LM-17 Banned Again. Anyone Else?

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LM-17 Banned again. Anyone else?
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Strey
Posts: 238
By Lakshmi.Strey 2009-06-23 10:52:33
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Dont forget SoE and PoL employee's have to sacrifice 12 souls each a day in order to survive or there energy runs out out. Soulpiers are evil creatures.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Geesus
Posts: 17
By Remora.Geesus 2009-06-23 11:03:56
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Agreed completely Strey
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-06-23 11:34:10
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strey tell me if you want me to tell your ls leader what happened.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-23 13:07:55
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I think one of the principles of the matter, is the fact that the message states there was a violation of ToS, when there never was. (unless you count swearing, then I guess most everyone's guilty). Then, after the players freak out about 'wtf did I do!', they get the 'there was a chargeback on your account' lie. And DEN!, they get told 'yes, you violated the terms of service'. To top it off, they are vague and apathetic, basically reducing all to the same mentality level of a 4 year old, when you actually get to talk to someone semi-intelligent to try and prove you aren't a gilseller, or RMT farmer.

So they lie, a few times, and beat around the bush. It's typical American business. What can you expect?

So far, my boyfriend and I are waiting on the status of his account, since he was hit with this bs ban tactic twice now. They stated to him that they would 'elevate the account' to be investigated, and it would be approx. 48 hours. We called yesterday.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Strey
Posts: 238
By Lakshmi.Strey 2009-06-23 13:18:00
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Well... During first ban I whent and they said they would send for me to be un banned, so i waited 24hours...whent back to chack on it and the new person apologized and asked if I wanted it elevated, so i said yes of course...waited 24 hours,my friend got reactivated and i wasn't still and they never got elevated so whent back to ask why and they said "I am sorry for the inconvienience but we offer no such a service." >.> and then the grand SoE line "Thank you for your patience"
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Geesus
Posts: 17
By Remora.Geesus 2009-06-23 13:26:03
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Beryle said:
So far, my boyfriend and I are waiting on the status of his account, since he was hit with this bs ban tactic twice now. They stated to him that they would 'elevate the account' to be investigated, and it would be approx. 48 hours. We called yesterday.

Yep, this is exactly what Eire and I are currently dealing with -.- makes me not want to even play, which sucks.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-06-23 13:41:27
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Yasko said:
But having something that is already developed and receiving ***tons of money for, just to lock those who have been paying for years due to some unnamed discrepancy, with no refunding or recompense is like guarding a tootsie roll with $3mil in lasers.

This business strategy of theirs is outright offensive. I hope they fall hard, and quick, so that something fresh and pure can rise out of the ashes. While I'm still alive. =P

How True...that is funny how yo usay it. My situation is the same, however, it is my long time friend who pays for my acc, b/c of 15 yrs ago a ex screwed me over of my ability to use Credit cards. A male friend of 20 yrs over a female gf of 3 yrs, .. I perfer my man friends thanks!!!

but ya on a lighter side... POL shud just exit immediately, and just have SE have their own staff, that way you deal with them personally. this 3rd party BS, is like gamers using 3rd party software.. if we get 3 party help, we vice it with 3rd party software.

Nuff said!

Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-23 14:17:43
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HAH! Latest BS from POL and this time they were straight up just rude.

SEI POL Melanie R: It looks like you have already contacted us and a ban complaint has already been submitted for this account.

SEI POL Melanie R: Once the ban has been investigated you will be contacted.

Shawn Duffy: Yes Ma'am did. Just "calling" back to see if it has been resolved and if SOMEONE could honestly tell me WHY this occured on account I have been paying on with the same credit card now for almost a year and this has haoppend twice in 60 days and why it wasn't caught when my account was charged beginning of June pleaaassseeee?

Shawn Duffy: forgive the spelling errors, kinda frazzled you know?

SEI POL Melanie R: There is nothing more that I am able to provide you.

SEI POL Melanie R: You will be contacted once the investigation is complete.

Shawn Duffy: I also hear that some people are NOT being allowed back on their accounts.
Shawn Duffy: ok
SEI POL Melanie R: Thank you for visiting PlayOnline Chat support, Shawn! Take care and hope to see you online!
Thank you for visiting our PlayOnline Chat line. Take care and hope to see you online!
That *** straight hung up on me like, "*** you gil seller!" >< Getting more and more pissed off. I might JUST MIGHT if I can get back in, sell my crap and quit and HOPE *** HOPE FFXIV and it's billing department, whom ever it may be, has some *** consideration for the people that ...PUT FOOD ON THEIR *** TABLES...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-06-23 14:19:19
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That sucks...but I can't say I'm surprised. I've never had to deal with PoL support personally, and Thank God for that...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Ariant
Posts: 7
By Fairy.Ariant 2009-06-23 14:31:13
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Celene said:
A friend of mine had the same thing, banned and couldn't get his account back. Seems very strange that all these are happening suddenly...

I was double charged for last month. :| 13 dollars for main, 13 dollars for a mule, and 2 dollars for my other mule.

This happens every time I quit. It's reaaaalllly annoying, because here I am thinking I'm not paying for the game in the months I have my account cancelled, but no, I end up getting double-charged.

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Atriant
Posts: 7
By Sylph.Atriant 2009-06-23 16:18:14
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This same ***happened to me as well. I first called POL trying to figure out why i was banned. What does the guy at POL tell me? "Oh sorry sir but i can't tell you why you're banned. All I can do is file a ban complaint for you." Ok, that might work if I knew WTF TO COMPLAIN ABOUT in the ban complaint. At this point i just got pissed off & hung up. Then i did some searching around on POL site & saw the web chat feature. Waited on there for 2 hour. Finally someone gets on telling me it's a problem with my credit card
that i was under the assumption got resolved last month when i got first LM-17. File a complaint with that person as well. So i call back POL on the phone telling them what i had just learned from the chat. Finally they would acknowledge it was a credit card issue & that it would take 48-72 hours to be resolved, if at all. Thanks a lot SE & POL. Go f*ck yourself.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-23 16:49:40
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Eireamhon said:

SEI POL Melanie R: Thank you for visiting PlayOnline Chat support, Shawn! Take care and hope to see you online!
Thank you for visiting our PlayOnline Chat line. Take care and hope to see you online!

Now ain't that about a ***... 'hope to see you online?' wtf is that? If you were all 'hoping to see us online', you wouldn't have banned the legal accounts in the first place.

Also, just check your FFXI linkshell community site. If you're there, you're ok, if not you're screwed.

My boyfriend's account doesn't look like it will be released, since his info has 'disappeared' from the FFXI community linkshell site.

GO *** YOURSELVES, SE AND POL!!! You can shove your fraudulent bannings, and your ffxiv (because I will not subject myself to this kind of ***anymore) straight up your rotten, stinking ***.

Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-23 19:13:04
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So I sent a plea so to speak to SE in regards to those of us struggling with this "banning". I ACTUALLY got a response. The short story of it goes like this.
Thanks but please take this up with POL. The actual verbage was actually alot nicer then that but still. I felt like screaming at the monitor, "Ummm WTF!? Did you NOT read what I wrote?" And qouting myself, "I know this is a BILLING ISSUE BUT, blah blah blah." I F'ing TOLD them , hey i know you guys don't do billing but your billing company is *** raw. Usually I enjoy that but ummm ....in this case not so much. So I replied back to the Customer Support Rep. with the following:

No actually it's not. I know that this is "technically" a billing issue BUT, the issue isn't billing the issue seems to be honest with you, more like fraud. My account and OTHERS have been suspended for issues relating more toward a technical issue with POLs billing system. My account was banned last month as were thousands of other players because POL's billing system made a mistake. When it happened last month, we were ALL given the opportunity to have our accounts "unbanned". Now for the EXACT same reason, our accounts have been banned again except this time, NOT EVEN DURING THE BILLING CYCLE. I have already paid for this month, June, and the next billing cycle for July doesn't hit till the first. But for SOMEREASON, which POL is supposedly "investigating", our accounts have been banned again. Please, please, please, look into this. This is affecting alot of SE's hard core legal playing fans of FFXI and possible future players, I one of them, of the up and coming and estacically awaited FFXIV. However, with this issue ongoing now for 2 months in a row, and I for one NEVER having any issues at all with billing, well other then missing a payment, which of course was payed, don't understand how we are being penalized for an issue that is not the fault of the user but the fault of the system itself.
Most people are putting the blame on SE. I know this not to be the case as do others but the fact remains, they work for you and this is why I am asking you to please again take a look at what is happening and to just investigate POL's actions in their handling of the issue. Thank you for your time and hopeful resoulution.
Shawn P. Duffy
Remora Server
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Moondaddy
Posts: 429
By Odin.Moondaddy 2009-06-23 19:42:40
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Beryle said:
I think one of the principles of the matter, is the fact that the message states there was a violation of ToS, when there never was. (unless you count swearing, then I guess most everyone's guilty). Then, after the players freak out about 'wtf did I do!', they get the 'there was a chargeback on your account' lie. And DEN!, they get told 'yes, you violated the terms of service'. To top it off, they are vague and apathetic, basically reducing all to the same mentality level of a 4 year old, when you actually get to talk to someone semi-intelligent to try and prove you aren't a gilseller, or RMT farmer.

So they lie, a few times, and beat around the bush. It's typical American business. What can you expect?

So far, my boyfriend and I are waiting on the status of his account, since he was hit with this bs ban tactic twice now. They stated to him that they would 'elevate the account' to be investigated, and it would be approx. 48 hours. We called yesterday.

um..... except this is a Japanese business, maybe they are tryin to piss off the english players. anyone know of any jp's gettin ban'd for this??
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-23 20:03:40
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Moondaddy said:

um..... except this is a Japanese business, maybe they are tryin to piss off the english players. anyone know of any jp's gettin ban'd for this??

Yes, I suppose it is... that's why I said it's "American business", not 'an' American business. SE (or POL, or whoever's brainchild this fabulous idea was) is taking over accounts like our government is taking over the auto manufacturers.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-23 20:20:32
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So anyone else who LEGITIMATELY has a banned NO ToS breaking account want to file a class action lawsuit?! No *** around! I just got off the phone with Corey from POL and was told" There is nothing that he can do. This is a CHANGE in Policy from the top down. I can not place a note on your account or any of the things," which btw, I wasn't asking for anything other then, how can I keep this from happening again? Corey, "you are asking me to do. I can not put a note on the account there is nothing that can be done. Post a message on the webite and make your voice heard." That's WTF he told me over and over again. Well guess what Motherf**ker? Make my voice heard. No problem.

I figured out after thinking, wth happened to my account TWICE that is causing me to be banned when I don't and I repeat don't nor have I ever in 2 years of playing done anything illegal? So here goes. When I canceled my ex's account, (which again is in MY NAME) I used a CC that was (and yes my dumbass forgot) was going to expire May 09. This is why my account was banned last month. So they, POL, were charged back on the account. Well I made sure ALL CC Info was correct after getting "unbanned" and away I went. Well guess it charged them back again EVENTHOUGH that other account is not only closed, but the characters are actually DELETED! Kaput, gone, nada, no longer f'ing EXSIST! So I called this , "person" and said "Hey, this is what happened."

How can I pay you what I F'ING OWE YOU and correct this so it doesn't happen again? I told him I would pay him...PAY them their money. I'm not trying to screw somebody here just want to play my GD game I paid for. And his response is to write a message on their stinkin' message board. Ok like that will work. You *** have been getting blown up for months about this and YOU STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!

Sorry for the caps but honestly, I'm pretty *** pissed off. This is straight BS.

Anyone else interested in a possible no jokes class action lawsuit, let me know. I know enough influential people to get this going. Not looking to make money off this btw but looking to get our voices heard not only by POL, but SE and any other jerkoff company that thinks it's ok to take your money and not provide for the services you paid for. Cause technically, that's what they have done by banning these accounts in the middle of use. Regardless of ToS or Policy & Procedure. Without valid reasons to ban or with NO WAY to RECTIFY the issue, they are breaking the law.
You have pissed off the wrong Irish, Italian, Russian, German inbred POL!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Drue
Posts: 46
By Bismarck.Drue 2009-06-23 20:35:32
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if this was to happen to me i would call POL and start off talking politely then scream
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-23 20:52:08
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Drue said:
if this was to happen to me i would call POL and start off talking politely then scream

Actually after working in customer service for 20 years, I was polite. Even said thank you when I was done. Other then that, he was ignorant and rude to me becuase I called 5 minutes before they closed. He didn't care what I had to say and again the point is, I offered to pay for the other account and I did THEIR job for them and figured out what was most likely the problem.

Tell me what other company has EVER told you, "Sorry we don't want your money Mr./Ms. so and so. Just post your grievence with our message board." Who? Anyone know of such a rediculous thing?

This is honestly beyond belief. Would have been different if he had said, "Well if your account is found not to have been used illegally under ToS and it IS the fact the other account was not payed for, then you can do this Mr. Duffy." THAT would have been something and I would have nothing to be upset about. But instead, I was pushed off like some punk *** kid who was cheating the game and whining.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Drue
Posts: 46
By Bismarck.Drue 2009-06-23 20:58:00
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x.x that sucks
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Acropora
Posts: 107
By Midgardsormr.Acropora 2009-06-23 22:00:33
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Im not sure I understand whats going on.. what exactly is a chargeback, and are they just banning people because you change your CC info?
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-24 07:11:26
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Acropora said:
Im not sure I understand whats going on.. what exactly is a chargeback, and are they just banning people because you change your CC info?

A charge back is when your CC is either over charged or out of funds and POL is told that there is no money. The CC "replies" back with a charge back. This sets off their billing system as to "possible" fruadulant activity as RMTs and other "hack" style players use it to cercumvent the system. Only problem is, with folks such as myself and others, when we change CC info, the system does not always receive the proper info on a change and tries to charge the old card or in my case, I forgot about the card expiring and POL was charged back. I removed that card but because the account THAT card was on was deleted, BEFORE charges were applied in May, POL never got the money for that account. So instead of telling me, they banned my account. I thought I had fixed the isse by making the appropriate changes but apparently since they did not COMMUNICATE with me the actual issue since other people have had this problem with changes in CC info, they let that "charge back "stand and then banned my account again. This is very poor on the part of their billing department. All they needed to do was let me know, I would have paid them, and all would have been fine. This is why I was so pissed last night when I asked that guy about how do I rectify this so it doesn't happen again.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nomad
Posts: 236
By Bahamut.Nomadikhan 2009-06-24 09:22:51
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Nice to know I'm not the only one with POL problems. Ever since I changed payment method in January they've tried to charge me 29.90 in feb, mar, apr, 44.85 in may, and now 29.90 again in june...

POL told me it's them charging me for the previous month and the current month. *** won't tell me how 44.85 = 2months when the 1 account is nly 3 characters.

Solution = use pre-paid debit card and keep less than 20 on it. It gets declined, i just re-sign up and pay 14.95 as I am SUPPOSED to.

Personally, POL has been such a pain that after FFXI I'll never use it again. To add, Square-Enix hasn't been any better with there game's coding, there is no way in hell I'll play FFXIV in this lifetime...

F rating for both in BBB, yea after I finish ffxi I'm done with SE and POL...
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Geesus
Posts: 17
By Remora.Geesus 2009-06-24 10:27:45
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Sad that it has come down to not playing the game anymore due to the complete disregard for customer service and overall lack of concern for players from SE AND POL. Oh well I guess.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-06-24 11:15:56
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Nomadikhan said:
Nice to know I'm not the only one with POL problems. Ever since I changed payment method in January they've tried to charge me 29.90 in feb, mar, apr, 44.85 in may, and now 29.90 again in june...

POL told me it's them charging me for the previous month and the current month. *** won't tell me how 44.85 = 2months when the 1 account is nly 3 characters.

Solution = use pre-paid debit card and keep less than 20 on it. It gets declined, i just re-sign up and pay 14.95 as I am SUPPOSED to.

Personally, POL has been such a pain that after FFXI I'll never use it again. To add, Square-Enix hasn't been any better with there game's coding, there is no way in hell I'll play FFXIV in this lifetime...

F rating for both in BBB, yea after I finish ffxi I'm done with SE and POL...

You do know SE is giving POL the boots when 14 comes out right? I'd at least give it a shot.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-24 11:36:12
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Eireamhon said:
Acropora said:
Im not sure I understand whats going on.. what exactly is a chargeback, and are they just banning people because you change your CC info?

more stuff

Note: I tried posting this once, I guess this site's using pol business model... anyhow...

I used to do chargebacks when I was accounting manager for an Embassy Suites hotel. A chargeback, is when a cardholder specifically requests for a charge to be taken off their card, for a fraudulent or mistaken charge. The credit card company then sends a dispute to the company that charged the card, and they then have to find legitimate proof that the money was actually spent, and the company has the right to charge for that service. (We would have to research, and find receipts of bills, and proof that the card was on the premises, and swiped. They have those CVN or CVC's now... those 3-digit numbers on the back) If there was enough proof that the money was spent, and legitimately, the dispute is declined, the cardholder still gets charged, oh well to the cardholder, try again next time. If there isn't enough proof, then the cardholder gets a credit, and the company gets charged back, and has to pay that money to the credit card company, since the card company paid that money to them.

The thing that get's me is, they are mis-labeling these as 'chargebacks', because I seriously doubt any of you have called your card companies to dispute POL charges. I know I haven't, as a matter of fact, my boyfriend and I just put our accounts on a new credit card, just before all this ***happened. We decided to get a greendot card, and keep he minimum on it, for POL specifically.

We both got charged for June, with no issues, other than that bs ban at the beginning of the month. Our credit card statement, ONLY has the 2 charges for our accounts. No chargeback has ever been requested, so POL are ... (Lying sack of crap, you lying sack of crap.. you lying, smelling, stinking, nasty sack of liquid crap!) -Stephanie Miller Show jingle.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eireamhon
Posts: 61
By Remora.Eireamhon 2009-06-24 12:19:55
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Beryle said:
Eireamhon said:
Acropora said:
Im not sure I understand whats going on.. what exactly is a chargeback, and are they just banning people because you change your CC info?

more stuff

Note: I tried posting this once, I guess this site's using pol business model... anyhow...

I used to do chargebacks when I was accounting manager for an Embassy Suites hotel. A chargeback, is when a cardholder specifically requests for a charge to be taken off their card, for a fraudulent or mistaken charge. The credit card company then sends a dispute to the company that charged the card, and they then have to find legitimate proof that the money was actually spent, and the company has the right to charge for that service. (We would have to research, and find receipts of bills, and proof that the card was on the premises, and swiped. They have those CVN or CVC's now... those 3-digit numbers on the back) If there was enough proof that the money was spent, and legitimately, the dispute is declined, the cardholder still gets charged, oh well to the cardholder, try again next time. If there isn't enough proof, then the cardholder gets a credit, and the company gets charged back, and has to pay that money to the credit card company, since the card company paid that money to them.

The thing that get's me is, they are mis-labeling these as 'chargebacks', because I seriously doubt any of you have called your card companies to dispute POL charges. I know I haven't, as a matter of fact, my boyfriend and I just put our accounts on a new credit card, just before all this ***happened. We decided to get a greendot card, and keep he minimum on it, for POL specifically.

We both got charged for June, with no issues, other than that bs ban at the beginning of the month. Our credit card statement, ONLY has the 2 charges for our accounts. No chargeback has ever been requested, so POL are ... (Lying sack of crap, you lying sack of crap.. you lying, smelling, stinking, nasty sack of liquid crap!) -Stephanie Miller Show jingle.

So in my case though, while your probably 99.99999% correct and not even disputting that; would mine be "labled" a charge back though since the card was expired when this happened to me in May? The CC actually expired May 09 so...just wondering. Still doesn't give them the right though to not allow me to pay what I owe them for the whole 10-14 days I had that old account open to sell my gear. -.- /slap POL/SE
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-24 13:30:18
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Well, I just talked to someone, to update my boyfriends email address, and this is what I got:

SEI POL Bethany: Hello, Shafted Player, thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center. Just a few moments while I review your question, please.
SEI POL Bethany: In order for us to more accurately address your issue, we will require additional information. Please give a brief explanation of the issue you are having and please include any error codes or messages you are receiving.
Shafted Player: Hello.
Shafted Player: I'm not calling to check status of my fraudulently banned account, i would like to change my email to receive a previous chat transcript. I put in my mules' name....
SEI POL Bethany: What is the email address you would like to update it to?
Shafted Player: the correct email is: blah_blah@blah.com, I had entered, blah_blah_blah@blah.com. My mules' name is blah_blah_blah.
Shafted Player: Since I type my mules' name more often than my own email, it's a common mistake for me.
SEI POL Bethany: Okay not a problem.
SEI POL Bethany: I will update the address for you.
Shafted Player: Thank you so much.
SEI POL Bethany: We will contact you once we have a resolution with the investigation.
SEI POL Bethany: Are there any other issues I can assist you with right now, Shafted Player?
Shafted Player: Do you have an idea when I can receive the transcript?
Shafted Player: That's my reason for this session, not about my account.
SEI POL Bethany: You would have had to copy paste the chat if you wanted to keep it. We don't personally send out the chat logs.
Shafted Player: That's not true, as I received one in the past.
Shafted Player: at the survey page, it gives you the option.
Shafted Player: How are you guys holding up, by the way?
Shafted Player: I can bet not many of you are sleeping well at night. That's all, I hope to receive the transcript soon.
SEI POL Bethany: Unfortunately you would to have had the chat sent to you after you ended it previously. I cannot send you the chat at this point.
SEI POL Bethany: We do not appreciate threats, Shafted Player.
SEI POL Bethany: Shafted Player, I have already provided you with a resolution to this issue. As it seems you have no other new issues I can assist you with, I will be removing you from chat at this time.
SEI POL Bethany: Thank you for visiting PlayOnline Chat support, Shafted Player! Take care and hope to see you online!
Thank you for visiting our PlayOnline Chat line. Take care and hope to see you online!
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.


What pieces of ***, lol.......
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-06-24 13:49:43
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This thread is funny.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Hades.Echizen 2009-06-24 13:52:29
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Could your bank have been blocking the charge? I work for a wine company and i always get complaints about a card being rejected for some reason or another through no fault of our own. The bank might have flagged them for fraud as they may have tried to take them out at an awkward time and from a different place in where the card is normally used. Check with your bank see if any weird goings on has been happening. No doubt you'll have the money since its only a tener but they do get a bit iffy about random people taking payments :P
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: beryle
Posts: 22
By Kujata.Beryle 2009-06-24 13:56:45
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Are you talking to me? If so, no, my 'bank' wasn't blocking the charge... it was on greendot for a while, then switched to a regular bank's card (National City) for a year, and then both our accounts have been changed back to a greendot card. My account is still active.

I have had overcharges on my actual bank account, but my bank always paid, and just ripped me with overdraft fees.

I used debit, always, for POL. Never credit.

I'm sure most people who use that method that got this *** ban have overdraft protection as well.
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