Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1431
By Asura.Pergatory 2022-05-11 11:03:12
2) Regen people like the brd that might take hate I prefer using a JA when possible for this. Valiance, One for All, and if you have Epeo, then Liement as well. Pop them the moment you see the BRD finish their Lullaby. If you time it right, even if Lullaby gets resisted the BRD likely won't get hit.
Not only does this hit the whole party (in case your WHM throws a stray debuff, or your DDs pick one of the mobs not in the 15 you or the BRD get hate on). These also generate a solid chunk of enmity in the process, so popping them will usually immediately pull hate rather than after you do your Foil.
Obviously this is limited by your need for those JAs. For example if you're in Ody approaching the 4th floor you don't want to waste OFA because you want it for the Marquess.
Epeo makes this a lot easier because Liement has a 3 minute recast making it very good for this purpose. It also generates 450CE and 900VE per person on the hate list that it hits. That's potentially a LOT of enmity.
Serveur: Cerberus
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Posts: 82
By Cerberus.Aerandir 2022-05-11 12:20:47
Some "non-Rune Fencer but still on-topic" silliness I've noticed that is related to this is Valaineral's changed AI.
Normally when you are actively fighting a monster, Valaineral will use Uriel Blade without a TP/cooldown requirement (if there is a cooldown, it is very short) to grab hate off any monster with an empty hate list that is currently attacking the player who summoned them.
If you have more than 15 monsters attacking you, Uriel Blade will do damage as normal, but will not generate hate, causing Valaineral to go into a frenzy spamming Uriel Blade and Light skillchains on whatever you're engaged with, dealing some low but steady damage to everything around them. I have no idea if there's a practical use to this, but it's pretty amusing and that's good enough for me.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2022-05-11 12:26:51
That's hilarious.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2022-05-23 17:37:59
Got a question, anyone got a Hybrid TP set for a Naegling RUN? We're wanting to try using a RUN in the second DD slot for Bumba for Valiance + OFA during Fetters and see if it lets us survive longer if we pull a bad SP. We already got the V20 clear but looking for something different to do with it.
By Vaerix 2022-05-24 18:57:58
Neat interaction I was advised to test with Sroda Belt. As expected 0 change to Blue Magic Healing costs. So once we get magic fruit it's a pretty sick piece for cure potency, hopefully SE makes some nice SIRD pieces with Empy+3 to free up belt and neck, could almost cap cure potency with those 2 slots.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2022-05-25 00:27:30
Got a question, anyone got a Hybrid TP set for a Naegling RUN? Wouldn't that just be 5/5 Nyame and some multi-attack/accuracy accessories?
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2022-05-25 04:02:55
Outside Ashera harness there really isn't much worth wearing over nyame (path B I mean) if meva matters at all currently I think. If you're crazy enough to go with Nyame A that's all a different story ofc :P
Naegling RUN sounds like it'd have painfully low ws frequency, would almost think you'd be better of just using Reso?
EDIT: guess anything you do on RUN in gaol would be kinda slow, I really shouldn't be doubting the power of Naegling :P
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-25 09:05:25
You don't really need a hybrid set for RUN on Bumba, sonce you'll have OFA up the whole fight with all the resets, and all his damage is magic other than fetters.
I'd suggest using full DD set unless fetters are up, at which point you switch to 5/5 Nyame.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-05-25 09:07:30
Outside Ashera harness there really isn't much worth wearing over nyame (path B I mean) if meva matters at all currently I think. If you're crazy enough to go with Nyame A that's all a different story ofc :P
Naegling RUN sounds like it'd have painfully low ws frequency, would almost think you'd be better of just using Reso?
EDIT: guess anything you do on RUN in gaol would be kinda slow, I really shouldn't be doubting the power of Naegling :P
Yeah in Gaol you don't have any SJ's so your swinging just like the COR, BRD, GEO and WAR is. We tried it the other day and it actually worked decently enough, need to tighten up the gear sets a bit though. Turns out that triple tenebre Valliance makes reduces everything, including Denouce, to very low numbers while OFA makes fetters and whatever other damage non-existent. Makes for an easy win even if you get unlucky with SP / fetters. Still need damage, save the last Random for after the RUN does OFA.
You don't really need a hybrid set for RUN on Bumba, sonce you'll have OFA up the whole fight with all the resets, and all his damage is magic other than fetters.
I'd suggest using full DD set unless fetters are up, at which point you switch to 5/5 Nyame.
Yeah you don't have OFA up the whole fight, you have Valliance up which is more then enough, and only use OFA if / when fetters come out and hope it gets reset again.
Everyone needs some sort of semi-defensive gear nowadays, SE has been adding all these defensive stats on gear because they've jacked boss's offensive power up. Things like Def / Magic Def / MEVD and HP have become important to not being rendered a dark greasy spot on the ground. Thankfully since RUN has so much MDB/MEVD built in, it really only needs to make sure is has sufficient Def / HP while capping PDT/MDT. From what we've seen a few pieces of Nyame is enough to do that with offensive accessories. I really wish RUN was on Mpaca or Sakpata instead of ... Agwu, but whatever.
By Vaerix 2022-05-25 14:01:04
. I really wish RUN was on Mpaca or Sakpata instead of ... Agwu, but whatever.
Second biggest crime against Rune, first IMHO is being left off of Malignance with every other Adhemar/Herculean class represented. Not hating on RDM getting added, but BST???
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-25 17:12:56
Despite Odyssey gear being awesome, the jobs pairing on those sets are a bit... peculiar, to say the least.
Pet jobs got no dedicated sets, so they got spread on "normal" jobs' sets, "stealing" what could've been a precious stat for those jobs and replacing it with a "Pet:" one.
Then you have jobs like RUN on Agwu... wut? And the fact that RDM is on Bunzi but not on Agwu and SCH is on Agwu but not on Bunzi.
RDM and SCH should've honestly have been on both, c'mon.
And the reason why they didn't add Malignance to RUN is that Malignance set as a whole was conceived as a way to reduce the Meva gap between RUN and most other light armor jobs? At a wild guess maybe that was their intention and this explains why they left RUN out on purpose?
You have to remember that back then RUN was by far the most favourite tank in the game meta.
By Vaerix 2022-05-25 18:08:43
Despite Odyssey gear being awesome, the jobs pairing on those sets are a bit... peculiar, to say the least.
Pet jobs got no dedicated sets, so they got spread on "normal" jobs' sets, "stealing" what could've been a precious stat for those jobs and replacing it with a "Pet:" one.
Then you have jobs like RUN on Agwu... wut? And the fact that RDM is on Bunzi but not on Agwu and SCH is on Agwu but not on Bunzi.
RDM and SCH should've honestly have been on both, c'mon.
And the reason why they didn't add Malignance to RUN is that Malignance set as a whole was conceived as a way to reduce the Meva gap between RUN and most other light armor jobs? At a wild guess maybe that was their intention and this explains why they left RUN out on purpose?
You have to remember that back then RUN was by far the most favourite tank in the game meta.
Oh by no means am I saying there weren't reasons to leave rune off of Malignance, but with the advent of sakpata it feels like rune has been deliberately left off of a reasonable odyssey set(gleti and Mpaca aren't the most powerful, but would have made more sense) and malignance just kinda feels bad.
Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D.
Edit: Also completely agree with RDM and SCH having good reasons for being on both Agwu and Bunzi. Would have been nice to see for the most versatile jobs.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-25 18:14:06
Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D. That's untrue, as Nyame is spectacular tanking gear for RUN.
By Vaerix 2022-05-25 19:01:18
Despite Odyssey gear being awesome, the jobs pairing on those sets are a bit... peculiar, to say the least.
Pet jobs got no dedicated sets, so they got spread on "normal" jobs' sets, "stealing" what could've been a precious stat for those jobs and replacing it with a "Pet:" one.
Then you have jobs like RUN on Agwu... wut? And the fact that RDM is on Bunzi but not on Agwu and SCH is on Agwu but not on Bunzi.
RDM and SCH should've honestly have been on both, c'mon.
And the reason why they didn't add Malignance to RUN is that Malignance set as a whole was conceived as a way to reduce the Meva gap between RUN and most other light armor jobs? At a wild guess maybe that was their intention and this explains why they left RUN out on purpose?
You have to remember that back then RUN was by far the most favourite tank in the game meta.
Oh by no means am I saying there weren't reasons to leave rune off of Malignance, but with the advent of sakpata it feels like rune has been deliberately left off of a reasonable odyssey set(gleti and Mpaca aren't the most powerful, but would have made more sense) and malignance just kinda feels bad.
Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D. Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D. That's untrue, as Nyame is spectacular tanking gear for RUN.
Rune specifically. Nyame is all jobs. Agwu is specific jobs, as is every other odyssey set along with shinryu sets, malignance and Cait Sith, Odin and Alexander which are all of the most recent additions since Dyna D. . And yes nyame was a great set to get. For everyone.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2022-05-25 19:03:20
I’d just like to see more modern gear that helps RUN DD without throwing all its DT and gear MEVA on the floor, since they’re letting DDs hang out in capped or nearly capped DT with enough MEVA that they’re basically wearing a RUN suit now. It would be fun. The greatsword is starting to feel a bit silly. I’m probably overexaggerating quite a bit but the job feels a lot more limited than it used to.
Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D. That's untrue, as Nyame is spectacular tanking gear for RUN.
This sounds more like tanking gear as in enmity options that don’t make your HP nosedive or require you to hold on to Epeo for dear life when things hit hard and you’re trying not to get interrupted.
By Vaerix 2022-05-25 19:12:04
I’d just like to see more modern gear that helps RUN DD without throwing all its DT and gear MEVA on the floor, since they’re letting DDs hang out in capped or nearly capped DT with enough MEVA that they’re basically wearing a RUN suit now. It would be fun. The greatsword is starting to feel a bit silly. I’m probably overexaggerating quite a bit but the job feels a lot more limited than it used to.
Unless rune picks up some decent upgrades to legs/feet from empy+3 rune is going to have been at a standstill for tanking/dps gear since Dyna D. That's untrue, as Nyame is spectacular tanking gear for RUN.
This sounds more like tanking gear as in enmity options that don’t make your HP nosedive or require you to hold on to Epeo for dear life when things hit hard and you’re trying not to get interrupted.
These are all great points, none of our best enmity items have been introduced since omen. The fact that we're piece mealing together sets for the most possible enmity, most of which has no form of SIRD or DT, nor are especially high in HP, its a little ridiculous. Not having the ability to have a good hybrid dd set and WS set is where nyame tries to make up for things that can't be made up for. You can have either, not both. Whereas every malignance job has malignance and then it has nyame able to be any path and have utility. Rune has to decide between the two paths and you're damned either way. No single job had to choose any one path is completely correct, but runefencer has to choose between do I want to get wrecked during ws, or do I want to get wrecked while tp'ing, or just run around and do neither which base nyame is good enough for.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-25 19:17:03
We've got Epeo and MEVA gifts; we don't need DT or a ton of MEVA on gear to have a great hybrid set. Epeo + Ashera + PDT back + Defending ring is already 52% PDT (or Turms Harness/+1 if you want more MEVA over PDT), more than normal jobs cap at.
Rune has no issue with getting wrecked, in or out of WS set.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2022-05-25 20:02:55
We've got Epeo and MEVA gifts; we don't need DT or a ton of MEVA on gear to have a great hybrid set. Epeo + Ashera + PDT back + Defending ring is already 52% PDT (or Turms Harness/+1 if you want more MEVA over PDT), more than normal jobs cap at.
Rune has no issue with getting wrecked, in or out of WS set.
Eh, it’s not a bad argument but I can’t imagine that many people are running around in Ashera Harness and getting one is not exactly comparable to something like running through Kalunga V0 and getting a Sakpata unlock. Kind of a bummer that it’s Epeo or bust too, though it is an amazing weapon.
By Vaerix 2022-05-25 20:45:54
We've got Epeo and MEVA gifts; we don't need DT or a ton of MEVA on gear to have a great hybrid set. Epeo + Ashera + PDT back + Defending ring is already 52% PDT (or Turms Harness/+1 if you want more MEVA over PDT), more than normal jobs cap at.
Rune has no issue with getting wrecked, in or out of WS set.
Epeo is a great weapon, and yeah with your example you can easily hit 50% pdt with every slot open aside from 4. The problem is, you're saying Ashera Harness like they drop in any way comparable to any other jobs primary tp set. And again this isn't saying we don't have anything going for us, we do. It's the fact that if you are missing 2 od those pieces (common for alot of the player base being epeo and Ashera) you're basically SOL. Whereas with every other light DD and heavy dd, you have a guaranteed 50% pdt set with max meva and ridiculous tp stats on every slot except for the same defending ring. We get meva gifts, 70 meva overall. Ashera harness vs malignance tabard or Sakpata breastplate 96 vs 139, 43 of that bonus gone, now add in whatever tp piece you want, runefencer loses compared to other jobs meva on Stat for Stat basis. If we had a similar set in any way shape or form, sure runefencer would have better meva due to the bonus. The difference is gone with the exception of job abilities effecting specific elements in the form of Vallation and Pflug. We have no dd set comparable to keep up with the current sets of defense, offense, and meva even with a bonus 70 we get from gifts.
By Nariont 2022-05-25 22:31:19
pre-nyame id agree with you on ashera but either path A or B can function as a fine replacement to it without much loss, biggest drop is the 50 HP in return for better def and offensive stats outside of the STP(unless you picked A).
As to future armor, im expecting youll get your fill of DT/HP and the full gambit of defensive stats along with some acc/atk, but i don't expect any real DD stats beyond that, SE seems to be trying to pull back on RUN/PLDs ability to DD as well as they used to, mostly RUN since it was the better tank between the two for the longest as it had a great selection of DPS gear that it could get away with using before due to its native sturdiness and later epeo.
By Vaerix 2022-05-26 00:29:19
pre-nyame id agree with you on ashera but either path A or B can function as a fine replacement to it without much loss, biggest drop is the 50 HP in return for better def and offensive stats outside of the STP(unless you picked A).
As to future armor, im expecting youll get your fill of DT/HP and the full gambit of defensive stats along with some acc/atk, but i don't expect any real DD stats beyond that, SE seems to be trying to pull back on RUN/PLDs ability to DD as well as they used to, mostly RUN since it was the better tank between the two for the longest as it had a great selection of DPS gear that it could get away with using before due to its native sturdiness and later epeo.
My biggest hope for Rune is to see some new enmity stuff and maybe some SIRD stuff get tacked onto empy sets, I agree I don't think we'll see dd stats on anything. Thankfully legs/feet should be a sure thing with Enmity and PDT already built in just waiting for an upgrade, would love to see 10-20 SIRD on feet, that would be my dream augment to get rid of Taeon SIRD feet.
By Nariont 2022-05-26 00:37:28
I forgot to add enmity to that list, like said we're long overdue for enmity back on armor sets and I imagine the jse will be where it's placed.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2022-05-26 06:11:31
SE seems to be trying to pull back on RUN/PLDs ability to DD as well as they used to, mostly RUN since it was the better tank between the two for the longest as it had a great selection of DPS gear that it could get away with using before due to its native sturdiness and later epeo.
I get the impression that PLD's ability to DD has come along by leaps and bounds, and it made out like a bandit with Odyssey gear. (Seriously this time, not talking about the Ullr meta.)
If I'm honest, I feel like the selection of gear RUN had a few years ago was an almost accidental byproduct of being put on light armour, and the seemingly random gear assignments RUN gets just makes me confused about what the dev's vision for the job is. (Is it just me, or do we have more Enmity- gear than we do Enmity+ gear?) Maybe it's a situation like with GEO, where it feels like they panicked and knee-jerked with what the Ergon weapon offers, and they've been trying to contain it once it really got out of hand.
The state of tanking just compounds my dissatisfaction with this: no native AOE tagging except for WS like Shockwave (seriously, /BLU AOE spells are trash, and it's clumsy to go for the reverse route of tagging someone who has enmity), pre-Adoulin area enmity is fundamentally broken, and enmity scales badly in Adoulin/post-Adoulin content, with the effect that less and less content needs to be/can be tanked because DDs are wearing gear that is defensively better than the turtle sets we had some years ago while doing ludicrous damage with the introduction of PDL on top. Makes me feel like I'm trying to do my job with my hand tied behind my back.
I dunno. I started playing seriously around 2016/2017, has it always been like this? (I guess I remember a lot of crying about BLU then.)
Not to be too gloom and doom about it though. I do really love RUN and I'm very happy with the Epeo I worked hard to make. When the job works, it feels great. I just wish that it didn't feel kind of left behind once you look past the very noticeable strengths it has (the Epeo in the room). While this post comes across as very pessimistic, it's only because I'm addressing the things that I don't like - that's me trying to avoid the "you should criticise the things you love" line that I see YouTube loudmouths trot out, lol.
By Nariont 2022-05-26 10:21:32
I get the impression that PLD's ability to DD has come along by leaps and bounds, and it made out like a bandit with Odyssey gear. (Seriously this time, not talking about the Ullr meta.)
Likely because they werent being used as much, sakpata's the big winner there of course but the DA on that is made up mostly by just casting temper and like RUN, PLDs just as atk starved so its much harder to make full us of that PDL, no personal wsd on either, and no PDL on either outside of that set and some all jobs accessories iirc.
It's basically just the SE style of "balancing" jobs by taking the seemingly overpowered one at the time off of gear it would more than likely normally get.
The state of tanking just compounds my dissatisfaction with this: no native AOE tagging except for WS like Shockwave (seriously, /BLU AOE spells are trash, and it's clumsy to go for the reverse route of tagging someone who has enmity)
That's something both jobs kind of suffer from, pld only recently got banishga to tag with, and still has the problem of not having too many hate spikes available since theres no foil on demand for them, personally always preferred poisonga tagging when i could get away with it too as yeah /blu aoes are very limited in range both AoE wise and distance.
As far as DD sets currently, i agree its a bit too much of both on the offensive/defensive scale, and im wondering if theyre planning to just have later content just hit like trucks, you can see some of this already in ody that even with all the DT/def some of these mobs still manage to do considerable damage, but ti has invalidated the difficulty on older content since it wasnt build around having this much dt/meva at all times, which bugs me a bit honestly but thats the way they want to do it.
But outside those times you actually need a tank such as again, ody, and some ambus, and dyna potentially, you're back in the DDs reign cycle of things where players dmg scaling is very far in their favor while they can also take whatever abuse the enemy gives so a tank isnt really needed, just buff and delete, happens everytime gear creep gets far enough, this time however the sets also happen to make DDs incredibly sturdy to boot.
By Vaerix 2022-05-26 16:16:52
... still has the problem of not having too many hate spikes available since theres no foil on demand for them...
Come November every mLevel 45 job has foil as /RUN.
By Nariont 2022-05-26 17:03:43
Sure, assuming they dont lock it which i dont see why they would then that solves the issue for everyone at the cost of cocoon/the minor blu aoes/cures for what those are worth individually
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-26 17:48:10
Sure, assuming they dont lock it They specifically mentioned Foil from /RUN in a recent live interview thingy, so I seriously doubt they'd change their mind on that.
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Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2022-06-26 18:24:13
Hey guys, anyone familiar with a Skillchain sequence for Umbra or Radiance while using Lionheart, want to get some exemplar points on Rune and looking for a way to speed it up, thanks in advance.
Serveur: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2022-06-26 18:36:12
it's called "resolution-->resolution"
By Nariont 2022-06-26 18:57:34
Unless they decide to add scourge or some fusion WS to gs that's basically it for ya, its all 2 step lights all day with GS