Your FFXI Stories.

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Your FFXI Stories.
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arebella
Posts: 2532
By Cerberus.Arebella 2013-04-19 12:53:42
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Cerberus.Arebella said: »
One time I had a staring contest with my moogle.

For how long?
Minutes... Hours.. Days..
*** always won! :(
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Bismarck.Herrera 2013-04-19 14:59:38
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Looking back i realize some of my fondest memories involve some degree of trolling ^_^ this one in particular always makes me smile:

In the Seraph server back in the days when maneater/joyeuse (circa when the world was still in black and white) was a really sought combo, I decided to help 3 friends get their joytoy, and so we got 2 without a glitch. 15 hours after the second one dies (I showed up early to camp so I wouldn't miss the pop) we get to the Charybdis room to find a pld, I /wave to said pld and he promptly replied something along the lines of "I've been camping for 13 hours, this pop is mine", making my friend's and my spidey senses tingle, but we let it slide and proceed to kill PHs. Couple of hours later charby pops and neither of us can kill it (the lone pld, nor my friend Vellhart(rdm/whm) and I (Brightblade brd)) so we each call our friends. A few minutes later our tank and the person who was going to get the joytoy were about to zone into SSG when the pld mt'd something like this: ".p NOT THAT DOOR! HURRY! THESE #&^&#& ARE GOING TO CLAIM IT". Realizing that not only is he not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that he is a rude and annoying a$$, we decided to troll him, so we ran (while still sneaked, just in case) to just right outside aggro range and start buffing like my friend is going to kill it, effectively tricking the pld, he runs (while still alone) and claims the NM and then proceeds to get raped. A few minutes later his friends show up, they raise him, but they can't take it because he is weakened, followed by our tank Kyriac (mnk/nin) and the other friend, so we buff up and kill it. Now during the fight, and for 3 days straight after that, i kept on getting nasty tells from the pld, with insults and arguments that made no sense at all (I think that to this day he has still to realize that the only thing I used to mpk him, was his own stupidty) so I decided to /blist him, because neither did I had the time to explain nor he had the mental capability to understand.

Fast forward a few months and I am running through Jeuno dualboxing with a friends char to get him some missions and CSs done and I see on my friend's char screen the pld /slapping my char, and I remember smiling to myself. ^_^

To this day whenever I recall that story I still feel like a mixture of Mr. Burns and Senator Palpatine doing that meme pose of theirs and saying "good... the butthurt is strong in this one"
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-26 12:40:44
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After enjoying the stories you have posted for me, I have found some spare time to write out the Story of Seiya... and what happened after.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-26 14:04:05
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Bastokans were surprised when an Elvaan showed up at the zone of Port Bastok. Elvaan usually required an invitation to visit this recovering homeland of the Galka. The Humes were quick to accept an Elvaan into their ranks, but Invincible Shield remained skeptical about this blond haired, naive young man.

His name was Kylos, and after a life living in San Doria, and hearing all the stories about the Mythril Musketeers, Volker, and Zeid,, Kylos decided he wanted to join their ranks. This was looked down upon by his family, they felt a great dishonour for his decision.

After some exploring of his new home nation, Kylos made his way into the dusty wasteland of Gustaberg. It was rough in the beginning, little exp, no friends, no linkshell, no equipment, it was just Kylos against the elements, wearing his typical Elvaan garments. It was rough until he ran into another elvaan out in Gustaberg. He talked about this thing called a linkshell? "What the hell is a linkshell?" he asked. After some explanation, he acquired his first ever linkshell, TheMidnightWolves.

The linkshell leader happened to be a future friend of Kylos. However at this stage, the LS leader was rarely on, and any questions asked by myself (which he had many of) fell on deaf ears. After some thought, he decided that this linkshell was not for him, and Kylos would become a leader of his own linkshell. The decision to lead a linkshell, despite the absolute inexperience was not taken lightly, and it was a tough feat finding the gil to even buy the linkshell. His plan was to recruit other new players, and grow up in the game with them, finding friends who would be consistently on was going to be the key, and finding high level players would be a massive bonus.

Kylos made a Galka friend. It seemed the Galkans had taken notice of his efforts. The Elvaan and the Galka went down to the campfire in South Gustaberg, and sat under the stars, thinking about what the new linkshell could be called. After much thought, it was decided the new linkshell would be called the MarleysMessenjas. The theme would be that our adventurers are the messengers of peace and love across Vana'Diel, just like Bob Marley preached.

Having a new linkshell with no members did not deter Kylos. Despite players being recruited, they would not come back. Kylos would recruit players who were out in the field, fighting without linkshells equipped. It was depressing to come online and see that Kylos would be alone, however after a couple of weeks, he made friends with other players, and they decided to stay. Players who joined were brand new and had no experience in the game. Eventually, he recruited a level 75 SMN, who was really helpful, and along with him, and another guy who was about to join, the linkshell was beginning to look healthy.

Kylos had learned how to shout for linkshell members in Bastok. Stood around as a Red Mage, a man named Seiya sent him a /tell. He asked if Kylos needed help on how to play Red Mage. Seiya explained the different spells, and which order to do them in. What he was saying made a lot of sense, and Kylos was very appreciative of the training. He watched Kylos solo in Gustaberg for a while, before they stopped and talked about things.

Kylos informed him of his decision to lead a linkshell, and he said that leading a linkshell with so little experience would be really tough. Other adventurers would expect their leader to be able to help them, instead of the other way round. Kylos tried to prove how serious he was of sticking to the idea, and Seiya respected his passion. Seiya told Kylos about the way a linkshell leader should behave. He gave advice on how to deal with troublesome players, when to kick them, and how helping the new guy is an absolute must. Seiya asked for a linkpearl, and this would be the beginning of a legend in Vana'Diel.

Kylos never expected this, but Seiya would become a mainstay in the MarleysMessenjas, and he was the go-to guy. He was online for many hours at a time helping the newer players, while Kylos continued to train. He felt bad that this guy was dedicating so much of his time to helping the linkshell, but when asking him about it, Seiya would speak in riddles, smile, and carry on.

Considering that MarleysMessenjas was created as a social linkshell, Seiya was not a sociable person. He never revealed details about his personal life and were he came from, and it was difficult to really get to know him. Seiya was always anonymous (/anon) but appeared to be a Thief most of the time, wearing his well favoured Scorpion Harness +1, Green Beret +1, Merman's, and a sword/shield combination. Apparently his THF was not even at the maximun level, and after Kylos asked him why he didn't get it to 75, he said there was no point.

Seiya was an RMT observer. People are known to have some strange past times, but Seiya had a hobby that made the strangest of Tarutaru look normal. He would sneak and invisible into an RMT experience points party, and just sit there for hours ... watching their movements. He became well versed in what RMT were all about, and he liked to share his findings. Kylos could see more clearly what they were all about, and sometimes, he would sit in with Seiya on the RMT watching.

Kylos hit a roadblock. He had trained his Red Mage to 33, and was using melee gear and /Warrior subjob. He soon found that party invites were much rarer, and was told that he needed a mage support job, and to stop meleeing if he wanted to EXP further. Seiya had informed him that he should decide on what job he should get to high level and focus on it. Seiya explained how it was good to focus on one job, and have it be a job you really enjoy doing. One day, Kylos saw a very fierce looking elvaan in the Bastok Markets, wielding a Scythe. He was blown away by it, he had never seen such a cool looking adventurer since he first stepped foot in Bastok.

Kylos asked Seiya about Dark Knight. He said it would be really tough to get it to the maximum level as his first job, as invites were few and far between. Kylos did not feel discouraged, he was going to be stubborn and do it anyway, because it felt right. After meeting Zeid for the first time in person, Kylos became a Dark Knight, and forever gave his soul to the darkside.

As Kylos grew. so did the MarleysMessenjas. Friends like Kent, Mounja, Cenore, Deadfly, Proud, Dregis, Messenjah (former leader of MidnightWolves) and many others stayed in the linkshell, and helped each other out all the time. They looked up to Seiya like a father figure, and always looked forward to him coming online. The linkshell had grown into something that Kylos could be proud of, and he continued to rely on Seiya for motivation and knowledge.At this time, Kylos' made an exceptionally good friend in Quilax (My father's first character) and he also joined the ranks.

The years of 2004-2006 were bliss. Kylos never felt happier in Vana'Diel then during these times. Nothing could go wrong now, nothing needed to change. Everything was just right. Seiya would get the most welcomes whenever he logged on, and he didn't mind at all.

One of Kylos' fondest memories was when Seiya gave him a full set of Mythril armour, and took him down into the Korroloka Tunnel to show him how to farm. Kylos had a lot of trouble making money, and this tip really helped.

To be continued ......
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-26 14:33:27
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Seiya started to log in less often. Adventurers would log on and ask where he was, but it seemed Seiya would disappear, and reappear to really warm welcomes. Kylos had never seen such a popular hume before, and as the leader, he had to keep the linkshell going, and keep them together.

Aht Urhgan was released, and along with it, new EXP camps, new areas to explore, and new players for Marleys. Kylos had made more relations with the likes of Rizbin the Galka Paladin (RL best friend) and Felixia, the female Elvaan Beastmaster (RL sister).
Seiya had disappeared completely by now. One day Kylos was farming in the tunnel, and a linkshell member told him of a message from Seiya. Kylos checked his messages, and he wrote:

"I’ve come for telling you that, I will stop playing FFXI in 29-30th November, around the midnight Japan time.
Thankyou for the fun we use to have together, and for everythings.
I will never forget you.. Good bye."

The linkshell decided to give him a leaving party, as a thanks for all of his help.
It was a sad event, and after all the celebrations, Seiya giving all of his gear away, and a run up to the monument on Zegham hill, Seiya said goodbye forever. Kylos had never seen such an emotional event in the history of his travels, and the linkshell members left, would be bonded together like never before..

During the party, Seiya had handed Kylos his Scorpion Harness +1, Green Beret +1 and Merman's gear, and although Seiya knew he could not wear them yet, he knew Kylos would hold onto them.

Seiya has passed the torch onto Kylos, and the linkshell leader continued on without him.
Eventually, Kylos reached Dark Knight 75, along with all of the other linkshell members. Kylos, Quilly, Felixia and others continued to help each other. and the LS changed so much over the years. MarleysMessenjas stayed active until the Hades/Cerberus merge. It was renamed as Marleys until Kylos put his adventures on hold in 2010.

To be continued ...
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Cerberus.Texasprincess 2013-04-26 14:37:52
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I remember doing ZM's and ownageblm falling asleep right before we did a bcnm.. so we did it without him lol
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Rentwokay
Posts: 1
By Seraph.Rentwokay 2013-04-26 15:12:05
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My friends and I completed Chains of Promathia back when it was still difficult with a party setup that would have made most traditionalists cringe.

There was me (an underleveled WHM... I had very little time to play, so they didn't want to wait for me to get to 75), not one but two RDMs, a BRD, a MNK, and - the crown jewel - a PLD/DRK. That's not "PLD or DRK"; that's "PLD with a DRK subjob."

It took us the better part of a day to finish 8-3, and we basically bellyflopped across the finish line with 8-4. But we did it. The same crew also helped me with my Shadow Lord fight when I was a wee lad, and indulge my ridiculous WHM hammer fantasies when unlocking my Diabolos avatar so I could finally level SMN.

They were a cool crew. I'm the only one of the six that still plays, and I play very little, but I'm still in touch with them, and we've played a bit of the FFXIV Beta together.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-26 15:20:14
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Kylos, Cenore and Quilly the day after he left.

A lot of progression occurred from 2006-2007. Quilly (Formerly known as Quilax) made a new linkshell called the LagunasWarriors. Mounja left the game, Cenore got into end game events like Dynamis, while Kylos focused on leveling THF and making money.

Marleys and Lagunas went side by side as sister linkshells, and they easily had 30+ members in each at a time. Other social linkshells were made by adventurers who knew Seiya, and overtime, the original crew dispersed. Kylos helped many new players during this time, which often hindered his own progression in the world. Out of the blue, he was informed someone was returning after almost a year out.

Seiya returned as a blond hume with the same model, and the players he had helped, power leveled his Warrior to high level constantly for the first two days. He never asked for a PL.
Screenshots of these times are pretty blurry but are on Kylos profile, Seiya continued as a high level Warrior and formed Pegasus. This new linkshell was dedicated to helping new adventurers only, and Kylos was not invited ... for quite a while.

Eventually Kylos found out more about Seiya, and got into Pegasus. He would visit rarely, but Seiya would let his members know they could talk to him if they need some advice.
He mentored a player known as Chevalios, who went onto become the current leader of the KnightsOf Pegasus. Players are still aware of the original leader of the linkshell.
Seiya left the game again with no warning this time. At least, not to Kylos.

During this time, Kylos had stepped foot into Dynamis and could not get enough of it. Kylos appreciated the teamwork put into this event, and reeled in the rewards of Abyss equipment.

After leaving a disbanded dynamis linkshell, a new one was made by three co-leaders, and Kylos named it "Reality". The linkshell struggled in the beginning, even in city runs, but it was reformed as RealityDynamis with Misart and Kylos leading things. Over time, the linkshell grew, and it became stronger all the time. Anyone who remembers RealityDynamis (Changed to HadesReality after merge) will know that the LS eventually dominated zones like Xarcabard and Tavnazia.

This was different for Kylos, he was leading an endgame linkshell into battle, instead of helping new adventurers. Still, it was nice to see players achieve their new pieces of equipment. Payday was also fun too, everyone would line up and receive their cuts for the month. Everybody was equal in the linkshell, and it was expected that players respect each other, and listen to the leaders. They allowed players to be themselves, and have fun. After Kylos decided he was going to take a break from adventuring, he had his last (original) Dynamis run in Bastok.

After returning to the world of Vana'Diel, Kylos and Quilly set out to progress in the world. They helped members for so many years, so they decided to go out and get things done. They continue to do so, but they also remember the old times, when players really did need a helping hand.

Thanks for reading. Have a good day. I shall leave you with a good screenshot of Kylos, wondering why he is looking so much like a clown after all this time.
Posts: 37
By Chevalios 2013-04-26 19:56:10
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »

He mentored a player known as Chevalios, who went onto become the current leader of the KnightsOfPegasus. Players are still aware of the original leader of the linkshell.
Seiya left the game again with no warning this time. At least, not to Kylos.

Seiya named his char after an Anime character "Pegasus Seiya". Hence the name Pegasus.. After the server merger he had to change his name and we lost him for a few days.. I gathered the troops under a new shell KnightsOfPegasus (Because we were his knights) and after a few days I got /poked by a random stranger.. He never once admitted he was the old man.. But you could tell from the way he spoke. He told me to take the linkshell and move on because we were "all grown up". He never accepted a pearl from me.

He always used to call you guys from Marley's my seniors :)
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Xerus
Posts: 59
By Valefor.Xerus 2013-04-26 23:00:52
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Within a few days of me first joining the game, I still didn't know how to change my chatmode (because instructions are for losers). I found myself struggling in Dunes at around lvl 20 or so with no sub yet. I had just finished fighting what was probably a Goblin Tinkerer. I had Poison and Bio on me and was very close to death from the DoTs alone. Some random person walks over and asks me in /s if I needed any help. I was in /ls and could not remember how to change it. So I'm just standing there with my health draining. A few seconds pass and he casts Poisona on me, and then Cure II. I still am silent because I don't know how to respond back. A few seconds later he said I didn't have to be such an anti social *** and I could have at least said 'thank you'.

I think it was a day later I somehow put my chatmode to /t on some person i passed by. For about 20 minutes I didn't know how to talk to anyone but this person.

Them some good noob days.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [204 days between previous and next post]
By 2013-11-16 21:54:57
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By 2013-11-16 22:33:02
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aelius
By Lakshmi.Aelius 2013-11-16 22:45:32
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Asura.Squishytaru said: »
Now, this is a story all about how Josiahfk necroed a thread turned its descent upside down. I'd like to take a minute to just sit right here, and tell you how they became the savior of this thread with Richard Gere.


In West Ronfaure born and raise, killing rabbits is where he spent most of his days. Chillin' out castin' relaxin' all cool and all. Shooting some worms outside with his bow. When a couple of gobs they were up to no good. Starting making trouble in his neighborhood. Got in one little fight and he got scared and said "I'm going to zone, it is right over here".

He reached the zone when gobs were near. The look of disappointment in their faces, his with fear. If anything he could say that this crap was rare, but thought nah forget, yo home is back there.

He walked up to his mog house at about seven or eight. And yelled to the guard "yo holmes, smell yah later". Looked at the kingdom he was finally there. To sit on his phone as the savior of the thread we have here.

By 2013-11-16 22:48:45
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Gansito
Posts: 221
By Shiva.Gansito 2013-11-16 23:38:52
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Twas a mere lvl 20 thf with no support job on my way to jeuno when i became lost. I didn't know where i was or how i was going to reach my destination. When in the distance i saw an avatar. I asked them if they knew the way to jeuno and if they could give me directions. They kindly informed me where i was and how to get to jeuno. They even offered to take me there. I didn't want to be a bother so i just told them "It's not fun unless somebody dies" and that i would prefer to do this on my on. And so i went toward jeuno looking in all directions not wanting to die by the hands of gobbues, quadavs ,or those nasty goblins. They added me to their friend's list. From there on they would always check on me. Being nice and kind and putting a smile on my face with every tell they would send me. Even to this day i still remember that day when a total stranger offered their help and from there on forward helped me in which ever way they could. This was only 1 of the 2 people who changed how i play this game. The second one i met was in Bastok mines. This person i actually met first. On the first day i played i saw a cat lady standing in a white dress. I /wave and /smile, they /wave and /smile back. Then they sent me a <Hello!> . We talked for a bit and i told them i was new to the game and was about to go get myself killed. They just laughed and told me if i ever needed anything they would be glad to help. I didn't really saw this person online much. Later i found out they lived half across the world and would log in when i was asleep. this was the first person i told that i wanted to be a blue mage. They cheered me on and promise me a gift once i unlocked that job. When i unlocked the job they gave me a ring. Little did i know how much the ring was worth. They gave me an astral ring. Even to this day i still have this ring. There to remember me how nice people can be. They would on occasion give me gil to buy fireworks and treats as well as go and have some "fun" in Kazham. As they helped me and i progressed in the game i always wanted to do the same thing they had done for me. Help little noobies that were lost in the vast and beautiful world of vana'diel without asking anything in return. I never did become a great player or well geared. Even then i still enjoy this game thanks to people like the 2 that helped me when i was a scared little noobie in search of an adventure.
By 2013-11-16 23:46:46
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-11-16 23:50:49
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First trip to Crawlers Nest:

Zone in. Die instantly to swarms of Rumble/Worker/Soldier Crawlers.

First trip to Kuftal Tunnel:

Zone in. Die instantly to Haunt trains.

First trip to The Boyahda Tree:

Zone in. Die instantly to swarms of Robber Crab.
By 2013-11-16 23:53:57
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2701
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-11-16 23:55:51
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
First trip to Crawlers Nest:

Zone in. Die instantly to swarms of Rumble/Worker/Soldier Crawlers.

First trip to Kuftal Tunnel:

Zone in. Die instantly to Haunt trains.

First trip to The Boyahda Tree:

Zone in. Die instantly to swarms of Robber Crab.

First trip to the Garbage Shitadel... zone in, die to bats and beetles
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-11-17 00:14:18
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Garliage is where I saw my first GM which was called on me and a friend for dragging one of those Doomed (and a shitload more) mobs to zone. Dodged getting jailed, I did.

Look, I wasn't about to die down in the middle of nowhere just so some noobs could EXP! >.>
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: jirachi
Posts: 578
By Shiva.Jirachi 2013-11-17 00:37:37
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Before FFXI:
My mom just beat 10 and Me and my dad were at gamestop when i noticed XI i was like Dadd!! 11!! (Ironically i was 11 at the time and i was at the end of 10 *though i just reloaded my 10 file and omg i dont understand how i beat Jecht no HP limits are broken!* He says "well its online subscription, i dont think we can afford it we looked into it a few weeks ago" i was demanding of "Try asking her now that she beat 10!!" He called her and she gave in, we got it for her for Christmas.

Moms Play:
within the first 15 minutes of her playing (back when you got exp for killing boxes durnig christmas event) i was like I want my own account!!! They agreed, Dec.26, 2007 TIdusfromten was born (because cleary an 11 year old names his chars after something he just did..."beat 10" and the only chars name i knew was Tidus and Yuna.)

Our Play:
About a week later we discovered this...""? and we team up at lv16WAR and lv15 WAR, we go to Valkurm dunes not noticing the mob strength and some how make it to Damselflies alive.
Even more Impresive we mannaged to kill 1, we were both using lv1/7 gear and lv9 swords. we had ~52 and ~78 HP left but couldn't rest because we had poison.
we wait and wait, i look away playing with something else, and i hear my mom screaming.
Look back up and Shes laying face down in dirt and i have a goblin stabbing me.

Ahh~ good times, We ran back to dunes and i used hand sanitizer running through la theine, now every time i smell hand sanitizer im reminded of running through La Theine as a lv17 WAR using Spartha and Bronze gear... ;~; my life has come soo far.

Creation of Jir:
~4/4/08 I decided to level WHM so i made Yunafromten, within 1 month i killed her off 20 times in an hour of game play doing some event, and decide. I wanna be a taru! 3 hours go by of creation and naming.
Jirs now my main and tidus is just some lump i level in besieged to make me gil with imperial gold coin sales :P
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-11-17 05:27:36
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The thread lives again :) I don't play anymore (deciding whether to hang up the boots), but I love putting on my nostalgia goggles while I sip my nostalgia tea while I read your nostalgia stories.

Here is another one from me, not as long as the last one.

Last day on Hades

Before the server merges, Hades had turned into a ghost town. I had much fun on my THF in the final few weeks, killing random NMs as most of them would go unclaimed.

I decided that we needed to have an event, a fun event, just for my linkshell and other social linkshells that were close. I sent /tells to Teenyweenymeany of LegendaryMishaps and Chevalios of the KnightsofPegasus. We decided to set up an event for our linkshell members on the last day.

We had a decent turn out, players from my linkshell (MarleysMessenjas), my dads (LagunasWarriors), LegendaryMishaps and KnightsofPegasus, along with other friends, all gathered together in Ru Lude Gardens.

I fondly remember setting up a Chocobo race, which began in Jeuno, and ended in Selbina. We had players wait at outposts and crags in case anyone tried to cheat, and we had all the participants pay a little amount of gil to enter. Sadly I was not able to join the race, as I was the guy waiting for them at the finish line. I can't remember who won, but they enjoyed it anyway.

We handed out fireworks, cookies and flowers to each other as mementos. Then we went on to Ballista to do some LS vs LS battle.
I was leader of one team, and I believe my dad was the leader of the other team. The only details I can remember is that no one really knew what they were doing except me lol, and I scored all the goals while also keeping my team coordinated.

Afterwards, a lot of people said their goodbyes, while the rest of us sat in Ru Lude Gardens as I told the story of Seiya. I had planned other events but with only a few people remaining, it was best to cut it short. That was the last time I was involved with linkshells coming together to chill out and do events just for the fun of it.

RIP Hades!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Ahleah
Posts: 34
By Shiva.Ahleah 2013-11-17 10:52:06
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Shiva.Jirachi said: »
Before FFXI:
My mom just beat 10 and Me and my dad were at gamestop when i noticed XI i was like Dadd!! 11!! (Ironically i was 11 at the time and i was at the end of 10 *though i just reloaded my 10 file and omg i dont understand how i beat Jecht no HP limits are broken!* He says "well its online subscription, i dont think we can afford it we looked into it a few weeks ago" i was demanding of "Try asking her now that she beat 10!!" He called her and she gave in, we got it for her for Christmas.

Moms Play:
within the first 15 minutes of her playing (back when you got exp for killing boxes durnig christmas event) i was like I want my own account!!! They agreed, Dec.26, 2007 TIdusfromten was born (because cleary an 11 year old names his chars after something he just did..."beat 10" and the only chars name i knew was Tidus and Yuna.)

Our Play:
About a week later we discovered this...""? and we team up at lv16WAR and lv15 WAR, we go to Valkurm dunes not noticing the mob strength and some how make it to Damselflies alive.
Even more Impresive we mannaged to kill 1, we were both using lv1/7 gear and lv9 swords. we had ~52 and ~78 HP left but couldn't rest because we had poison.
we wait and wait, i look away playing with something else, and i hear my mom screaming.
Look back up and Shes laying face down in dirt and i have a goblin stabbing me.

Ahh~ good times, We ran back to dunes and i used hand sanitizer running through la theine, now every time i smell hand sanitizer im reminded of running through La Theine as a lv17 WAR using Spartha and Bronze gear... ;~; my life has come soo far.

Creation of Jir:
~4/4/08 I decided to level WHM so i made Yunafromten, within 1 month i killed her off 20 times in an hour of game play doing some event, and decide. I wanna be a taru! 3 hours go by of creation and naming.
Jirs now my main and tidus is just some lump i level in besieged to make me gil with imperial gold coin sales :P
I suddenly feel terrible about the many times I deliberately asked you, as we were waiting for the beastmen to storm the gates and begin besieged, "Do you mean Tidus from FF10?" just to be a jerk and amuse myself :3
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: jirachi
Posts: 578
By Shiva.Jirachi 2013-11-17 19:33:42
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Aww its ok Ahleah :) I tried to keep him a secret and act like he was some other guy but when i made youtube videos under 1 channel it kinda threw me under the bus, lol.

I also remember when Besieged had more than 15 people...ahh...back when 300 people would show up so desperately for the 1500 exp... People would almost never come a job under 60...and if you you noticed the time most people stood at the gate to avoid dying and losing that 1500 exp they earned!!!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Squintik
Posts: 127
By Fenrir.Squintik 2013-11-18 10:38:39
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Several years ago, I was farming in the Temple of Uggalepih on my Summoner. My sister-in-law had just logged in and decided she wanted to tag along on her RDM - she was training clothcraft at the time, and wanted to farm tonberry coats.

As she was making her to through Yhoator Jungle, she got aggroed by Bisque-Heeled Sunberry, the tonberry NM that lurks near the main entrance to the temple. She didn't realize that the NM was a lower level and that she could take it without difficulty - so naturally, her first reaction was to freak out.

In a scramble of typing, she tried to exclaim her sudden fear in linkshell chat - but it instead came out as:


We've been joking about it ever since.
Posts: 28
By Aomrep 2013-11-18 11:49:39
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I'll never forget one of the first times I was in Gustaberg leveling up my warrior. The game had just been released, and I knew of the macros that were included there that poeople could /emote. The thing I did not know was that you could customize your /emotes. As I was standing on the bridge waiting for the crab to respawn. Another player walks up, let's call him wolfcry, and just stands there. Eventually he /examines me. I think nothing of it and continue waiting for the crab. Then I noticed on the screen it showed "Wolfcry steals all of Aomreps gil" OMG!! I panicked and ran away as fast as I could thinking this guy somehow took all my money and didn't want anything else to be stolen. It's easy to look back and think what an idiot I was. But I didn't know.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Squintik
Posts: 127
By Fenrir.Squintik 2013-11-18 12:09:26
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Zyla said: »
the most prominent memory i recall is back when i was on the alexander server. i joined a random group for the airship fight in the promathia misstions. i was on my 64 blm back then and the fight was still capped at 60. we got through the first fight with the mammets w/o issue, and omega went down with a little bit more effort.

then we tackled ultima, and the fight was goin good till about the last 10% and ppl started droppin. he drops all the the DDs at 2% hp left and i had just enough for one more tier 3 spell and everyone is screamin at me to kill it. i cast aero 3 just as i take a missile to the face dropping me down to 8 hp and managed to kill it with that last nuke getting us all the win :D

everyone was pretty stoked that we won cause we totally didn't expect to and it was just in general an overall fun time, even with complete strangers.

This reminds me of my experience with the the Crystalline Prophecy storyline. Sorry, this is a tad long.

A Crystalline Prophecy hadn't been out long, and people were only just starting to reach the final fight - but from what I had read of the first attempts, parties were continuously wiping. Rumors began to swirl of Summoners being useful in the battle, which had me excited because that was my only job at 75 - so one night, I decided to give it a shot.

After seeing a shout for members, I joined up with a PLD, RDM, RNG, WAR, and DRG. Following one of the few strategies I'd read about, we agreed that the PLD would secure hate on the Crystal and keep running away every time they were drawn in, while the WAR and DRG would take care of the spawns. That left me and the RNG to damage the boss, and the RDM to keep everyone else alive.

Naturally the RNG kept grabbing hate, getting drawn in and dying. The first several times, they were lucky enough to die far enough up the ramp that the RDM could raise them safely - but after an unlucky death right at the feet of the boss, the RNG was screwed. I think the RDM tried to raise them once, but the RNG was insta-killed, so from that moment, it was up to me to kill the boss.

Things went smoothly for a while with me chipping away at the crystal with Garuda, but then as the boss was getting low on HP, the PLD was hit with an unfortunate combination of TP moves and died. The WAR took over and tanked the crystal while the PLD recovered from weakness, and somehow we managed to regroup - but then the PLD died again, and it was almost catastrophic.

The WAR died. The DRG got a little too close while fighting a spawn and was hit with an AoE, then died also. The RDM, in a desperate attempt to heal people that really had no chance, got killed. Everyone was freaking out - they all had reraise, but couldn't get up because they were sure they were too close to the boss - and I was the only one still standing. I had just summoned Garuda for another attack round, but I was drawn in before I could hit my assault macro - thankfully, Garuda auto-attacked anyway. I managed to run out of range, but was drawn in again. In a fit of desperation, the rest of the party decided to risk getting up, figuring we were about to wipe anyway - and just as I was sure I was about to be hit with that last big TP move that would officially wipe us, I managed to hit my Predator Claws macro. It was just enough to kill the boss and win the fight.

I felt pretty awesome at that moment, but felt even better a minute later when I found out several people in the party had attempted the fight 6 or 7 times already and wiped every time. It was nice knowing I made the difference.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ivinora
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Aelissa 2013-11-18 12:50:18
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ooh so many memories...

I started playing because my Boyfriend askt me to, first day went smooth and all was good, but on the first weekend i played my BF had to go out of town and i as a level 10 newby had to get from windurst to valkurm dunes all on my own... Tahrongi canyon went good and i got to buburimu nice and easy but just as i got there evening fell... i put my homepoint at the zone like he told me to do, and started running. I kept getting goblins behind me and then ofcourse thanks to my low HP skellies and ghosts would soon follow. After my 6th death orso, I knew i was gonna make it ofcourse i agro'd halfway in the zone and when i had 7hp orso left and thought well i'm done... i saw my HP flash from a all low red to a full bar, and saw a /tell on my screen saying "stay!", I stood there abit looking around when all of a sudden i saw a red mage walk upto me, he offered me a hand and guided me safly to valkurm dunes... That player became my best friend and we still keep contact alot... . (thats my all time fav. memory ever)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-11-18 12:59:29
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Was expecting like dis if you cry everytyme
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Angeluzun
Posts: 616
By Valefor.Angeluzun 2013-11-18 13:11:10
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I don't play anymore (deciding whether to hang up the boots), but I love putting on my nostalgia goggles while I sip my nostalgia tea while I read your nostalgia stories.

^ So much this.

I've met and made friends with some great people throughout the years. I can't even remember his name but he's sure to still be on my FL. Anyway, I was on my RDM on my way to Sandy when I came across an elvaan leveling his war. I stopped to cure and give him buffs and we started talking for a good while. At some point later on, he saw a mithra run by and he ran off after her to viciously hit on her.

We went our separate ways, and the next time I saw him a couple of days later I asked about the mithra, hoping he had found out he had been hitting on a guy. As if on queue, another random female character passes us and he runs after her again. I laugh to myself and let him have a go at it.

By the third time I spoke to him, I couldn't hold it in any more, it was too funny. So I finally let him in on the facts of MMO and female characters. He must of not have found it amusing because he promptly quit the game and I never saw him again...
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