Official Benghazi Topic Till The Year 2018+

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Official Benghazi Topic Till The Year 2018+
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-17 22:01:59
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Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
If nothing else, I give you props for your drive. You exist for the sole purpose of giving us something to laugh at, and yet you keep on pushin'

Fight the good fight!

This whole thread was just a troll effort, and broseph is repeatedly falling for it.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:02:24
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Phoenix.Kojo said: »

And you talk like a man with a paper ***.

Well I see you took the weakest possible style of rebuttal. Go on and tell us how 0bama is like the most awesomest preezy-weeze EVAR!
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:02:29
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You're a living, breathing parody
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Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-17 22:03:00
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Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby said: »
Bismarck.Magnuss said: »
Well, what I personally find to be a big deal is having thousands of Americans dead over a war for oil based on "intel" of weapons of mass destruction, of which there was none. That to me is kind of a big deal.
There WERE WMD's. I know you fools think it has been decided fact that there were none, but there WERE.

WikiLeaks is one source of evidence:
An initial glance at the WikiLeaks war logs doesn’t reveal evidence of some massive WMD program by the Saddam Hussein regime — the Bush administration’s most (in)famous rationale for invading Iraq. But chemical weapons, especially, did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later, “the rounds tested positive for mustard.”

Serveur: Bismarck
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user: oldelf
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By Bismarck.Joli 2013-05-17 22:04:16
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Bismarck.Oldelf said: »
Especially when it could have been prevented and then the scum bag professional politicians(Both Democrats and Republicans) go on TV and LIE/Cover-up to save them selves.

Prove it.

Not to say that Benghazi as a whole wasn't poorly handled by the powers that be, but that's a pretty bold(and unsupported) statement.

Prove it try reading theres evidence already that proves it .
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
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By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:05:55
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One armchair military strategist's assertion does not proof make.
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-17 22:06:46
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Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby said: »
Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
You're a living, breathing parody
Can you do ANYTHING but talk about me? You are obsessed. Go away with your little ad homs.

Now we know you aren't serious.

That's it, I'm not into trolls trolling trolls.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:06:55
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Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby said: »
Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
You're a living, breathing parody
Can you do ANYTHING but talk about me? You are obsessed. Go away with your little ad homs.

What can I say? I find your overwhelming proclivity for paranoid idiocy fascinating
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:07:12
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Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
One armchair military strategist's assertion does not proof make.
Neither does a mantra of disinformation from the left.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:09:19
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Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby said: »
Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
One armchair military strategist's assertion does not proof make.
Neither does a mantra of disinformation from the left.

But you see, that's just it: I don't claim to know how complicated situations pan out under dramatically different circumstances.

Pretending to know that the entire Benghazi incident wouldn't have occurred if this, this, and this had happened is asinine
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:11:01
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But anyway, you're not making me laugh anymore. Au revoir!
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:12:32
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Bismarck.Joli said: »
Bismarck.Oldelf said: »
Especially when it could have been prevented and then the scum bag professional politicians(Both Democrats and Republicans) go on TV and LIE/Cover-up to save them selves.

Prove it.

Not to say that Benghazi as a whole wasn't poorly handled by the powers that be, but that's a pretty bold(and unsupported) statement.

Prove it try reading theres evidence already that proves it .
The sad thing is they don't care. When I say they are useful idiots, I do not say it as a pejorative, but as something that they perfectly define. If you told them the stories and reversed the parties involved they would have the entirely opposite opinion.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: oldelf
Posts: 32
By Bismarck.Oldelf 2013-05-17 22:15:20
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The problem with most of you is you have bought into this us vs them mentality. Democrat vs Replublican. pull your heads out of the Professional Politicians ***'s. Think for yourself Open your Eyes. These politicians aren't here for US they exist for themselves. Which is proven by all the lies they dish out to us every time they open their mouths.
They lie 90% of the time. They tell you what you want to here. To just shut you up. And now more than ever now they're convincing you those guy are liars they're evil. Don't pay attention at what we aren't doing for the good of the nation. Be distracted and watch the other side so we can steal, lie cheat and take more from everyone.

STOP voting in these professional Politicains.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:18:11
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Bismarck.Oldelf said: »
The problem with most of you is you have bought into this us vs them mentality. Democrat vs Replublican. pull your heads out of the Professional Politicians ***'s. Think for yourself Open your Eyes. These politicians aren't here for US they exist for themselves. Which is proven by all the lies they dish out to us every time they open their mouths.
They lie 90% of the time. They tell you what you want to here. To just shut you up. And now more than ever now they're convincing you those guy are liars they're evil. Don't pay attention at what we aren't doing for the good of the nation. Be distracted and watch the other side so we can steal, lie cheat and take more from everyone.

STOP voting in these professional Politicains.
I want the GOP until we clean out the DNC, then I want to clean out the GOP. I am picking the lesser of two evils until only one remains. As we focus on this, the GOP is trying to quietly get an immigration deal going on. For all we know, the Dems are complicit in this.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-05-17 22:20:26
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Oh please, do point out who we are suppose to vote for then.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:21:34
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Oh please, do point out who we are suppose to vote for then.
Somebody from the real world and not the Beltway nobility would be nice.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2013-05-17 22:21:43
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Is every politics thread now gonna be Paranoid-Delusional Theater?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: oldelf
Posts: 32
By Bismarck.Oldelf 2013-05-17 22:22:39
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I want 4 political Party's in this country. the more the better keeps them honest. If you noticed the 2-3 times a new political party starts to gain popularity they get the media to crush them out of existence.
They Don't want the competition.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-05-17 22:22:58
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looks like it. Its not like anyone posts anything remotely accurate. I mean we got wikileaks going on in here.
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-17 22:25:07
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
looks like it. Its not like anyone posts anything remotely accurate. I mean we got wikileaks going on in here.

Na, bro. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-17 22:25:39
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Bismarck.Oldelf said: »
I want 4 political Party's in this country. the more the better keeps them honest. If you noticed the 2-3 times a new political party starts to gain popularity they get the media to crush them out of existence.
They Don't want the competition.

Yes, because there's nothing better than a winning candidate with the support of 25.6% of the population's support.

What uneducated hole did all of you crawl out of?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:26:51
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
looks like it. Its not like anyone posts anything remotely accurate. I mean we got wikileaks going on in here.
Is WikiLeaks considered to be inaccurate? Buttholes, yes, but credible buttholes. And the Houston Chronicle is not going to lie in favor of a Republican.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: oldelf
Posts: 15
By Bismarck.Joli 2013-05-17 22:27:36
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wow you are closed minded lol

why not just have 1 political party then maybe a Dictator Emperor King
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-17 22:28:21
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Bismarck.Joli said: »
wow you are closed minded lol

why not just have 1 political party then maybe a Dictator Emperor King

I'll take the job. I must build the mighty Dongballstopian empire, afterall.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Baelfael
Posts: 545
By Ragnarok.Zohnax 2013-05-17 22:28:38
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To be honest, I don't believe the two most notable parties have the best interests in for the people of the United States more than themselves and who buys in their support. I think the whole system needs reworked with more checks to make sure it's not corporations running the country.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: oldelf
Posts: 32
By Bismarck.Oldelf 2013-05-17 22:30:02
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4 party's = 25% of the populations vote OMG

do you really think that?

so 2 party's means the country is divided into 50/50 good god

you should get a lawyer and Sue whatever school let you graduate.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Serj
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By Bahamut.Serj 2013-05-17 22:30:47
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To the people who think Benghazi shows how absolutely horrible and pathetic liberals are and that they shouldn't have any power because of how it happened and how it should have been prevented and it's all the democrats fault because they're in power....

Pretty much an exact parallel, except that was on our soil and much much worse.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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Posts: 971
By Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby 2013-05-17 22:31:22
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Ragnarok.Zohnax said: »
To be honest, I don't believe either party has the best interests in for the people of the United States more than themselves and who buys in their support. I think the whole system needs reworked with more checks to make sure it's not corporations running the country.
Well that's what the Tea Party is trying to do, hence the corporate-owned media outlets instructing their sheeple that Tea Party members are to be mocked, and they oblige wholeheartedly as if it were their own idea.
If the DNC is to be saved from the cliff, they need to get more people like Cory Booker, sensible and ethical people. They have too many crooks, liars, and pop stars. The GOP isn't much better, but at least we have a revolution going on there.
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