat negate the forumla's.
though it would still show you the true amount of store tp necessary to get a 5hit build assuming the initial hit lands.
if anyone has information on specific weapon skills, like Sehachan listed above, please post below.
specifically for the heavy dd jobs that actually make use of store tp.
thanks a lot!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-06-13 08:59:28
Aside from number of hits, there is no difference. It only comes down to the normal tp calculation..did you account for the presence of stp gear in the ws sets?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 26
By Ragnarok.Neraya 2013-06-13 09:01:55
- http://wiki.bluegartr.com/bg/TP you will see base delay change the math formula
- WS Set doesn't have same Store TP
- Multi-Hit WS could be taken in consideration
*edited* (1st = Normal TP return, +1TP for every landed hit, max8).
- /sam is still +15sTP free
Other than that... can't say pretty much more :?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2013-06-13 09:06:42
yes, i used 19stp which seemed to make sense. eyeballing it, looks like around every 3-4stp added in ws phase, you need 1 less stp in tp phase; meaning adding more tp in ws phase doesnt make a drastic difference.
so what you are telling me is, if its a multihit ws and all hits land, you get added tp beyond the normal calculation, otherwise if its a singlehit ws you'll recieve just the normal calculated tp?
that defintely throws me off then, especially what im looking at w/ the apoc example listed earlier.
i will have to go test it out w/ my buddy and his apoc to just help solidify my thoughts on this.
again, thanks for the aide.
ive had samurai lvld for about 2months now and im slowly getting to learn the job. ive been working on a store tp calculator using the forumlas listed in the sam guide in this forum, and ive got it working great. i answer a few yes/no's, input my delay, and store tp from my ws set and it tells me exactly how much store tp i need in my tp phase to hit w/e build im after.
the issue im having is expanding it beyond sam to take into consideration jobs like drk and war w/ the higher delay wpns.
i checked the drk forums and found X-hit builds listed in their main guide; when i use the forumlas listed from our sam guide to calculate store tp, things dont match.. namely, from what i can tell, especially w/ the /war builds, the gear sets they have for X-hit builds do not have enough store tp to actually hit the said X-hit build.
my main questions are:
is weapon skill return tp factored differently for other jobs compared to sams? (for ex. a drk w/ apoc 513delay /war, according to the formulas lists it at 16.5tp back from a ws; seem low?)
and, if thats not the case, what am i missing when trying to decipher X-hit builds for other jobs. in this case, the drk guide x-hit builds that, according to using the formula listed in the sam guide, comes up short in necessary storetp compared to what is actually listed in the drk guide.
appreciate the help!