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iiPunch - Monk Guide
If I'm using Godhands should I be running Sherida/Telos or replace one of them with Mache +1 for the MA? General tp set.
You're not going to have a noticeable difference either way. I use one mache+1 since I carry it for shijin anyways
It really doesn't matter. (Beaten. Am sad) ((in 3....2.....1.... um achully theres two dps difference and you need to wear that one, here's the set that you didn't ask for but I'm posting)) I would note 2 problems with Mache Earring +1
1. Don't use it with other H2H, it will overcap your martial arts with pretty much all other relevent H2Hs, while perfectly capping your Godhands, if it overcaps your Martial arts the benefit can turn into a negative and then its definately worse than other options. 2. Don't use it with the Empy body. If you are using the Empy body even with godhands you are much better off switching your earring to something else again because of overcapping your martial arts. I like the Karambit better, can start every battle with SS>VS>VS without the aftermath screwing it up. Then spam VS if the mob is still alive.
Better tp gain with Karambit, and tp bonus does (nothing) for VS I believe it's; R0 GH < Karambit < R15 GH (Specifically only looking at VS) ((you don't mention whether or not said mule will R15)) Even though GHR15 is better I use the Karambit for this specific scenario because of the head start of the 3step every battle. (easy to set one SS then spam VS) Asura.Eiryl said: » tp bonus does (nothing) for VS Well, TP Bonus attributes to Crit Rate. If I'm looking at it correctly, Godhands should be adding something like 7.5% Crit Rate when under 2000 TP and 10% Crit Rate when above 2000. *BUT* Godhands really only offers Higher Damage and is noticeably slower than Karambit and Karambit has lovely fringe benefits. When I last checked, the DPS order was (From weakest to strongest) Spharai > R15 Spharai > Karambit > Godhands > Verethragna > R15 Godhands > R15 Verethragna and the difference between Karambit and Godhands was like 3% or less? Absolutely love my Karambit and still have them so unless you are able to very easily pump out an Aeonic for your mule, I would just stick with those, like Eiryl said. Edit: Parentheses added for clarification R15 Verethragna last and Spharai first? Wtf?
You sure you're not listing them in the opposite way lmao? Vere should be first, on par with Godhands probably, maybe slightly above but then again the best scenario is using both according to Impetus being up or down. Also you didn't list Glanzfaust, which alas I'm afraid is possibly the weakest link of our options, sigh. And R0 Vere I think it's worse than R0 Godhands. Wouldn't be wholly surprised to see R0 Vere on par/behind Karambit. Wait, I was listing from weakest to strongest. My fault, I didn’t clarify.
And yeah it sounds like Glanz is still a tragedy R15 Glanz is better third best in most situations you are not wasting AM3 running or swapping targets with GH and Vere swapping depending on the buffs and type of combat you are doing
Ohh that’s very good then, I’m glad to hear that. I haven’t played in a while but I’d usually keep Vereth on and leave them on or Godhands depending on what’s happening at the time. I didn’t see much point in dumping TP/AM without a good reason.
I just remembered posts (several posts actually) placing Glanz behind the curve for various reasons. I’m glad to hear it’s stronger than I remembered I think that applies only in the situations where you can afford to precharge TP before engaging, that is in the dead times between fights. Thankfully MNK can totally do that thanks to the synergy with Ask Sash and Boost (before that, things were slightly different alas)
In a fight (or series of fights) where you never stop and that lasts less (or more) than the ideal amount of time to perfectly fit the right amount of AM3 reapplications, then pursuing AM3 is tipically a loss. And without AM3 Glanzfaust is kinda... behind where it deserves to be, let's say. The change in duration to Focus/Dodge also ended up hurting Glanzfaust sadly. Basically you're gonna spend a ton of gil and time for a weapon that, in the best scenario, comes out as third/fourth in the tier list. That's not exactly what I'd define "fair" or "worth it" in my book, but to each its own and - to be fair - the relative or absolute strength of a weapon isn't the only factor that makes people want to collect some of them. Glanz is the best for any fight you start at 3K or high duration left, skillchaining(self or duo,) and don't have to reapply AM3 during. And some more niche cases where you do have to reapply. but a spreadsheet doesn't show that so nobody cares and will argue with me anyways
having an issue with sel-include.lua
line 1461: attempt to index field: '?' (a nil value) line 1461 is as follows: if player.equipment.main ~= sets.weapons[state.Weapons.value].main or (sets.weapons[state.Weapons.value].sub and player.equipment.sub ~= sets.weapons[state.Weapons.value].sub) or (sets.weapons[state.Weapons.value].range and player.equipment.range ~= sets.weapons[state.Weapons.value].range) then my main weapon is "godhands" ... i fail to figure out what the issue is also having an issue with flow.lua line 354 function user_pcall(str,...) if user_env then if type(user_env[str]) == 'function' then bool,err = pcall(user_env[str],...) if not bool then error('\nGearSwap has detected an error in the user function '..str..':\n'..err) end elseif user_env[str] then msg.addon_msg(123,windower.to_shift_jis(tostring(str))..'() exists but is not a function') end end end Asura.Ragnarky said: » aving an issue with sel-include.lua whats strange is only get that error on a few jobs - mnk, sam, drk, nin, cor ... all the rest don't give that error message.
Updating your libs files with these should hopefully fix it: https://github.com/Callios/Sel_GS_Files
Asura.Jokes said: » Updating your libs files with these should hopefully fix it: https://github.com/Callios/Sel_GS_Files Explain a lot of the confusion going on Asura.Ragnarky said: » whats strange is only get that error on a few jobs - mnk, sam, drk, nin, cor ... all the rest don't give that error message. If I had to guess these jobs have weapons stored in a wardrobe 5+ Now that Sel has leave there is of course not an official repo but I will link the one that his old discord still offers support/help with as I think that is the best there is now. https://github.com/Headtatt/Gearswap How much extra MA do I need to cap with 35% Magic Haste? Trying to mess with Trust loadouts in Corneliaville. Using Sagitta.
you still need 6.36 to cap even with capped magic haste i was able to figure it out...
it was a line in my username_MNK_Gear.lua file state.Weapons:options('None','Godhands') that line was missing the 'None' as an option Ramuh.Austar said: » 90.5 you still need 6.36 to cap even with capped magic haste i will never escape dynastic gravitas :( Aftermath *** it up, thats why I hate godhands
Every other shijin it has different properties. You can use Spiral > DK > Smite or DK > Spiral > Smite depending on your footwork status and gear
TK > TK > TK is also strong during FW 3K SS to VS is straight Radiance too. That's what I use when I get 3K TP without trying to.
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